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         Reiters Syndrome:     more detail
  1. Reiter's Syndrome - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-12-06
  2. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Reiter's syndrome by Rebecca J. Frey PhD, 2002-01-01
  3. Reiter's Syndrome: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Rebecca, PhD Frey, 2006
  4. Reiter's Syndrome
  5. Tourette Syndrome: Handbook for Patient and Family
  6. Diagnostic dilemma.: An article from: Pediatric News
  7. Derm diagnosis. (Children's Health).(Brief Article): An article from: Family Practice News by Norra MacReady, 2002-07-01

21. Suspected Reiters Syndrome
Patient medical question and answer from The Arthritis and Rheumatology Forum. Health topic area and articles about arthritis Topics hemoptysis, reiter s
Questions in the Arthritis and Rheumatology Forum are being answered by Kevin Pho, M.D.. Dr. Pho specializes in medical information research and medical text review and editing.
Suspected Reiters Syndrome
Forum: The Arthritis and Rheumatology Forum
Topic: Arthritis
Subject: Suspected Reiters Syndrome
From To Post samworth
My chum is a long distance lorry driver. In November 2004 he was bitten on his leg by an insect, type unknown. He had an adverse reaction to it however all appeared well relatively quickly. Until some three weeks afterwards when he collapsed. Joint problems, blisters on the backs of his elbows, hands and problems with his feet. The most startling observation was totally red eyes - like a SciFi horror picture. Treated with steriod drops.
He has gone down hill progressively since then, with serious sessions of finding it almost impossible to breath, and at one stage coughed up a large blood clot. Currently he is back in hospital and two striking developments have taken place. One small spots which quickly enlarge to the size of a finger end first of all these are red, then turn black. Location mainly legs. Plus his breath is horrible, just as though he is rotting from the inside. He was a large healthy guy, had to be for his work. Prior to the lastest changes he had painful joints and
fatigue set in very quick. Whilst Reiter's, septic arithritis

22. Arthritis Insight-Ask The Webrarian Archives
Just Plug in the words reiters syndrome and you re sure to come up with more Reiter s Syndrome (Reactive Arthritis) from The Arthritis Foundation
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I have been looking for any info on sclaraderma. Would you possibly have any?
GREETINGS FROM THE WEBRARY! I think all words should be spelled like they sound. How in the world are you suppose to find information about anything if it's impossible to get started. This is one of the screwy ones - you've spelled it like it sounds, but it's actually spelled "Scleroderma", we've got links right here at ArthritisInsight - just go to the Web Links section and look in the "disease specific" section. There's tons of information out there on the web for you, I'll give you a few more to get you started: The Scleroderma Foundation I Have Scleroderma My World of Scleroderma Links.. Scleroderma Research Foundation ... Scleroderma - drdoc online Hope these help!
GREETINGS FROM THE WEBRARY! Last night, during our Featured Chat, one of our Community Members, who happens to be a Pharmacist, mentioned that she'd like to find a device that would make opening and closing medicine bottles with childproof caps easier on the hands. I've found two links for products that claim to do just that and since they really took some digging to find, I thought there might be others out there that would like to take a look at them too. The first one is called a Pill Bottle Opener (okay, I heard that - who's the wise guy that just said "Duh!"?) and it can be found at

23. Reiters Syndrome
reiters syndrome .. 2 page pdf (2002). What is it? Reiter’s syndrome is an arthritis that produces pain, swelling, redness and heat in the joints.

24. DermIS / Main Menu / DOIA / Reiter's Disease / Info
Reiter s Syndrome; FiessingerLeroy Syndrome REITER SYNDROME, Reiters Disease, Reiter s Disease, reiters syndrome, Reiter s syndrome, Syndrome,

25. Drug InfoNet - Reiters Syndrome - [general]
Drug InfoNet is your onestop WWW site for all your healthcare informational needs. We provide both information and links to areas on the web concerning

