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101. BBC NEWS | Health | Hope Over Oral Cancer Saliva Test Saliva bacteria could be used in simple test to diagnose oral cancer, US researcherssay. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4655601.stm | |
102. Oral Cancer :: Oral Cancer Oral cancer and related information about Oral cancer including articles,information and links The cancer Resource Blog features over 3000+ cancerrelated http://cancer-resources.blogware.com/blog/_archives/2005/7/12/1018124.html | |
103. Lip Cancer lip cancer, tongue cancer, throat cancer, oral cancer, lip, larynx, oral cavity,oropharynx, paranasal sinuses, cervical esophagus, neural tumors, http://www.tonguecancer.com/lip_cancer.htm | |
104. Abc7.com Non-Smokers At Risk Of Getting Oral Cancer Oral cancer strikes 30000 Americans a year. Of those, only half survive.Free Screening for Oral cancer. Volunteer dentists from the USC School of Dentistry http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/health/061705_hs_oral_cancer.html |
105. Oral Cavity/Oropharynx Cancer Oral cancer links, including symptom, treatment, and cure information for oraltype of cancer. http://www.cancer.com/linksfortype.jsp?CancerType=18 |
106. Head And Neck/Oral Cancer, UPMC | University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pitts Information about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of head and neckcancers from the health care experts at UPMC cancer Centers, http://headandneckcancer.upmc.com/ | |
107. Forsyth Scientists Find Three Bacteria Associated With Oral Cancer; Envision New Scientists at the Forsyth Institute have found that three bacterial species areassociated with the most common form of oral cancer a discovery the http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/07/050708060146.htm | |
108. Saving Faces: Facial And Oral Cancer Research Charity devoted to the prevention and treatment of facial disease, injury andoral cancer. Information on conditions, their activities and events, http://www.savingfaces.co.uk/ | |
109. PreViser Adds New Oral Cancer Risk Assessment Tool To The Oral Health Informatio PreViser Adds New Oral cancer Risk Assessment Tool to the Oral Health InformationSuite(TM) Medical News about PreViser Corporation, Thu, 7 Jul 2005, http://www.send2press.com/newswire/2005-07-0707-004.shtml | |
110. Chapter 4: Oral Cancer - Oral Health A reduction in tobacco use leads to a decreased incidence of oral cancer andprecanceri Epidemiology and aetiology of oral cancer in the United Kingdom. http://hebw.uwcm.ac.uk/oralhealth/chapter4.html | |
111. Oral Cancer File: Promising New Treatments Updated regularly over 100 descriptions of the latest treatments for oralcancersfrom specialists in oncology, oral medicine, and otolaryngology http://www.lifestages.com/health/oralcanc.html | |
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