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         Psoriasis:     more books (100)
  1. Psoriasis (Positive Health Guide) by R. Marks, 1988-05
  2. Guttate Psoriasis: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References by Icon Health Publications, 2004-10-31
  3. The 2002 Official Patient's Sourcebook on Psoriasis: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2002-08
  4. Psoriasis (Diets to Help) by Harry Clements, 1993-08-31
  5. Pocket Guide to Psoriasis by Simon Davison, Jonathan Barker, et all 2000-06-15
  6. Psoriasis:The Struggle and the Triumph: A Healthy Transformation for Everyone Living with Psoriasis by Elliott Douglas Derzaph, 2003-08-07
  7. The 2010-2015 Outlook for Psoriasis Drugs in Oceana by Icon Group International, 2009-05-29
  8. Psoriasis: Webster's Timeline History, 2006 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-07-08
  9. Key Advances in the Effective Management of Psoriasis
  10. Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis by Jan De Vries, 1987
  11. The Therapeutic potential of cyclosporin in severe psoriasis
  12. The Psoriasis Handbook: A Self-Help Guide by Muriel K. MacFarlane, 1995-11
  13. Psoriasis: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium by Eugene Farber, 1982-03
  14. Treatment of Psoriasis With Traditional Chinese Medicine by Lin Li, 1990-01-01

61. Neurodermitis Nebenwirkungsfrei Behandeln, Neue Neurodermitisbehandlung Mit Alba
Der Hautarzt Dr. med. Gassner Reinhold aus –sterreich berichtet ¼ber seine Erfahrungen bei der Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen mit Schwarzk¼mmel¶l.
Neurodermitis nebenwirkungsfrei behandeln, Neue Neurodermitisbehandlung mit Albarakha Schwarzkümmelöl, Hilfe bei Neurodermitis, alternative Neurodermitis Behandlungen, Neurodermitis Therapie, begleitende Behandlung von Neurodermitis mit Schwarzkümmelöl, neue Neurodermitis Therapien mit Albarakha öl, natürliche Neurodermitis Behandlung, Hilfe bei Neurodermitis und Allergien. Atopische Dermatitis als begleitende Therapie mit hochwertigem Albarakha Öl behandeln. Sehr rasche Behandlungserfolge mit Schwarzkümmelöl zur Linderung des Juckreizes sieht man besonders bei Kindern.
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Hilfe, Tipps, Therapie und begleitende Behandlung bei
Dr. med. Gassner Reinhold
Facharzt für Haut- und Geschlechtserkrankungen
10. Oktober Straße 16/II
A-9560 Feldkirchen Ordinationszeiten
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Mi 17.00 Uhr – 19.00 Uhr
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NEUE Behandlungsmethode bringt BESCHWERDEFREIHEIT
Therapie mit
Albarakha Öl (dt. Schwarzkümmelöl)
Ich habe Albarakha Öl als orale Gabe in den letzten vier Jahren erfolgreich bei Patienten mit Autoimmunerkrankungen als begleitende Therapie getestet und festgestellt, dass etwa

62. Psoriasis Information From
Learn about psoriasis with information produced by doctors.
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What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease characterized by scaling and inflammation. Scaling occurs when cells in the outer layer of skin reproduce faster than normal and pile up on the skin's surface. Psoriasis affects 2 to 2.6 percent of the United States population, or almost 5.8 to 7 million people. It occurs in all age groups and about equally in men and women. People with psoriasis may suffer discomfort, restricted motion of joints, and emotional distress. When psoriasis develops, patches of skin thicken, redden, and become covered with silvery scales. These patches are sometimes referred to as plaques. They may itch or burn. The skin at joints may crack. Psoriasis most often occurs on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet. The disease also may affect the fingernails, toenails, and the soft tissues inside the mouth and genitalia. About 10 percent of people with psoriasis have joint inflammation that produces symptoms of arthritis. This condition is called psoriatic arthritis Psoriasis is not contagious in any way. It is not possible to "catch" psoriasis by touching a person afflicted with it.

