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         Schizophrenia:     more books (100)
  1. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers by E. Fuller Torrey, 2006-04-01
  2. The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia: Helping Your Loved One Get the Most Out of Life by Kim T. Mueser PhD, Susan Gingerich MSW, 2006-05-26
  3. Natural Healing for Schizophrenia And Other Common Mental Disorders by Eva Edelman, 2009-03-03
  4. Schizophrenia For Dummies by Jerome Levine, Irene S. Levine, 2008-10-27
  5. Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia, Second Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide (TREATMENT MANUALS FOR PRACTITIONERS) by Alan S. Bellack PhD, Kim T. Mueser PhD, et all 2004-04-07
  6. Schizophrenia: Cognitive Theory, Research, and Therapy by Aaron T. Beck, Neil A. Rector, et all 2008-10-29
  7. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Penguin Classics) by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, 2009-05-26
  8. Cognitive Therapy of Schizophrenia (Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment) by David G. Kingdon MD, Douglas Turkington MD, 2008-02-11
  9. Diagnosis: Schizophrenia by Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason, 2002-10-15
  10. Me, Myself, and Them: A Firsthand Account of One Young Person's Experience with Schizophrenia (Adolescent Mental Health Initiative) by Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur M.D., et all 2007-10-29
  11. Schizophrenia Revealed: From Neurons to Social Interactions by Michael Foster Green, 2003-05-15
  12. Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia by Carolyn Spiro, Pamela Spiro Wagner, 2006-08-08
  13. Getting Your Life Back Together When You Have Schizophrenia by Roberta Temes, 2002-01-10
  14. Recovered, Not Cured: A Journey Through Schizophrenia by Richard McLean, 2005-05-01

1., The World's No. 1 Schizophrenia Website - Including Paranoid
Provides patients, family members, and caregivers with information on a varietyof important mental health topics including schizophrenia and other common
ADVERTISEMENT document.write(''); Home About Donate/Volunteer Contact ... Jobs Schizophrenia Newsletter Enter your email address now to get free newsletter Schizophrenia NewsBlog
More Support Needed For GP's Diagnosing

Mentally Ill Suffer amid Katrina-forced Evacuations

Sale of Mellaril/Thioridazine To Stop in Canada

Upcoming Classes and Seminars
Schizophrenia News Archives
My Schizophrenia Blog (Whats a Blog? Start One!)
Personal Web Journals
, by Pam Wagner
So young, so innocent

State of Mind
, by Puzli
My Life's Adventure
, by PT A Father's Journal A Mother in India Not My Son ... A Daughter's Story by S. Dianna BrainWorms Sibling of a Schizophrenic What is Normal? Politipidity ... Silent Storm , by Cathi A Family in Turmoil Living in Chaos: Survival A Father's Experience Schizophrenia Research Working memory: a new target? Genetic blood test for sz? Pregnacy risks Brain chemistry and Prevention ... Research Blog Archives Special thanks to Ed Yaffa for the redesign of this web site! Welcome to, a non-profit web community providing in-depth information, support and education related to

2. The Experience Of Schizophrenia
Personal experiences of having a 25 year history of schizophrenia with detailedinformation on the illness and its treatment.
T h e E x p e r i e n c e o f S c h i z o p h r e n i a
I a n C h o v i l s H o m e p a g e
There is good cause for optimism though. The atypical medications are more effective with fewer side effects. There is growing recognition of the value of early intervention and relapse prevention. The public is developing an interest in schizophrenia and movies like "A Beautiful Mind", are quite popular. These three trends promise a far less destructive schizophrenia then what I had to experience. Psychosis is a like a heart attack. It is a serious health event. You should only have one episode in your life. The charts are mostly from dinner presentations and conferences I have attended between 1995 and 2002. I have permission to use them here. The information here is correct to the best of my knowledge. I am indebted to many psychiatrists for answering my questions about schizophrenia. I also have the benefit of my experience, both on and off medication. I've been forced to close the guestbook by the number of people trying to advertise commercial web sites. You can still contact me by email, ichovil at This site is now

3. Schizophrenia Society Of Canada
Provides information about the disease and links to other web sites dealing withthis mental illness.

4. Supporting Families In Mental Illness - Schizophrenia Fellowship NZ Inc
Contact details for the 18 local branches of the schizophrenia Fellowship around New Zealand and information on schizophrenia.
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About us
Home About us About us Charter ... Branch locations
Welcome to our official website. "People with serious mental illness are not ill in isolation. Their families, extended whanau, and significant others . cannot escape being affected. "The lives of people with serious mental illness are inextricably linked with the lives of those they love and care for, and those who love and care about them..."
It's about fellowship
Schizophrenia Fellowship (NZ) Inc. recognises and aligns with the above statement and is committed to supporting families and whanau. The terms "family" and "whanau" are used to describe anyone who supports or cares for a person with major mental illness.
It's about charity
SFNZ Inc is a voluntary organisation and a registered charitable trust.
It's about support
The Branches of Schizophrenia Fellowship offer a variety of services but all Branches offer family and whanau:
  • support education advocacy information
Mission Statement
To promote the best quality of life for persons with a mental illness and their family/whanau and caregivers.

