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         Psoriasis:     more books (100)
  1. So You'Ve Got Psoriasis (Martin Dunitz Medical Pocket Books) by R. Williams, 1999-03-30
  2. Psoriasis by Charles Camisa, 1993-12
  3. Conquering Psoriasis: An Illustrated Guide to the Understanding and Control of Psoriasis
  4. Therapy of Moderate-to-Severe-Psoriasis, Second Edition
  5. Hidden Affects in Somatic Disorders: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Asthma, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Cerebrovascular Disease, and Other Disorders. by Luis A. Chiozza, 1998-10-15
  6. Psoriasis (Natural Way Series) by Hilary Bower, 1996-11
  7. Contemporary Diagnosis And Management Of Psoriasis by et al John Koo, 2004-01-01
  8. Current Issues In Dermatology: Psoriasis by Stephenie Munn, Katharine Acland Tony Chu, 1997-01-01
  9. How I Overcame Psoriasis by Kent Trussell, 2001-12-31
  10. Practical Psoriasis Therapy by Nicholas J. Lowe, 1992-12
  11. The 2010-2015 Outlook for Psoriasis Drugs in Africa by Icon Group International, 2009-05-28
  12. The 2010 Report on Psoriasis Drugs: World Market Segmentation by City by Icon Group International, 2009-07-06
  13. The 2010-2015 Outlook for Psoriasis Drugs in The Americas & the Caribbean by Icon Group International, 2009-05-29
  14. The 2010-2015 World Outlook for Psoriasis Drugs by Icon Group International, 2009-07-07

41. Psoriasis Resources -
Get the facts about psoriasis from Learn about psoriasistreatments, get tips for coping with psoriasis, join an online community,

Egroup for chatting with and finding other guys who suffer from psoriasis.
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43. SkinCell Psoriasis
Discussion groups and a realtime chat room dedicated to psoriasis and relatedskin conditions. Also features links to webcasts and educational multimedia.
Psoriasis Main Forum Information
Pronounced: Sor-eye-ah-sis
Psoriasis is a chronic (long term) skin disorder for which there is no known medically proven cure.
The name of the disease originates from the Greek Psora which means to to itch and is classed as a non-contagious skin disease.
There are various different forms of Psoriasis , each with their own particular symptoms, physical manifestations and methods of treatment.
It is currently believed (although not statistically proven) that Psoriasis affects around 2 percent of the worlds population. In the United States it is estimated that around 7 million people suffer from one form or another of Psoriasis . In the United Kingdom, it is believed that around 1.2 million people suffer from this depressive and resistant disease. This figure is similarly reflected in many countries around the world.
With all forms of Psoriasis there appears to be a significant link between the disease and the sufferers mental wellness. Due to the nature of the disease and how it acts, sufferers often experience an elelment of depression, increased anxiety and stress levels. This in turn then causes the Psoriasis to increase, thus increasing the levels of stress and anxiety which in turn then may make the

44. SkinCell International Forum For Skin Disorders
Discussions for sufferers of skin disorders, including psoriasis, eczema, acne,and rosacea.
New Index Main Forum Links Information Video Gallery Picture Gallery
London - 7th July 2005
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SkinCell International Forum for Skin Disorders
An international non-profit discussion forum for ALL skin complaints including Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea and many others. Open to sufferers, their family and friends.
Origins of SkinCell
SkinCell International Forum for Skin Disorders was established in August 2002 because we saw that whilst there are many very informative and resourceful sites on the Web, very few concentrated on the psychological trauma that we skin sufferers face. The majority of those great sites specialise in a single skin condition, a few concentrate on all dermatological conditions, even fewer address the serious issue of patient well-being. Here at SkinCell we have attempted to make available to all skin sufferers and their families an open and free forum where they can discuss any skin disorder or disease they choose.
The Forum
SkinCell offers a lively and friendly Forum for its members including:
  • Skin and General Health discussions Member Profiles; including Username, Country of origin, personal avatars, home web site links, posting history etc

Informa sulla malattia, sulle terapie e sulle diagnosi. Forum, chat, news, Faq. Elenca i centri specializzati.

