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         Sexually Transmitted Diseases:     more books (100)
  1. Genital herpes: the epidemiology and control of a common sexually transmitted disease.(STDs and Sexual/Reproductive Health): An article from: The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality by Marc Steben, Stephen L. Sacks, 1997-06-22
  2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Carolina Biology Readers) by Gavin Hart, 1984-03
  3. The Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Current Approach by George A. Wistreich, 1992-02
  4. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: You May Have One but Don't Know It by Antonio Novak Feliciano, 1992-10
  6. Immunological Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Clinical and Biochemical Analysis Series)
  7. The Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Charles E. Rinear, 1986-12
  8. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women by Sebastian M.D., Ph.D. Faro, 2003
  9. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Clinical Syndrome Approach (Reproductive Medicine Series, Vol 7) by Vincent Spagna, 1985-05
  10. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  11. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  12. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Homosexual Men : DiagnosisTreatmentand Research
  13. Psychovenereology: Personality and Lifestyle Factors in Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Homosexual Men (Sexual Medicine) by Michael W. Ross, 1986-06-06
  14. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Need to Know) by Sean Connolly, 2002-11-04

121. Virtual Children's Hospital: CQQA: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Common Questions, Quick Answers on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Pediatrics Common Questions, Quick Answers
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Donna D'Alessandro, M.D.
Lindsay Huth, B.A.
Peer Review Status: Internally Reviewed
Creation Date: June 2002
Last Revision Date: June 2002 Common Questions, Quick Answers What is an STD?
  • A sexually transmitted disease, or STD, is an infection that can be passed from one person to another through sexual contact or skin-to-skin contact. STDs are very common.
What causes an STD?
  • The infection can be caused by bacteria, a virus, or a parasite. Bacterial infections and parasite infections can be treated and cured with antibiotics. Viral STDs can be treated but not cured.
Are STDs contagious?
  • Yes. STDs are contagious.
How are STDs passed from person to person?
  • STDs can be spread through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The virus or bacteria that causes the infection are found in semen, vaginal fluid, and blood. Some STDs can be passed through blood. It can be passed from an infected person to another person if they share needles to take drugs.

122. | Home
Gay men's health outreach center in the Castro neighborhood, which offers testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, as well as community events and additional services.
4122 18th Street
San Francisco, CA
Hours: Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Services begin one hour after opening.
View Services >

123. Nebraska HHS System: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program
This page provides information about sexually transmitted diseases in generaland in Nebraska.
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program
STD data tables and maps Related links STD services in Nebraska The goal of Nebraska's Sexually Transmitted Disease Program is to control and prevent sexually transmitted diseases and reduce the burden and cost of these infections. The program assists state, local, and community efforts to help prevent the spread of chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis, and other STDs. Confidentiality and surveillance
STD reports are strictly confidential. In Nebraska, as in most states, syphilis; gonorrhea; HIV/AIDS ; and chlamydia are reported to the appropriate health department. Laboratories and health care providers provide the health department with information for controlling and preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Prompt reporting and accurate identification is important:
  • for clients that may need treatment, for identifying sex partners who may be infected, and for monitoring disease trends.
Intervention and prevention activities
Health professionals interview infected people to identify, locate, and treat sex partners, to ensure proper treatment, and to provide information to help prevent reinfection.

124. NCHSTP Home
Center responsible for public health surveillance, prevention research, and programs to prevent and control HIV infection and AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis.
Main Menu Homepage Contact Us Subscribe Employment ... Comments Divisions HIV/AIDS Global AIDS TB Elimination STD Prevention ... AIDS, STD, and TB Laboratory Research Search CDC: Public Inquiries
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

