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Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome: more detail |
41. Images.MD: View Collection View Full Size, multiple hamartoma syndrome. Click here for more detail about this View Full Size, Multiple polyps of the colon in Cwoden s syndrome http://www.images.md/users/explore_chapter.asp?ID=GIC0301-12&colID=GIC0301&colti |
42. %601606 TRICHOEPITHELIOMA, MULTIPLE FAMILIAL is a characteristic skin lesion of Cowden multiple hamartoma syndrome (158350),Multiple familial trichoepithelioma (MFT), also called epithelioma http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:601606] -e |
43. 158350 COWDEN DISEASE; CD multiple hamartoma syndrome; MHAM COWDENLIKE SYNDROME, INCLUDED (1972)proposed the designation multiple hamartoma syndrome and identified an autosomal http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:158350] -e |
44. Karger Publishers 1 Barax GN, Lebwohl M, Phelps RG multiple hamartoma syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol1987;17342346. External Resources; 2 Brownstein MH, Mehregan AH, http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
45. Cancer Nursing - UserLogin 1 Also known as multiple hamartoma syndrome, Cowden syndrome includes abnormalitiesin 3 germ cell layers (mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm), http://www.cancernursingonline.com/pt/re/nca/fulltext.00002820-200310000-00005.h | |
46. Cancer Nursing - Abstract: Volume 26(5) October 2003 P 370-375 Hereditary Breast The following case study describes the assessment process for a less commongenetic disorder known as Cowden syndrome, or multiple hamartoma syndrome, http://www.cancernursingonline.com/pt/re/nca/abstract.00002820-200310000-00005.h | |
47. Medicine - UserLogin Cowden syndrome (CS) (OMIM 158350*), or multiple hamartoma syndrome, is a rareautosomal multiple hamartoma syndrome (Cowden disease). Arch Dermatol. http://www.md-journal.com/pt/re/medicine/fulltext.00005792-200503000-00007.htm | |
48. CUTANEOUS MARKERS OF INTERNAL MALIGNANCY 9 Cowden s syndrome (multiple hamartoma syndrome). Autosomal dominant.Multiple trichilemmomas (hyperkeratotic, flat-topped, wart-like) especially around http://www.geocities.com/stantonios/mc/maligmrk.html | |
49. John Libbey Eurotext : Ãditions Médicales Et Scientifiques France : Revues Cowden disease or multiple hamartoma syndrome cutaneous clue to internal malignancy.European Journal of Dermatology. Number 12, volume 5, 411-21, http://www.john-libbey-eurotext.fr/en/revues/medecine/ejd/e-docs/00/01/87/31/res |
50. Introduction [Case: Family History Of Colorectal Cancer > Syndromes] Cowden syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant multiple hamartoma syndrome. Nelen etal. (1999) estimated that the prevalence of Cowden syndrome in the Dutch http://www.geneticsolutions.com/PageReq?id=4339:22212 |
51. Immunology And Uveitis Service | Medical Professionals | Articles | Case Reports Cowden syndrome has also the name of multiple hamartoma syndromeÓ and was firstdescribed by Lloyd and Dennis in 1963. It is part of the genodermatoses http://www.uveitis.org/medical/articles/case/Cowden_sy.html | |
52. Cowden's Syndrome CAUSES. ectodermal neoplasia; mesodermal neoplasia; malignant transformation.Synonyms. multiple hamartoma syndrome. ICD9-CM 759.6 other hamartoses, NEC http://www.5mcc.com/Assets/SUMMARY/TP0234.html | |
53. GeneCard For PTEN The predominant phenotype for CS is multiple hamartoma syndrome, in many organsystems including the breast (70% of CS patients), thyroid http://genecards.bcgsc.bc.ca/cgi-bin/carddisp?PTEN |
54. Ataxia: Dominant multiple hamartoma syndrome PTEN; 10q23 Myelocerebellar Neuronal intranuclearinclusion disease multiple hamartoma syndrome (Cowden; LhermitteDuclos) http://www.neuro.wustl.edu/neuromuscular/ataxia/domatax.html | |
55. Cowden Syndrome - Genetics Home Reference Cowden s disease; Cowden s syndrome; CS; MHAM; multiple hamartoma syndrome.See How are genetic conditions and genes named? in the Handbook. http://www.ghr.nlm.nih.gov/ghr/disease/cowdensyndrome | |
56. Journal Of Pediatric Hematology Oncology - UserLogin multiple hamartoma syndrome with osteosarcoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1993; 11712524. Medline Link Context Link. 19. Goto M, Miller RW, Ishikawa Y, http://www.jpho-online.com/pt/re/jpho/fulltext.00043426-200106000-00016.htm | |
57. Cowden Syndrome multiple hamartoma syndrome . GItract hamartomas (incl. stomach and colon).breast Ca; thyroid Ca. circumoral papillomatosis; nodular gingival hyperplasia http://chorus.rad.mcw.edu/doc/00100.html | |
58. Resources For Genetic Counselors - Cowden Syndrome A. multiple hamartoma syndrome with high risk for benign and malignant tumors ofbreast, thyroid, and endometrium. B. Part of PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome http://www.genesoc.com/counseling2/article51.html | |
59. Syndromes In Breast Cancer It is also called as multiple hamartoma syndrome. PTEN is a tumour suppressorgene located on 10q23 chromosome. The gene product of PTEN is a phosphatase http://www.au-kbc.org/research_areas/bio/projects/bcinfo/gen/synd.html | |
60. World J Gastroenterol Cowden disease or multiple hamartoma syndromecutaneous clue to internal Colorectal polyps in Cowdens disease (multiple hamartoma syndrome). http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/11/1567.asp |
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