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101. Oral Cancer - An Overview Approximately 6% of patients with oral cancer present with an enlarged cervical 36 oral cancer is rare in nonsmokers. 37 Alcohol is an independent risk http://www.baoms.org.uk/info/cancer/oralscc.html | |
102. ORAL CANCER: Dental Products To Help Patients Of Oral Cancer Or Dry Mouth From D dental products help sufferers of oral cancer or dry mouth including types of cancer, cancer treatment options, clinical trials, cancer literature, http://www.dentist.net/oral-cancer-care.asp | |
103. Cancer Research And Prevention Foundation: Healthy Living - Cancer Information - oral cancer affects nearly 30000 people a year, and more than 7000 will die oral cancer is usually diagnosed late, so it is important to maintain good http://www.preventcancer.org/healthyliving/cancerinfo/oral.cfm | |
104. ClinicalTrials.gov - Information On Clinical Trials And Human Research Studies: Search results for oral cancer ALLFIELDS are shown below. Conditions lip and oral cavity cancer; Salivary Gland Cancer; Precancerous Condition http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/search?term=oral cancer&submit=Search |
105. Oral Cancer oral cancer is cancer found in the oral cavity (the mouth area) and the oropharynx oral cancer, which can be deadly, is diagnosed in approximately 30000 http://www.holyname.org/health_information_resources/health_manuals/Men/oral.htm | |
106. Screening For Oral Cancer: Recommendation Statement. It is unlikely that controlled trials of screening for oral cancer will ever be Screening for oral cancer a brief evidence update for the US Preventive http://www.guideline.gov/summary/summary.aspx?view_id=1&doc_id=4775 |
107. CancerSource.com Oral Cancer Home oral cancer Research CenterLinks to other sites related to the oral cancer Research Center Web Page Created and Maintained by Doris I. Smith, Program Coordinator, oral cancer Research http://www.cancersource.com/zones/cancer.cfm?DiseaseID=11 |
108. Oral Health Fact Sheet - Oral Cancer oral cancer will be found in an estimated 30000 Americans this year and will Men develop oral cancer twice as often as women, and it occurs more often http://www.idph.state.il.us/HealthWellness/oralhlth/oralcancer.htm | |
109. [Clinical Preventive Services] Screening For Oral Cancer Alternative screening tests for oral cancer have been proposed, No controlled trials of screening for oral cancer that include data on clinical outcomes http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/texts/gcps/gcps0026.html | |
110. HOOAH 4 HEALTH: Dental Health: Oral Cancer Awareness And Prevention How can you protect yourself against oral cancer? There are three lines of defense knowledge, risk avoidance, and regular dental check-ups that include an http://www.hooah4health.com/prevention/disease/dentaldisease/oralcancer.htm | |
111. Palm-Nut Problem: Science News Online, Jan. 15, 2005 Asian chewing habit linked to oral cancer. Diana Parsell. Several hundred million people today oral cancer is relatively rare in Western countries. http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20050115/bob10.asp | |
112. Head And Neck/Oral Cancer, UPMC | University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pitts Information about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of head and neck cancers from the health care experts at UPMC Cancer Centers, http://headandneckcancer.upmc.com/ | |
113. Click2Houston.com - Health - Buddy Check: Free Oral Cancer Screenings March 14, 2005 Local 2 Launches Buddy Check Series On oral cancer Breast Cancer Risk FineTuned Study Mammos May Not Halt Breast Mental Health http://www.click2houston.com/health/4268926/detail.html | |
114. Screening For Oral Cancer Note Separate PDQ summaries on Prevention of oral cancer and Lip and oral cancer In Sri Lanka and India, 3 large studies of screening for oral cancer http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cancernet/304725.html | |
115. HealthyNJ--Information For Healthy Living--Oral Cancer oral cancer Because of delayed detection, 25% of oral cancers are fatal. Risk Factors 12%) of developing a second oral cancer. http://www.healthynj.org/dis-con/oralcancer/main.htm | |
116. ** Support For People With Oral And Head And Neck Cancer ** SPOHNC is a selfhelp organization for patients. Located in Locust Valley, New York. http://www.spohnc.org | |
117. Department Of Pathology. UTHSCSA Details oral and head and neck cancer consultative service at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. http://onepath.uthscsa.edu | |
118. Smoking, Sex And Reproduction: Fact Sheet No.7 - ASH ASHUK Factsheet covers smoking and cervical cancer, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, oral contraceptives, fetal growth and birth weight, spontaneous abortion, complications of pregnancy, perinatal mortality, secondhand smoke and pregnancy, children's health and long-term growth. http://www.ash.org.uk/html/factsheets/html/fact07.html | |
119. Tea-4-Health Home Information about tea and health from the UKbased Tea Council. Topics include nutritional value, antioxidant properties, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hydration, iron absorption, caffeine, and oral health. http://www.teahealth.co.uk/ | |
120. Mouth Cancer Awareness UK Mouth Cancer Patient Information Forum The RDOC Mouth cancer web site is a notfor-profit web site that aims to help patients and dentists find free information on mouth, oral, throat and other http://www.rdoc.org.uk/ | |
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