5. Schizophrenia - MentalHealthChannel
of the psychotic disorder.......
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Risk Factors

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Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) Bipolar Disorder Depression Eating Disorders General Anxiety Disorder Narcotic Abuse Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Panic Disorder Phobias Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Schizophrenia RESOURCES Clinical Trials Depression Self Test Glossary Links ... What Is a Psychotherapist? What Is a Clinical Social Worker? ABOUT US Pressroom Testimonial Overview
Schizophrenia is probably the most debilitating and unforgiving of all the mental disorders. It keeps people from functioning at school, at work, in relationships, and in society. Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized primarily by psychotic symptoms, including the following:
  • Hallucinations —false visual, auditory, or tactile perceptions without a realistic basis or external cause
  • Delusions —exaggerated or distorted thoughts and perceptions of self and others; or unrealistic belief in ability, knowledge, or ideas
  • Disorganized thought —including nonsensical associations and disorganized speech
  • Disorganized behavior —including aggressiveness and wild gestures
  • Difficulty showing or expressing emotion —including flattened behavior (rigid posture, inability to move or talk, unresponsiveness)

6. Schizophrenia Digest
A bimonthly publication dedicated to bringing hope, dignity, and support by providing information about mental health issues.
One-Year Subscription
Only $19.95!

(4 issues)
About Us ...
Canadian Edition

Shopping Cart Items:
Sub-Total: Summer 2005
(Volume 3, Issue 3)

Cover Story
Finding Inspiration
Hope Holds the Key
Geri Hanson and Moe Armstrong are both in their early 60s, and both use the word “miracle”when they talk about surviving, and thriving,with schizophrenia. explore this issue >> .: PLATINUM SPONSOR :. .: SILVER SPONSORS :. Advertising Privacy Legal Security Site Design by NiATech

7. Schizophrenia: A Handbook For Families
A comprehensive manual designed to assist family members in coping with thisdisorder. This free site lists symptoms, crisis intervention strategies,
Schizophrenia: A Handbook For Families
Published by Health Canada in Co-operation with the Schizophrenia Society of Canada
This handbook is dedicated to the families and to their loved ones who carry the burden of schizophrenia, a major psychiatric disorder.
Production of the handbook was made possible by a grant under the Health Promotion Contribution Program of Health and Welfare Canada. Its preparation was largely in the capable hands of Ms. Sharon Jennings, Communications Consultant, whose services were retained by the Schizophrenia Society of Canada (SSOC)* for that purpose. Overall supervision of the project was provided by Peter MacGibbon, Executive Director, SSOC, ably assisted by Karina Torrese, Executive Assistant, SSOC. Ms. Barbara Dubuc and her colleagues in the Mental Health Division of Health and Welfare Canada also gave valuable advice and suggestions. In addition, Health and Welfare Canada provided funds to cover the cost of printing. A wealth of practical information was derived from the real-life experiences of relatives as caregivers for a family member or members who have schizophrenia. Most of this input originated in three focus group meetings. The first of these, which included participants from Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics, was organized with help from Ms. June Beeby, Executive Director of that provincial association, and held in Toronto. The second meeting occurred in Montreal. It brought together representatives from member organizations of la Federation quebecoise des associations des familles et amis de la personne atteinte de maladie mentale. The arrangements for this meeting were made by the Federation's President, M. Paul-Emile Poirier. The final meeting comprised members from the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia assembled under the direction of Ms. Barbara Bingham, President of that association. and took place in Halifax.

8. Psychiatry24x7
Personalized resource focused on psychiatry, with a mix of topical news, congress information, education, and interactive features in schizophrenia, depression, dementia.

9. New Page 1
Information about the organisation and schizophrenia.
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10. Manitoba Schizophrenia Society, Inc. Offering Those Affected By Schizophrenia A
Information on the activities and programs of the MSS and on the disease of schizophrenia.
NEW WEBSITE Coming Soon!
The Society The Illness Schizophrenia Cureent Events, Programs and Communications ...
Manitoba Schizophrenia Society Inc.

"Offering those with Schizophrenia a future with hope."

11., The World's No. 1 Schizophrenia Website -
Discussion site with chat and message boards for families and for consumers diagnosed with schizophrenia.