63. Hautinfo - Beratung/Recherche
Zahlreiche Informationen zu den g¤ngigsten Hautkrankheiten wie Akne, Neurodermitis, psoriasis, Haarausfall und Hautpilz werden auf diesen Seiten angeboten.
Hautarzt, Hauterkrankungen, Hautkrankheiten, Hautkrebs, Hautpilz, Heuschnupfen, Infobroker, Juckreiz, Krankheit, Krebs, Neurodermitis, Schuppenflechte, Akne, Allergien, Ekzem, Ekzeme, Erkrankung, Haarausfall, Haut, Hautalterung, ,
Hautarzt, Hauterkrankungen, Hautkrankheiten, Hautkrebs, Hautpilz, Heuschnupfen, Infobroker, Juckreiz, Krankheit, Krebs, Neurodermitis, Schuppenflechte, Akne, Allergien, Ekzem, Ekzeme, Erkrankung, Haarausfall, Haut, Hautalterung, ,
Hautarzt, Hauterkrankungen, Hautkrankheiten, Hautkrebs, Hautpilz, Heuschnupfen, Infobroker, Juckreiz, Krankheit, Krebs, Neurodermitis, Schuppenflechte, Akne, Allergien, Ekzem, Ekzeme, Erkrankung, Haarausfall, Haut, Hautalterung, ,
Hautarzt, Hauterkrankungen, Hautkrankheiten, Hautkrebs, Hautpilz, Heuschnupfen, Infobroker, Juckreiz, Krankheit, Krebs, Neurodermitis, Schuppenflechte, Akne, Allergien, Ekzem, Ekzeme, Erkrankung, Haarausfall, Haut, Hautalterung, ,
Hautarzt, Hauterkrankungen, Hautkrankheiten, Hautkrebs, Hautpilz, Heuschnupfen, Infobroker, Juckreiz, Krankheit, Krebs, Neurodermitis, Schuppenflechte, Akne, Allergien, Ekzem, Ekzeme, Erkrankung, Haarausfall, Haut, Hautalterung, ,
Hautarzt, Hauterkrankungen, Hautkrankheiten, Hautkrebs, Hautpilz, Heuschnupfen, Infobroker, Juckreiz, Krankheit, Krebs, Neurodermitis, Schuppenflechte, Akne, Allergien, Ekzem, Ekzeme, Erkrankung, Haarausfall, Haut, Hautalterung

64. Psoriasis
psoriasis is a skin condition that causes thick, silvery scales to form over redskin. It can occur anywhere on the body and also cause problems with nails
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65. Psoriasis Cure Remission Treatment For Psoriasis Skin Problems
Offers treatment program presentation to the St. Louis psoriasis network group, as presented by Ken Kessler.
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Psoriasis CURE REMISSION Disease Condition Treatment Program. Portuguêses Italiano Españoles Français Deutsch
I was invited by the Saint Louis Psoriasis Network Group to speak about my COMPLETE
story and presented materials about how my sons and myself went into remission after I developed
a new treatment using an FDA APPROVED DRUG redirected.
Psoriasis: Common Questions You Ask

Common Answers You Are Told! - Click Here

For ECZEMA Help, Click Here

CANCER Break through, Click Here
My treatment records from my Dermatologist and MY MEDICAL FIND was sent to TWO TOP PSORIATIC RESEARCH SCIENTISTS at the UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE, Department of MEDICINE (DERMATOLOGY) for further clinical evaluation. After a SEVEN YEAR extensive CLINICAL EVALUATION of MY MEDICAL FIND, these PSORIATIC DOCTORS reported that SEVEN OUT OF NINE patients with PSORIASIS were CLEARED and/or SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED.

66. Psoriasis Treatment, There Is No Psoriasis Cure.
psoriasis treatment with phototherapy, there is no psoriasis cure. We offerdetailed psoraisis phototherapy treatment information.

67. Psoriasis Can Be Cured
Dr. Robert Connolly details a treament plan for this skin disorder, based on diet and herbal supplements.

