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         Reiters Syndrome:     more detail
  1. Reiter's Syndrome - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-12-06
  2. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Reiter's syndrome by Rebecca J. Frey PhD, 2002-01-01
  3. Reiter's Syndrome: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Rebecca, PhD Frey, 2006
  4. Reiter's Syndrome
  5. Tourette Syndrome: Handbook for Patient and Family
  6. Diagnostic dilemma.: An article from: Pediatric News
  7. Derm diagnosis. (Children's Health).(Brief Article): An article from: Family Practice News by Norra MacReady, 2002-07-01

41. Peter STARTS BENICAR - Benicar At Full Dose Only (no Antibiotics Yet) - PROGRESS
reiters syndrome 10yrs D67nmol/L 125d 104Ppmol/L /Crp56.33/WCC8.7/LYMPHOCIES 1.2/ bp 146/96 NoIRs / LIGHT D AVOIDANCE/




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Peter STARTS BENICAR Moderated by: Aussie Barb
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Member in Phase 2 Joined: Tue Dec 28th, 2004 Location: Perth Australia Posts: Posted: Wed Apr 6th, 2005 01:07 Quote Reply Thanks Barb For the encouragement,i have no intention of giving up on i know it is my only chance at recocery,i am still having major fares that keep shifting to different areas,if i was going out in the sun or eating sea food i would know what to point the finger at,i can only summise that i have a lot of mycoplasa and my imune system is recognising some of it and started the killing process,do you know if garlic is ok to eat,some people say it is a natural antibiotic,i do cook with garlic,could this be causing a problem? THANKS PETER Reiters syndrome 10yrs D67nmol/L 125d 104Ppmol/L /Crp56.33/WCC8.7/LYMPHOCIES 1.2/ bp 146/96 MINO Comm 8APR 05 /25MG Q6HR BENICAR Q6H 40mg clindamycin 33.5mg q24hr

42. Homerton University Hospital: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
inflammation of the testicles; reduced fertility; reiters syndrome which reiters syndrome is a result of chlamydia. It causes inflammation of the eyes
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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Non-specific Urethritis (NSU)
Non-specific Urethritis (NSU) is an inflammation of a man's urethra. This inflammation can be caused by several different types of infection, the most common being chlamydia. Signs and symptoms The symptoms may include:
  • pain or a burning sensation when passing urine
  • a white / cloudy fluid from the tip of the penis. This may be more noticeable first thing in the morning
  • feeling that you need to pass urine frequently
Often there may be no symptoms, but this does not mean that you cannot pass the infection on to your partner(s). How NSU develops NSU is almost always caused through sexual infection. Very rarely it can result from:
  • an allergic reaction, such as to bubble baths or washing powders or other chemicals
Diagnosis and treatment Samples taken during the examination are looked at under a microscope to check for infection. In some clinics, the result is available immediately. A second sample is sent to a laboratory for confirmation of the infection. The result is usually available within one week. Treatment is easy. You will be given antibiotic tablets. If you are allergic to any antibiotics, it is important that you tell your doctor.

43. AIDS - Fulltext: Volume 14(13) September 8, 2000 P 2064 Acute Monoarthritis Comp
There were no symptoms or signs of Reiter s syndrome. reiters syndrome and reactive arthritis. InArthritis and allied conditions a textbook of
LWWOnline LOGIN eALERTS REGISTER ... Archive Acute monoarthritis complicating... ARTICLE LINKS:
References (12)
Permissions View full size inline images AIDS Volume 14(13) 8 September 2000 p 2064
Acute monoarthritis complicating therapy with indinavir
Brooks, James I; Gallicano, Keith; Garber, Gary; Angel, Jonathan B Division of Infectious Diseases, Ottawa Hospital, General Campus, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. Received: 17 April 2000; accepted: 28 April 2000. HIV disease is complicated by rheumatological disorders related to the viral infection, opportunistic infections, the immune phenomenon and drug therapy . Complex HIV drug treatments may create further rheumatological problems. Previous reports have described gout associated with ritonavir/didanosine treatment and arthralgias with rifabutin therapy . Although indinavir is associated with enthesopathies, arthralgias , and adhesive capsulitis , it has not been reported as a cause of arthritis. We report the case of a man with AIDS, without a previous history of rheumatological disease, who developed acute monoarthritis 6 weeks after starting an antiretroviral regimen that included indinavir. A 37-year-old man with advanced HIV disease (CD4 cell count 46 cells/mm On examination his temperature was 38.3°C. The knee was warm, swollen, and tender without erythema. The joint had a large effusion and a limited range of movement. There were no ocular findings, genital lesions, new skin lesions or other involved joints. The blood leukocyte count was 6.5 — 10