1600 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30333
Department of Health and Human Services - USA
Notice for Public Comment, Federal Register: Draft Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-care Settings, 2005 2004-2005 Guidelines: Influenza Vaccine/Antivirals for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Audio Conference, November 22, 2004 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST ... The Prevention Connection
A Newsletter from CDC's National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention Advancing HIV Prevention: New Strategies for a Changing Epidemic
New CDC initiative seeks to increase voluntary HIV testing and enhance prevention for persons living with HIV HI V Prevention Strategic Plan Through 2005 Revised Guidelines for HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral Male Latex Condoms and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
View PDF Plan Estratégico de Prevención del VIH hasta 2005
View PDF HIV Spotlights

125. Medem: Medical Library:
Screening and Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Sexually transmitteddiseases (sometimes referred to as STDs ) are diseases that are usually

126. About Swinging - A Guide For Swingers.
A guide explaining terms, etiquette, sexual activities and the risks. Site also features advice and information about sexually transmitted diseases.
About Swinging - A Guide for swingers.
What is swinging

Swinging Terms

Swinging Ethics
All About Swinging
Swinging is fun and a rewarding experience, you get to meet a lot of people and do a lot of things to them, its not just about the sex though, its a way of life.
We put this site together for those out there that are thinking about taking up swinging, to give some idea of what its all about, how to go about it, what the risks are and generally anything I could think of.
We had some of my swinger friends at Swinger Personals check it out before it went live and most liked it, although one said that I should have a gallery (I have collected quite a collection of photo's over the years), I thought about it and decided it wouldn't add anything useful to the site, so those that came her hoping to find some mucky pics are out of luck.
We tried to cover everything and the site contains information on;
  • What is swinging - An overview of what its all about. Swinging Terms - Some of the terms used in the swinging community. Swinging Ethics - A short list of Do's and Dont's Swingers Etiquette - Sound advice on how to behave and what to do.
  • 127. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Info
    Education and guides about safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases. News and articles about sex, HIV, AIDS and related issues, guided by doctors.

    128. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Disease Category sexually transmitted diseases You can avoid getting asexually transmitted disease (STD). Have sex with only one partner who is not

    129. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    The term sexually transmitted disease (STD) is relatively new and has replacedthe term venereal disease. This shift in terminology serves to expand
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) The term "sexually transmitted disease" (STD) is relatively new and has replaced the term "venereal disease." This shift in terminology serves to expand awareness of a greater number of infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact. There are more than 20 STDs, including AIDS Chlamydia Herpes , and other organisms and syndromes. Every year millions of STDs are passed from person to person, primarily through sexual contact. Many people feel uncomfortable talking about STDs and try not to think about them, hoping they will go away. Sometimes infections will go away, but usually an STD will return and the infected person will suffer grave consequences of an untreated STD. Transmission of STDS The organisms which cause these diseases (except for crabs and scabies ) usually enter the body through mucous membranes, such as the warm, moist surfaces of the vagina, urethra, anus, and mouth. STDs can be caught through intimate contact with someone who is infected, especially during oral, anal, or vaginal sex. Some infections are also transmitted nonsexually. Sexually active college-age men and women are at the highest risk for contracting STDs. Basically, if you have sexual contact with someone who is infected with an STD, you are likely to develop the infection as well. Lesbians are much less likely than heterosexuals, or bisexual or gay men to get an STD because most STDs are not transmitted easily between women.

    130. BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | Sexually Transmitted Infections
    There has been a big increase in sexually transmitted diseases. BBC News Onlineprovides details of the most common forms.


    World Service
    ... Newswatch Last Updated: Wednesday, 11 June, 2003, 07:20 GMT 08:20 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Sexually transmitted infections

    Sexually transmitted diseases are on the increase There has been a big increase in sexually transmitted diseases. BBC News Online provides details of the most common forms. Gonorrhoea: Gonorrhoea is a serious illness caused by an organism called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It has an incubation period of only a few days. Males experience a discharge from the urethra - the tube that carries urine from the bladder and out through the penis - causing painful urination, while females suffer infection of the urethra and cervix. Women who are infected have a long term risk of serious complications, such as infertility or ectopic pregnancy. However, it is possible to be infected with gonorrhoea without showing any obvious symptoms. Women are particularly vulnerable to this asymptomatic form of the disease. The condition can be treated with antibiotics. However, it is becoming resistant to some drugs. Chlamydia: Chlamydia is caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis.