68. Psoriasis
American Osteopathic College of Dermatology skin disease database psoriasis isa common skin condition where the skin develops areas that become thick
[ click a disease picture to see larger view ]
Psoriasis is a common skin condition where the skin develops areas that become thick covered with silvery scales. It is a common problem, and millions of people in the United States have psoriasis. The course of psoriasis is quite variable, but in most sufferers it is a chronic problem that continues for years. The presence of psoriasis can cause emotional distress.
Psoriasis is considered a skin disease, but really it is the result of a disordered immune system. The T-cells, a type of white blood cell, become over-stimulated. They then direct the skin to try and "heal" a non-existent injury. The skin reacts the same way it does when it has a fungus infection; it grows very fast, trying to "grow" the infection off the skin. These areas become the reddened, inflamed, patches with white scale on them.
There are several ways psoriasis can start. In most sufferers, the tendency to get psoriasis is inherited. It is not passed on in a simple, direct way like hair color, but involves multiple genes. For this reason, it is not always clear from whom one inherited it. Inherited psoriasis usually starts in older childhood or as a young adult. Sometimes, especially in children, a virus or strep throat triggers brief attacks of tiny spots of psoriasis.
In middle-aged older adults, a non-hereditary type of psoriasis can develop. This changes more rapidly than the inherited form, varying in how much skin is involved more unpredictably. Most types of psoriasis show some tendency to come and go, with variable intensity over time.

69. Psoriasis Connections Connecting You To People Who Understand
We¹re connecting you with people who understand psoriasis medical experts whostudy it, ordinary people who live with it, and their spouses, friends,

70. Psoriasis And Psoriatic Arthritis OnLine Toolbox: Home Page
Tools for accessing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis information online.
Welcome on this page How it works The Toolbox contains research tools for finding psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis-related information on the Internet. Within the pages of this web site you will find annotated links to pages on other web sites and search forms that search material on other web sites. When you select an external link or use a search form, the targeted page or search results will be displayed in a new unframed browser window. The Tools
  • Search Tools
    Search Tools is a compilation of search forms that retrieve information from online resources containing information about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Using a search form will retrieve information from the associated web site, and display search results from that web site in a new unframed browser window. Use the drop down menu at the top of the Search Tools page as a shortcut to jump to search tool categories.

71. Seniors Health - Emergency Care, Therapy, Fatique, Nursing Home, Older, Aging,
Dr. INet cares about well being of its senior members and has approved psoriasis links that provide exceptional information on senior healthcare.
Dr I-Net Our Services Disease Management Women's Health Men's Health Home ... Protected Search Results : "Senior's Health" Seniors will gain a great deal by taking charge of their medical records. Keeping your records on Dr. I-Net is like keeping a journal of every interaction with your healthcare provider. It is time to give your medical profile the attention it deserves. A major foccus of Dr. I-Net is to empower seniors to take charge of their health information. This will help them become conversant with current health issues. Furthermore, it will allow them to educate themselves on topics such as primary care, geriatric assessment services, community-based health and wellness programs, care for acute conditions and chronic disease and arrangements for long-term care. Dr. I-Net cares about well being of it's senior members and has approved links that provide exceptional information on senior healthcare. Senior Health Information

72. Psoriasis. DermNet NZ
Authoritative facts about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society.
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DermNet NZ
Authoritative facts
about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated Home For patients For doctors ... Site map Search:
Scaly lumpy
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a common, chronic, scaly rash that affects people of all ages (about 2% of the population). There is a genetic predisposition to psoriasis i.e. it tends to run in families. Psoriasis is also influenced by many environmental factors. It is not contagious and is not due to an allergy. The most common ages for psoriasis to first appear are in the late teens and in the 50s. It affects men and women equally, although in children, girls are more commonly affected than boys. Psoriasis is often so mild it is barely noticed by the affected person, but it can occasionally so severe the patient must be admitted to hospital for treatment. It may or may not be itchy. About 5% of those with psoriasis will also develop joint pains ( psoriatic arthritis ), which may involve one or more joints. This can be very debilitating. Psoriasis
What does psoriasis look like?

73. DermatologyChannel, Your Dermatology Community - Skin Care, Skin Disorders
Information regarding a variety of diagnosis, including acne, birthmarks, fungal infections, and psoriasis.
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... Viral Infections RESOURCES Anatomy Clinical Trials Dermatology Forum Glossary ... What Is a Dermatologist? FOR DOCTORS ONLY Website Services Get Listed in MDLocator ABOUT US Testimonials dermatology channel provides comprehensive, trustworthy information about skin care and conditions that affect the skin, such as acne psoriasis , and skin cancer , and treatment options, including cosmetic procedures. A medical information website of, Inc., dermatology channel is developed and monitored by board-certified physicians. For reliable health care information about other conditions, such as allergies, asthma , and conditions that affect seniors (e.g., Alzheimer's disease osteoporosis ), go to Healthcommunities' newest websites, and American Red Cross Hurricane Relief Effort Click here for information about IvyComplete™ , a three product kit for the prevention and treatment of poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac.