46. Psoriasis Scotland Arthritis Link Volunteers
Aims to support and gather up to date information for psoriasis sufferers in Scotland and to inform the public and media about the problems sufferers face on a daily basis.

47. EMedicine - Psoriasis : Article By Randy Park, MD
psoriasis psoriasis is a noncontagious skin disorder that most commonly appearsas inflamed, edematous skin lesions covered with a silvery white scale.
(advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Emergency Medicine Dermatology
Last Updated: October 4, 2004 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: discoid psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 11 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Randy Park, MD , Chair, Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Denton Regional Medical Center Editor(s): Dana A Stearns, MD , Assistant Director of Undergraduate Education, Assistant, Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD , Senior Pharmacy Editor, eMedicine; Mark W Fourre, MD , Program Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, Maine Medical Center, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Vermont School of Medicine; John Halamka, MD

48. Sfhd - La Naissance Du Psoriasis
Texte de la conf©rence du docteur Daniel Wallach prononc©e le 3 d©cembre 1997 aux journ©es dermatologiques de Paris (JDP).
Conférence non publiée
prononcée le 3 décembre 1997 aux Journées Dermatologiques de Paris
Robert Willan (1757-1812) fondateur de la dermatologie moderne, décrivit et dénomma le psoriasis en 1805.
Auparavant, de nombreux textes parlent de maladies de peau, mais de façon trop vague pour qu'il soit possible d'y identifier le psoriasis, ni d'ailleurs aucune autre maladie.
La Bible est le plus célèbre de ces textes. Le chapitre 13 du Lévitique est consacré à la lèpre. Ce mot, traduction de l'hébreu "Zaraath" ne désigne pas l'actuelle lèpre (maladie de Hansen) mais une impureté au sens large (le même terme s'applique à la lèpre des vêtements, ou à la lèpre des habitations). Cette impureté, attestée par le prêtre, a un sens très précis:
Si un homme perd ses cheveux, il a la tête chauve; il est pur; s'il perd ses cheveux sur le devant, il a le front dégarni; il est pur; mais s'il se forme dans sa calvitie, au sommet de la tête ou sur le front, un mal d'un blanc rougeâtre, c'est une lèpre qui est en train de bourgeonner ( .... ) c'est un lépreux, il est impur; le prêtre le déclare impur; le mal l'a frappé à la tête.
Le lépreux ainsi malade doit avoir ses vêtements déchirés, ses cheveux défaits, sa moustache découverte, et il doit crier: "Impur! Impur!"; il est impur aussi longtemps que le mal qui l'a frappé est impur ; il habite à part et établit sa demeure hors du camp.

49. EMedicine - Psoriasis, Plaque : Article By Harvey Lui, MD, FRCPC
psoriasis, Plaque psoriasis is a common, chronic, relapsing, inflammatory skindisorder with a strong genetic basis. The plaque type is the most common,
(advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Dermatology Papulosquamous Diseases
Psoriasis, Plaque
Last Updated: November 5, 2004 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: psoriasis vulgaris, chronic stable plaque psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, epidermal hyperproliferation, dermal inflammation, pustular psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 11 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Harvey Lui, MD, FRCPC , Head, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Center, University of British Columbia Coauthor(s): Adam Mamelak, MD , Staff Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School Harvey Lui, MD, FRCPC, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Dermatology , and American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Editor(s): Mark G Lebwohl, MD

50. Betamethasone Valerate Foam Effective In Some Psoriasis Patients
Article describing the results of this double blind study.

51. Psoriasis Society Of Canada
A Canadian charity that organizes annual fundraisers such as the National psoriasisWalk. Members receieve a subscription to their newsletter along with

52. The Psoriasis Centre
Specialist skin condition treatment centre offering products advice and online ordering for all chronic skin conditions psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and headlice.

