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81. Retina Australia Announcement of an International Refsum disease Workshop It is our pleasureto invite you to attend the first Refsum disease (RD) international workshop http://www.retinaaustralia.com.au/International Congress 2005.htm | |
82. Refsums Disease - Patient UK Refsums disease Patient UK. A directory of UK health, disease, illness andrelated medical websites that provide patient information. http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40001285/ | |
83. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_and_Meta Search The Official Parent s Sourcebook on Refsum disease A Revised and Updated Refsum disease The clinical and biochemical presentation of this http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_a | |
84. Health/Conditions And Diseases/Nutrition And Metabolism Disorders/Cholesterol An Refsum disease The clinical and biochemical presentation of this disease, Refsum disease Information sheet on this disease as to what it is, http://www.thedoctorslounge.net/dir/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_and | |
85. DermIS / Main Menu / PeDOIA / Table Of Contents / 2 Genodermatoses / 2.2 Uncla disease, Refsum s, Hered motor/sens neuropathy IV, Hereditary motor and sensoryneuropathy type IV, Hereditary sensorymotor neuropathy, type 4, http://dermis.multimedica.de/doia/diagnose.asp?zugr=p&lang=e&diagnr=757106&topic |
86. Blind Citizens News: December 2004 FIRST INTERNATIONAL REFSUM disease WORKSHOP. APRIL 1 2, 2005 BERLIN. The firstRefsum disease (RD) international workshop, organized by the Refsum http://www.bca.org.au/news0412.htm | |
87. Rarelink.net - Diagnoselisten Refsum Disease (Heredopathia Du er her Hjem Diagnoselisten Refsum disease (Heredopathia atacticapolyneuritiformis) Refsum disease (Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis) http://www.rarelink.no/diagnosedetail.jsp?diagnoseId=233&synonymId=419 |
88. Tidsskriftet - Artikkel Steinberg D. Refsum disease. I Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, Valle D, red . Try K, Stokke O. Biochemical and dietary studies in Refsum s disease http://www.tidsskriftet.no/pls/lts/PA_LT.VisSeksjon?vp_SEKS_ID=257402 |
89. Refsumin Tauti, Infantiili Muoto - Kehitysvammahuollon Tietopankki REFSUM disease, INFANTILE FORM, OMIM, Victor A. McKusick et al. PEROXISOME BIOGENESISFACTOR 1; PEX1, OMIM, Victor A. McKusick http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/syndroma/refsum_i.htm | |
90. Chelsea And Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust Hypertension; Refsums disease; Severe Obesity service A Refsums clinicis held monthly on a Tuesday afternoon. Refsums disease. 1/fortnight http://www.chelwest.nhs.uk/services_files/medicine/diab_endo.htm | |
91. Pheresis, 71 Refsums disease. Acute GuillainBarre syndrome. Chronic inflammatory demyelinatingpolyneuropathy (CIDP). Eaton-Lambert myasthenic syndrome http://www.bcbsma.com/common/en_US/hresource/071.jsp |
92. Pheresis, 71 Refsums disease. Acute GuillainBarre syndrome. Chronic inflammatory demyelinatingpolyneuropathy (CIDP) Refsums disease, Investigational, Class III http://www.bcbsma.com/common/en_US/medical_policies/071.htm | |
93. Webhealth | Health Information On The Web Educating professionals and others about this group of diseases. In doing this we Leukodystrophy refsums Leukodystrophy - Zellweger Lipodystrophy http://www.webhealth.co.uk/support_groups/climb_metabolic_diseases_in_children.a | |
94. Untitled Page ·syndromic RP Usher, Kearns, Friedreich, LaurenceMoon-Bardet-Biedl, Refsumsdisease, neurological degenerative and paediatric metabolic entities with http://www.thebalticeye.com/ZURICH.html | |
95. MUSC Publications @ MUSC Library Aubourg P, Kremser K, Roland MO, Rocchiccioli F, Singh I. Pseudoinfantile refsumsdisease catalasedeficient peroxisomal particles with partial deficiency http://www.library.musc.edu/about_lib/facpub/facpub.php?year=1993 |
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