74. Nail Psoriasis. DermNet NZ
Authoritative facts about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society.
@import url("/common/screen.css");
DermNet NZ
Authoritative facts
about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated Home For patients For doctors ... Site map Search:
Nail psoriasis
What is nail psoriasis?
Psoriatic nail dystrophy mainly occurs in patients whom also suffer from psoriasis of the skin. Less than 5% of patients have solely psoriasis of the nails. It is commonly (53-86%) seen in patients with psoriatic arthritis especially when the arthritis affects the fingers and toes.
Total nail destruction
Subungual hyperkeratosis
Onycholysis Psoriatic nails
What are the signs and symptoms?
The nail unit is made up of several parts; nail plate, nail bed, hyponychium, nail matrix, nail folds, cuticle, anchoring portion of the nail bed, and distal phalangeal bones. Signs of nail psoriasis vary according to the part of the nail affected and the nature of the deformity. Sign/symptom Site Features Oil drop or salmon patch Nail bed Translucent yellow-red discoloration in the nail bed, resembles drop of oil under nail plate Pitting Proximal nail matrix Loss of parakeratotic cells from surface of nail plate Beau's lines Proximal nail matrix Transverse lines in nails due to intermittent inflammation causing growth arrest lines Leukonychia Midmatrix disease Areas of white nail plate due to foci of parakeratosis within the body of the nail plate Subungual hyperkeratosis Hyponychium and nail bed

75. Psoriasis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Around a quarter of people with psoriasis also suffer from psoriatic arthritis, This form of psoriasis can be genuinely dangerous, since the extreme
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Photograph of an arm covered with plaque psoriasis Psoriasis is a disease whose main symptom is gray or silvery flaky patches on the skin which are red and inflamed underneath. In the United States , it affects 2 to 2.6 percent of the population, or between 5.8 and 7.5 million people. Commonly affected areas include the scalp elbows knees navel ... ears and groin . Psoriasis is autoimmune in origin, and is not contagious. Around a quarter of people with psoriasis also suffer from psoriatic arthritis , which is similar to rheumatoid arthritis in its effects. Psoriasis was first given that name in complete differentiation from other skin conditions by the Austrian dermatologist Ferdinand von Hebra in , although there are what are believed to be descriptions of the disease in sources going back to ancient Roman and possibly even biblical times.

76. PSO-online, Informationsdienst Für Schuppenflechte
N¼tzliche Seiten f¼r Menschen mit Schuppenflechte (psoriasis) und alle, die sich f¼r die damit verbundenen Probleme interessieren.

77. Food Remedies: Psoriasis
WholeHealthMd, Within in our Healing Centers you will discover a broad range ofways to manage over 100 health conditions and illnesses using integrative,1459,539,00.html
Kitchen only Advanced Search
Psoriasis Diet may be important in the management of psoriasis. Researchers have recommended antioxidants, beta-carotene, folate, omega-3 fatty acids , and zinc as nutritional factors that may play a role in the prevention and management of psoriasis. In addition, since copper metabolism may be influenced by zinc intake, it is important to also consume foods rich in copper. Fortunately, zinc food sources also provide copper. There is some evidence that a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in animal protein may be helpful. Since a low fiber diet and psoriasis have been associated with toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, a fiber-rich diet is recommended. Dietary fiber is essential in maintaining a healthy colon; fiber helps bind bowel toxins and eliminate them in the feces. Soluble fiber , such as psyllium, pectin, and guar gum, is especially useful in binding toxins. Mega-Recipes
We believe that it's possible to manage and/or improve certain conditions through what you eat. When we create "Mega-Recipes" for an ailment, we strive to include the maximum number of the nutrients that are shown to have benefit for that ailment. We also expect the Mega-Recipe to contain at least 25% of recommended intakes for those nutrients. See the list of recipes that have met our criteria for this ailment.

