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81. Snowexpress - Home Annual fundraising events to help fight multiple sclerosis, for skiers and snowboarders of all ages have fun competing at locations across Canada. http://www.snowexpress.org/ | |
82. My Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis, By Roger MacDougall This is the story of my fight against multiple sclerosis, and the self inducedremission based on a change in diet to gluten free, dairy free foods. http://www.direct-ms.org/roger.html |
83. Serono Group - Home Specializing in multiple sclerosis, fertility, growth therapies and AIDS wasting. Includes company history and milestones. Includes products, pipeline, investor and media details, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. (NYSE SRA) http://www.serono.com/ | |
84. MS Crossroads I have collected essential links on web about multiple sclerosis (MS). MS first, The multiple sclerosis Research Unit in Bristol is furthering http://www.mscrossroads.org/ | |
85. Speak About Book, Black Patent Shoes By Eva Marsh Dancing With MS By Eva Marsh. Learn about decades old research which led her to challenge accepted perceptions and devise successful strategies for recovery from the damage of repeated episodes of multiple sclerosis. http://www.evamarsh.net | |
86. Multiple Sclerosis Patients May Be Winter Athletes CNN http://cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/diet.fitness/12/29/ms.exercise.ap/index.html |
87. IngentaConnect Publication: Multiple Sclerosis multiple sclerosis. ISSN 13524585 visit publication homepage multiple sclerosislogo Hodder Arnold Journals logo. Publisher Hodder Arnold Journals http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/arn/ms | |
88. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Resource Center - HealingWell.com Resources on multiple sclerosis and MS, including articles, news, information,message forums and chat rooms, email, books, videos, newsletter, http://www.healingwell.com/ms/ | |
89. National Multiple Sclerosis Society - New York City Mention the New York City Chapter of the National multiple sclerosis Society andyou will save $25. Participate in any of the bicycle rides and Club Getaway http://www.msnyc.org/ | |
90. National MS Society | Keep S'myelin Colorful newsletters filled with stories, interviews, games, and activities that related to MS. Produced by The National multiple sclerosis Society. http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Keep S'myelin.asp | |
91. The Mission Of The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Is To End The mission of the National multiple sclerosis Society is to end the devastatingeffects of multiple sclerosis. REGISTER NOW! Every year, marathon runners http://www.nmssmi.org/ | |
92. Gemms.org.uk A selfhelp group based in Crawley, West Sussex. Information about membership and group objectives. http://www.gemms.org.uk | |
93. Multiple Sclerosis Central Support Dedicating to providing information and education for those living with MS andtheir family members. Webpage includes glossary, terminology, links, http://www.mscentralsupport.com/ | |
94. Avonex Interferon beta1a. Details about this multiple sclerosis prescription drug treatment. Research and information on symptoms and diagnosis. Includes FAQs and a MS resource center. http://www.avonex.com/ | |
95. CLAMS Computer Literate Advocates for multiple sclerosis. Please Register withNARCOMS NORTH AMERICAN CONSORTIUM for multiple sclerosis http://www.clams.org/ | |
96. Our Research > Multiple Sclerosis The Malaghan Research Institute. Information on multiple sclerosis http://www.malaghan.org.nz/research/ms.htm | |
97. Home Help offered by the Federation of multiple sclerosis Therapy Centres in the UK.Provides information about possible drugfree symptom management. http://www.ms-selfhelp.org/ | |
98. Be Wary Of Multiple Sclerosis "Cures" Debunks some alleged cures and treatments for MS. http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/ms.html | |
99. Untitled Document A team of cyclists that rides annually in the Oregon MS 150 Bike Tour, raising money to find a cure for multiple sclerosis. http://www.msbusters.org/ | |
100. Nat' Academies Press, Multiple Sclerosis: Current Status And Strategies For The Questions? Call 888624-8373. multiple sclerosis Current Status and Strategiesfor the Future (2001) Institute of Medicine (IOM) http://www.nap.edu/openbook/0309072859/html/ | |
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