44. Sexual Health Matters
Key words Reiter s syndrome; age; reactive arthritis; analgesics; reiters syndrome consists of urethritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis.
Sexually acquired arthritis
Dr A A Opaneye, Consultant GU/HIV Medicine Physician, Middlesbrough General Hospital, Ayresome Green Lane, Middlesbrough, Cleveland
Key words: Reiter's syndrome; age; reactive arthritis; analgesics; chlamydia trachomatis; antibiotics. Introduction
A number of people (male and female) suffer from painful joints of such severity that they take painkillers e.g. paracetamol for relief or pay a visit to their general practitioners. In some of these cases the joint pain (arthralgia) is due to inflammation of the joint (arthritis) following an infection in some other part of the body. This is known as reactive arthritis. On some occasions the infection would have been acquired following sexual activities. In sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA), asymmetric polyarthralgia which may be migrating is the worst common presenting symptom. Some people may have one joint involved while others have several joints involved, and the common joints are the elbow, wrist, knee and ankles. Hip joint involvement is uncommon and the condition may present acutely of sub-acutely. Reiters syndrome consists of urethritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis.
Clinical features
The history of men seen recently in our department are shown in table 1. More men than women are diagnosed with reactive arthritis. The male:female ratio shown in table 2 may be due to underdiagnosis in women. Inflammation of the joint usually occurs within four weeks after the infection. This may be accompanied by low back pain, muscular pains and low grade fever. Other parts of the body that may be involved are the urethra, the eyes and the heart - carditis. Skin manifestations include keratoderma blennorrhagica and erythema nodosum. In some patients there may be frequent recurrence of the joint pains while in others it may become chronic.

45. Health Social Services - Health Protection - Resources
Information on reiters syndrome, Information on reiters syndrome or Reactive Arthritis following food poisoning, 23.50kb. Precautions to take if suffering Contact Us Homepage Corporate Board ... Job Opportunities Medical Division Surgical Ambulance Public Health Dietitians Health Promotion Unit Health Protection Health Protection ... Asian Tsunami Appeal Private Patients Education Centre Family Nursing and Home Care
Food Matters Department Resources
Please select a file from the list below to download it: ... Food Hygiene guidance for new premises This documents lists the reqirements to follow if you wish to open a new food business Food Hygiene information in Portuguese Food hygiene guidance translated into Portuguese Intermediate Food Hygiene Course information This leaflet gives details on the excellant intermediate Food Hygiene Course Food poisoning information table This table gives information on the commonest types of food poisoning bacteria Food Premises Registration leaflet This leaflet gives advice on the need or not to register with the Department BBQ leaflet This leaflet gives advice on prevention of food poisoning during BBQs Information on Scombroid food poisoning This provides information on food poisoning from certain fish eg tuna Ciguetera food poisoning from reef fish This leaflet gives information on food poisoning after eating reef fish abroad Campylobacter information Information on the food poisoning bacteria Campylobacter Salmonella information Information on the food poisoning bacteria Salmonella Information on Giardia Lamblia Information on the parasite Giardia Lamblia

