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         Myelosyringosis:     more detail

21. Syringomyelia Information Diseases Database
myelosyringosis aka/or Spinal cord syrinx aka/or Syringohydromyelia. may causeor feature + (Follow link for list.) may be a risk factor for + (Follow link
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Syringomyelia information
8 synonyms or equivalents were found. Syringomyelia
Morvan disease
aka/or Myelosyringosis aka/or Spinal cord syrinx aka/or Syringohydromyelia Syringomyelia: Definition(s) via UMLS Code translations and terms via UMLS Syringomyelia: specific web sites Send Syringomyelia to medical search engines (JavaScript enabled browsers only.) If your browser has no JavaScript you can still use these: Search using Internet medical databases Search using Internet search engines (non-specialist) We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the Health On the Net Foundation Valid XHTML 1.0 Served 2005-09-09 12:58:42 View metadata Last major update 2005-09-03. The medical information here is presented for education, background reading and general interest. The Diseases Database is not a diagnostic or clinical decision-making tool. Please consult your own licensed physician regarding diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition!

22. Disease, Medication, Symptom Etc Database Index : M Diseases Database
myelosyringosis see Syringomyelia MyenbergAltherr-Uehlinger syndrome seePolychondritis Myhre syndrome Myhrman-Zetterholm disease see Korean hemorrhagic
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Disease, medication, symptom etc database index : M
Machado-Joseph Azorean disease

Machupo virus see Bolivian hemorrhagic fever
MacLeod syndrome


Macroamylase see Macroamylasaemia
Macrocephaly see Megencephaly
Macrocornea see Megalocornea
Macrocytic red blood cell see Macrocytosis (erythrocyte)
Macrocytosis (erythrocyte)

Macrogyria see Pachygyria Macrolactams Macrolides Macromastia see Breast hypertrophy Macroorchidism see Testicular enlargement Macro-orchidism see Testicular enlargement Macrophage migration inhibitory factor Macrosomia Macrostomia ... Macrothrombocytosis Macular atrophy, Jadassohn type see Anetoderma Macular atrophy, Schweninger-Buzzi type see Anetoderma Macular hole Macular pucker see Epiretinal membrane Macular star see Hard retinal exudate Maculopapular rash Maculopathy Maculopathy, age related see Senile macular retinal degeneration Madelung deformity Madelung-Launois-Bensaude syndrome see Benign symmetrical lipomatosis of Madelung Madura foot see Mycetoma Madurella mycetomi Maduromycosis see Mycetoma Mafenide Maffucci syndrome see Enchondromatosis Maggot infestation see Myiasis Magnesium chloride Magnesium hydroxide Magnesium levels low (plasma or serum) see Hypomagnesemia Magnesium levels raised (plasma or serum) see Hypermagnesaemia Magnesium oxide Magnesium salts Magnesium sulfate Magnesium sulphate see Magnesium sulfate Mahaim-type preexcitation Maidenhair tree see Gingko biloba Mairungi see Khat Majewski syndrome see Short rib-polydactyly syndrome type 2 Majocchi granuloma

23. Syringomyelia
Syringomyelia. Morvan disease. myelosyringosis. Cesarean section in a patientwith syringomyelia Syringomyelia Cervical syringomyelia at the C7C8 level

24. Advanced Directory:
Myelodysplastic Syndromes @ (9). Mental Retardation @ (33). myelosyringosis @ (5).Meralgia Paresthetica @ (4). Myocardial Diseases @ (33). Mesothelioma @ (12).

25. Health Wiz
Myelitis; Myelodysplastic Syndromes; myelosyringosis; Myocardial Diseases; MyocardialInfarction; Myopathies; Myotonic Dystrophy. Copyright © 20032004 Health Wiz

26. Search Directory - Health: Conditions_and_Diseases: M - Sites List
917) Muscular Dystrophies@ (53) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis@ (130) Mycoplasmal@ (23)Myelitis@ (6) Myelodysplastic Syndromes@ (9) myelosyringosis@ (4) Myocardial

27. SuperEva - International Directory
Muscular Dystrophies@ 67 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis@ 135 Mycoplasmal@ 21 Myelitis@5 Myelodysplastic Syndromes@ 9 myelosyringosis@ 5 Myocardial

28. ~MY // // Medical Conditions
Myelosclerosis Myeloses, Erythremic Myeloses, Nonleukemic Myelosis, Erythremic Myelosis,Nonleukemic Myelosyringoses myelosyringosis Myers Briggs Type

29. Feature
AA is also an effective method for paralysis agitans, epilepsy, brain abscess,hydrocephalus, myelosyringosis, etc. Copyright neuro .All rights reserved.