26. Reiters Syndrome
Information and Alternative Medical Recommendations.
AltHealth 9th September 2005 Email Page Print Page Save Basket Currency Convertor Reiters Syndrome
Information and Alternative Medical Recommendations You should consult your Doctor if you are taking any medication. sections in this document Excellent Nutritional Benefits Very Good Nutritional Benefits Good Nutritional Benefits Aromatherapy Homeopathy Bach Flower Remedies Herbs Suggestions Other Information User Contributed Notes
Reiter's Syndrome EYE Symptoms only
Reiter's syndrome is a disorder that causes three seemingly unrelated symptoms: arthritis, redness of the eyes, and urinary tract signs. Doctors sometimes refer to Reiter's syndrome as a seronegative spondyloarthropathy because it is one of a group of disorders that cause inflammation throughout the body, particularly in parts of the spine and at other joints where tendons attach to bones. (Examples of other seronegative spondyloarthropathies include psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and inflammatory bowel syndrome arthritis.) Inflammation is a characteristic reaction of tissues to injury or disease and is marked by four signs: swelling, redness, heat, and pain. Reiter's syndrome is also referred to as reactive arthritis , which means that the arthritis occurs as a "reaction" to an infection that started elsewhere in the body. In many patients, the infection begins in the genitourinary tract (bladder, urethra, penis, or vagina). The infection is most commonly passed from one person to another by sexual intercourse. This form of the disorder is sometimes called genitourinary or urogenital Reiter's syndrome. Another form of the disorder, called enteric or gastrointestinal Reiter's syndrome, develops when a person eats food or handles substances that are tainted with bacteria.

27. Ankylosing Spondylitis
Reiter s syndrome, described below, appears to have led to development of AS in reiters syndrome a set of symptoms affecting the eyes and urethra and
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Medical News Medic8 Search ... About Medic8 ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS - a patient's guide Editorial Team Overview Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an arthritic condition affecting the spine, and vary rarely the heart, eyes, lungs and heart. It is not life threatening but fusion of the spine can be painful and restrict movement over time. It usually affects young adults, seems to affect more men than women(children are rarely affected) Symptoms include back pain - worse after inactivity and easing after stretching and exercise.

28. Encyclopedia: Rheumatology
ankylosing spondylitis Reiter s syndrome psoriatic arthropathy known as keratoderma blennorrhagica, was due to reiters syndrome, not a syphilitic

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    Encyclopedia: Rheumatology
    Updated 20 days 4 hours 36 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Rheumatology Rheumatology , a subspecialty of internal medicine , is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases. Rheumatologists mainly deal with problems involving the muscles and/or joints Internal medicine is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, that is, those that affect internal organs or the body as a whole. ... Diagnosis (from the Greek words dia = by and gnosis = knowledge) is the process of identifying a disease by its signs, symptoms and results of various diagnostic procedures. ... Structure of a skeletal muscle Muscle is one of the four tissue types. ...

    29. Entrez PubMed
    reiters syndrome with glomerular nephritis. No authors listed Publication Types Case Reports MeSH Terms Adult Glomerulonephritis/complications*

    30. Clitoral Reiters Syndrome (inflammatory Clitoris) Results In 80 Sexual Orgasms
    Clitoral reiters syndrome (inflammatory clitoris) results in 80 sexual orgasms Bioelctricity is the foundation of life and love. AND What are the solutions.
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    To Young Lovers News updated: Case Study - Clitoral Reiters Syndrome (inflammatory clitoris) results in 80 sexual orgasms Hi; I have an unusual problem. I develeloped reiters disease several years ago and it caused a case of clitorism. I have orgasms the problem is this

    31. Forum On Understanding Your Labs: Unusual Symptoms
    Given the urethral symptoms and other symptoms you describe, it could be reiters syndrome, or related to some other sexually transmitted infections.
    @import url(/css/thebody.css); @import url(/css/forums.css);

    Please Note: Due to volume considerations, not all questions can be answered. Questions most likely to be answered will be those of general interest to a broad group of visitors to this forum. Questions pertaining to a specific case; requests for diagnosis, medical advice, or second opinion; or requests for opinions about untested alternative therapies will generally not be answered. Ask the Experts about Understanding Your Labs
    Unusual Symptoms
    Mar 26, 1999 Dear Dr. Holodniy: Thank you for your response in advance. I'm now 24 weeks past exposure and negative at the 19wk mark by home access. I will take a final test this month. I had symptoms that could have been related to acute seroconversion at the 10 week mark. I had the typical GI symptoms, sore throat and sore glands. At this point I am having arthritic symptoms pain in arms, hands and pain in the shoulder area which feels like a burning muscular pain(both shoulders). I also had a urethral syndrome after my exposure and took cipro and zithromax for treatment. Do you think these symptoms could be related to HIV or possible some other condition such as reiters syndrome? Any suggestions as to appropriate follow-up at this point would be Greatly Appreciated.

