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         Rotator Cuff Injury:     more books (31)
  1. Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine
  2. Latest advance makes shoulder surgery less painful.(Health Care & Stress Relief): An article from: Fairfield County Business Journal

41. Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Injury And Rotator Cuff Exercises
Frozen Shoulder rotator cuff injury. A Guide for the Treatment Prevention ofShoulder Injuries! Have you ever been working out at the gym,
Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Injury and Rotator Cuff Exercises Yes! Yes!
A Guide for the Treatment
Have you ever been working out at the gym, pushing a heavy weight and heard a popping sound in your shoulder. Or what about skiing down the slopes, and landing shoulder first in the snow at the bottom. Or maybe just having a friendly game of tennis, when all of a sudden there's a sharp pain in your shoulder. These are all signs of the same thing; a shoulder injury. Whether you want to call it a frozen shoulder, a rotator cuff tear or tendinitis shoulder, it's really all the same. A tear or strain in the rotator cuff muscles and tendons. The shoulder joint is a truly remarkable creation. It's quite a complex formation of bones, muscles and tendons and provides a great range of motion for your arm. The only downside to this extensive range of motion is a lack of stability, which can make the shoulder joint vulnerable to injury. Lets have a quick look at the shoulder joint in a little more detail. The shoulder is made up of three bones, and the tendons of four muscles. (Remember, tendons attach muscle to bone.) The bones are called the "Scapula," the "Humerus" and the "Clavicle." Or, in layman's terms, the shoulder blade, the upper arm bone and the collarbone, respectively. The four muscles which make up the shoulder joint are called, the "Supraspinatus," the "Infraspinatus," the "Teres Minor" and the "Subscapularis." It is the tendons of these muscles, which connect to the bones, that help to move your arm.

A rotator cuff injury is when one or more of these muscles are torn. The rotatorcuff may be torn a little or the whole cuff may be torn.

43. Rotator Cuff Injury
A complete explanation of rotator cuff injury including risks, what to expectand when to call the doctor.
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The rotator cuff is a group of muscles that hold the top of the arm in its socket in the shoulder. Either the entire rotator cuff or a small portion can be torn. Healing time depends on the severity of the tear or injury. Most torn rotator cuffs occur in the arm used the most frequently, and most victims are men over the age of 40.
In many cases, the rotator cuff is torn during an attempt to break a fall with an outstretched hand. Other common causes include throwing, heavy lifting, or falling on your arm. Rotator cuff injuries happen frequently to skiers, and baseball, tennis, and football players.
Symptoms typically include pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the shoulder, and weakness in the arm. You will also have difficulty moving your arm, especially out from your body.
Your doctor will probably order an x-ray of your shoulder. You will probably need to wear a sling or immobilizer so the shoulder can heal. A severe injury may require surgery to repair the tear.

44. Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Injury Rotator Cuff Injury
Injuries and Conditions Shoulder rotator cuff injury The signs and symptomsindicating a rotator cuff injury are present.

45. Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Treatment Rotator Cuff Injury
Injuries to the rotator cuff can range from mild tendonitis to a complete tear.Initial treatment for a rotator cuff injury is rest and antiinflammatory

46. Tennis Is A Great Way To Get Fit In The Summer Months
Virtual Sports Clinic rotator cuff injury. Wolin PM, Tarbet JA. Rotator CuffInjury Addressing Overhead Overuse. The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1997;
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... exercise Rotator cuff injury The rotator cuff muscles control rotation of the shoulder. These muscles are put under a great deal of strain, especially in throwing events and racket sports where your arm is above your head a lot. Repetitive strain on the rotator cuff can lead to acute or chronic inflammation (tendinitis) in the area. And such repetitive use can lead to microtears to the muscles in the cuff which, over time and more repetitions, can progress to a full-thickness tear. A violent injury - for example during a rugby tackle - can also tear the cuff. What are the symptoms?
  • Pain when you bend the arm and rotate it outwards against resistance Pain on the outside of the shoulder, which might also travel down the arm Night pain in the case of severe inflammation and tears Stiffness in the shoulder joint Pain worsened by overhead activity.
How is it treated? Your doctor may recommend an X-ray or ultrasound to access the extent of the damage. Treatments for rotator cuff injury include:

47. Methodist Medical Center Of Oak Ridge - Orthopedics: Rotator Cuff Injuries
One of the most common shoulder problems is rotator cuff injury. The rotator cuffconsists of muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint.