46. Dr. Weitzul , Dr. Sarah Weitzul, Dr. Sarah Bartles Weitzul
Weitzul S, Duvic M., HIVrelated Psoriasis and reiters syndrome Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Issue 16/Volume 3213-218, 1997,2357,13122,00.html
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Sarah Weitzul, M.D.
Details of Research
Name: Sarah Bartles Weitzul, M.D. Academic Title: Assistant Professor Administrative Title: Assistant Professor (Nontenured Clinical Appt), Skin Surgery and Oncology Clinic Primary Appointment: Dermatology School: Southwestern Medical School
Affiliations: Clinical Building 1
Department Website: Physician Profile: Sarah Weitzul, M.D. RESEARCH INTERESTS Squamous Cell Carcinoma Mohs Surgery for Melanoma RECENT PUBLICATIONS Weitzul S, Pandya AG, "PUVA Phototherapy for a Pigmented Disorder: Vitiligo." Dermatologic Therapy, Issue 4:24-37, 1997 Weitzul S, Duvic M., "HIV-related Psoriasis and Reiters Syndrome" Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Issue 16/Volume 3:213-218, 1997 Weitzul S, Taylor RS, "Surgical Reconstruction of the Lips" E-Medicine, 2001 Vander Straten M, Lee P, Weitzul S, Cockerell CJ, Tyring SK, "Basal Cell Carcinoma - A Review of Current Issues" Advances in Dermatology, Volume 16:299-318, 2001

47. Spondyloarthropathies
Some of the more commonly seen ones are ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis (also known as reiters syndrome), and arthritis associated with psoriasis
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The spondyloarthropathies are a group of disorders affecting the spine and other joints. Some of the more commonly seen ones are ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis (also known as Reiters Syndrome), and arthritis associated with psoriasis or inflammatory bowel disease. Children with these conditions are more likely to have the HLA-B27 gene, a protein which is present in almost 10% of the population and handed down by our parents. Spondyloarthropathies occur more often in boys than girls.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis produces stiffness and restricted movement in the spine due to inflammation at the point where ligaments attach to the vertebrae of the spine. Early treatment can prevent or limit loss of movement in the spine. Some children and teenagers will also get arthritis in other joints, like hips and knees, and children should be monitored for iritis (inflammation in the front of the eye) which occurs in a number of children.
Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that a small percentage of children with the skin condition, psoriasis, may get. Like psoriasis, it may run in families, and often affects the spine, knees, ankles, wrists, fingers and toes, with finger and toe nails becoming pitted or ridged. Children usually do very well – this type of arthritis is usually mild, with a few children having a more severe form.

48. The American Journal Of The Medical Sciences - UserLogin
by C. trachomatis and its role in the genesis of reiters syndrome. arthritis/Reiter s syndrome are viable but show aberrant gene expression.
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49. - - - - HEALTHOLOGY - - - -
reiters syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease are possibilities. the eye) or penile or vaginal discharge, Reiter s syndrome may be responsible.

50. A 26 Yrs Old Woman Presents With 5 Day History Of Fever And
4.reiters syndrome 5.pseudogout (B) Most likely to confirm the diagnosis 1.MRI of knee 2. synovial fluid culture 3.synovial fluid gram stain

51. STDs On Campus :: Term Papers, Essays - Free Summary Of Research Paper #47444
Keywords aids epididymitis reiters syndrome contraception. Paper 022993 Living on Campus ( 1295 words, 2 sources, MLA, $ 45.95 USD ); Paper 004061
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Papers on "STDs on Campus" and similar term paper topics:
  • Paper #047444 :: STDs on Campus - Buy and instantly download this paper now An overview and proposal to reduce sexually transmitted diseases on campus. 1,752 words, 9 sources, MLA, $ 58.95 USD Paper Summary: This paper discusses a plan to reduce sexually transmitted diseases. It focuses on laying down a contrivance whose prime objective would be to abate the rate of STDs among the students at WIU and bring within them a better sense of awareness about STDs, its effects, and symptoms. It highlights some very integral statistics regarding the state of Illinois that should be consulted while conducting campaigns on STDs. It also emphasizes the various issues that have led to lack of information about STDs among people and the general stigma associated with these ailments. From the Paper: "During recent times the topic of Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs has become one of great concern among adolescents and teenagers. After the first reported case of STD during the 1980s, there has been a colossal increase in the number of people being infected with these ailments. The prime reason for contracting STDs is due to morbidity. Multifarious circumstances augment the risk of incognizant infertility and sexually transmitted organisms are fraternized with epididymitis and Reiter's syndrome and are also a peril element for HIV infection. The prime factors associated with the catching of STDs include demographic characteristic, psychological functioning and sexual behavior."
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    horners syndrome sudden infant death syndrome reiters syndrome picture of down syndrome treacher collins syndrome rett syndrome ehlers danlos syndrome

