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61. 2001-Fu-GENE THERAPY OF SANFILIPPO SYNDROME USING ADENO-ASSOCIATED VIRAL VECTORS Mucopolysaccharidoses type III B (Sanfilippo syndrome B, mps iii B) is an AAVNSE-EGFP was microinjected into the thalamic area of the mps iii B mouse http://www.biolchem.ucla.edu/mps/01therapy/abstracts/MuenzerJ-MPS IIIB therapy.h | |
62. National Referral Laboratory mps iii (Sanfilippo) Type C. Urine analysis; GlucosamineN-acetyl transferase ($). EDTA blood (10mL), leucocytes, cultured cells (skin fibroblasts, http://www.health.adelaide.edu.au/NRL/tests_alpha2.htm | |
63. Katalog Maszynopisów AAP - Baza Danych 937, mps iii/91, mps iii/91, xx, Jak moga dzis umacniac rodzice wiare i moralnosc 938, mps iii/92, mps iii/92, xx, Co mówi dzis Kosciól i medycyna o http://www.aap.poznan.pl/bazy/maszynopisy.php?limit=930 |
64. Katalog Maszynopisów AAP - Baza Danych 887, mps iii/41, mps iii/41, Suhard Emanuel abp, Kaplan w spolecznosci List pasterski 891, mps iii/45, mps iii/45, Danielou Jean, Milosc Boga i milosc http://www.aap.poznan.pl/bazy/maszynopisy.php?limit=885 |
65. Accessing Article Patients with mps iii Sanfilippo present with learning difficulties and severe There were two patients with MPS II Hunter and one patient had mps iii http://www.nature.com/eye/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/6701921a.html | |
66. Rarelink.net - Diagnoselisten Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA (mps iii) Mucopolysaccharidoseforeningen i Danmark FUBs intressegrupp för MPSsjukdomar http://www.rarelink.dk/diagnosedetail.jsp?diagnoseId=243&synonymId=436 |
67. Genetics And Molecular Biology - A Useful Routine For Biochemical Detection And The lowest values were detected in mps iii and MPS IV patients (although 2 or 3 times greater than the normal agerelated values), while the highest values http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1415-47571998000100028&script=sci_arttext&t |
68. Rarelink.net - Diagnoselisten Sanfilippos Sykdom (MPS III) Du er her Hjem Diagnoselisten Sanfilippos sykdom (mps iii) Foreldregruppen for MPSsykdommer FUBs intressegrupp för MPS-sjukdomar http://www.rarelink.no/diagnosedetail.jsp?diagnoseId=243&synonymId=436 |
69. Infos Translate this page Untersuchungen zu Mutationen bei mps iii A Patienten mögliche therapeutische Perspektiven. mps iii A (Morbus Sanfilippo A) ist eine http://www.mps-ev.de/wissenschaft/infos/infos_04.htm | |
70. Selbsthilfe: Berichte Von Betroffenen Translate this page Spuren der Hoffnung (Lea, mps iii). Lea Der Tag, an dem sich unser ganzes Leben mit einem Mal änderte war der Tag im Oktober 2002, als wir von der tödlichen http://www.mps-ev.de/selbsthilfe/betr_berichte/bericht_17.htm | |
71. Gesellschaft Für Mukopolysaccharidosen Und ähnliche Erkrankungen Translate this page Kinder mit einer mps iii leiden besonders in den unruhigen Phasen an gravierenden Schlafstörungen. Sie schlafen eventuell nur wenige Stunden, http://www.mps-austria.at/site.asp?var=sub2311 |
72. Gesellschaft Für Mukopolysaccharidosen Und ähnliche Erkrankungen Translate this page Sanfilippo C, mps iii C, Sialinsäure-Speicherererkrankung. Sanfilippo D, mps iii D, Multipler Sulfatase-Defekt. Morquio A, MPS IV A, Aspartylglukosaminurie http://www.mps-austria.at/site.asp?var=sub23 |
73. Karger Publishers Eleven patients with mps iii were evaluated and presented an overall increased Only 1 patient with mps iii presented a mild aortic insufficiency, http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
74. Rarelink.net - Diagnoslistan Sanfilippos Sjukdom (MPS III) Du är här Hem Diagnoslistan Sanfilippos sjukdom (mps iii) Foreldregruppen for MPSsykdommer FUBs intressegrupp för MPS-sjukdomar http://www.rarelink.se/diagnosedetail.jsp?diagnoseId=243&synonymId=436 |
75. Bienvenue Sur Le Site De L'association VML - Vaincre Les Maladies Lysosomales Translate this page La mucopolysaccharidose de type III (mps iii) ou maladie de Sanfilippo est une maladie de surcharge lysosomale, du groupe des mucopolysaccharidoses. http://www.vml-asso.org/maladies/sanfilippo.php | |
76. Startseite Der Kinderklinik Der Uni Mainz Translate this page mps iii C, M. Sanfilippo C, N-Azetyl-Transferase (F), HS/CS. mps iii D, M. Sanfilippo D, N-Azetylglucosamin-6-Sulfatase (F), HS/CS. MPS IV A, M. Morquio A http://www.uni-mainz.de/FB/Medizin/Allgemein/Klinikum/biochlab.htm | |
77. Välkommen Till MPS-föreningen mps iii Sanfilippo. Tyvärr inga studier på gång för tillfället men man forskar Tkt hoppas kunna utveckla sitt program för mps iii om studien de vill http://www.mpsforeningen.fub.se/forskning.htm | |
78. Genetyka Kliniczna Choroba Sanfilippo A (mps iiiA). Sulfataza siarczanu heparanu. Choroba Sanfilippo B (mps iii-B). Alfa-glukozoaminidaza. Choroba Sanfilippo C (mps iii-C) http://www.genetyka.lekarz.net/plac/ipin.php | |
79. MPS Brasil - Mucopolissacaridoses Translate this page Cromatografia/eletroforese dos GAGs urinários compatível com mps iii GAGs chromatography/electrophoresis compatible with mps iii nonclassified mps iii http://www.mpsbrasil.org.br/textos/caneladez01_draida.htm | |
80. Stofwisselingsstoornissen - FvO mps iii werd voor het eerst herkend in 1958 door Meyer en later Bij elkaar genomen vormen de mps iii subtypes het meest voorkomende type van de http://www.fvo.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4615&Itemid=44 |
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