78. Advances In Psoriasis Treatment
The Dermatology Online Journal provides a professionally researched review ofprescription and nonprescription treatments, listing the efficacy of each

Advances in Psoriasis Treatment
Steven Feldman,M.D.,Ph.D
Dermatology Online Journal 6(1): 4
Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, Director, Psoriasis Treatment Center Director, Westwood-Squibb Center for Dermatology Research Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC
Psoriasis is a complex disorder,a multigenic phenomenon in which certain infectious, pharmaceutical, and recreational (alcohol,cigarettes) agents may play an important role as triggers. In addition, patients commonly point out the role of stress in psoriatic flares.[ ] Dry skin appears to act similarly to other skin injuries in initiating Koebnerization. When initiating psoriasis therapy, psychosocial factors such as stress and alcohol use should be addressed as well as the other precipitating factors. Quality of life in psoriasis There is growing emphasis on quality of life research in all of medicine, and psoriasis impacts on every dimension of health-related quality of life.[ ] In my patient population, many of my patients are spending an hour a day taking care of their psoriasis and are using numerous treatments (including alternative medicines).[

79. Unión Psoriasis
Foros, chats y encuestas por y para aquellos con la enfermedad.
[Indice] [Encuestas] [Foro] La web Unión Psoriasis está dedicada a todos los que padecen la enfermedad de la psoriasis. El objetivo es crear un centro de reunión virtual en el que todos los psoriásicos puedan participar mediante los foros , las encuestas y los chats . En esta web no ofrecemos ninguna medicina , ni milagro que cure la psoriasis . Pero si ofrecemos la esperanza de que algún día próximo tengamos solución a esta enfermedad. Mientras esa solución llega , podemos ayudarnos unos a otros exponiendo en los foros , chats y encuestas todas nuestras inquietudes , preguntas, y respuestas sobre la psoriasis. Deseamos que la participación sea la máxima posible , porque así sabremos y conoceremos más sobre esta enfermedad. Hemos comprobado que las distintas medicinas no nos dan soluciones definitivas y que tampoco se molestan demasiado en hallar esa solución . Esta enfermedad se ha convertido en un gran negocio para los laboratorios farmacéuticos , médicos de las distintas medicinas y también por desgracia en negocio para mucha gente sin escrúpulos que se gana la vida vendiendo falsos milagros . Por ese motivo debemos estar unidos , porque al estar unidos sabremos más cosas , conoceremos más la enfermedad , no estaremos solos porque sabremos que hay más personas que padecen lo mismo . Como podréis comprobar en esta enfermedad no se invierten grandes cantidades de dinero para su investigación y curación . Las grandes cantidades de dinero las invertimos nosotros en el pago de los médicos y las medicinas. Ningún sistema sanitario oficial y no oficial nos ofrece nada nuevo, y para ser más concretos "no hacen nada por esta enfermedad". Nos han dejado solos con la psoriasis , aunque muchos viven de nosotros por decirlo de alguna forma. La única solución que se nos ha ocurrido es hacer una web donde poder reunirnos y expresarnos . Y quizás entre unos y otros podamos sentirnos mejor y luchar con más fuerza contra la psoriasis.

