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Retinal Migraine: more detail |
61. Al 5 Troost BT, Tomsak RL Ophthalmoplegic Migraine and retinal migraine, in Olesen J, TfeltHansen P, Welch KMA (eds) The Headaches. http://www.alshifa-eye.org.pk/journal/migraine.html | |
62. : The AMEDEO Literature Guide Intermittent angleclosure glaucoma in the presence of a white eye, posing as retinal migraine. Cephalalgia 2005;25622-6. PubMed Related articles http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/mig/mig6.htm | |
63. Migraines - OhioValleyEye.com A retinal migraine is a temporary loss of vision in one eye that is accompanied by a headache in an otherwise young and healthy patient . http://www.ohiovalleyeye.com/eyeinfo_migraine.htm | |
64. Eye Disorders retinal migraine may cause occlusion, but rarely. 4. Raised intraocular pressure. This may occur from excessive pressure put on the globe during surgical http://hubnet.buffalo.edu/ophthalmology/site/Home/Eye_Disorders/eye_disorders.ht | |
65. Review Of Optometry November 1999 Cover Focus: Headache Management An estimated 23.6 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches.22 Of these, 4 or 6 involved after headache), and retinal migraine (monocular vision http://www.revoptom.com/archive/issue/ro111f5osc.htm | |
66. MENIERES AND MIGRAINES Neurotology Of Migraine Robert W. Baloh, MD and calciumchannel blockers may prevent vasospasm of arteries to the inner ear just as they prevent vasospasm of retinal arteries in retinal migraine. http://www.menieres.org/jacki/jackis68.htm | |
67. MDchoice.com - Emergency Medicine retinal migraine occurs primarily in women older than age 45 and is associated with extensive scotomata and loss of vision. This aura may not be followed by http://mdchoice.com/emed/main.asp?template=0&page=detail&type=8&id=1037 |
68. MIGRAINE CLASSIFICATION AND DIAGNOSIS CRITERIA 1.3 Opthalmoplegic migraine; 1.4 retinal migraine; 1.5 Childhood periodic syndromes that may be precursors to or associated with migraine http://www.pitt.edu/~elsst21/mcldi.html | |
69. Information 1.2 Migraine with aura 1.3 Ophthalmoplegic migraine 1.4 retinal migraine 1.5 Childhood periodic syndromes that may be precursors of migraine http://www.w-h-a.org/wha2/Newsite/resultsnav.asp?color=C2D9F2&idContentNews=381 |
70. Emergency Medicine Aspirin is also helpful in preventing retinal migraine, a form of migraine that occurs in older women who experience an aura but no migraine pain. http://www.emedmag.com/html/pre/fea/features/101503.asp | |
71. Headache Australia - Migraine retinal migraine (with loss of vision in one eye). Symptom is loss of sight in one eye and normal vision in the other. The sight clears leaving an ache http://www.headacheaustralia.org.au/types_of_headache/migraine | |
72. The Physician And Sportsmedicine: Migraines In Active People Forms of this entity, called complicated migraine, include hemiplegic, ophthalmoplegic, basilar artery, and retinal migraine. These migraine attacks can be http://www.physsportsmed.com/issues/1996/12_96/diamond.htm | |
73. Scope Of Work Ophthalmoplegic and retinal migraine Migraine following head injury Migraine in young children Hemiplegic migraine Stroke and transient ischemic attacks http://www.cochraneneuronet.org/livello2/scope_of_work2.html | |
74. Klasifikácia Bolesti 1.3 Ophtalmoplegic migraine. 1.4 retinal migraine. 1.5 Childhood periodic syndromes that may be precursors to or associated with migraine http://www.edusan.sk/lekar/odbor_clanky/bolesti_hlavy.htm | |
75. Migraines: A Personal Perspective On A Complex Disorder opthalmoplegic migraine, and retinal migraine. Of these, the two most common subtypes are migraine with aura and migraine without aura. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro02/web3/ppujara.html | |
76. Headache Disorders: Currents: UI Health Care Migraine with aura. 1.3. Ophthalmoplegic. 1.4. retinal migraine. 1.5. Childhood periodic syndromes that may be precursors to or associated with migraine http://www.uihealthcare.com/news/currents/vol2issue3/3headache.html | |
77. Eye Care Alternate name for ocular migraines is retinal migraines and Opthalmoplegic migraines. Ocular Migraines are visual disturbances in which visual images look http://www.eyecareindia.com/subcontents.asp?sectionid=5&subcontentid=102 |
78. PERRET OPTICIANS OCULAR SYMPTOMS Loss Of Vision retinal migraine is a spasm of the artery leading into the eye which supplies the retina. This spasm can lead to a temporary blackout of vision on one side http://www.perret-optic.ch/optometrie/symptomes_diagnostiques/symptomes/opto_sym | |
79. Classification Of Visual Disturbances - Migraine Aura Information about migraine with aura for practicing neurologists and patients. The layout of the eccentric dimension of the retinal image is shown http://www.migraine-aura.org/EN/Classification_of_visual_disturbances.html | |
80. HON: Vision And Eyecare FAQ: Section5 The differentiation between retinal and ocular migraine is how much of the visual field is With ocular migraine there can be retinal hemorrhages, http://www.hon.ch/Library/Theme/VisionFaq/section5.html | |
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