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141. Sex And Love Addicts Anonymous - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Please note that COSLAA does NOT accept sexual addicts to its meetings, onlythose who are affected by, live with or are relatives or friends of the sexual http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_Love_Addicts_Anonymous | |
142. Sex Addiction Help Salt provides sex addiction help. A 20week program that helps sex addicts findsobriety and maturity in Jesus Christ. http://www.desertstream.org/programssalt.htm | |
143. Internet Addiction, Cyber Sex, Internet Sex And Virtual Addiction. Michael Conne Understading Internet addiction, Cyber Sex, Internet Sex and Virtual addiction. http://www.crisiscounseling.com/Articles/InternetAddiction.htm | |
144. Sex / Love Addiction - [Support Group] This information is provided as a resource and does not constitute an endorsementfor any group. It is the responsibility of the reader to decide whether a http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/shc/shc85.htm | |
145. Sex Addiction - Sexuality - Teenage Boys [Boys Under Attack!] Sex addiction information for teenage boys. This afflicts many young guys andyou can be free of it. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~austbua/addiction.htm | |
146. Sex Addiction, Love Addiction, Recovery Heal the anxiety, depression, trauma, low selfesteem, low self-worth, needinessand emotional pain that underlie love and sex addiction. http://www.innerbonding.com/index.lasso?did=content&content.category=22&content. |
147. USATODAY.com - Sex 'addiction' Is Real But Exaggerated, Experts Say Sex addiction is a genuine, treatable mental disorder that is sending an increasingnumber of adults into therapy, but it s not nearly as common as http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2003-08-10-addiction-usat_x.htm |
148. Sex Addicts Anonymous The homepage of Sex Addicts Anonymous a 12step organization helping men andwomen share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may http://www.saa-recovery.org/ | |
149. Addictions: Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Sex - Pat McClendon's Clinical Social Work Links to articles and resources about addictions alcohol, drug abuse, sex, etc. http://www.clinicalsocialwork.com/addictions.html | |
150. Number Of Sex-addicted People Increases Speedily - PRAVDA.Ru Sex addicts also need more and more sex; as a result they do not shrink fromcasual sex contacts Many women at least once met importunate men who seem to be http://english.pravda.ru/main/18/90/360/15892_sex.html | |
151. Joy: Diary Of A Sex Addict chronicling the daily doings of a 30something married sex addict. Saturday, July30, 2005 Subscribe to Joy Diary of a Sex Addict in Radio UserLand. http://blogs.salon.com/0004765/ | |
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