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         Mobius Syndrome:     more detail
  1. The Official Parent's Sourcebook on Mobius Syndrome: Directory for the Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2005-01-31
  2. The Low GI Guide to the Metabolic Syndrome and Your Heart by Jennie Brand-Miller, Kaye Foster-Powell, et all 2005-06-06

81. Localization Of A Gene For Mobius Syndrome To Chromosome 3q By Linkage Analysis
mobius syndrome (MIM no. 157900) consists of a congenital paresis or paralysis of the After exclusion of the candidate region for mobius syndrome on
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Request Permissions PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Kremer, H. Articles by Padberg, G. W.
Localization of a gene for Mobius syndrome to chromosome 3q by linkage analysis in a Dutch family
H Kremer, LP Kuyt, B van den Helm, M van Reen, JA Leunissen, BC Hamel, C Jansen, EC Mariman, RR Frants and GW Padberg
Department of Human Genetics, University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Mobius syndrome (MIM no. 157900) consists of a congenital paresis or paralysis of the VIIth cranial nerve, frequently accompanied by paralysis of other cranial nerves, orofacial and limb malformations, defects of the

82. Localization Of A Gene For Mobius Syndrome To Chromosome 3q By Linkage Analysis
mobius syndrome redefined A syndrome of rhombencephalic maldevelopment Mutation analysis in the candidate mobius syndrome genes PGT and GATA2 on
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Request Permissions PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Kremer, H. Articles by Padberg, G. W. Human Molecular Genetics Pages



Materials And Methods
Hannie Kremer Lambertus P. Kuyt Bellinda van den Helm Margo van Reen Jack A. M. Leunissen Ben C. J. Hamel Cees Jansen Edwin C. M. Mariman Rune R. Frants
and George W. Padberg Departments of Human Genetics and Neurology, University Hospital Nijmegen, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen The Netherlands Department of Human Genetics, Free University, Amsterdam The Netherlands Caos Camm Center

83. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery - UserLogin
Rizos M, Negron RJ, Serman N. mobius syndrome with dental involvement a case report mobius syndrome with Poland s anomaly. J Med Genet 1973; 10192196
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84. Dr Stelnicki Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Cleft, Craniofacial And Asthetic Surgica
We are looking to help characterize the gene responsible for mobius syndrome. with mobius syndrome on the genetic risks associated with the disorder.
The Facing It Together Foundation What we do:
Children and adults with facial differences need our help. Medical problems that produce an alteration in facial appearance dramatically affect their lives. Whether this change is the result of a birth related disorder or an acquired problem such as trauma or facial cancer, patients with these problems need support. Although not life threatening, changes in facial appearance dramatically alter the way society views and interacts with a person. Our facial appearance is the first impression people in our family and local community have of all of us. When this appearance is altered, so is the reaction of others. Therefore, unlike other medical conditions such as heart disease, liver disease, lung disease, etc., facial disorders dramatically impact the way patients interact with society on a daily basis. In our area, one out of every five hundred children born have some sort of facial disfigurement. In addition, one in every thousand adults has some form of facial deformity related to trauma or cancer. Yet in spite of the large number of people affected by these problems, very little is being done to improve their standard of living. There has been no major advancement in the treatment of these problems in over the last decade. In Florida, there is little to no research being conducted to improve the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of these problems. More importantly, our state is only beginning to help patients and families deal with the fall of these complex problems.

85. Clinical Dysmorphology - UserLogin
Polandmobius syndrome associated with dextrocardia. J Med Genet (1984) 21 70-71. Dextrocardia and ventricular septal defect in the mobius syndrome.
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86. Prostaglandins
Use of Misoprostol During Pregnancy and mobius syndrome in Infants. mobius syndrome is a congenital facial paralysis with or without limb defects and it
Speciality Spotlight
  • Comparison Between Oral and Vaginal Administration of Misoprostol on Uterine Contractility.
    KH Danielsson, et al (Karolinksa Hosp, Stockholm; Univ of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Strafford) Obstet Gynecol 93:275-280, 1999.
    Misoprostol has some advantages over the other prostaglandins currently used for pregnancy termination and labour induction, including availability in tablet form, lower cost, and storage without refrigeration.
    In this study thirty women with normal, intrauterine pregnancies at 8 to 11 weeks' gestation were enrolled. They were given 0.2 or 0.4 mg of misoprostol orally or vaginally. Intrauterine pressure was recorded 30 minutes before misoprostol administration and for 4 hours thereafter. Suction curettage was performed at the end of the recording.
    Contractions occurred with vaginal misoprostol and not with oral misoprostol.
    Conclusions- After vaginal administration of misoprostol, long-lasting, continuously increasing uterine contractility develops; this can be only partially explained by a direct drug effect. The longer period of increased plasma concentrations of misoprostol may have also initiated the prolonged events, resulting in increased uterine contractility.