    53. Reactive Arthritis - Reiter's Syndrome - Cause, Diagnosis & Treatment
    News, information, and support.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zfs=0;zCMt='a02' About Arthritis Types of Arthritis Reactive Arthritis Arthritis Essentials Arthritis Symptoms Is It Arthritis? ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Information on the cause, diagnosis and treatment of reactive arthritis, which is also known as Reiter’s syndrome. Reactive arthritis is a disorder with seemingly unrelated symptoms of joint pain, redness of the eyes, and urinary tract signs. It is one of a group of disorders known as the spondyloarthropathies.
    Recent Reactive Arthritis - Guide To Reactive Arthritis - Reiter's Syndrome Reactive arthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs as a reaction to an infection elsewhere in the body. Reactive arthritis is also known as Reiter's syndrome, and your doctor may refer to it by yet another term, as a seronegative spondyloarthropathy. Diagnosing Reactive Arthritis After decades of research, experts still disagree on some of the specific criteria used for the classification and diagnosis of Reactive Arthritis, formerly known as Reiter's syndrome.

    54. Reiter's Syndrome (Reactive Arthritis)
    Reiter s syndrome usually affects young white men between the ages of 20 and 40. More Information About Reiter s syndrome. Resources and Suggestions
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    What Is It?
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    More Information About Reiter's Syndrome
    What Is It? Reiter's Syndrome (RYE-terz SIN-drome) is arthritis that produces pain, swelling, redness and heat in the joints. It is one of a family of arthritic disorders, called spondylarthropathies, affecting the spine and commonly involving the joints of the spine and sacroiliac joints. It can also affect many other parts of the body such as arms and legs. Main characteristic features are inflammation of the joints, urinary tract, eyes and ulceration of skin and mouth. What Are the Symptoms?
    • Fever Weight loss Skin rash Inflammation Sores Pain
    What Causes It?

    55. Prostatitis Website -- Reiter's Syndrome Briefing
    KeywordsReiter s syndrome genital urinary gastrointestinal conjunctivitis systemic Reiter s syndrome is considered a systemic rheumatic disease.
    Home Search NIH-Sponsored Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network Back to our report on the November 1998 NIH-Sponsored Chronic Prostatitis Treatment Workshop Symptoms of prostatitis Causes of prostatitis Methods of treatment ... About The Prostatitis Foundation
    Reiter's Syndrome Briefing
    Cautionary note: This page was prepared based on an anonymous posting to the newsgroups . The poster did not give his sources. Do not take this article as medical advice, check with a doctor before making medical decisions. Keywords: Reiter's syndrome genital urinary gastrointestinal conjunctivitis systemic rheumatic ankylosing spondylitis ulcerative colitis HLA-B27 genetic Jump to headings or topics on this page: Briefing Clinical Features Laboratory and Radiographic Findings Diagnosis ... Reiters support web page (off this site) Briefing (Back to top) Reiter's syndrome is a chronic form of inflammatory arthritis wherein the following three conditions are combined:
  • arthritis; inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis); and inflammation of the genital, urinary or gastrointestinal systems.
  • 56. Reiter's Syndrome And Prostatitis
    Prostatitis, chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome CP/CPPS. Latest research. Consulting Urologists. Busy forum.

    Reiter's Syndrome
    Chronic Prostatitis is a symptom of Reiter's Syndrome. Contents Briefing