30. News-Examiner | Web Search
1,120) Muscular Dystrophies (67) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (135) Mycoplasmal (21)Myelitis (5) Myelodysplastic Syndromes (9) myelosyringosis (5) Myocardial

31. Top Health Alternative Massage Therapy And Bodywork
1016) Muscular Dystrophies (65) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (131) Mycoplasmal (21)Myelitis (5) Myelodysplastic Syndromes (9) myelosyringosis (5) Myocardial

32. ..: || English Version :..
diseases (ischaemia and cerebral haemorrhage);; congenital malformations ofthe central nervous system (Chiari syndrome, myelosyringosis, etc.
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The Department of Neurosurgery is involved in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of the main pathologies concerning the Central or Peripheral Nervous System.
Diagnostic procedures and treatment may be carried out as an in-patient or in Day Hospital. The team deals mainly with:
  • compression of spinal nerves (lumbar and cervical slipped disc, congenital and acquired stenosis of the spinal cord, degenerative and/or post-traumatic instability of the spine);
  • medullispinal tumours and malformation syndromes;
  • entrapment syndromes and tumours of the peripheral nerves (carpal tunnel syndrome, neurinoma, etc.);
  • primary and secondary brain tumours;
  • cerebro-vascular diseases (ischaemia and cerebral haemorrhage);

33. Directory - Health: Conditions And Diseases: M
Muscular Dystrophies@ (83) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis@ (139) Mycoplasmal@ (22) Myelitis@(5) Myelodysplastic Syndromes@ (5) myelosyringosis@ (4) Myocardial

34. Our Information
6.myelitis 7.synovitis 8.ankylosing spondylitis 9.Angiitis 10.myelosyringosis11.petrobone 12.traumatic paralysis. 13.sequela of cerebral trauma 14.

35. Syringomyelia Topic - Unified Search Environment
LCH/PT/U004566 MSH/MH/D013595 DXP/DI/U001810 QMR/PT/R0121880 CSP/ET/20425832 MSH/PM/D013595 myelosyringosis MSH/EN/D013595 MSH/PM/D013595`Syringomyelia`/home.html
Syringomyelia Topic Tree Definition:
Longitudinal cavities in the spinal cord, most often in the cervical region, which may extend for multiple spinal levels. The cavities are lined by dense, gliogenous tissue and may be associated with SPINAL CORD NEOPLASMS; spinal cord traumatic injuries; and vascular malformations. Syringomyelia is marked clinically by pain and PARESTHESIA, muscular atrophy of the hands, and analgesia with thermoanesthesia of the hands and arms, but with the tactile sense preserved (sensory dissociation). Lower extremity spasticity and incontinence may also develop. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1269) Synonyms and Source Vocabularies:
Syringomyelus Central Nervous System Diseases

36. Home Know
Myelitis; Myelodysplastic Syndromes; myelosyringosis; Myocardial Diseases; MyocardialInfarction; Myopathies; Myotonic Dystrophy. Copyright © 2004 Home Know.

37. Fixed Combinations Of Caraway Oil And Fennel Oil
myelosyringosis. my·e·lo·sy·rin·go·sis n Syringomyelie f, myeliaf. Homepage Natural Health (healthy, slim, fit).
Extracted from the world's most reputable database of phytotherapy
Fixed Combinations of Caraway oil and Fennel oil
Published August 13, 1991.
Composition of Drug
Fixed combinations consisting of: Caraway oil corresponding to December 14, 1989 ( B. Anz. 22a, February 1, 1990);
Fennel oil corresponding to March 11, 1991 ( B. Anz. p. 2742); and their preparations in effective dosage.
Dyspeptic discomfort, especially with mild spasms in the gastrointestinal region, flatulence, and a sensation of fullness.
Pregnancy. Not to be used for infants and small children.
Side Effects
In individual cases, allergic reaction of the skin and respiratory tract.
Interactions with Other Drugs
None known.
Unless otherwise prescribed: The individual components must be present in amounts equivalent to 50 - 75 percent of the daily dosage indicated in the monographs for the individual oils.
Mode of Administration
Essential oil and galenical preparations thereof for oral intake.
Duration of Application
Fennel preparations should not be taken over extended time periods (several weeks) without consultation of a physician or pharmacist.

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39. Alphabetic Index - M
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Mycoplasmal. Myelitis, Myelodysplastic Syndromes.myelosyringosis, Myocardial Diseases. Myocardial Infarction, Myopathies.

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  • This site is a web directory and does not offer medical advice.
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Notes: Healthcyclopedia presents health information in the form of websites and articles that encompass conventional medicine and alternative treatments Under no circumstances can it recommend or endorse a specific therapy or treatment. Symptoms should always be presented to a doctor for tests, diagnosis and possible treatment. Prescription medication should always be taken under a doctor's care. Also pictures on health websites may occasionally be too graphic for younger viewers.

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