87. Case Based Pediatrics Chapter
Rarer entities are Duane syndrome (agenesis of the sixth nerve nucleus, accompanied by globe retraction on adduction) and mobius syndrome (palsy of sixth,
Case Based Pediatrics For Medical Students and Residents
Department of Pediatrics, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine
Chapter XVII.3. Strabismus and Amblyopia
Julie K. Nishimura, MD
July 2002
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A 6 month old female infant presents with crossed eyes. Her parents say her eyes have been crossed since birth, and the left eye seems to cross more than the right. She seems to see fine. She plays with toys and recognizes people across the room. She was a full term infant without perinatal complications, and has no known medical problems. Clinical course: A referral is made to a pediatric ophthalmologist. No structural ocular abnormalities are found, and there is no significant refractive error. The patient is diagnosed with 1) infantile esotropia and 2) amblyopia, left eye. She wears a patch 6 hours a day over the right eye for a month, and vision in her left eye improves so that she can follow toys equally well with either eye. This also means that either eye crosses spontaneously. She then has surgery to correct her strabismus. Her medial rectus muscles are recessed at age 8 months. Postoperatively, her eyes are straight (orthophoric). Strabismus (ocular misalignment) is a common pediatric health problem, affecting approximately 5% of U.S. children. If left untreated, strabismus can lead to severe visual consequences, including poor vision and inability to use the eyes together. Strabismic amblyopia is defined as poor vision (usually in one eye, often termed "lazy eye") that results from prolonged ocular misalignment. Amblyopia can be very pronounced (sometimes able to see only hand motions in the affected eye) and is a major cause of blindness among children. Amblyopia can be prevented with timely, appropriate intervention.

88. The Daily News: Young Diabetic Sent Home
Jessica has mobius syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes facial paralysis There’s no cure for mobius syndrome, but Jessica has been approved for

89. Genecircuit: University Of Utah News Release: June 8, 2004
Arenkiel says it is not yet known if a mutation of the Hoxb1 gene plays a role in mobius syndrome, but the mutant gene and the syndrome cause nearly
How Genes Get Us Wired
Study is First to Show Same Gene Must Work at Both Ends of a Nerve
Media Contacts

Press Images
A University of Utah study indicates that genes involved in embryo development must be active at both ends of a nerve circuit for the circuit to form properly. For example, when a gene named Hoxb1
is active in both the brain and the face, nerves form to help the brain control facial muscles. This circuit worked properly in the mouse on the left, so the mouse could close its eyes, flatten its ears and wince in when a puff of air was blown in its face.
But because Hoxb1 was disabled in the face of mouse at right, that mouse was unable to move
its facial muscles in response to a puff of air.
To download high-resolution click here:

