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         Schizophrenia:     more books (100)
  1. Schizophrenia (Advances in Psychotherapy; Evidence-Based Practice) by Steven M. Silverstein, William D. Spaulding, et all 2006-07-30
  2. Experiences of Schizophrenia: An Integration of the Personal, Scientific, and Therapeutic by Michael D. Robbins MD, 1993-07-30
  3. Neurocognition and Social Cognition in Schizophrenia Patients: Basic Concepts and Treatment (Key Issues in Mental Health)
  4. Psychotherapies for the Psychoses: Theoretical, Cultural and Clinical Integration (The International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoses)
  5. Evolving Psychosis: Different Stages, Different Treatments (The International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoses)
  6. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, et all 1987-12
  7. Who's Crazy Here?: Steps to Recovery Without Drugs for ADD/ADHD, Addiction & Eating disorders, Anxiety & PTSD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Autism (Volume 1) by Ms Gracelyn Guyol, 2010-08-24
  8. Collected Papers on Schizophrenia and Related Subjects by Harold F. Searles, 1966-06
  9. Schizophrenia And Manic-depressive Disorder: The Biological Roots Of Mental Illness As Revealed By The Landmark Study Of Identical Twins by E. Fuller Torrey, Ann E. Bowler, et all 1995-04-21
  10. Healing Schizophrenia: Using Medication Wisely by John Watkins, 2006-11-22
  11. Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology: Schizophrenia (Springer Reference)
  12. Schizophrenia: Understanding and Coping with the Illness (Thorsons Health) by Anne Charlish, Dr. John Cutting, 1995-07-10
  13. Schizophrenia: Seven Approaches
  14. Understanding Your Schizophrenia Illness: A Workbook by Chris Healy, 2007-09-17

121. Schizophrenia Of Alberta - Index Page
Aims to fight mental disorders impairing one's ability to think clearly, manage emotions and to relate to others. Gives information on the condition, fundraising efforts, volunteering and other related related data.

122. USA Schizophrenia Support Organizations
A listing of organizations to help foster and support treatment and understanding of this diagnosis.
Schizophrenia Support Organizations - USA This page is only for organizations in the USA. For other countries , please check out the Home page. This page contains a listing of support organizations in the USA for people with schizophrenia and their families. Do not be discouraged if your town is not listed here, this list is growing all of the time.
Information for local chapters changes rapidly. If a WWW source is listed, check that source first for the latest information. If the information is still out of date, contact the parent organization directly. Be aware that the chapter contacts are often home phone numbers. Please exercise courtesy and discretion.
HELP: Any time you have new or updated information, please email the corrections. Your help is essential in insuring this information is reliable and useful.
US Support Organizations
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) Phone: Contact: email: Schizophrenics Anonymous 15920 W. Twelve Mile Phone: 313-477-1983 Contact: Southfield MI 48076 Return to home page for organizations in other countries.

123. Mental Health Information - The Royal College Of Psychiatrists
Depot medication and schizophrenia have been translated into Chinese click here to The Management of schizophrenia Part 1 Pharmacological Treatments

College Members Publications ... Printable Version
Readable and well-researched information for the public. Leaflets
  • Depot Medication : for anyone who wants to know more about depot medication Schizophrenia : leaflet for anyone who is worried about themselves, a friend or a relative Schizophrenia
  • : what parents and teachers need to know
  • Psychotic Illness : what young people need to know Schizophrenia : information leaflet challenging our attitudes towards people with schizophrenia
Materials in Chinese Materials for parents and teachers Webguide links to other organisations that might be able to help Books for the general public

124. The Center For Reintegration -- Meaningful Life Assistance For People With Persi
Organization dedicated to assisting those with schizophrenia and related disorders in their efforts to return to a meaningful life that includes family and friends, independent living and competitive employment.