    32. Rheumatoid Arthritis HQ
    drdoc reiters syndrome / Spondyloarthropathy (Dr David Gotlieb, South Africa,,; Reiter s Syndrome - Reiter s syndrome
    Get FREE Rheumatoid Arthritis news alerts on new treatments and relief strategies. More information on news alerts Other Associated Diseases Amyloidosis Ankylosing Spondylitis Avascular Necrosis / Osteonecrosis
    • drdoc - Avascular Necrosis / Osteonecrosis (Dr David Gotlieb, South Africa,,
    • AboutArthritis.Facts (Dr David Gotlieb, South Africa,,

    33. African Health Sciences - Vol. 4, No. 2 (2004)
    reiters syndrome – a case report and review of literature The occurrence of Reiter s Syndrome is rare and not commonly reported in Nigeria.

    34. Drug Carisoprodol Found In This Post: Reiters Syndrome Or Connective Tissue Prob
    Drug List carisoprodol reiters syndrome or connective tissue problem. View full discussion thread on reiters syndrome or connective

    Drug Discussions
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    Search for within the carisoprodol or all dicussions Home Bookmark This Site (Ctrl+D) Drug List carisoprodol Reiters Syndrome or connective tissue problem
    View full discussion thread on Reiters Syndrome or connective tissue problem (Arthritis board) view post on 8th August 2003 I was diag. with Reiters 5 years ago although I have been suffering the symptoms for over 20 years. I contracted Reiters after a bout of food poisoning while in the service. If you do a search on the Net you will find that some sites list some symptoms while other sites will list completely different ones. The truth is Reiters, or Reactive Arthritis as it is now known, is like the other 99 different flavors of arthritis. It has not been studied in any great detail and the medical profession continues to find out new info almost every day.
    For example, until I read this board I had never heard of heel pain. Here are my symptoms, all chronic and acute:
    Meds: Oxycontin, Methotrexate, Folic Acid

    35. Cervical Arthritis
    29. reiters syndrome arthritis? Looking for reiters syndrome arthritis? reiters syndrome arthritis reiters syndrome arthritis replacing cv joints relief
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    Fitness Calendar for the week of September 5, 2005 (Missoulian) 8 Sep 2005 at 10:27pm
    For information or to make an appointment at any of the Missoula-area sites, call 543-6695 or the number listed. Tuesday, Sept. 6 - Missoula Red Cross Center, 3 to 6 p.m.; and Kalispell Red Cross Center, sponsored by State Farm Insurance, noon to 5 p.m.
    Missoula to walk for heart health (Missoulian) 5 Sep 2005 at 11:02pm
    The mission of the American Heart Association is to decrease the risk of cardiovasucular disease and stroke and death and disability associated with them by 25 percent by the year 2010, Koester said.
    Astrocytes Produce Dendritic Cell-Attracting Chemokines In Vitro and in Multi... 31 Aug 2005 at 2:26am
    Abstract As a result of their close association with the blood-brain barrier, astrocytes play an important role in regulating the homing of different leukocyte subsets to the inflamed central nervous system (CNS). Presents: Minimally Invasive Kyphoplasty Procedure for an Osteopo...

    36. Humble Legend
    of ones metabolic/ circulatory/ blood system, and go on such a diet to see how effective it is in healing reactive arthritis/ reiters syndrome.
    New - Links
    A big thanks to Scott who also has had Reiter's syndrone for over 10 years now (10 years! poor bugger), who sent me this link, which is exactly what we need to know: ALKALIZING and ACIDIFYING FOODS (The Wolfe Clinic).
    Health - Reactive Arthritis
    This Disease I Caught
    Reactive Arthritis, an auto-immune disease is something that I caught (yes, caught) and have had for about 3.5 years. I was on crutches initially for a period of about 6 months, then on a walking stick for a good year and a half. This disease has gradually gotten better over this time, and I intend and expect to get completely healthy again. At the time I got the disease, my knee swelled up significantly over a period of about 3.5 days. On the Friday morning I woke up and could not walk - I had to crawl to the bathroom, and to the taxi to get to the hospital. I had gone to a physio the day before due to a tingle developing in my knee, and two days before that. It took some time to diagnose, eventually turned out to be reactive arthritis - my body's reaction to catching the chlamydia virus (through external-only sexual contact with an infected person), which gestated for may be four months. A single antibiotic tablet got rid of the chlamydia after a couple of days, yet it was too late for the arthritis. The other main factors in the onset of this disease were an extremely high level of stress for an extended period - working 12 to 16 hour days, 6 and a half days per week, over a period of two years; non-stop with no breaks in between. That and the fact that my diet had fallen dramatically, from healthy, to a lot of chocolate and some other junk foods.