Credit: Ben Arenkiel, University of Utah

90. Neurology Search Narrative May 2004 Websites ASERNIP-S Http//www
(2555) 71 exp facial nerve diseases/ or exp facial neuralgia/ (3721) 72 (bell palsy or melkerssonrosenthal syndrome or mobius syndrome).tw. Search Narrative.txt
Neurology Search Narrative May 2004 Websites ASERNIP-S Canadian Medical Association Centre for Clinical Effectiveness (Australia) Health Technology Assessment NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination NHS Quality Improvement Scotland National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) National Electronic Library for Health National Guideline Clearinghouse National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) New Zealand Guidelines Group Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) Trip Database US National Institutes of Health 04/04/04 Searches for patient referral and follow up were conducted in the year range 1990-2004 on the following databases. The Medline strategy was adapted for other databases. * British Nursing Index * Cinahl * Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 1 2004. * Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials * Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects * Embase * Medline * Psycinfo Results were separated into systematic reviews and all other studies. Type of study Duplicates removed Sifted Systematic review 202 37 Other 8790 1060 Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) Search Strategy: 1 exp NEUROLOGY/ (7091) 2 neurolog$.tw. (106496) 3 exp Headache/ (13640) 4 exp Vascular Headaches/ (13449) 5 (11101) 6 (23472) 7 exp Multiple Sclerosis/ (22875) 8 multiple (21990) 9 neuromyelitis (126) 10 exp Epilepsy/ (66981) 11 epilep$.tw. (48739) 12 landau-kleffner (214) 13 seizure$.tw. (45053) 14 exp Brain Ischemia/ (33627) 15 (brain adj2 ischemia).tw. (3152) 16 transient ischemic (1544) 17 (2256) 18 exp Cerebrovascular Accident/ (26608) 19 ((brain or cerebral) adj2 infarction$).tw. (7830) 20 (lateral medullary syndrome or stroke).tw. (57561) 21 exp Nervous System Neoplasms/ (104137) 22 ((nerv$ or brain or cerebral or cerebellar or infratentorial or supratentorial or hypothalam$ or pituitary or arachnoid or meningeal) adj2 (neoplasm$ or tumo$r or cyst$)).tw. (15468) 23 (256) 24 Neoplasms, Nerve Tissue/ (877) 25 (5617) 26 (653) 27 neurofibro$.tw. (7676) 28 (2795) 29 (85) 30 exp Cranial Nerve Diseases/ (53547) 31 (nerv$ adj2 (disease$ or injur$ or disorder)).tw. (15825) 32 (4439) 33 (2795) 34 (202) 35 (5069) 36 exp Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/ (74804) 37 (neuropath$ or polyneuropath$ or mononeuropath$).tw. (49118) 38 (3989) 39 (5778) 40 (318) 41 (1802) 42 exp Consciousness Disorders/ (23544) 43 (syncope or faint$ or collapse$).tw. (25304) 44 exp Central Nervous System Infections/ (76432) 45 ((central nervous system or CNS) adj2 (disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$ or infection)).tw. (10222) 46 exp facial pain/ or exp neuralgia/ (9850) 47 ((facial or face) adj2 pain).tw. (1931) 48 (lumbosacral adj2 (disease$ or infect$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (153) 49 exp Dizziness/ (1735) 50 (dizziness or vertigo or light-head$ or giddiness or faint).tw. (13547) 51 (68) 52 (nerv$ adj2 (compression or disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (14069) 53 exp Amnesia/ (5624) 54 (amnesia or memory loss).tw. (5868) 55 exp Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System/ (49697) 56 (leukoencephalitis or myasthenia or polyradiculoneuropathy or uveomeningoencephalitic or encephalomyelitis or myelitis or stiff-person syndrome).tw. (17856) 57 exp Basal Ganglia Diseases/ (45035) 58 (parkinson$ disease or parkinsonian disorder$ or levy body disease$ or dystonia or huntington disease or meige syndrome or neuroleptic).tw. (36072) 59 exp Dementia/ (55555) 60 (dementia or alzheimer$ or aphasia or kluver-bucy syndrome).tw. (58499) 61 (motor-neuron disease or MND or "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" or bulbar palsy or muscular atroph$ or multiple system atroph$ or tauopath$).tw. (11046) 62 (myelitis or "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis").tw. (6817) 63 ("loss of consciousness" or unconscious).tw. (5759) 64 (dyskineasis or ataxia or gait or catalepsy or dystonia or hyperkines$ or hypokines$ or myoclonus or tics or tremor).tw. (42452) 65 visual (182) 66 exp Facial Nerve/ (7023) 67 (facial adj2 (motor or nerv$)).tw. (7663) 68 exp Diplopia/ (2558) 69 (double vision or diplopia).tw. (3024) 70 ((speech or language or communication) adj (disorder$ or disturbance)).tw. (2555) 71 exp facial nerve diseases/ or exp facial neuralgia/ (3721) 72 (bell palsy or melkersson-rosenthal syndrome or mobius syndrome).tw. (501) 73 exp Movement Disorders/ (51430) 74 movement disorder$.tw. (4080) 75 (angelman syndrome or meige syndrome or torticollis).tw. (2146) 76 (brain$ adj2 (dysfunction or abcess or damage or disease$ or injur$ or neoplasm)).tw. (31384) 77 exp Cranial Nerve Diseases/ (53547) 78 (cranial nerve adj (lesion$ or disease$ or neoplasm$)).tw. (78) 79 (5069) 80 neuromuscular diseases/ or exp isaacs syndrome/ or exp motor neuron disease/ or exp muscular atrophy, spinal/ or muscular disorders, atrophic/ or mitochondrial myopathies/ or myopathies, structural, congenital/ or exp muscular disorders, atrophic/ or exp neuromuscular junction diseases/ (47489) 81 exp amnesia, transient global/ or exp brain neoplasms/ or exp headache disorders/ (87788) 82 neurologic manifestations/ or exp gait disorders, neurologic/ or exp memory disorders/ or exp seizures/ or exp vertigo/ (47738) 83 neurodegenerative diseases/ or exp motor neuron disease/ or exp parkinson disease/ (41381) 84 ((non-organic or organic) and neuro$).tw. (4110) 85 exp spinal cord diseases/ 86 or/1-85 (882765) 87 exp "Referral and Consultation"/ (33922) 88 referral$.tw. (27409) 89 exp TRIAGE/ (3511) 90 (2994) 91 (patient$ adj follow up).tw. (5290) 92 (surveillance adj patient$).tw. (819) 93 or/87-92 (63723) 94 85 and 93 (5869) 95 limit 94 to (human and yr=1990 - 2004) (4695) Database: EMBASE Search Strategy: 1 exp NEUROLOGY/ (2804) 2 neurolog$.tw. (74535) 3 exp "Headache and Facial Pain"/ (51600) 4 (migraine or headache).tw. (23325) 5 exp demyelinating disease/ or multiple sclerosis/ (23445) 6 (multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica or leukodystrophy).tw. (15305) 7 exp "Seizure, Epilepsy and Convulsion"/ (69417) 8 (epilep$ or landau-kleffner syndrome or seizure$ or convulsion$).tw. (54859) 9 (brain adj2 ischemia).tw. (2567) 10 (transient ischemic attack or TIA).tw. (2561) 11 ((brain or cerebral) adj2 infarction$).tw. (5475) 12 (stroke not heatstroke).tw. (43993) 13 lateral medullary (67) 14 exp Nervous System Tumor/ (76198) 15 ((nerv$ or brain or cerebral or cerebellar or infratentorial or supratentorial or hypothalam$ or pituitary or arachnoid or meningeal) adj2 (neoplasm$ or tumo$r or cyst$)).tw. (9376) 16 exp Nervous System Tumor/ (76198) 17 (neurocytoma or meningioma or neurilemmoma or neurofibro$ or neuroma or neurothekeoma).tw. (10455) 18 exp Neuropathy/ (95978) 19 (nerv$ adj2 (disease$ or injur$ or disorder$)).tw. (12144) 20 (neuralgia or neuroma or neuronitis).tw. (4639) 21 (3648) 22 (neuropath$ or polyneuropath$ or mononeuropath$ or neuritis or causalgia or sciatica).tw. (39113) 23 exp Consciousness Disorder/ (19787) 24 (syncope or faint$ or collapse$).tw. (17516) 25 exp Central Nervous System Infection/ (35271) 26 ((central nervous system or CNS) adj2 (disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$ or infection)).tw. (7284) 27 exp Neuralgia/ (14379) 28 ((facial or face) adj2 pain).tw. (962) 29 (lumbosacral adj2 (disease$ or infect$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (85) 30 exp Vertigo/ (19895) 31 (dizziness or vertigo or light-head$ or giddiness or faint).tw. (10003) 32 (23) 33 (nerv$ adj2 (compression or disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (8829) 34 exp Amnesia/ (10394) 35 (amnesia or memory loss).tw. (4026) 36 (leukoencephalitis or myasthenia or polyradiculoneuropathy or uveomeningoencephalitic or encephalomyelitis or myelitis or stiff-person syndrome).tw. (9704) 37 exp Extrapyramidal Syndrome/ (39488) 38 (parkinson$ disease or parkinsonian disorder$ or levy body disease$ or dystonia or huntington disease or meige syndrome or neuroleptic).tw. (27763) 39 exp Dementia/ (62350) 40 (dementia or alzheimer$ or aphasia or kluver-bucy syndrome).tw. (49836) 41 (motor-neuron disease or MND or "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" or bulbar palsy or muscular atroph$ or multiple system atroph$ or tauopath$).tw. (8043) 42 (myelitis or amyotrophic sclerosis or unconscious$).tw. (4118) 43 (dyskineasis or ataxia or gait or catalepsy or dystonia or hyperkines$ or hypokines$ or myoclonus or tics or tremor or visual failure).tw. (27754) 44 exp facial nerve/ (2530) 45 (facial adj2 (motor or nerv$)).tw. (4681) 46 exp Diplopia/ (3077) 47 (double vision or diplopia).tw. (2219) 48 ((speech or language or communication) adj (disorder$ or disturbance)).tw. (1607) 49 exp Facial Nerve Disease/ (5033) 50 (bell palsy or melkersson-rosenthal syndrome or mobius syndrome).tw. (234) 51 exp Motor Dysfunction/ (128505) 52 movement disorder$.tw. (3359) 53 (angelman syndrome or meige syndrome or torticollis).tw. (1339) 54 (brain$ adj2 (dysfunction or abcess or damage or disease$ or injur$ or neoplasm)).tw. (24232) 55 (cranial nerve adj (lesion$ or disease$ or neoplasm$)).tw. (51) 56 (3648) 57 exp Neuromuscular Disease/ (37689) 58 degenerative disease/ or exp alzheimer disease/ or exp parkinson disease/ or exp senile dementia/ (60842) 59 exp Brain Tumor/ (30442) 60 ((nonorganic or non-organic) and neuro$).tw. (83) 61 or/1-60 (659850) 62 exp Patient Referral/ (12793) 63 referral$.tw. (20068) 64 exp Emergency Health Service/ (6259) 65 (2030) 66 (patient$ adj follow up).tw. (4535) 67 (surveillance adj patient$).tw. (613) 68 or/62-67 (39019) 69 61 and 68 (5834) 70 limit 69 to (human and yr=1990 - 2004) (5562) 