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81. Mumps Photos Child very swollen under the jaw and in the cheeks due to mumps Child s face displaying diffuse lymphedema of the neck due to a mumps virus infection of http://www.vaccineinformation.org/mumps/photos.asp | |
82. Vaccine Information About Mumps Additional information about mumps, including links to journal article abstracts and many other Organizations with mumps information and resources http://www.vaccineinformation.org/mumps/index.asp | |
83. Pediatric Oncall- HOME MADE REMEDIES For Treatment Of Mumps A time tested homemade remedy for the treatment of mumps. http://www.pediatriconcall.com/forpatients/HomeRemedies/Mumps.asp | |
84. MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) Vaccine Quality information on children s health and wellbeing, such as vaccination, pregnancy, infant care, healthy eating, common illnesses, safety, http://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/immunization/MMR.htm | |
85. M Technology And MUMPS Language FAQ, Part 1/2 The mumps User s Group is known as the M Technology Association. Mailing list mumpsL@UGA. M and mumps are alternate names for the same language. http://www.mcenter.com/mtrc/mfaqhtm1.html | |
86. Mumps - Healthy Kids And Pediatrics - Health And Medical Information Produced By A complete listing of health information about kids and teens, including acne, AIDS awareness, allergies and asthma, attention deficit disorders and http://www.medicinenet.com/mumps/article.htm | |
87. Oregon Seal Text-Only Site State Directory Agencies AZ mumps can cause swelling of the neck glands, nerve damage, and deafness. mumps is not a reportable disease in Oregon. Childhood immunization is recommended. http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/ph/acd/diseases/mumps/mumps.shtml | |
88. NetDoktor.at - Krankheiten: Mumps (Parotitis Epidemica) Bei Kindern Translate this page NetDoktor informiert Sie über Krankheiten. Was sie bedeuten, wie man sie bekommt, wie man sie behandelt. http://www.netdoktor.at/krankheiten/fakta/mumps_kinder.htm | |
89. Mumps Boy with mumps Photo Courtesy of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Click image to go back to Vaccine Preventable Childhood Disease page http://www.idph.state.il.us/about/immunepics/mumps.htm | |
90. Immunisation However there has been an increase in cases of mumps in young adults, particularly in In general mumps is a mild illness but can be unpleasant, http://www.immunisation.nhs.uk/hottopic.php?id=17 |
91. Mumps The incidence of mumps has shown a dramatic decrease since the introduction of the mumps Prior to the vaccine, about 50% of children contracted mumps. http://www.kcom.edu/faculty/chamberlain/Website/lectures/lecture/mumps.htm | |
92. Mumps Fact Sheet mumps is an infection of the salivary glands caused by a virus. mumps usually occurs in schoolage children, although young adults may also catch the http://edcp.org/factsheets/mumps.html | |
93. Mumps And Measles Brief review of structure and properties of measles and mumps viruses. Infections with measles, mumps and rubella viruses are confined to man and occur http://www.med.sc.edu:85/mhunt/mump-meas.htm | |
94. Nat'l Academies Press: Immunization Safety Review: Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Immunization Safety Review Measlesmumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autism. Kathleen Stratton, Alicia Gable, Padma Shetty, and Marie McCormick, Editors, http://search.nap.edu/nap-cgi/getrecid.cgi?isbn=0309074479 |
95. Notifiable Condition: Mumps Notifiable Conditions Index page for mumps. DOH receives 2 to 26 reports of mumps infections per year. Because of the potential for disease transmission http://www.doh.wa.gov/notify/nc/mumps.htm | |
96. IOM Immunization Safety Review: Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine And Autism The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health recognized the need for an independent group to carefully examine the http://www.iom.edu/view.asp?id=4715 |
97. Pediatric Advisor 2004.2: Mumps mumps is a viral infection of the parotid gland, a gland which produces saliva and If your child has mumps, he or she was exposed to another person with http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/pa/pa_mumps_hhg.htm | |
98. Mumps: What Is Mumps And How Does A Child Get It How does a child get mumps. What are the symptoms, treatment and how is mumps diagnosed. http://www.surebaby.com/mumps.php | |
99. Mumps - DrGreene.com Read an article describing an infection of the parotid gland as it is seen in today s society. http://www.drgreene.com/21_1146.html | |
100. NEJM -- A Population-Based Study Of Measles, Mumps, And Rubella Vaccination And Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine A PopulationBased Study of Measles, mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/347/19/1477 | |
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