    37. Painful, Slightly Swollen 2nd & 3rd Toes
    He was dx dw/reiters syndrome in 1974. Is this a post reiters syndrome? Thanks. It may be post reiters syndrome as this condition does cause arthritis.
    Forum: Toe Pain
    -Topic: started by Bonnie
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    Jan. 28 2005,00:32 Back to top Dr Foot
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    38. Medical Post : LOOK BACK DOCTOR: Reiters Syndrome Or Senters Syndrome? @ HighBea
    Medical Post LOOK BACK DOCTOR reiters syndrome or Senters syndrome? @ HighBeam Research.
    • Library
      New! ... Customer Support Question / Keyword(s): Advanced Search
      • Current Article: LOOK BACK DOCTOR: Reiters syndrome or Senters syndrome?
      Start M Medical Post May 16, 2000 ... LOOK BACK DOCTOR: Reiters syndrome or Senters syndrome?
      LOOK BACK DOCTOR: Reiters syndrome or Senters syndrome?
      Medical Post; May 16, 2000; James McSherry
      James McSherry
      Medical Post
      May 16, 2000
      A diary published posthumously suggests Canadian Dr. Isaac Senter discovered
      There can be no doubt smallpox was a major factor in the ultimate
      into Quebec in 1775. The Americans achieved initial success, capturing
      Montreal on Nov. 13, but a subsequent attack on Quebec City cost Montgomery
      his own life and the Americans the campaign when an alarming epidemic
      of smallpox broke out among their troops, forcing them to retire.
      The Americans in their revolutionary fervor actually sent two columns to capture Quebec City: one under Montgomery, to proceed via Montreal, and another under Colonel Benedict Arnold to take a more easterly route. The columns were to meet before Quebec City and launch a joint

    39. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Reiter s Syndrome; arthritis, conjunctivitis and urethritis 3 cardinal manifestations of reiters syndrome; strong genetic basis
    Medical Links E-Mail Me Index
    Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
    and the Seronegative Spondyloarthropahies

    History Types Diagnosis ... Operative Intervention Definition
    (American Rheumatism Association) JRA is a group of diseases in which there is;
    chronic synovial inflamation of unknown cause
    onset in children of under 16 years of age
    objective evidence of arthritis in one or more joints for 6 consecutive weeks
    Arthritis is defined as a swelling, limitation of motion of ajoint with some
    combination of heat, pain and tenderness
    Arthralgia is purely joint pain The seronegative spondyloarthropathies are characterized by axial skeleton arthritis, peripheral arthritis that is often assymetric in distribution, eye or mucocutaneous involvement, urethritis or dyssentry, enthesitis, absence of rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibodies in the blood, tendancy to be familial and high asociation with HLA B-27 Back to the top History First described by George F. Still in 1897. He described several kinds of arthritis characterized by severe systemic symptoms associated with multiple joint involvement
    • most common childhood rheumatic disorder
    • Affects 200,000 children in US

    40. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery: AIDS-related Ankle Arthropathy: Mycobacterium
    Koat A. Should all patients with reiters syndrome be tested for HIV infection7 Br J Rheum 198928409. 2. Solomon G. Inflammatory arthritis In JohssMH.ed
    @import url(/css/us/style1.css); @import url(/css/us/searchResult1.css); @import url(/css/us/articles.css); @import url(/css/us/artHome1.css); Advanced Search Home Help
    IN free articles only all articles this publication Automotive Sports 10,000,000 articles - not found on any other search engine. FindArticles Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Mar 2004
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    10,000,000 articles Not found on any other search engine. Featured Titles for
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    ABNF Journal, The AIDS Treatment News AMAA Journal ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports AIDS-related ankle arthropathy: mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Mar 2004 by Redfern, D J Coleridge, S D Bendall, S P
    Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with It's free! Save it. We present a case of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) infection of the ankle joint in a patient with HIV infection. The patient presented with a painful, destructive arthropathy of the ankle. Initial microbiological studies were negative but infection with MAI was later identified from biopsies taken during hindfoot fusion. Antibiotic triple therapy was given and the patient remains pain-free without evidence of active infection. To our knowledge, this is the first case of MAI infection of the ankle reported in the literature. A high index of suspicion of (atypical) Mycobacterial infection should be maintained in patients with HIV infection presenting with an indolent but destructive arthropathy of the ankle joint.

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