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61. Dr. Koop - Oral Cancer Oral cancer involves abnormal, malignant tissue growth in the mouth. http://www.drkoop.com/ency/93/001035.html | |
62. Oral Health Resources - Fact Sheet (These cancers include the mouth, tongue, lips, throat, parts for the nose, Signs and Symptoms of Oral cancer. a mouth sore that fails to heal or that http://www.cdc.gov/OralHealth/factsheets/oc-facts.htm | |
63. Frequently Asked Questions - Cancer Of The Oral Cavity And Pharnyx What are the signs and symptoms of oral cancer? A mouth sore that fails to healor that bleeds easily; A white or red patch in the mouth that will not go http://www.cdc.gov/nohss/guideCP.htm | |
64. Oral Cancer Both smoking and alcohol are risk factors for oral cancer. This patient hasa tumor on both her tongue and right floor of the mouth. http://www.tobacco-facts.info/oral_cancer.htm | |
65. Oral Cancer Oral cancer (cancer of the mouth, lips) is a disease that strikes 3000 Canadiansevery year. This form of cancer has a higher mortality rate than either http://www.agingincanada.ca/oral_cancer.htm | |
66. Lip And Oral Cavity Cancer: Another sign of a cancer of the mouth or gums is when dentures no longer fit well . Treatment depends on where the cancer is in the lip or mouth. http://www.acor.org/cnet/62724.html | |
67. The Cancer Infomation Network A physician guided site for cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. Radiation Treatment and Your mouth Radiation is commonly used in http://www.cancerlinksusa.com/oral/ | |
68. Massachusetts Dental Society, Word Of Mouth, Oral Cancer Screenings Key To Early Oral cancer screenings are key to early detection of a disease that will strike more for oral cancer include the floor and roof of a patientÂ’s mouth. http://www.massdental.org/public/wordofmouth.cfm?doc_id=526 |
69. Massachusetts Dental Society, Word Of Mouth, The Importance Of Oral Cancer Scree oral cancer, dental instruments According to the Massachusetts Dental Society I think that education and oral cancer screenings are really the two best http://www.massdental.org/public/wordofmouth.cfm?doc_id=113 |
70. Info Centre - Book Review : Oral Cancer Oral cancer starts in the mouth. The oral cavity includes the lips, What aresymptoms of oral cancer? Sore in the mouth that does not heal (most common http://www.cpaaindia.org/infocentre/bookreview_oral.htm | |
71. Cancer Research And Prevention Foundation: Healthy Living - Cancer Information - Oral cancer affects nearly 30000 people a year, and more than 7000 will die from the Ask your primary health care professional to examine your mouth and http://www.preventcancer.org/healthyliving/cancerinfo/oral.cfm | |
72. ORAL CANCER: Dental Products To Help Patients Of Oral Cancer Or Dry Mouth From D dental products help sufferers of oral cancer or dry mouth including types ofcancer, cancer treatment options, clinical trials, cancer literature, http://www.dentist.net/oral-cancer-care.asp | |
73. Stanford Cancer Center - Cancer Of The Lip And Oral Cavity your dentist should inspect your mouth for signs of oral cancer during your Lip and oral cancers are typically treated with surgery and/or radiation http://cancer.stanfordhospital.com/cancerTypes/headAndNeck/lipOralCavity/ | |
74. Oral Cancer This is cancer which occurs in the mouth (oral cavity). This is because cancertreatment will often make the mouth sensitive and more prone to infection http://www.irishhealth.com/?level=4&con=418 |
75. THE MERCK MANUAL--SECOND HOME EDITION, Cancerous Growths In Ch. 113, Mouth Growt Each year, cancerous growths of the mouth (oral cancer) develop in 30000 peoplein the When pain from cancer of the tongue or roof of the mouth begins, http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec08/ch113/ch113d.html | |
76. Mouth, Head, And Neck Cancers, Cancers, THE MERCK MANUAL OF HEALTH & AGING cancer of the mouth (oral cancer) and cancers of the head and neck area are cancers can occur as lumps in the mouth, on the tongue, in the back of the http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual_ha/sec3/ch51/ch51f.html | |
77. DeltaDental.com - Subscribers - Oral Health Wellness The most prevalent oral cancer sites are the tongue, floor of the mouth and thesoft palate. But oral cancer may also be found on the lips, cheeks or gums. http://www.deltadental.com/servlets/OralHealth/oralcancerscrn.jsp |
78. Oral Cancer Oral cancer includes cancers of the mouth, tongue, cheek and lips. Tobacco inboth cigarettes and smokeless tobacco is leading cause of these deadly cancers http://tobaccofreekids.org/abc/oralcancer.htm | |
79. The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center At Johns Hopkins Head, Neck, mouth, Throat, Salivary and Laryngeal Cancers Head and neckcancers include cancers of the mouth, such as lip and tongue, the pharynx or http://www.hopkinskimmelcancercenter.org/cancertypes/head-neck-mouth-throat.cfm? |
80. Elsevier Author Gateway invited on the following aspects of cancers arising in the lip, tongue, mouth, (1) Natural history of oral cancer and pre cancer, basic pathology, http://authors.elsevier.com/JournalDetail.html?PubID=105&Precis=DESC |
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