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48. Rotator Cuff Injury Exercise | Rotator Cuff Exercise | Lateral Raise
rotator cuff injury exercise Free at the Sports Injury Bulletin Library.
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rotator cuff injury exercise, lateral raise, shoulder tendinitis
Start position and movement Lie on your side, making sure your hips are above one another. Hold the dumbbell in one hand by your hip. Raise your arm up above your hip. Stop when your arm makes a 45 degree angle (this way you avoid taking the shoulder into the zone of compression).
Perform sets of 10 repetitions, two or three times a week. 2kg is sufficient fora female to begin and 3kg for a male. Progress to 5kg and 7kg respectively. Raphael Brandon
rotator cuff injury exercise, lateral raise, shoulder tendinitis
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49. Falls And Injuries Center - Prevention Of Injuries In The Elderly - Preventing F
rotator cuff injury. October 23, 2001 (Reviewed May 20, 2003). Question. A recentMRI showed that I have infraspinatus tendonopathy .!gc=35!l=7!gid7=45
September 9, 2005

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Falls and Injuries Center Health Centers Falls and Injuries SHOULDER TENDONITIS Rotator Cuff Injury October 23, 2001 (Reviewed: May 20, 2003) Question A recent MRI showed that I have "infraspinatus tendonopathy". My internist says that I need surgery. I am unclear about what this means. Can you please clarify?
Answer Based on your MRI, you seem to have a case of shoulder tendonitis. Tendonitis (or tendonopathy) is inflammation (redness, soreness, and swelling) of a tendon. In tendonitis of the shoulder, the rotator cuff and/or biceps tendon become inflamed, usually as a result of being pinched by surrounding structures. The injury may vary from mild inflammation to involvement of most of the rotator cuff. When the rotator cuff tendon becomes inflamed and thickened, it may get trapped under the acromion (the top of your shoulder). Squeezing the rotator cuff is called the impingement syndrome. Repeated motions involving the arms, or the aging process involving shoulder motion over many years, may also irritate and wear down the tendons, muscles, and surrounding structures.
Your first step when an injury occurs is to see your doctor. I would expect that your own doctor would direct you to see a specialist, an orthopedic surgeon. This type of doctor can determine what treatments are required to help you. In general, there are a number of treatment options for patients with tendonitis. These range from the use of anti-inflammatory medicines to surgery. Other potential treatments can include physical therapy, ice packs, and even injection of corticosteroids into the space under the acromion. You should know that while steroid injections are a common treatment, they must be used with caution because they may lead to tendon rupture. Please see an orthopedic surgeon regarding your problem.

50. Bones, Joints, & Muscles: Rotator Cuff Injury
Sometimes a rotator cuff will tear. This is a more serious injury. An injury suchas a fall on the shoulder may tear the rotator cuff.
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The rotator cuff is the name given to four of the muscles and tendons of the shoulder. These muscles help stabilize our shoulders and give them strength. One of the actions the muscles do together is rotate the shoulder. That is where the name "rotator cuff" comes from. The muscle becomes very thin before it attaches to the bone it moves. This skinny part of the muscle is called a tendon. Any one or all of the tendons of the cuff muscles could develop tendonitis from overuse or improper use of the arm. Tendonitis of the rotator cuff is probably the most common reason for shoulder pain. Other symptoms of a rotator cuff injury are:
* limited motion,
* redness, warmth or swelling, and
* weakness. Throwing sports, swimming or work that keeps the arms overhead put people at risk for rotator cuff tendonitis. Prevention is the key to avoiding tendonitis. Remember to:
* stay in shape

51. Torn Rotator Cuff
Typically, a person with a rotator cuff injury feels pain over the deltoid muscle Shoulder Injury Torn Glenoid Labrum and Rotator Cuff Tendon Tears.

52. Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Active Release, Graston
To properly diagnosis a rotator cuff injury a complete examination of the Treatment of rotator cuff injuries must include techniques like Active Release
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The shoulder is a ball and socket joint. The arm bone (humerus) ends in a ball shaped surface (humeral head) that fits into a very shallow socket (glenoid). This socket is part of the wingbone (scapula). This shallow socket allows the shoulder joint tremendous range of motion.
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles which rotate the humerus and hold the shoulder in place by keeping the humeral head in the proper position inside the glenoid socket.
These muscles allow everyday repetitive motions like scratching behind your head or back, painting, waxing, using hand tools, reaching, and lifting overhead. They are used extensively in athletic activities like throwing a ball, serving a tennis ball and driving a golf ball.
Thus, chronic wear and tear or a fall or collision can cause injury to the rotator cuff. It is not uncommon for a patient to have intermittent shoulder pain for several years which is not completely relieved by rest and anti-inflammatory medication. Symptoms may include pain in the front, side, back or deep inside the shoulder especially with overhead movements. Putting on a bra, shirt or coat may be painful. To properly diagnosis a rotator cuff injury a complete examination of the shoulder and neck must be done.
Injury to the rotator cuff comes in the form of muscle strain and tendonitis. There are three grades of strains. Grade I is a mild tear in the moderate tear which hinders range of motion with mild to moderate pain. Grade II is a moderate tear with a significant loss of range of motion with moderate to severe pain. Grade III is a severe or complete tear of the muscle which severely limits muscle which allows complete or almost complete range of motion with little or no pain. Tendonitis is an inflammation and fraying of the tendon (area where the muscle attaches to the bone).