About Mental Illness


Schizoaffective Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

After discovering a lack of web resources available to those battling severe mental illnesses, the dynamic duo of Sean Bennick and Derek Wood, RN, BSN, set out to change the Internet landscape – and indeed they have. Learn more Fact: 5 of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide are mental illnesses. What effect does this have on the workplace? Here's what you need to know. The use of some non-traditional therapies for identifying and addressing consumers’ mental tribulations has been steadily gaining legitimacy within the mental health/medical communities. One such non-traditional method of treatment – dance/movement therapy (DMT) – has been proving itself to be a powerful tool. Setting the Record Straight: Responses to the Tom Cruise “Today Show” Interview It should have been a typical interview to promote Tom Cruise’s new movie, War of the Worlds. Instead, Cruise’s comments on the “Today Show” during an interview with host Matt Lauer on June 24 th became known as a ‘rant’ against psychiatric medication. Although Cruise is not an expert on psychiatry, his popularity as an actor gave his remarks widespread public attention, and, consequently, more than usual potential for widespread misinformation.

125. Obsessive_compulsive Disorder In Children And Young People - Mental Health And G
Obsessive compulsive disorder Personality disorder Physical illness Postnatal depression Post traumatic stress schizophrenia Sleep problems

College Members Publications ... Printable Version
Mental Health and Growing Up, Third Edition
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and young people
Factsheet 23, for parents and teachers
Click here to download pdf version of this leaflet
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About this factsheet This is one in a series of factsheets for parents, teachers and young people entitled Mental Health and Growing Up . The aims of these factsheets are to provide practical, up-to-date information about mental health problems (emotional, behavioural and psychiatric disorders) that can affect children and young people. This factsheet explains what obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is, who it affects and what can be done to help. Introduction What is obsessive compulsive disorder? Some people have thoughts or ideas that come into their mind even when they do not want them to (for example `I must count to twenty or something bad will happen'). These thoughts often feel silly or unpleasant and are called obsessions. Compulsions

126. News
For people with mental problems. Among the categories are schizophrenia, OCD, and abuse.
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Donate is a free website please consider supporting us with a donation. Chatbox You must be logged in to post comments on this site - please either log in or if you are not registered click here to signup angel 25 Aug : 21:50 hello TseFlyFly 22 Aug : 10:57 to zara: olleh!!hello! zara 21 Aug : 20:36 hello TseFlyFly 20 Aug : 14:36 luniac: education is the key to understanding Agree! Bravo! Kind regards to all of you my sufererfellows. I am employed, now. In Congo DR, Kinshasa, Africa. I am happy that I can perform all my duties despite I am SZ. TseFlyFly luniac 17 Jun : 22:57 hi mysticsreamer, for me it was very strange, growing up i kept everything inside and did not tell anyone how I was feeling about my depression and anxiety, finally at age 20 i couldn't take it anymore, the change was getting on medication, i would find your son, the best help possible now so he doesn't have to suffer later in life. i see how my family reacts to my bipolar. education is the key to understanding mysticdreamer 17 Jun : 07:19 thanks for replying. i am pushing harg to get something done. my older sis is bi-polar and she flips as well.but it is different when you see a child...YOUR child going through it and not being able to make it seem better, but see he lashes out at me most.can i ask you a question? how do you deal with change?

127. NPR : The Sights And Sounds Of Schizophrenia
The textbook description of schizophrenia is a listing of symptoms delusions,hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior. But what does schizophrenia
Skip Navigation Programs and Schedules All Programs A-Z All Schedules MOST VISITED PROGRAMS All Songs Considered All Things Considered Car Talk Day to Day The Diane Rehm Show Fresh Air with Terry Gross Morning Edition The Motley Fool Radio Show On the Media Performance Today Talk of the Nation Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Weekend Edition Saturday Weekend Edition Sunday World Cafe SCHEDULES NPR Stations' Schedules Program Stream NPR Worldwide NPR on Sirius Satellite Radio

128. Schizophrenia, Or Cyclothymia
Clinical psychology book mixing fiction and clinical observations.

129. New Scientist Breaking News - Famine Increases The Risk Of Schizophrenia
schizophrenia occurs worldwide in about 1% of the population. But in individualswho received inadequate fetal nutrition, the risk may be as much as 2.3%,

130. NHS Direct Online - Schizophrenia Homepage
Provides answers to general questions about schizophrenia, targeted mainly forsufferers and carers.
The NHS Direct Online website for schizophrenia no longer exists. Please visit the following sites if you are a patient or carer and wish to answer questions relating to schizophrenia: Best wishes,
NeLMH team
June 2003

131. Initiative To Reduce The Impact Of Schizophrenia
Details of initiative to reduce the impact of schizophrenia through early intervention. Includes clinical guidelines and a toolkit for use by professionals.