    131. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Bacterial (Part I)
    sexually transmitted diseases Bacterial (Part I). To begin the lecture, clickthe START button above. Objective. If you are the first time visitor,
    Lists of Lectures Front Page
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Bacterial (Part I)
    To begin the lecture, click the START button above. Objective If you are the first time visitor, you might want to know [ How to navigate within and outside the lecture This is a beta version. Your comments to this version would be highly appreciated as well. Submit Your comments

    132. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are Infectious Diseases transmitted Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted disease that can
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    • home about us referring ... Sexually Transmitted Diseases
      Sexually Transmitted Diseases
      Sexually Transmitted Diseases
      What are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?
      Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are Infectious Diseases transmitted through sexual contact. They are among the most common Infectious Diseases - with the United States having the highest rates of STDs in the industrialized world.
      Prevention of STDs:
      The best way to prevent contracting an STD is to abstain from any type of sexual intercourse. However, if you decide to become sexually active, or are currently sexually active, there are several precautionary measures you can follow, recommended by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases , to help reduce your risk of developing a sexually transmitted disease. These include the following:
      • have a mutually monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected partner use (consistently and correctly) a male condom use sterile needles if injecting intravenous drugs decrease susceptibility to HIV infections by preventing and controlling other STDs delay having sexual relationships as long as possible - the younger a person is when they begin to have sex for the first time, the more susceptible they become to developing an STD

    133. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 13, Ch. 164, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), among the most commoncommunicable diseases in the world, steadily increased from the 1950s to the

    134. Patient Resources Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    New Study Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment Can Be Effectively Administeredby Sex Partners Investigational Vaccine Against Human Papillomavirus

    135. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Follow these links for information about commonly sexually transmitted infections.Although any disease (eg the common cold) can be a sexually transmitted
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases Follow these links for information about commonly sexually transmitted infections. Although any disease (e.g. the common cold) can be a sexually transmitted infection, these diseases are specifically transmitted through intimate cont act. Bacterial STIs are commonly characterized by a cloudy vaginal or anal discharge. They are usually curable by antibiotics. Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) Viral STIs are commonly characterized by the presence of recurring or symptoms. They are usually incurable. Herpes HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) HIV Hepatitis B Infestations are insect growths on the surface of the organism. They are usually treated by special shampoo. Crabs Scabies Chlamydia Symptoms Appear: 7-21 days after sex Symptoms: Most women and some men have no symptoms. However it is possible for women to experience vaginal discharge and bleeding, burning during urination, and abdominal pain. Men can experience cloudy penile discharge and painful urination. Transmission: Direct contact with infected mucous membrane with the urethra, cervix, anus, or throat during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

    136. Sexually Transmitted Disease
    If not you could get one of these sexually transmitted diseases (STD). And itcould change your life What IS a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)?
    When you have sex with someone, do you know about their sexual history? About their partners? Do you practice Safe Sex ? If not you could get one of these Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). And it could change your life forever. Find out what bugs could be in your bed. Follow the links for more information without losing the Contraceptive Guide Index Page. Simply close this window after you have visited them or Click on the Button below to Close this Window Now. What to Know First What IS a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)? The Real Facts About STD's:
    It SHOULD Scare you
    Words You Need to Know About ...
    to Understand STD's
    The following are the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases today. You should at least know that they exist and what causes them. The symbols will tell you what type of organism is causing the infection. AIDS - HIV Chancroid Chlamydia Gardnerella ... More Information to Keep You Informed To Return to the Contraceptive Guide Main Menu,
    Click the Button and this Window Will Close
    OR Visit Other Areas of this Site by Clicking the Icons Women's
    Health Inde
    x Physician ...
    Information for the Sexually Transmitted Disease Section come from statistics and information of NAIAD; the United States Center for Disease Control; the United States Food and Drug Administration; the National Cancer Institute; personal interviews with individuals at the NAIAD, the CDC, the FDA, the NCI, the World Health Organization, the Australian Health Ministry, King's College Hospital - London, members of the AMA and ACOG. My thanks to all individuals who gave their time, help, and information for these pages.

