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Portal-systemic Encephalopathy: more detail |
81. DUPHALAC DRY In portal systemic encephalopathy administration of large doses of Duphalacresults in a significant reduction in the pH of the colonic contents. http://home.intekom.com/pharm/schering/duph-dry.html | |
82. Untitled Document Acute and chronic portal systemic encephalopathy. Lamictal (UK US) ManufacturerGlaxo Wellcome Treatment Class Psychopharmacologic and Neurologic (CNS) http://www.cgi-installer-software.com/sites/hospitalweb/html/Pharmaceutical data | |
83. Untitled Document Acute and chronic portal systemic encephalopathy. Lactugal. (UK) Manufacturer Galen. Treatment Class Gastrointestinal Tract , Laxative. http://www.cgi-installer-software.com/sites/hospitalweb/html/Pharmaceutical data | |
84. SK+F Pharmaceuticals Ltd.[Laxitol] Acute and chronic portal systemic encephalopathy. In portal systemicencephalopathy The dose should be adjusted according to the severity of the http://www.skfbd.com/product/laxitol.html | |
85. Encephalopathy-drugs.html Mental state gradation, portal systemic encephalopathy index (PSEI), ABSTRACTBACKGROUND Portal systemic encephalopathy (PSE) is a complex http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/encephalopathy-drugs.html | |
86. Virtual Cancer Centre - Drugs Portal systemic encephalopathy 30-45ml 3-4 times daily. - Initially themedication may be given more often, even up to hourly, but this will be reduced http://www.virtualcancercentre.com/drugs.asp?drugid=85&type=generic |
87. Unit 4 including portal hypertension and portal systemic encephalopathy. Frank Papopolous GI bleeding and Hepatic encephalopathy associated with Liver http://mtsu32.mtsu.edu:11019/N460/unit4.html | |
88. Gammagard Settlement Notice - Definitions Of Qualifying Conditions Portal Systemic encephalopathy ( PSE ) is a brain syndrome due to liver disease.Proof of this condition shall require all of the following http://www.ssem.com/gammagard/settlement/notice/attachmenta.html | |
89. Alcoholism: Clinical And Experimental Research - UserLogin esophageal variceal bleeding, portal systemic encephalopathy), (73%)patients had ascites, and five (15%) had portal systemic encephalopathy. http://www.alcoholism-cer.com/pt/re/alcoholism/fulltext.00000374-200405000-00013 | |
90. Dr. Huma Qureshi---Paper Presentation Biochemical aspects of portal systemic encephalopathy XVI Biennial ConferencePakistan Medical Association Karachi, 2327th Nov. 1984 http://www.pmrc.org.pk/humaprestn.htm | |
91. Dr.Huma Qureshi---Publications and Renal functions in portal systemic encephalopathy (PSE) Pak. Qureshi H., Zuberi SJ Management of acute portal systemic encephalopathy . http://www.pmrc.org.pk/humapub.htm | |
92. The Medical Algorithms Project, Chapter1 The PSE (Portal Systemic encephalopathy) Index of Conn et al. Audiology.Indications for Audiologic Evaluation in Children http://www.medal.org/visitor/www/inactive/ch17.aspx | |
93. IM Abstract 39-5 Case Reports 10 Portal Systemic encephalopathy Presenting with Dressing and Constructional Apraxia.We report a case with portal systemic encephalopathy who presented with http://www.naika.or.jp/im/im39/ab3905/c390510.html | |
94. Alcohol Health & Research World: Liver-brain Relations In Alcoholics - Special F Portal systemic encephalopathy (PSE), the most common form of hepatic encephalopathy,is a cerebral complication of cirrhosis that causes disruption of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0847/is_n2_v14/ai_9858955 | |
95. Alcohol Health & Research World: Glossary - Special Focus: Alcohol And The Brain Portal systemic encephalopathy The most common form of hepatic encephalopathy.This cerebral complication of liver cirrhosis disrupts consciousness, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0847/is_n2_v14/ai_9858971 | |
96. ITU GasLink Guidelines For Fulminant Hepatic Failure And á manage associated problems (ARF, encephalopathy, GI bleeding) Blake A Jones.¤ Portal Systemic encephalopathy. ¤ Hepatic Failure. Cochrane Library. http://www.clinicalschool.swan.ac.uk/wics/itugl/liv.htm |
97. Karger Publishers and neomycin in the treatment of chronic portal systemic encephalopathy. tests in the assessment of mental state in portal systemic encephalopathy. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
98. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, Without Lactulose, a person with portal systemic encephalopathy could slip intoa coma caused by excess ammonia in the bloodstream. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=7th&navby=case&no=981154 |
99. Utility Of P300 Auditory Event Related Potential In Detecting Cognitive Dysfunct Conn HO, Lieberthal MM Pathogenesis of portal systemic encephalopathy . In The hepatic coma syndromes and lactulose. Baltimore Williams and Wilkins http://www.neurologyindia.com/article.asp?issn=0028-3886;year=2001;volume=49;iss |
100. ÃÀÑÒÐÎÝÍÒÅÐÎËÎÃÈß- ÏÐÈËÎÆÅÍÈÅ Ê CONSILIUM MEDICUM :: Lactitol or la?tulose in the treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy; vegan and meat protein diets in mild chronic portal systemic encephalopathy. http://www.consilium-medicum.com/media/gastro/04_01/20.shtml | |
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