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1. Myelosyringosis
provides an easy to understand definition for the medical term, myelosyringosis.Click here to visit our sponsor TM, myelosyringosis TM
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Myelosyringosis means the same thing as syringomyelia
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3. Syringomyelia
Syringomyelia is also known as Morvan s disease, myelosyringosis,syringomyelus, syringomyelic syndrome, and hydrosyringomyelia.
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  • What is syringomyelia?
  • What does syringomyelia look like?
  • What causes syringomyelia?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of syringomyelia? ...
  • What is the origin of the term, syringomyelia? WHAT IS SYRINGOMYELIA? Syringomyelia is a rare condition in which long, fluid filled spaces are present in the central gray matter (a gray looking substance) of the spinal cord and surrounded by thick tissues made of glial cells . Glial cells maintain and support other cells. A cell is the smallest, most basic unit of life, that is capable of existing by itself. Because syringomyelia usually gets worse over time it is known as a progressive illness. WHAT DOES SYRINGOMYELIA LOOK LIKE? The long spaces in syringomyelia look like tubes in the spinal cord. It can also look like one big tube in the spinal cord. Here is an example of what syringomyelia looks like in this scan of the spine: WHAT CAUSES SYRINGOMYELIA? In syringomyelia, cerebrospinal fluid enters the spinal cord an forms an opening known as a syrinx. Cerebrospinal fluid is a cushiony fluid that protects the brain and spine. Over time, the opening gets bigger and longer, destroying the center of the spinal cord. Nerve fibers inside the spine can also get damaged.
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    American Syringomyelia Alliance Project
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    Information, stories, and support for people who have either Syringomyelia, Arnold Chiari Malformation or both. Includes a support forum.
    NINDS: Syringomyelia

    Information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
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    Fact sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
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    6. Syringomyelia
    Syringomyelia is also known as Morvan's disease, myelosyringosis, syringomyelus, syringomyelic syndrome, and hydrosyringomyelia.

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    9. A Rare Association Of Rectal And Genitourinary Duplication And
    Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord showed myelosyringosis (Fig.3) and a tethered cord (Fig. 4). A distal cologram using an iodine contrast agent

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    11. CMJ_Figure Table
    Sagittal MR image of the spinal cord obtained myelosyringosis. Fig. 4. Sagittal MRimagc of the spinal cord obtained tethered cord extending to the sacral

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