    137. EMedicine Health - Sexually Transmitted Diseases Overview
    sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the most common infectious diseasesin the United States today. More than 20 different STDs have been
    Search September 9, 2005 Registration Healthcare Professionals You are in: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases Overview
    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the most common infectious diseases in the United States today. More than 20 different STDs have been identified, and 13 million men and women are infected each year in the United States. Depending on the disease, the infection can be spread through any type of sexual activity involving the sex organs or the mouth; the infection can also be spread through contact with blood during sexual activity.
    • STDs affect men and women of all ages and backgrounds.
      STDs have become more common, partly because young people are becoming sexually active at a younger age and are having multiple partners.
      People can pass STDs to sexual partners even if they themselves do not have any symptoms.
      Frequently, STDs cause no symptoms, especially in women.
      • Health problems from STDs tend to be more severe for women than for men. Some STDs can cause pelvic infections that may lead to scarring of the reproductive organs, which can result in an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the uterus) and infertility for women.

    138. Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Minnesota Dept. Of Health
    sexually transmitted diseases or STDs, also referred to as sexually transmittedinfections or STIs, do not refer to any one disease but include more than 25
    dqmcodebase = "" Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) STDs Home STD Hot Topics STD Statistics and Reports HIV/AIDS Statistics and Reports ... About Us External Links CDC STD Treatment Guidelines 2002 CDC General Information STDs Minnesota AIDS Project
    ... STD Image Library
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
    Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs, also referred to as sexually transmitted infections or STIs, do not refer to any one disease but include more than 25 infectious organisms that are transmitted through sexual activity and the dozens of clinical syndromes that they cause.
    Examples of the common STDs include:
    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)



    Genital Warts
    Vaginitis (yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis)

    STDs are almost always spread from person to person by sexual intercourse, most commonly by anal or vaginal intercourse but also through oral sex. Some STDs, such as hepatitis B or HIV infection, are also transmitted through blood-to-blood contact, through the sharing of needles or equipment to inject drugs, body pierce or tattoo. Pregnant women with STDs may pass their infections to infants during pregnancy or birth or through breast feeding. For more information on symptoms of STDs, how they are spread, how they are treated, how they can be prevented and how many STD cases have occurred in Minnesota, see below:

    139. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Control - AZ Dept. Of Health Services
    Office of Infectious Disease Services. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Control controlling, and preventing the sexually transmitted diseases (genital
    ADHS Home Page A-Z Index Public Health Services Search ... Contact ADHS Quick Links: Information for the Public Information for Physicians Data and Statistics STD Clinics In Arizona ...
    Morbidity Reports
    Contact Us: Office of 
    Infectious Disease Services

    150 N. 18th Avenue,
    Suite 140
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
    (602) 364-3267 Fax
    Sexually Transmitted Disease Questions
    Office of Infectious Disease Services Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Control The Program is responsible for monitoring, controlling, and preventing the sexually transmitted diseases (genital chlamydia infection, syphilis, gonorrhea, and genital herpes) through education of those at risk; detection of asymptomatically infected individuals and of persons who are symptomatic but unlikely to seek diagnostic and treatment services; effective diagnosis and treatment of those who are infected; evaluation, treatment, and counseling of sex partners of persons who have a sexually transmitted disease.
    The STD Control program works closely with local health departments and selected county health department STD clinics , the Arizona Department of Corrections, Indian Health Service, and the Border Health Office to provide:
    • Information for health care providers, including

    140. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Merck Manual, Chapter on sexually transmitted diseases Information for medicalprofessionals sexually transmitted diseases Treatment Guidelines 2002

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