53. Spine, Shoulder, And Pelvis Disorders - Rotator Cuff Injury
An injury to the rotator cuff, such as a tear, may happen suddenly when falling Specific treatment for a rotator cuff injury will be determined by your
Rotator Cuff Injury What is painful arc syndrome? Painful arc syndrome is a condition characterized by pain when a person lifts his/her arm between 45 and 160 degrees from the side of the body. The condition is caused by tendonitis or bursitis of the shoulder.
What is rotator cuff injury?
The rotator cuff consists of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder in place. It is one of the most important parts of the shoulder. The rotator cuff allows a person to lift his/her arms and reach up. An injury to the rotator cuff, such as a tear, may happen suddenly when falling on an outstretched hand or develop over time due to repetitive activities. Rotator cuff tears are also due to aging.
What are the symptoms of a rotator cuff tear?
The following are the most common symptoms of a rotator cuff tear. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:
  • recurrent pain, especially with certain activities pain that prevents sleeping on the injured side grating or cracking sounds when moving the arm limited ability to move arm muscle weakness
The symptoms of a rotator cuff tear may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.

54. Frankford Hospitals - Rotator Cuff Injury
Detailed information on rotator cuff injury, including diagnosis and treatment.A consumer web site for Frankford Hospitals, a community hospital system in
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What is painful arc syndrome?
Painful arc syndrome is a condition characterized by pain when a person lifts his/her arm between 45 and 160 degrees from the side of the body. The condition is caused by tendonitis or bursitis of the shoulder.
Rotator Cuff Injury
What is rotator cuff injury?
The rotator cuff consists of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder in place. It is one of the most important parts of the shoulder. The rotator cuff allows a person to lift his/her arms and reach up. An injury to the rotator cuff, such as a tear, may happen suddenly when falling on an outstretched hand or develop over time due to repetitive activities. Rotator cuff tears are also due to aging.
What are the symptoms of a rotator cuff tear?
The following are the most common symptoms of a rotator cuff tear. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:
  • recurrent pain, especially with certain activities pain that prevents sleeping on the injured side grating or cracking sounds when moving the arm limited ability to move arm muscle weakness
The symptoms of a rotator cuff tear may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.

55. Rotator Cuff Injury, Torn Rotator Cuff, Boston Massachusetts Personal Injury Law
Personal injury legal services in Boston, Massachusetts. Our lawyers specializein medical malpractice, dental malpractice, aviation and car accident
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Rotator Cuff Injury - Torn Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff of the shoulder is actually a composite of four major muscles that work in harmony to move the shoulder through a magnificent array of movement possibilities, enabling humans to use the hand in a startling array of possibilities. The precise placement of the ligaments and muscles onto the upper long bone of the arm (humerus) enables the arm and hand to swivel and arc, as well as rotate on its long axis. The majesty of this mechanism almost cannot be overstated, and is generally not sufficiently well appreciated. Almost none of the sports at which we marvel could be performed without this engineering masterpiece. Rotator cuff injuries are, for the most part, tendon injuries, where the tendons insert or connect to the bone.

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GENERAL INFORMATION: What is it? The rotator cuff is made up of muscles and tendons. It holds the top of the upper arm into the shoulder joint (socket). A rotator cuff injury is when one or more of these muscles are torn. The rotator cuff may be torn a little or the whole cuff may be torn. Healing time depends on how bad the tear or injury is to the cuff. Most torn rotator cuffs occur in the arm that is used most. Causes: This injury may be caused by an injury, fall, or accident. It may happen when you fall and try to break your fall with your hand out. Throwing, heavy lifting, or falling on your shoulder may can cause this injury. Rotator cuff injuries are common in baseball, tennis, football, and skiing. Signs and Symptoms: Shoulder pain may be a sign of a torn rotator cuff. You may not be able to move your arm well, especially away from your body. Your shoulder may feel weak, numb, or tingly.

57. Rotator Cuff Injury And Repair
rotator cuff injury and Repair, Invite Others to View These Items Rotator Cuff Injury - si1141 Stock Illustration Order online Find More Like This

58. Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
Shoulder pain is the main symptom of rotator cuff injury. The diagnosisof rotator cuff injury is made when specific movement, especially raising the

back to Shoulder Pain index Rotator Cuff Injury The full name for this injury is Rotator Cuff Tendonitis. Most effective way to tell whether you have it is with an MRI. However, realizing that we do not diagnose or treat, here are symptoms from The Merck Manual: "Shoulder pain is the main symptom [of rotator cuff injury.] Initially, the pain occurs only during activities that require lifting the arm over the head and forcibly bringing it forward. Later, pain can occur even when the arm is moved forward to shake hands. Usually, pushing object away is painful, but pulling them in toward the body is not. The involved shoulder may be particularly painful at night, disrupting the person's sleep. "The diagnosis of rotator cuff injury is made when specific movement, especially raising the arm above the shoulder, cause pain and soreness. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the best diagnostic tool for this condition." Medical science has shown that taken immediately after all injuries, rotator cuff or not

59. Shoulder Pain Torn Rotator Cuff Injuries Torn Muscles Shoulder Problems
rotator cuff injury Stretching Recommended Shoulder Problems (part 2) Shoulder Problems Because of the numerous questions we ve received about


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Rotator Cuff Injury Stretching Recommended Shoulder Problems (part 2) ... Shoulder Problems
Because of the numerous questions we've received about shoulder pain, we have researched reports in medical journals on this issue.
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60. Spinal Cord Injury: Spinal Cord Injury Message Boards
A place to discuss, find support and information on spinal cord injury.

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