71 limit 70 to abstracts (5070) 72 from 71 keep 1-200 (200) *************************** 11/04/04 Searches for patient views were conducted in the year range 1990-2004 on the following databases. The Medline strategy was adapted for other databases. * British Nursing Index * Cinahl * Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 1 2004 * Embase * Medline * Psychinfo Type of Study Duplicates Removed Sifted All records 5688 423 Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) Search Strategy: 281 exp NEUROLOGY/ (7083) 282 neurolog$.tw. (106241) 283 exp Headache/ (13616) 284 exp Vascular Headaches/ (13428) 285 (11081) 286 (23423) 287 exp Multiple Sclerosis/ (22834) 288 multiple (21941) 289 neuromyelitis (126) 290 exp Epilepsy/ (66889) 291 epilep$.tw. (48658) 292 landau-kleffner (214) 293 seizure$.tw. (44977) 294 exp Brain Ischemia/ (33535) 295 (brain adj2 ischemia).tw. (3148) 296 transient ischemic (1540) 297 (2246) 298 exp Cerebrovascular Accident/ (26477) 299 ((brain or cerebral) adj2 infarction$).tw. (7808) 300 lateral medullary (91) 301 exp Nervous System Neoplasms/ (103952) 302 ((nerv$ or brain or cerebral or cerebellar or infratentorial or supratentorial or hypothalam$ or pituitary or arachnoid or meningeal) adj2 (neoplasm$ or tumo$r or cyst$)).tw. (15433) 303 (254) 304 Neoplasms, Nerve Tissue/ (876) 305 (5609) 306 (651) 307 neurofibro$.tw. (7665) 308 (2792) 309 (85) 310 exp Cranial Nerve Diseases/ (53461) 311 (nerv$ adj2 (disease$ or injur$ or disorder)).tw. (15769) 312 (4427) 313 (2792) 314 (202) 315 exp Spinal Cord Diseases/ (55200) 316 (spinal cord adj2 (disease or tumo?r or neoplasm$ or cyst$ or damage$ or injur$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (13531) 317 (5064) 318 exp Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/ (74693) 319 (neuropath$ or polyneuropath$ or mononeuropath$).tw. (48983) 320 (3986) 321 (5768) 322 (316) 323 (1800) 324 exp Consciousness Disorders/ (23498) 325 (syncope or faint$ or collapse$).tw. (25191) 326 exp Central Nervous System Infections/ (76311) 327 ((central nervous system or CNS) adj2 (disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$ or infection)).tw. (10193) 328 exp facial pain/ or exp neuralgia/ (9829) 329 ((facial or face) adj2 pain).tw. (1920) 330 (lumbosacral adj2 (disease$ or infect$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (153) 331 exp Dizziness/ (1730) 332 (dizziness or light-head$ or giddiness or faint).tw. (8985) 333 (68) 334 ((guillain-barre or miller fisher or isaacs or carpal tunnel or tarsal tunnel or cubital tunnel or thoracic outlet or cervical rib) adj syndrome).tw. (8618) 335 (nerv$ adj2 (compression or disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (14041) 336 exp Amnesia/ (5617) 337 (amnesia or memory loss).tw. (5861) 338 exp Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System/ (49604) 339 (leukoencephalitis or myasthenia or polyradiculoneuropathy or uveomeningoencephalitic or encephalomyelitis or myelitis or stiff-person syndrome).tw. (17826) 340 exp Basal Ganglia Diseases/ (44806) 341 (parkinson$ disease or parkinsonian disorder$ or levy body disease$ or dystonia or huntington disease or meige syndrome or neuroleptic).tw. (35817) 342 exp Dementia/ (55413) 343 (dementia or alzheimer$ or aphasia or kluver-bucy syndrome).tw. (58329) 344 exp Neurodegenerative Diseases/ (118697) 345 (motor-neuron disease or MND or "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" or bulbar palsy or muscular atroph$ or multiple system atroph$ or tauopath$).tw. (11004) 346 (myelitis or "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis").tw. (6801) 347 ("loss of consciousness" or unconscious).tw. (5749) 348 (dyskineasis or ataxia or gait or catalepsy or dystonia or hyperkines$ or hypokines$ or myoclonus or tics or tremor).tw. (42237) 349 visual (181) 350 exp Facial Nerve/ (7015) 351 (facial adj2 (motor or nerv$)).tw. (7647) 352 exp Diplopia/ (2554) 353 (double vision or diplopia).tw. (3015) 354 ((speech or language or communication) adj (disorder$ or disturbance)).tw. (2547) 355 (aphasia or echolalia or stutter$).tw. (6873) 356 exp facial nerve diseases/ or exp facial neuralgia/ (3710) 357 (bell palsy or melkersson-rosenthal syndrome or mobius syndrome).tw. (501) 358 exp Movement Disorders/ (51200) 359 movement disorder$.tw. (4011) 360 (angelman syndrome or meige syndrome or torticollis).tw. (2137) 361 (brain$ adj2 (dysfunction or abcess or damage or disease$ or injur$ or neoplasm)).tw. (31282) 362 exp Cranial Nerve Diseases/ (53461) 363 (cranial nerve adj (lesion$ or disease$ or neoplasm$)).tw. (78) 364 (5064) 365 neurologic manifestations/ or exp dyskinesias/ or exp gait disorders, neurologic/ or exp meningism/ or exp communication disorders/ or exp memory disorders/ or exp neuromuscular manifestations/ or exp paresis/ or exp reflex, abnormal/ or seizures/ or exp convulsions/ or vertigo/ or exp aphonia/ (131780) 366 neuromuscular diseases/ or exp isaacs syndrome/ or exp motor neuron disease/ or exp muscular atrophy, spinal/ or muscular disorders, atrophic/ or mitochondrial myopathies/ or myopathies, structural, congenital/ or exp muscular disorders, atrophic/ or exp neuromuscular junction diseases/ (47191) 367 exp akinetic mutism/ or exp amblyopia/ or exp amnesia, transient global/ or exp brain damage, chronic/ or exp brain diseases, metabolic/ or exp brain injuries/ or exp brain neoplasms/ or exp cerebellar diseases/ or exp encephalitis/ or exp encephalomalacia/ or exp headache disorders/ (202828) 368 or/281-367 (961180) 369 280 and 368 (3440) 370 limit 369 to (human and yr=1990-2004) (2686) *************************** Database: EMBASE Search Strategy: 1 exp NEUROLOGY/ (2793) 2 neurolog$.tw. (74337) 3 exp "Headache and Facial Pain"/ (51463) 4 (migraine or headache).tw. (23285) 5 exp demyelinating disease/ or multiple sclerosis/ (23375) 6 (multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica or leukodystrophy).tw. (15255) 7 exp "Seizure, Epilepsy and Convulsion"/ (69243) 8 (epilep$ or landau-kleffner syndrome or seizure$ or convulsion$).tw. (54734) 9 exp Cerebrovascular Disease/ (102339) 10 (brain adj2 ischemia).tw. (2556) 11 (transient ischemic attack or TIA).tw. (2548) 12 ((brain or cerebral) adj2 infarction$).tw. (5460) 13 (stroke not heatstroke).tw. (43852) 14 lateral medullary (67) 15 exp Nervous System Tumor/ (76003) 16 ((nerv$ or brain or cerebral or cerebellar or infratentorial or supratentorial or hypothalam$ or pituitary or arachnoid or meningeal) adj2 (neoplasm$ or tumo$r or cyst$)).tw. (9360) 17 exp Nervous System Tumor/ (76003) 18 (neurocytoma or meningioma or neurilemmoma or neurofibro$ or neuroma or neurothekeoma).tw. (10436) 19 exp Neuropathy/ (95729) 20 (nerv$ adj2 (disease$ or injur$ or disorder$)).tw. (12113) 21 (neuralgia or neuroma or neuronitis).tw. (4626) 22 exp Spinal Cord Disease/ (48213) 23 (spinal cord adj2 (disease$ or tumo$r or neoplasm$ or cyst$ or damage$ or injur$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (9700) 24 (3640) 25 (neuropath$ or polyneuropath$ or mononeuropath$ or neuritis or causalgia or sciatica).tw. (39022) 26 exp Consciousness Disorder/ (19709) 27 (syncope or faint$ or collapse$).tw. (17468) 28 exp Central Nervous System Infection/ (35173) 29 ((central nervous system or CNS) adj2 (disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$ or infection)).tw. (7264) 30 ((central nervous system or CNS) adj2 (disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$ or infection)).tw. (7264) 31 ((central nervous system or CNS) adj2 (disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$ or infection)).tw. (7264) 32 exp Neuralgia/ (14336) 33 ((facial or face) adj2 pain).tw. (961) 34 (lumbosacral adj2 (disease$ or infect$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (85) 35 exp Vertigo/ (19886) 36 (dizziness or vertigo or light-head$ or giddiness or faint).tw. (9986) 37 (23) 38 ((guillain-barre or miller fisher or isaacs or carpal tunnel or tarsal tunnel or cubital tunnel or thoracic outlet or cervical rib) adj syndrome).tw. (5804) 39 (nerv$ adj2 (compression or disease$ or disorder$ or abnormal$)).tw. (8812) 40 exp Amnesia/ (10375) 41 (amnesia or memory loss).tw. (4018) 42 (leukoencephalitis or myasthenia or polyradiculoneuropathy or uveomeningoencephalitic or encephalomyelitis or myelitis or stiff-person syndrome).tw. (9681) 43 exp Extrapyramidal Syndrome/ (39376) 44 (parkinson$ disease or parkinsonian disorder$ or levy body disease$ or dystonia or huntington disease or meige syndrome or neuroleptic).tw. (27698) 45 exp Dementia/ (62160) 46 (dementia or alzheimer$ or aphasia or kluver-bucy syndrome).tw. (49675) 47 exp Degenerative Disease/ (93074) 48 (motor-neuron disease or MND or "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" or bulbar palsy or muscular atroph$ or multiple system atroph$ or tauopath$).tw. (8026) 49 (myelitis or amyotrophic sclerosis or unconscious$).tw. (4100) 50 (dyskineasis or ataxia or gait or catalepsy or dystonia or hyperkines$ or hypokines$ or myoclonus or tics or tremor or visual failure).tw. (27697) 51 exp facial nerve/ (2524) 52 (facial adj2 (motor or nerv$)).tw. (4674) 53 exp Diplopia/ (3064) 54 (double vision or diplopia).tw. (2212) 55 ((speech or language or communication) adj (disorder$ or disturbance)).tw. (1604) 56 (aphasia or echolalia or stutter$).tw. (4552) 57 exp Facial Nerve Disease/ (5020) 58 (bell palsy or melkersson-rosenthal syndrome or mobius syndrome).tw. (233) 59 exp Motor Dysfunction/ (128173) 60 movement disorder$.tw. (3358) 61 (angelman syndrome or meige syndrome or torticollis).tw. (1332) 62 (brain$ adj2 (dysfunction or abcess or damage or disease$ or injur$ or neoplasm)).tw. (24177) 63 (cranial nerve adj (lesion$ or disease$ or neoplasm$)).tw. (51) 64 (3640) 65 exp Neuromuscular Disease/ (37596) 66 or/1-65 (734906) Please note that the above strategies were combined with a search strategy for ‘patient views’, which was compiled for the all the searches to be conducted for CCI. This can be viewed in the Dermatology Search Narrative.