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Site last updated: 09/06/2005 Visitors:

132. Schizophrenia: Information From WebMD
schizophrenia affects an estimated 2.2 million Americans each year. Here you llfind indepth articles on schizophrenia drugs and other treatments,
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Schizophrenia Health Center
Schizophrenia affects an estimated 2.2 million Americans each year. Here you'll find in-depth articles on schizophrenia drugs and other treatments, as well as its causes and symptoms. Your Guide To Schizophrenia Topics What is Schizophrenia? Who is Affected Risk Factors Symptoms ... Schizophrenia Rarer Than Previously Thought Schizophrenia may be less common than experts have thought. Go To Article We Knew You'd Want to Know Newly Diagnosed? Start Here

133. Mental Help Net - Schizophrenia
Information regarding symptoms, treatment, current research and selfhelp resources.
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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that severely impacts how 2.5 million Americans think, feel, and act. It is a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to tell the difference between real and imagined experiences, to think logically, to express normal emotional responses or to behave appropriately in social situations. Schizophrenia can be draining on both the person with schizophrenia and their families. People with schizophrenia often have difficulty functioning in society, at work and in school. Family members may have to help out financially and make sure that medication is taken as prescribed. No cure for schizophrenia has been discovered, but with proper treatment, many people with this illness can lead productive and fulfilling lives.

134. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 15, Ch. 193, Schizophrenia And Related Disorders
Professional level description of the disease and its related manifestations providing detailed explanations of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
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This Publication Is Searchable The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Section 15. Psychiatric Disorders Chapter 193. Schizophrenia And Related Disorders Topics [General] Schizophrenia Brief Psychotic Disorder Schizophreniform Disorder ... Delusional Disorder
In terms of personal and economic costs, schizophrenia has been described as among the worst diseases afflicting humankind. Schizophrenia and the related disorders included in this chapterbrief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and delusional disorderare characterized by psychotic symptoms, which may include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and speech, and bizarre and inappropriate behavior. Typically, these disorders affect patients in late adolescence or early adulthood and are often lifelong. Schizotypal personality disorder may share features with schizophrenia (eg, paranoid ideation, magical thinking, social avoidance, vague and digressed speech), but they are generally not severe enough to meet the criteria for psychosis.

135. Schizophrenia
Surviving schizophrenia A Manual for Families, Consumers, and Providers (4thEdition) The Expert Consensus Guideline Series on schizophrenia

136. Virus May Contribute To Some Schizophrenia Cases

137. Schizophrenia Information And Treatment
Information about depression, depression treatment, and facts about depression.

138. Social Support May Extend Life Of People With Schizophrenia
Article discussing the social environment of people with schizophrenia, and how the quantity of social support they receive relates to life expectancy.

139. Schizophrenia , Paranoia And Thought Disorders Community
schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder information, news, chat rooms, journals,support groups, treatment and medication, including extensive section on
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Flu During Pregnancy Linked to Schizophrenia Children born to women who contract the flu during pregnancy appear to have an increased risk for schizophrenia later in life, new research suggests. Details here
A Treatment for Schizophrenia?
Are you caring for someone with schizophrenia? Get help. Get information about schizophrenia and treatment, including helpful tools and caregiver support. Click here advertisement New Schizophrenia Drugs Show Promise in Reducing Violence Atypical antipsychotics appears to greatly reduce violent behavior in people with schizophrenia. Continued A Mother and Family Found Kristine Metoyer found exactly what she was looking for and discovered what she least expected.

140. Scientists Identify Schizophrenia Genes

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