80. PSORIASIS 1) Miscellaneous 2) Ketaconazole 3) Saiko-ka-ryukotsu
Just as MTX poisons the psoriasis before it poisons the patient, The psychologicsupport at a psoriasis Treatment Center may be of particular value.
PSORIASIS 1) miscellaneous 2) Ketaconazole 3) Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to 4) Buspar 5) Pregnancy and prosiasis 6) Calcipotiol and tretinoin 7) Cimetidine 8) Psoriasis in Pregnancy 9) Childhood Psoriasis 10) The role of antibiotics in treatment 11) Antimalarials 12) Miscellaneous 13) Methotrexate 14) Anthralin 15) Tarzarotene 16) Phototherapy 17) Miscellaneous I need help with an overweight (230lb) 14 year old female with severe psoriasis. it is moderately inflamed but without pustules, and covers 90% of her body. her scalp has diffuse cement like scale. she is very distraugt, won't go out of the house, and is threatening suicide. her psoriasis was limited to her scalp until about 3 months ago. she has not responded to uvb, and there has been no response to empiric systemic antibiotics or antifungals (diflucan). i suppose puva would be the next best option, but i need to do something with quicker results. any thoughts on accutane, mtx, steroids, other. of course, topical options have been tried extensively, and she has recently developed some striae over her shoulders. - - MISCELLANEOUS - As a "crisis-buster" cyclosporine is often useful, assuming you have some level of comfort with the drug. Haven't used it in a 14 y.o. but had good response in an 18 y.o. Still not comfortable with it longer than 6-12 months, so MTX or PUVA likely still looms in the future. Others would argue that the post-CSA rebound is severe enought to make it a poor choice: at least in my far from extensive experience I haven't yet had big problems with this. No Steroids! Mark Ling MD How about putting her on a very low calorie diet? During WWII, people who were on protein-deficient, calorie-deficient diets lost their psoriasis, which they regained when they went back on a normal diet. Just as MTX poisons the psoriasis before it poisons the patient, you can starve the psoriasis before the patient suffers from starvation. She will look and feel much better at half her present weight! Yelva Linfield MD - At our Psoriasis Treatment Center, it is likely that we would treat her as an inpatient for about 1 week followed by a 3-5 week course of Goeckerman treatments. If a prolonged remission ensued, great. If not, we would consider home UVB to maintain the remission. The psychologic support at a Psoriasis Treatment Center may be of particular value. Steve Feldman MD Regarding the obese suicidal 14 yr old female with 90% psoriasis, I would suggest re-PUVA, with short term Accutane substituted for Tegison due to Accutane's shorter half life. In addition, consider Drithoscalp with shower cap occlusion as tolerated to her "cement-like" scalp. Phili Hughe MD Regarding the recent request re nail psoriasis I would add that intalesional injections of 2.5 mg TMC in the proximal nail fold on a 4 to 6 week interval can be most useful for nail psoriasis of the matrix type, not of the nail bed type or distal onycholytic type. I have at least 2 patients going at any one time and we get could results and amazingly well tolerated. You can use a little cold spray at first but after a awhile it seems to be part of the routine. Caveat is to not get a level too deep where you inject below the nail and separate the nail from the proximal matrix since this causes acute pain and local hemorrhage which has to grow out. Relating to the query on the obese 14 year old I find the problem to multi focal. Having live through this 3 times in the last several years I will generally state that 14 year olds, esp girls are not well balanced anyway. Anytreatment for this young lady should be done along with appropriate psychological support because if the tx doesn't work you have a more depressed child. Doesn't it remind you of the VA derm clinic chicken or egg argument "Does alcohol cause psoriasis or psoriasis cause alcoholism?" As far as retinoids in this patient you may be doomed to failure because the lipids will likely go off the scale. My experience with accutane in obese teens is that they quickly send their trigs skyward. Certainly all the other suggestions are excellent and we all wish you luck. L.J. Gregg MD - In regards to psoriasis of the nails, I have found that Temovate applied BID to the proximal nail fold is as effective as injecting it, and far less painful. Steven D. Emmet, M.D. - I would add my opinion that serum androgens need checking and that spironolactone may be of some value but I have never found it to be good mono therapy, even at 200mg/day. I currently figure accutane courses using the 125mg/kg dose using the formula Wt. in kg x 125mg divided by the daily dose then divided by 7 to get the # of weeks. I also agree with the earlier writer that higher doses may be of value since when we started using accutane in the 80's I was using 2mg/kg and none of those patients relapsed that I know of. Cost , side effects and current package inserts and articles support the 125mg/kg total dose as providing the best balance, not necessarily the most long remissions. L.J. Gregg MD - How about Dovonex/PUVA? Safer then retinoids or MTX, and appears to have promise. Daniel F Mitchell MD I have been treating patients with psoriasis for more than 45 years. I have seen only one male patient with psoriasis of the nuchal