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Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome: more detail |
61. Medical Image Database, Radiology Teaching Files And Cases, MedPix: Single Another, even rarer familial polyposis syndrome, the multiple hamartoma syndromeof Cowden, involves stomach, small bowel and colon and also the http://rad.usuhs.mil/medpix/medpix.html?mode=single&comebackto=mode=geo_browse&r |
62. The American Journal Of Surgical Pathology - UserLogin multiple hamartoma syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol 1987;173426. Context Link.4. Barr RJ, Morales RV, Graham JH. Desmoplastic nevus. http://www.ajsp.com/pt/re/ajsp/fulltext.00000478-199805000-00006.htm | |
63. [P&S Journal:Wi:97] Cowden's Syndrome: Masked Menace Instead, she suffers from a littleknown disease called Cowden s syndrome (CS;also known as multiple hamartoma syndrome)an autosomal dominant disorder http://cumc.columbia.edu/news/journal/journal-o/archives/jour_v17n1_0011.html | |
64. Article : Radiological Quiz - Neuroradiology ; Author : SUREKHA K ; Co-Author(s) Cowden s disease, which is also called multiple hamartoma syndrome. It is arare hereditary condition characterized by multiple hamartomas and neoplasms http://www.ijri.org/articles/archives/19990901/radquiz01.htm | |
65. MUMS List Of Disorders - C Costello Syndrome (7) * ; Cowden Syndrome (multiple hamartoma syndrome) (4) *;CranioFronto-Nasal Dysplasia (3); Craniodiaphyseal Dysplasia, http://www.netnet.net/mums/mum_c.htm | |
66. Guidelines Of Care For Nevi. II. Nonmelanocytic Nevi, Hamartomas, Neoplasms, And Allen BS, Fitch MH, Smith JG Jr. multiple hamartoma syndrome. J AM ACAD DERMATOL1980;23038. Amaral AL, Nascimento AG, Goellner JR. http://www.aadassociation.org/Guidelines/nevi.html | |
67. Www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2K/MB_cgi?term=Hamartoma+ Annals of Surgical Oncology Wirtzfeld et al. 8 (4) 319Also referred to as the multiple hamartomaneoplasia syndrome, 31 Cowdensdisease (multiple hamartoma syndrome). Mayo Clin Proc 1981; 56 17984. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2K/MB_cgi?term=Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple |
68. Irritation Fibroma cases of familial fibromatosis, fibrotic papillary hyperplasia of the palate,tuberous sclerosis, or multiple hamartoma syndrome (Cowden syndrome). http://www.maxillofacialcenter.com/BondBook/softtissue/fibroma.html | |
69. Granular Cell Tumor Malignant variants represent approximately 1% of all cases, with some representingneoplasia in Cowden syndrome (multiple hamartoma syndrome), http://www.maxillofacialcenter.com/BondBook/softtissue/grantumor.html | |
70. GeneCard For PTEN The predominant phenotype for CD is multiple hamartoma syndrome, in many organsystems including the breast (70% of CD patients), thyroid http://bioinfo.cnio.es/cgi-bin/genecards/carddisp?PTEN |
71. UniProtKB Entry - UniProt [the Universal Protein Resource] The predominant phenotype for CD is multiple hamartoma syndrome, in many organsystems including the breast (70% of CD patients), thyroid (4060%), skin, http://www.pir.uniprot.org/cgi-bin/upEntry?id=PTEN_HUMAN |
72. PhosphaBase 158350 COWDEN DISEASE; CD;;COWDEN SYNDROME; CS;;multiple hamartoma syndrome;MHAM;DYSPLASTIC GANGLIOCYTOMA OF THE CEREBELLUM, http://bioinf.man.ac.uk/phosphabase/tyrdisease.html | |
73. Cancers - Genetics Home Reference MHAM see Cowden syndrome multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 multipleendocrine neoplasia type 2; multiple hamartoma syndrome see Cowden syndrome http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/ghr/conditionsByCategory/show/cancers | |
74. A Case Of Familial Angiolipomatosis With Lisch Nodules multiple hamartoma syndrome (Cowden s disease). Arch Dermatol 1972;106682690.PubMed Citation 15. Enzinger FM, Weiss SW. Soft Tissue Tumors. 3rd ed. http://arpa.allenpress.com/arpaonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1043/0003-998 |
75. Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia inflammatory papillary hyperplasia verruca vulgaris multiple squamous papillomasoral mucosal lesions of Cowden´s or multiple hamartoma syndrome lesions http://www.dental.mu.edu/oralpath/lesions/flphyp/inflamhyperplasia.htm | |
76. J Med Genet -- Sign In Page multiple hamartoma syndrome. Cowdens disease. Arch Dermatol 1978;1147436.Abstract;Weary PE, Gorlin RJ, Gentry WC, Comer JE, Greer KE. http://jmg.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/42/8/e50 | |
77. Phenotypic Findings Of Cowden Syndrome And Bannayan-Zonana Syndrome In A Family Cowden s syndrome (multiple hamartoma syndrome and neoplasia syndrome. J Am AcadDermatol 1983;8686696Medline. 4. Brownstein MH, Mehregan AH, http://jmg.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/36/5/360 | |
78. Anales De Medicina Interna - Translate this page multiple hamartoma syndrome presenting with oral lesions. Early diagnosis ofmultiple hamartoma nad neoplasia syndrome (Cowden disease). http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?pid=S0212-71992001000800006&script=sci_arttex |
79. Information Center For Rare Diseases And Orphan Drugs - Sections multiple fibrofolliculoma familial multiple hamartoma syndrome multiple jointdislocations metaphyseal dysplasia multiple pterygium syndrome http://www.raredis.org/modules/sections/index.php?op=viewarticle&artid=27 |
80. Multiple Chondromatous Hamartomas Of The Lung -- Bini Et Al. 1 (2): 78 -- Intera Cowden disease is a multiple hamartoma syndrome characterized by mucocutaneouslesions, multiple benign tumors of internal organs and increased risk for http://icvts.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/full/1/2/78 | |
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