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101. Connecticut Bone, Joint & Muscle Disorders Lawsuit News And Resources - Find Con Connecticut Bone, Joint muscle disorders Lawsuit News and Resources Find Trial Lawyers and Attorneys with Experience in Bone, Joint muscle disorders http://connecticut.injuryboard.com/view.cfm/Topic=46 | |
102. Alaska Bone, Joint & Muscle Disorders Lawsuit News And Resources - Find Alaska T Alaska Bone, Joint muscle disorders Lawsuit News and Resources Find Trial Lawyers and Attorneys with Experience in Bone, Joint muscle disorders http://alaska.injuryboard.com/view.cfm/Topic=46 | |
103. World Muscle Society A multidisciplinary society open to all professionals working in the neuromuscular field, irrespective of nationality, race and political opinion. It's reflecting different disciplines involved in the study of neuromuscular disorders and the management of patients with these disorders. http://www.worldmusclesociety.org/ | |
104. Myopathy Differential Diagnosis Detailed information on some of the muscle diseases. http://www.neuro.wustl.edu/neuromuscular/maltbrain.html | |
105. EMedicine Health - Bone, Joint, And Muscle Information on range of musculoskeletal disorders. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/collections/SU293.asp | |
106. Neuromuscular: Muscle Autoantibodies Antibodies and complement in myopathies and neuromuscular junction disorders. Maintained by Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. http://www.neuro.wustl.edu/neuromuscular/lab/mantibody.html | |
107. Real Estate For Success - Jeanie Hoholik And John Stenroos - Keller Williams Rea Physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians in Austin, Texas. Diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of nerve, muscle, ligament, bone and joint disorders. http://www.lakewoodclinic.com | |
108. Sam N. Cohlmia M.D. ~ Quality Family Eyecare: Wichita, Kansas Specializes in the surgical treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, refractive disorders, muscle problems, trauma, eyelid problems and medical eye disorders. Includes contact information. http://www.samcohlmia.com | |
109. Neuromuscular Home Page Review of various muscle, nerve and neuromuscular disorders; links to relevant sites. http://www.neuro.wustl.edu/neuromuscular/ | |
110. Elsevier Official Journal of the World muscle Society, covers all aspects of neuromuscular disorders in childhood and adult life. Online archive covers all issues since 1997. http://journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/NMD | |
111. RULA - Rapid Upper Limb Assessment Interactive assessment of the exposure of people to postures, forces, and muscle activities known to contribute to Upper Limb disorders. http://www.ergonomics.co.uk/Rula/Ergo/ | |
112. Kendall Speech And Language Center, Inc. > Home Offers diagnosis and treatment for hearingrelated and muscle-related speech difficulties as well as PDD, pervasive developmental disorders, in toddlers, children and adults. Describes play dates, academic tutoring, occupational therapy assessment and therapy, and computer training. http://www.kslc.net | |
113. Welcome To Campbell Orthopaedic-physical Therapy Treating Back Pain. Lower Back A full service outpatient facility, specializing in the treatment of all muscle, bone, and joint injuriesincluding neck and back disorders. http://campbellorthopt.com | |
114. Colorado Springs Muscle & Joint Clinic - Dr. Steven R. Defosses Dedicated to providing relief to sufferers of chronic muscle and joint pain. Includes disorders and treatment plans. http://www.muscleandjointclinic.com/ | |
115. Greater Austin Neurology Clinic Practice of Muhammad Munir, MD, PhD, a board certified neurologist. Special interests include neuromuscular disorders, Parkinsonâs, MS, headache, EMG, EEG, VNS, DBS, Botox, Baclofen pumps, IVIG, nerve and muscle biopsy. http://www.greateraustinneurology.com/ | |
116. The Movement Disorder Society International professional society of clinicians, scientists, and other healthcare professionals, who are interested in Parkinson's disease, related neurodegenerative disorders and abnormalities in muscle tone and motor control. http://www.movementdisorders.org/ | |
117. Centronuclear And Myotubular Myopathy Information Point British information point for sufferers and their families of these disorders and associated muscle abnormalities. http://tonilouise.tripod.com | |
118. Comprehensive Neurology & Sleep Medicine - Neurologist - Frederick, Maryland - W Based in Frederick, Maryland, neurologist Dr. Konrad Bakker treats nervous system disorders including brain, spinal cord, nerve and muscle diseases. He specializes in sleep disorders, neuromuscular disease, EEG and EMG. http://www.cnsm2sleep.com/ | |
119. Lower Motor Neuron Disorders In Dogs & Cats Recently, (probably due to a more aggressive approach to muscle disease This method of therapy for the subacute organophosphate disorders has been http://neuro.vetmed.ufl.edu/neuro/lmn_dis/lmn_dis.htm | |
120. BS397 Neuromuscular Disorders Pathology of Specific disorders The use of muscle biopsies is emphasised in helping us to relate the underlying pathology to the clinical signs and symptons http://www.biomed2.man.ac.uk/ns/mm/bs397l20.html | |
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