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41. Institute Of Medicine Immunization safety review of the Measlesmumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. Report commissioned by the National Academies, Institute of Medicine. http://www.iom.edu/IOM/IOMHome.nsf/Pages/MMR Autism Summary | |
42. EMedicine Health - Mumps Overview mumps is a disease, usually of children, caused by a virus. With mumps, your salivary glands swell. Specifically, these are the parotid glands, http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/15591-1.asp | |
43. The Mumps Compiler Programmer's Guide Linux Medical Records System, Linux mumps, Linux Clinical Records, M, mumps, Medical Informatics, Web Publishing, Web Scripting, Web Script Language, Information Storage and Retrieval, Clinical Records, Programming Languages, Medical Records, Hospital Information Systems, Clinical Information Systems, Biomedical Computing, Data Base Systems, Patient Information Systems http://www.cs.uni.edu/~okane/source/compiler.html | |
44. Holborn Medical Services, Consultations And Single Measles, Mumps And Rubella Va Medical centre offering single measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations as an alternative to the MMR triple vaccine. Includes information about the vaccines, prices and appointments. http://www.holbornmedicalservices.com | |
45. Measles Virus Vaccine - Familydoctor.org Information for patients in English and Spanish. http://www.familydoctor.org/cgi-bin/multum.pl?op=GetLeaflet&id=12885&nam |
46. MUMPS - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia mumps, or simply M, is a programming language particularly powerful for building and mumps started life as the Massachusetts General Hospital Utility http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MUMPS | |
47. Mumps - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia For the computer language of the same name, see mumps. mumps virus. Virus classification Retrieved from http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mumps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mumps | |
48. Mumps - Self-Care Instructions - Health Information Health information discussing mumps (caused by a virus), which is an infectious disease that causes swelling of the salivaproducing glands near the ears. http://www.mckinley.uiuc.edu/health-info/dis-cond/commdis/mumpssci.html | |
49. MTRC Homepage has info about the mumps (M) computer language. Features include an M Job Opportunities database, the M User Directory, and links about mumps. http://www.mcenter.com/mtrc/index.html | |
50. Mumps - Onmeda: Medizin Und Gesundheit mumps ist eine h¤ufige Viruserkrankung, die besonders im Kindesalter auftritt. Der vorliegende Artikel von MedicineWorldwide erkl¤rt alles Wissenswerte kompakt, aber auch allgemeinverst¤ndlich. http://www.m-ww.de/krankheiten/kinderkrankheiten/mumps.html | |
51. The MMR Pages Extensive information on the MMR (Measles, mumps and Rubella) immunizations, the diseases and the vaccination programme from a general practitioner. http://black.book.users.btopenworld.com/id68.htm | |
52. Vaccines, Immunization And Biologicals mumps. Disease. mumps is an acute viral infection of the paramyxovirus family. mumps Vaccine Back. Written March 1998. 2609-2001. white line http://www.who.int/vaccines-diseases/diseases/mumps_disease.shtml | |
53. The Seattle Times: Health: Panel Finds No Credible Link Between Vaccines, Autism The Institute of Medicine, an influential adviser of the government on scientific matters, said yesterday there is no credible evidence that either the measlesmumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine or vaccines containing the preservative thimerosal cause autism. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/health/2001932907_autism19.html | |
54. Mumps Facts mumps is spread by direct contact with saliva and discharges from the nose mumps is a very contagious infection of one or more of the salivary glands. http://www.astdhpphe.org/infect/mumps.html | |
55. BBC NEWS | Health | Students Urged To Get Mumps Jabs Students heading to further education are urged to ensure they fully covered against mumps amid a rise in cases. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4129336.stm | |
56. Bonnici's Pages The mumps, Cache and M grand central. Home of M Web Magazine. Links, programs, and articles. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7041/ | |
57. BBC NEWS | Health | Mumps mumps is a viral infection that most make an easy recovery from but can, rarely, lead to severe complications. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4543343.stm | |
58. Mumps , symptoms, prevention and treatment; aimed at parents....... http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacterial_viral/mumps.html | |
59. Mumps Fact Sheet mumps is a viral infection that causes fever, headache, and swelling and tenderness of the salivary glands. This webpage details what it is, its symptoms http://www.metrokc.gov/health/prevcont/mumps.htm | |
60. Website Design And Hosting For The Smaller Business And Charity A software house specialising in M (mumps). It was formed in 1983 and can provide systems design, programming and support of M based systems. http://www.forestsoftware.co.uk/ | |
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