    Historical Background
    Reiters support web page

    Briefing (Back to top)
    Reiter's syndrome is a chronic form of inflammatory arthritis wherein the following three conditions are combined:
  • arthritis; inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis); and inflammation of the genital, urinary or gastrointestinal systems.
  • Reiter's syndrome is also called "reactive arthritis." It is felt that it involves an immune system which is reacting to the presence of bacterial infections in the genital, urinary, or gastrointestinal systems.
    Reiter's syndrome most frequently occurs in patients in their thirties or forties, but it can occur at any age. The form of Reiter's syndrome which occurs after genital infection occurs more frequently in males. The form which develops after bowel infection occurs in equal frequency in males and females.
    Reiter's syndrome is considered a systemic rheumatic disease. This means it can affect other organs than the joints, such as the eyes, mouth, skin, kidneys, heart, and lungs. Reiter's syndrome shares many features with several other arthritic conditions, such as psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and arthritis associated with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Each of these arthritic conditions can cause similar disease and inflammation in the spine and other joints, eyes, skin, mouth, and various organs. In view of their similarities and tendency to inflame the spine, these conditions are collectively referred to as "spondyloarthropathies."

    57. AllRefer Health - Reiter's Syndrome (Reactive Arthritis)
    Reiter s syndrome (Reactive Arthritis) information center covers causes, prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, incidence, risk factors, signs, tests,

    Channels :: Yellow Pages Reference Health Home ... Contact Us Quick Jump ADD/ADHD Allergies Alzheimer's Disease Arthritis Asthma Back Pain Breast Cancer Cancer Colon Cancer Depression Diabetes Gallbladder Disease Heart Attack Hepatitis High Cholesterol HIV/AIDS Hypertension Lung Cancer Menopause Migraines/Headaches Osteoporosis Pneumonia Prostate Cancer SARS Stroke Urinary Tract Infection 1600+ More Conditions Alternative Medicine Health News Symptoms Guide Special Topics ... Medical Encyclopedia
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    Alternate Names : Reactive Arthritis Definition Reiter's syndrome is a group of symptoms consisting of arthritis (inflammation of the joints), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of the eye), and lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. The cause is unknown.
    Reiter's Syndrome - View of the Feet The exact cause of Reiter's syndrome is unknown. It occurs most commonly in men before the age of 40. It may follow an infection with Chlamydia , Campylobacter, Salmonella, or Yersinia. There may be a genetic predisposition to the syndrome.

    58. AllRefer Health - Reiter's Syndrome - View Of The Feet - Reiter's Syndrome Pictu
    Reiter s syndrome View of the Feet - Reiter s syndrome (Reactive Arthritis) pictures and images.

    Channels :: Yellow Pages Reference Health Home ... Contact Us Quick Jump ADD/ADHD Allergies Alzheimer's Disease Arthritis Asthma Back Pain Breast Cancer Cancer Colon Cancer Depression Diabetes Gallbladder Disease Heart Attack Hepatitis High Cholesterol HIV/AIDS Hypertension Lung Cancer Menopause Migraines/Headaches Osteoporosis Pneumonia Prostate Cancer SARS Stroke Urinary Tract Infection 1600+ More Conditions Alternative Medicine Health News Symptoms Guide Special Topics ... Medical Encyclopedia
    Web You are here : Health Reiter's Syndrome : Reiter's Syndrome - View of the Feet
    Reiter's Syndrome
    Alternate Names : Reactive Arthritis
    Reiter's Syndrome - View of the Feet
    Reiter's syndrome is a disease which classically consists of inflammation of the joints (arthritis), urethra (urethritis), and eye. Reiter's frequently includes skin manifestations and is thought to be triggered in some people by an infection. This is a fairly typical rash on the feet associated with Reiter's syndrome. This type of rash may also appear on the hands.
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    Chlamydia ... Joint X-Ray Other Topics Ankle Pain Back Pain - Low Chronic Eye Pain ... Main Page of Reiter's Syndrome From Our Sponsors: A.D.A.M., Inc. is accredited by URAC, also known as the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission ( URAC's

    59. Reiter S Syndrome
    Penn State Hershey Medical Center provides world class care and services to patients.

    60. Reiter's Syndrome
    This fact sheet contains general information about Reiter’s syndrome. It describes what Reiter’s syndrome is and how it develops.
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    Reiter’s Syndrome
    This fact sheet contains general information about Reiter’s syndrome. It describes what Reiter’s syndrome is and how it develops. It also explains how Reiter’s syndrome is diagnosed and treated. If you have further questions after reading this fact sheet, you may wish to discuss them with your doctor.

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