91. NATRI AT Resources: Reports: At Problems
We studied Madelaine , a middle school student (6th grader) with mobius syndrome, education teacher that students with mobius syndrome cannot smile;

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Examine a summary of the lessons learned during a case study that identified problems that can occur when planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating assistive technology services for a specific student.
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Introduction In 1997, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandated that the assistive technology needs of all students who receive special education or related service as part of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) be considered during the planning of their IEPs . Although many school districts throughout the United States had been delivering assistive technology services prior to 1997, many others were not prepared to do so when the assistive technology mandates became effective. Return to Table of Contents
We studied "Madelaine", a middle school student (6th grader) with Mobius syndrome, whose legs end just above the knee and whose left arm ends just below the elbow joint. At the time of the study, she was performing at an average level on achievement tests in reading and below average on math. She performed well in primary school, but her grades in social studies and science deteriorated when she moved to middle school.

92. ..misoprostol Use In Obstetrics And Gynecology – A Bibliography..
Uterine contraction in the development of mobius syndrome. J Child Neurol. mobius syndrome after misoprostol a possible teratogenic mechanism. Lancet.
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Misoprostol in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
F. OTHER (45)
  • Bique C, Bugalho A, Bergstrom S. Labor induction by vaginal misoprostol in grand multiparous women. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1999; 78(3):198-201. Bond GR, Van Zee A. Overdosage of misoprostol in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994; 171(2):561-2. Brown SE, Toner JP, Schnorr JA, Williams SC, Gibbons WE, de Ziegler D , Oehninger S. Vaginal misoprostol enhances intrauterine insemination. Hum Reprod. 2001; 16(1):96-101. Bygdeman M. [Misoprostol may cause fetal malformations]. Lakartidningen. 1998; 95(30-31):3268-9. Swedish. No abstract available. Castilla EE, Orioli IM. Teratogenicity of misoprostol: data from the Latin-American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) Am J Med Genet. 1994; 51(2):161-2. No abstract available. Chong YS, Chua S, El-Refaey H, Choo WL, Chanrachakul B, Tai BC, Rodeck C, Arulkumaran S. Postpartum intrauterine pressure studies of the uterotonic effect of oral misoprostol and intramuscular syntometrine. BJOG. 2001; 108(1):41-7. Coelho HL, Teixeira AC, Cruz Md, Gonzaga SL, Arrais PS, Luchini L, La Vecchia C, Tognoni G. Misoprostol: the experience of women in Fortaleza, Brazil. Contraception. 1994; 49(2):101-10.
  • 93. BrainTalk Communities - Question
    And I Plan On Having Sex with my Boyfriend This COming May.. So.. I Really need to Know If I Need to Take any PerCautions because of my mobius syndrome.
    BrainTalk Communities Specific Neurological Conditions (M - Z) Moebius Syndrome PDA View Full Version : Question 11-01-2004, 05:49 PM Hey My Names brittany and I had a Question.. I Am A Teen Who Has Moebius Syndrome and I Was wondering.. if you Need to Take any PerCautions During Sex ...I mean.. I dunno if Moebius Syndrome Will Affect Sex or Not.. So... Please Let me Know
    And I Plan On Having Sex with my Boyfriend This COming May.. So.. I Really need to Know If I Need to Take any PerCautions because of my Mobius Syndrome. MoebianSean 11-02-2004, 10:22 PM I dunno why you need a schedule for sex. This coming May? Are you busy until then? :) How about April 29th? :) But, if you REALLY are going to "do it". If you both feel the love, then make love...just use safety rubbers, the pill, female rubbers, etc. If you use protection, you don't need to worry....much. But....they do say the best protection is keeping the zipper closed. But those that say that are gay-fearing Christians
    (priests, baptists, etc). I find it funny that priests are somewhat anti-gay, when MOST of them are gay....wouldn't that make them hypocrits?

    94. BrainTalk Communities - Useful Websites
    I have seen reference to mobius syndrome occurring in Autism but couldn t ever find good illustrations to recognise this condition.

    95. KoreaMed - Basic Search
    mobius syndrome is generally considered to be a static disorder of We report a family of three members with mobius syndrome; a 7year-old girl, Korean Neurol Asso

    96. Síndrome De Mobius Unilateral
    Translate this page Correo electrónico BIBLIOGRAFÍA. 1. Evans PR. Nuclear agenesis. mobius syndrome The congenital facial diplegia syndrome.
    Síndrome de mobius unilateral José Alberto Prieto Rivera*, MD.
    Jorge Eduardo Almario**, MD.
    José Eduardo Guzmán***, MD.
    María Fernanda Aragón****, MD. Profesor Asociado Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Grupo de Otología-Neurotología. Hospital Militar Central. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia. Profesor Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Jefe del Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Grupo de Otología-Neurotología. Hospital Militar Central. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia. Residente Tercer Nivel Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Hospital Militar Central. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia. Residente Segundo Nivel Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Hospital Militar Central. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia.
    RESUMEN El síndrome de Mobius es una entidad caracterizada por parálisis del VI y VII par, pudiendo existir compromiso de otros pares craneanos o asociación a alteraciones de la pared torácica, retardo mental y alteraciones de las extremidades. Normalmente es de presentación bilateral, pero puede presentarse en forma unilateral. El presente reporte muestra el caso de una paciente de 15 años de edad quién consulta por presentar parálisis facial congénita unilateral y VI par ipsilateral; siendo estas sus únicas manifestaciones clínicas.