53. AAD - Psoriasis
Some cases, of psoriasis are so mild that people don’t know they have it. Normally, the skin replaces itself in about 30 days, but in psoriasis,

54. Dry Skin Only- Moisturizing Skin Gel For Individuals With Eczema, Ashy Skin, Onc
Moisturizing skin gel for individuals with eczema, ashy skin, oncology patients, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and sensitive skin.
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Detailing the modern Chinese approach to treating psoriasis. Includes clinicalfeatures, testing methods, and condition management.
Social Hygiene Handbook - 2nd Edition PSORIASIS CHAPTER 4 1. INTRODUCTION Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause. It is now considered to be due to T-lymphocytes mediated disease of abnormal keratinocyte proliferation in genetic predisposed subject. In 1995, Psoriasis is the sixth commonest skin condition found in all new cases attending dermatology clinics of Social Hygiene Service (4.18% of all new cases) and it is one of the common skin diseases worldwide. Although there is no study in the documentation of the exact number of psoriatic patients or prevalence of the disease in Hong Kong , the disease is commonly presented even in the primary care setting. There had been analysis in the figure of some local dermatology clinics of Social Hygiene Service in 1974 to 1976 and comparison with some of the larger cities in China Taiwan and Japan claiming the number of psoriasis in the Mongoloid race to be around 0.3% or well below 1%. 2. CLINICAL FEATURE Psoriasis is a chronic erythemato-squamous condition characterized by sharply circumscribed salmon pink patches, plaques covered with silvery scales. The onset of the disease is usually gradual and becomes noticeable by the patient from 30 years onwards. However, in patient with family history positive for psoriasis, there may be earlier onset at teenager or even below ten. In these cases, the prognosis is worse. From a study in

56. Psoriasis Project
Agenzia di comunicazione pubblicitaria con uffici a Milano e Roma.

57. HealthTalk Psoriasis Information Network - Your Guide To Psoriasis Symptoms, Tre
Audio webcast interviews on selected topics including treatment options, withwritten transcripts.
var gMenuControlID=0; var menus_included = 0; var jsPageAuthorMode = 0; var jsSessionPreviewON = 1; var jsDlgLoader = '/psoriasis/loader.cfm'; var jsSiteID = 3; var jsSubSiteID = 5; var kurrentPageID = 1766; document.CS_StaticURL = ""; document.CS_DynamicURL = ""; Select a Network Asthma Cancer Breast Cancer CLL Colon Cancer Lung Cancer Lymphoma Multiple Myeloma Prostate Cancer Supportive Care Other Cancers Crohn's Disease Multiple Sclerosis Psoriasis Rheumatoid Arthritis Stay up to date with our free newsletter. Get a Grip with Arthritis-Friendly Products : From computer mice to medicine bottles, household products can minimize pain and help you overcome disabilities caused by psoriatic arthritis. Have you been diagnosed with depression?
Welcome to the Psoriasis Information Network Whether you're living with psoriasis or caring for someone with this disease, you'll find the latest information and resources right here. The Latest on Psoriasis Ongoing research continues to improve treatment options. Learn about clinical trials and new developments.

58. Psoriasis Genetics Page
Research data, articles, and resources. Also offers details from the Familialpsoriasis Study at the University of Michigan.

59. Psoriasis Vereniging Nederland Afdeling: Friesland - Midden Noord
Afdeling Friesland Midden Noord.
Welkom op de website van Psoriasis Vereniging Nederland Afdeling Friesland - Midden Noord Kies uw gewenste taal Nederlands Fries Binnen 20 seconden wordt u automatisch doorgelinkt naar de Nederlandse site Deze site is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 28-aug-2005

60. Psoriasis Pictures
EXAMPLES OF psoriasis Although psoriasisaffected toenails can look verysimilar to this, people with athlete s foot may have similar-appearing toenails

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