12. - Paranoid Schizophrenia - Schizophrenia Biology And Genetics
schizophrenia Introduction, providing overview information Paranoid schizophrenia,schizophrenia symptoms, schizophrenia causes, etc.
ADVERTISEMENT document.write(''); Home About Donate/Volunteer Contact ... Schizophrenia Information > The Biology of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Biology and Genetics
Table of Contents - Schizophrenia Biology
  • Schizophrenia Researchers
    Introductory Presentation on the Biology of Schizophrenia

    Reports on Schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia as a Model of Dopamine Dysfunction
    ... The Latest Schizophrenia Research News and Journal Article Summaries
      Schizophrenia Researchers - Following is a list of some of the researchers who are helping most to advance the science as well as the public understanding of schizophrenia. It's an exciting time in schizophrenia biology and genetics today - with advancements and research papers on many new genes involved in schizophrenia coming out on a monthly basis. The work being done by "Decode Genetics, Inc." in particular seems to be some of the most forward looking and progressive. Decode's work represents the first time a gene has been identified by two independent studies to be associated with schizophrenia.
      • Dr. E. Fuller Torrey - Stanley Medical Research Institute
  • 13. Schizophrenia A Handbook For Families
    A comprehensive manual designed to assist family members in coping with this disorder. This free site lists symptoms, crisis intervention

    14. Schizophrenia
    Algorithm for the Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia Mental Health However,psychotic individuals that suffer from untreated schizophrenia have an
    Prepsychotic ( Prodromal ) Or
    Postpsychotic ( Residual ) Phase
    Psychotic ( Active ) Phase Core Problems in Prepsychotic or Postpsychotic Phase Core Problems in Psychotic Phase Associated Problems in Prepsychotic or Postpsychotic Phase
    • Reckless or Impulsive Behavior Obsessive Thinking or Compulsive Rituals Prolonged Anxiety, Tension or Worry Fidgeting, Pacing, or Hyperactivity Sad or Depressed Mood Irritability or Hostility Feeling Worthless or Guilty Fatigue (Physically Tired All Day) Poor Concentration or Attention Sleeping Problem Appetite or Eating Problem Poor Sexual Interest or Ability Overly Dependent Behavior Poor Physical Health
    Associated Problems in Psychotic Phase
    • Reckless or Impulsive Behavior Obsessive Thinking or Compulsive Rituals Prolonged Anxiety, Tension or Worry Fidgeting, Pacing, or Hyperactivity

    15. Patient Resources Schizophrenia
    schizophrenia Information Discussion Groups and Newsgroups More news schizophrenia Information. schizophrenia. What is schizophrenia?

    16. NHS Direct Online - Schizophrenia Homepage
    Provides answers to general questions about schizophrenia, targeted mainly for sufferers and carers.
    The NHS Direct Online website for schizophrenia no longer exists. Please visit the following sites if you are a patient or carer and wish to answer questions relating to schizophrenia: Best wishes,
    NeLMH team
    June 2003

    17. Paranoid Schizophrenia - Articles On Paranoid Schizophrenia
    Signs of paranoid schizophrenia. Read articles about recovering from paranoid schizophrenia by a psychologist with paranoid schizophrenia.

    18. MedlinePlus: Schizophrenia
    Also available in Spanish schizophrenia How Should One Behave? (World Fellowshipfor schizophrenia and Allied Disorders) Also available in Spanish
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    Contents of this page:

    From the NIH


    Information from the Medical Encyclopedia

    Search MEDLINE/PubMed for recent research articles on
    You may also be interested in these MedlinePlus related pages:
    Mental Health and Behavior

    19. NARSAD: National Alliance For Research On Schizophrenia And Depression
    NARSAD is a national, notfor-profit organization whose primary objective is to raise funds to find the causes, cures, better treatments, and prevention of severe brain disorders.
    Why We Give:
    A Family's Struggle with Schizophrenia
    Since 1987, NARSAD has awarded a total of $180.3 million and 2,675 grants to scientists worldwide conducting psychiatric brain disorder research. With your help, we can increase the number of grants awarded and win the battle in our fight against brain disorders. Questions? Call or e-mail Infoline at NARSAD
    (800) 829-8289 or Click for information on the current NARSAD Research Newsletter NARSAD Completes 2005 Funding Cycle with 262 Grants Awarded for Mental Health Research
    NARSAD, the Mental Health Research Association, recently completed its grantmaking for 2005, distributing a total of 262 research grants on the causes, cures, treatment and prevention of severe psychiatric disorders. more
    Postpartum depression has received significant attention in the media recently, affecting as many as 15% of women who bear children, with well-known personalities Brooke Shields, Courtney Cox, and Mary Jo Codey publicly sharing their struggles with the condition. Many NARSAD researchers are studying various aspects of postpartum depression, in an effort to better diagnose and treat this often disabling disorder. more
    Marc Caron, Ph.D., Duke University Medical Center (2005 Distinguished Investigator, NARSAD Scientific Council member), led a research team that discovered a genetic variation that may predispose people to developing major depression.

    20. NAMI National Alliance For The Mentally Ill-The Nation's Voice On
    Inform Yourself Bipolar Disorder Depression schizophrenia Other Illnesses Medication Treatment Recovery Research more

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