scalp! All the rest are women. Has anyone seen male patients with psoriasis of the nuchal scalp? And, if it is uncommon in men, why? Jerry Litt MD - Sorry. Although I do not have 45 years of experience treating psoriasis, I have at least ten patients in my practice with psoriasis of the nuchal scalp. Here in Montreal, I get these patients mostly during the winter, when men wear either tuques (hats made of synthetic materials), headbands made out of synthetic material or fur hats. I wonder if there is a link either to irritation, or hypersensitivity to material. But what is always striking to me is that the nuchal scalp is the most significantly affected in these men. Warren Winkelman, MD, FRCPC Department of Dermatology Montreal General Hospital - I currently have a 70 yr. old male patient with nuchal psoriasis which goes into remission with a couple of hot quartz light treatments. Other approaches (anthralin, tar, steroids) have failed. Philip Hughes, M.D. - Update on a case I put on this list about 6 months ago. a suicidal 15 year old with total body psoriasis. she had failed all treatment, including puva. after much deliberation, cyclosporine was chosen over mtx. she did not respond to5mg/kg/day, and became toxic with neurologic side effects including loss of balance. she was referred to dr. john koo of univ. of calif san francisco, and cleared within 25 day with crude coal tar 2-5%. she could not tolerate even small amounts of uvb. her treatment was undertaken at a psoriasis day care center. she will continue coal tar (lcd totally uneffective) at home. William Liss MD Sulfasalazine 3g/d works well for about 1/3 of patients after a couple of months, and can also help psoriatic arthritis. Can cause temporary infertility in men while they are taking it. Ranitidine 300 bid works ok for about 1/3 - 1/2 after up to 6 months - had an AIDS patient resistant to other Rx do great on it. I use the 75 mg / 5 ml syrup for kids [minty taste - they seem to like it] - works for molluscum contagiosa also. Dovonex w/10% urea and sometimes also 2.5% HC bid on and around but NOT UNDER nails works great if used faithfully [I might post the photos when I get my web page up and running]. Th also works well on really thick plaques, and sometimes also on pustulosis palmaris et plantaris. I've used Dovonex cream on the face, in the axillae and genital area and also on the scalp with good results and no big problems in lots of patients. I've sent ~8 patients for tonsilectomy, and had only one who didn't improve much [but even she was pleased to have less sore throats]. Don't forget intralesional kenalog 3 mg/ml for tough spots [up to 6 ml every month]. Remind patients that they don't HAVE to get 100% cleared up - just as much as they want, and remind them that you can sometimes get 90% of your side effects trying to get rid of the last 10% of your symptoms [this advice is useful in a lot of other derm conditions too]. Tazarotene gel [Allergan] is going to be very useful. I wonder if electron beam would be good for the 1 in a thousand with horrendous resistant cases. I wonder about Grenz ray for PPP. KC Smith MD FRCPC Niagara Falls ON KETACONAZOLE Not necessarily quirky but under appreciated is the role of ketaconozole and perhaps other systemic anti yeast agents in the treatment of intertriginous disease. For the past several years I have used these agents on almost all patients presenting with this pattern or with exacerbations of this pattern and have been able to give great relief. On courses longer that 10 days I do the appropriate studies to r/o liver toxicity. The success with scalp disease that is inflamed is almost as good. I do certainly find cases that also improve with antibiotic tx but not as often and with anti yeast.. L. J. Gregg, MD Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to Treatment for psoriatic lesions on the face My choice is "Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to" the Japanese traditional herbal medicine (Kampo formula - TJ-12 ). Most of the psoriatic patients were treated topically with the ointment containing the vitamin-D derivative and corticosteroid combined with "Ou-ren-gedoku-to"-Kampo TJ-15. PUVA, UVB-irradiation, RePUVA and PUVA combined with the topical vitamin-D derivative were also effective. The facial lesion with a severe form of psoriasis inclusive of psoriatic erythroderma was hard to cure. A 24-year-old man with psoriatic erythroderma who had both the high temperature of 38 to 40 degrees C and the facial lesion of psoriasis from 10 years old was treated by UVB primary in our institution. The temporary improvement was seen, however the heigh temperature and the facial erythema lasted. "Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to" was administered for sleeplessness, and subsequently the decrease of temperature with a considerable reduction of the face erythema was presented. "Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to" was thought to be a minor tranquilizer in Kampo, although no distinct cause of improving facial lesions of psoriasis was shown. Several trials of "Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to" to the psoriatic patients with facial lesions revealed that the effectiveness lasted on the face irrespective of illness on the other sites. Eiichi Yagi MD Akita Red Cross, Japan. That's interesting! But does anyone have any other suggestion for children

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