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81. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery: Spontaneous Tendon Ruptures In Alkaptonuria ochronosis, the musculoskeletal manifestation of alkaptonuria, is known to lead to The patient had no previous symptoms related to ochronosis. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3767/is_200308/ai_n9239086 | |
82. Cardiac Ochronosis Pathologic examination of the aortic leaflets revealed ochronosis (Fig. In conclusion, cardiac ochronosis is a very rare disease, but cardiac surgeons http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=548253 |
83. Alkaptonuric Ochronosis With Aortic Valve And Joint Replacements And Femoral Fra A diagnosis of ochronosis was made by radiological exam, The earliest verifiedcase of ochronosis was described in an Egyptian mummy dating to 1500 BC http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1069096 |
84. Argyria Localized argyria with pseudoochronosis. Leslie Robinson-Bostom, MD Ochre swollen homogenized collagen bundles resembling ochronosis have not been http://www.thedoctorsdoctor.com/diseases/argyria.htm | |
85. Karger Publishers A deficiency of HGAO induces homogentisic aciduria, ochronosis and arthritis 2 ochronosis is not limited to alkaptonuria and can be caused by several http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
86. Alkaptonuria AKU. Homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency. ochronosis, hereditary. Painted black Painted black Ocular ochronosis in alkaptonuria patients carrying http://www.gfmer.ch/genetic_diseases_v2/gendis_detail_list.php?cat3=18 |
87. Gms | | Ocular Ochronosis (Alkaptonury) Ocular ochronosis (Alkaptonury) globe rupture after blunt trauma. correspondingauthor K. AlSamir - University Eye Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf http://www.egms.de/en/meetings/dog2004/04dog691.shtml | |
88. Alkaptonuria - Descipher Health ochronosis Terms and Definitions at www.MedicalGlossary.orgochronosis Definitions and Terms. MedicalGlossary.org is designed as a free,browsable resource for all. The medical terms and definitions are not intended http://www.descipher.com/health/info/Ochronosis | |
89. Bioline International Official Site (site Up-dated Regularly) She was diagnosed to have ochronosis and was positive for urine HPLC (high profile Our case report highlights unusual cutaneous signs of ochronosis. http://www.bioline.org.br/request?ms05031 |
90. OCHRONOSIS Meaning And Definition - Dictionary - ELook.org Alkaptonuric ochronosis and multiple intracranial aneurysms.Alkaptonuric ochronosis is a heritable disorder of tyrosine metabolism, withvarious systemic abnorm http://www.elook.org/dictionary/ochronosis.html | |
91. Entrez PubMed Ochre swollen homogenized collagen bundles resembling ochronosis have not beenpreviously described. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to report a http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2 |
92. Aortic Valve Replacement In Cardiac Ochronosis -- Kim And Daenen 6 (11): 625 -- Two patients with generalized ochronosis developed cardiovascular symptoms relatedto cardiac ochronosis with aortic valvular stenosis. http://ejcts.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/6/11/625 | |
93. Ochronosis Of The Aorta -- Ghotkar Et Al. 23 (3): 423 -- European Journal Of Car Corresponding author. Tel. +44151-293-2391; fax +44-151-293-2254 e-mailvishvsanjay@hotmail.com. Key Words Alcaptonuria ochronosis Aortic stenosis http://ejcts.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/extract/23/3/423 | |
94. ATS -- Sign In Page Green aortic valve alcaptonuria (ochronosis) with severe aortic stenosis.Gregor Zünd, MDa , Andreas C. Schmid, MDa , Paul R. Vogt, MDa , Jürg Grünenfelder http://ats.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/full/67/6/1805 | |
95. OCHRONOSIS (Search FastHealth.com) OCHRONOSIS www.webstersonline-dictionary.org/definition/engl Aortic valve replacement for ochronosis of the aortic valve A patient with generalized ochronosis developed severe cardiovascular symptomsrelated to ochronotic deposits on the aortic valve and in the coronary http://www.fasthealth.com/dictionary/o/ochronosis.php | |
96. Arch Dermatol -- Abstract: Alkaptonuria With Extensive Ochronosis, April 1979, W Alkaptonuria with extensive ochronosis. HW Wyre Jr. A 59year-old woman withpreviously documented alkaptonuria was examined for extensive ochronosis of http://archderm.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/115/4/461 | |
97. Roche Lexikon Medizin, 5. Auflage http://www.gesundheit.de/roche/ro25000/r27348.000.html | |
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