    97. The Health Library — Genetics And Birth Defects
    mobius syndrome. mobius syndromeNINDS Moebius SyndromeUC Davis Children s Hospital What is Moebius Syndrome?Moebius Syndrome Foundation
    Diseases and Disorders Use these links to jump directly to your topic of interest in Genetics and Birth Defects: Genetics: General Genetics Gene Therapy Genetic Counseling Genetic Testing ... Genetics of Specific Diseases Birth Defects: General Birth Defects Cardiovascular Defects Connective Tissue Disorders Craniofacial Anomalies ... S - W Multiple Congenital Anomalies (D - M) Jump to: A B C D ... P Q R S T U ... W X Y Z Deafness-Dystonia-Optic Neuronopathy Syndrome (DFN-1, Mohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome) Deafness-Dystonia-Optic Neuronopathy Syndrome:GeneReviews Down Syndrome Down Syndrome:March of Dimes Facts About Down Syndrome:NICHD Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21):Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Information and Resources:National Down Syndrome Society ... Let's Talk About Down Syndrome:netLibrary for Kids] Everything You Need to Know About Down Syndrome:netLibrary [for Teens] Down Syndrome : A Promising Future, Together:netLibrary Down Syndrome:Genetics Home Reference, NLM Down Syndrome:Society for Neuroscience Down Syndrome:MedlinePlus Dyskeratosis Congenita Dyskeratosis Congenita:Madisons Foundation Dyskeratosis Congenita:eMedicine Dyskeratosis Congenita:National Cancer Institute Ectodermal Dysplasia Ectodermal Dysplasia (EDS):U.C. Davis Children's Hospital

    98. Medical Center Surgeon Gives Child Reason, Not To Mention Ability, To Smile
    Kim was later diagnosed with mobius syndrome, a condition that causes mobius syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by facial paralysis.

    Contact Stanford Report
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    Stanford Report, October 23, 2002 Medical center surgeon gives child reason, not to mention ability, to smile By CAMILLE MOJICA REY Kim was later diagnosed with Mobius syndrome, a condition that causes varying degrees of facial paralysis. Children with the disorder often have trouble controlling their eyelids and cheek muscles. For Chris, now 10, the paralysis meant he was unable to form a normal smile. This kind of inability goes largely unnoticed by a small child. However, most parents are quite distressed by the lack of symmetry. But, as he grew, Chris became aware of his inability to smile normally, which his parents said caused emotional strain. "I heard him praying for fixing his face," Steve Kim said. Prior to surgery and years of therapy, Chris Kim was literally unable to smile. An unusual procedure at the medical center established the nerve and muscle connections he needed to add variety to his expressions. PHOTO: COURTESY OF JAMES CHANG Hope that Chris would someday smile like a normal boy came when the family met James Chang, MD, associate professor of plastic and hand surgery and program director in plastic surgery at Stanford. Chang is one of the few surgeons in California who performs corrective plastic surgery and microsurgery on children with Mobius syndrome.

    99. NEJM -- Use Of Misoprostol During Pregnancy And Mobius' Syndrome In Infants
    Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine Use of Misoprostol during Pregnancy and mobius syndrome in Infants.
    HOME SEARCH CURRENT ISSUE PAST ISSUES ... HELP Please sign in for full text and personal services Previous Volume 338:1881-1885 June 25, 1998 Number 26 Next
    A correction has been published: N Engl J Med 1998;339(21):1553
    Full Text PDF ... PubMed Citation ABSTRACT Background Patients with upper gastrointestinal ulceration may be treated with misoprostol, but it is not recommended for pregnant women because it may stimulate uterine contractions and cause vaginal bleeding and miscarriage. Recent data from Brazil, where misoprostol is used orally and vaginally as an abortifacient, have suggested a relation between the use of misoprostol by women in an unsuccessful attempt to terminate pregnancy and infants. Methods We compared the frequency of misoprostol use during syndrome was diagnosed and mothers of infants with neural-tube defects in Brazil. All diagnoses in infants were made between January 16, 1990, and May 31, 1996, by clinical geneticists at seven hospitals who also interviewed the mothers and recorded information about the administration of misoprostol, among other data.

    100. Syndrome De Mobius : Sites Et Documents Francophones
    syndrome de Par Dr Aymé S (Orphanet - INSERM SC 11).
    Syndrome de Mobius Synonyme(s) CISMeF Mobius ; diplégie congénitale faciale ; mobius, syndrome .
    Synonyme(s) MeSH Diplégie faciale congénitale de Moebius ; Syndrome de Moebius
    Voir aussi paralysie faciale
    Arborescence(s) syndrome de Mobius mobius syndrome
    maladies du système nerveux
    maladies et malformations congénitales, héréditaires et néonatales Position du mot-clé dans l' (les) arborescence(s) : Vous pouvez consulter Ou consulter ci-dessous une sélection des principales ressources :
    patient 13 août 2005

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