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81. Survival In Nephroblastoma Treated According To The Trial And Study SIOP-9/GPOH The GPOH joined the SIOP nephroblastoma Trial and Study 9 in January 1989, Relapsefree survival by histology in unilateral nephroblastoma treated with http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/15/5/808 | |
82. Clinical Impact Of Histologic Subtypes In Localized Non-anaplastic Nephroblastom MIB1 and p27Kip1 Expression in nephroblastoma Survival in nephroblastomatreated according to the trial and study SIOP-9/GPOH with respect to relapse http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/12/3/311 | |
83. Gene: [11p13/WT1] Wilms Tumor Suppressor 1; Wilms Tumor 1 (nephroblastoma; Mesot Gene 11p13/WT1 Wilms tumor suppressor 1; Wilms tumor 1 (nephroblastoma;mesothelioma?); WAGR syndrome (MIM194072); DenysDrash syndrome (MIM194080); http://obi.img.ras.ru/humbio/hugen/11p13_WT1.htm | |
84. Gene: [00.0/WT3] Wilms Tumor Suppressor 3; Wilms Tumor 3 (nephroblastoma); [WT2 Gene 00.0/WT3 Wilms tumor suppressor 3; Wilms tumor 3 (nephroblastoma); WT2 .COM, 1 A form of autosomal dominant Wilms tumor that does not map to http://obi.img.ras.ru/humbio/hugen/00-0_WT3.htm | |
85. Wilms' Tumor child kidney tumor; child nephroblastoma; child wilms; child Wilms Tumor; childwilms tumor; Drash Syndrome; Kidney tumor; nephroblastoma http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/Wilms'_Tumor.html | |
86. Successful Management Of Inferior Vena Cava And Right Atrial Nephroblastoma Tumo Four patients presenting with advanced nephroblastoma were diagnosed as havingIVC involvement with tumor thrombus. Two of these patients had in addition http://www.meb.uni-bonn.de/cgi-bin/mycite?ExtRef=MEDL/92079854 |
87. Radiotherapy In The SIOP (International Society Of Pediatric Oncology) Nephrobla Radiotherapy in the SIOP (International Society of Pediatric Oncology) nephroblastomastudies a review. Jereb B, Burgers JM, Tournade MF, et al. http://www.meb.uni-bonn.de/cgi-bin/mycite?ExtRef=CLUI/200/09574 |
88. Wilms´ Tumor (Disease) - Detroit, Michigan nephroblastoma; Kidney tumor. Causes And Risk. Wilms´ tumor is one of the mostcommon tumors of the abdomen in children and the most common type of kidney http://www.henryfordhealth.org/12665.cfm | |
89. Iknowledgenow.com Searched for nephroblastoma matching All Words in Body, Title, in All Publications .Your search did not return any results. http://www.iknowledgenow.com/search.cfm?keywordlist=Nephroblastoma |
90. The National Toxicology Program: Home nephroblastoma; Click on the thumbnail, and then click the BACK button to A39174(%s).jpg (205256 bytes); This nephroblastoma is characterized by only http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/index.cfm?objectid=03C0C923-E8C9-D886-05375E72CC0263D0 |
91. Wilms' Tumor Definition. Wilms tumor is a cancerous tumor of the kidney that occurs in children.Alternative Names. nephroblastoma; Kidney tumor http://www.healthscout.com/ency/1/001575.html | |
92. Hypertension Associated With Increased Renin Concentrations In Nephroblastoma -- An infant with severe hypertension who had a nephroblastoma which was secretingactive nephroblastoma must be included in the differential diagnosis of http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/archdischild;66/4/525 | |
93. PEDIATRIE: CAS NEPHROBLASTOMA nephroblastoma . CT SCAN . nephroblastoma.,CTSCAN. Total 5 cas cliniques. Sommaire Pédiatrie. http://www.med.univ-rennes1.fr/cerf/iconocerf/idx/P/NEPHROBLASTOMA.html | |
94. All Showcase - Nephroblastoma nephroblastoma Medicine termsHealth and medicine terms and glossary - detailed Information on nephroblastoma. http://www.allshowcase.com/Health_and_Fitness/Conditions_and_Diseases/N/Nephrobl | |
95. Nephroblastoma nephroblastoma. Broader Terms. kidney neoplasm. Broader Terms. sarcoma.Narrower Terms. Wilms tumor. Scope Note. malignant kidney tumor made up of http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/Thesaurus/00005455.htm | |
96. DAGANATOK.hu - Biromedicina - [origo] - A Gyermekkori Daganatok és Kezelésük WILMStumor (nephroblastoma), 5/12. oldal WILMS-tumor (nephroblastoma) 6.Csontdaganatok 7. Retinoblasztóma 8. Csontvelo-transzplantáció http://www.origo.hu/daganatok/20050103gyermekkori.html?pIdx=4 |
97. ¬lɶµ½Cystic Partially Differentiated NephroblastomaÌ Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://hippo.med.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/~uro/html/meetings/2005morioka-kajihara.files/ | |
98. DNA Quantitation Of Wilms' Tumour (nephroblastoma) Using Flow Cytometry And Imag DNA quantitation of Wilms tumour (nephroblastoma) using flow cytometry and imageanalysis. S Gururangan, A Dorman, R Ball, B Curran, M Leader, http://jcp.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/45/6/498 | |
99. Possible Intraspinal Metastasis Of A Canine Spinal Cord Nephroblastoma -- Terrel Key words Basset Hound; metastasis; nephroblastoma; spinal cord. Spinal cordnephroblastoma is a rare neoplasm of the canine spinal cord that generally http://www.vetpathology.org/cgi/content/full/37/1/94 | |
100. EMedicine - Wilms Tumor : Article By Endre Z Neulander, MD Synonyms and related keywords nephroblastoma, WT, embryoma of the kidney, mixedtumor of the The partially differentiated cystic nephroblastoma (ie, http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3093.htm | |
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