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21. MITRAL VALVE DISEASE AND HEART FAILURE IN DOGS mitral valve disease AND HEART FAILURE IN DOGS What is the mitral valve? The heart has four chambers. How common is mitral valve disease? http://www.pethealthcare.net/html/body_mitral_valve_disease_and_heart.html | |
22. MITRAL VALVE REPAIR (text) Degenerative mitral valve disease may be due to an elongation or rupture of the chordal apparatus, the heartstrings that support the valve normally, http://www.sts.org/doc/4107 | |
23. Mitral Valve Disease : Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention, Diagnosis, Therapy, F Learn more about the symptoms, risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, therapy, FAQs, web sites and related literature for mitral valve disease. http://www.sjm.com/conditions/condition.aspx?name=Mitral Valve Disease |
24. Mitral Valve Disease : Symptoms : St. Jude Medical Symptoms for mitral valve disease. If left untreated, mitral valve disease ultimately results in heart failure. Call your doctor if you have any of http://www.sjm.com/conditions/condition.aspx?name=Mitral Valve Disease§ion=S |
25. Best Practice Medicine- Professional Reference - Mitral Valve Disease Cardiology, mitral valve disease. mitral valve disease. by Sidney C Smith, MD and Park W Willis IV, MD, Best Practice of Medicine. February 2001. http://merck.micromedex.com/index.asp?page=bpm_brief&article_id=BPM01CA16 |
26. Best Practice Medicine-Professional Reference - Mitral Valve Disease Cardiology, mitral valve disease. Although patients with mitral valve disease often do not have a definitive history of acute rheumatic fever, http://merck.micromedex.com/index.asp?page=bpm_report&article_id=BPM01CA16§i |
27. Mitral Valve And PMV There about 500000 discharge diagnoses of mitral valve disease annually in the In patients with primary mitralvalve disease periodic echocardiography http://www.rjmatthewsmd.com/Definitions/mitral_valve.htm | |
28. Rural Nurse Organization Clinic Digital Library mitral valve disease (Keyword search) List of documents. Miscellaneous mitral valve disease Clinical Resources. HealthWeb Homepage http://ruralnurseorganization-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/cardiology/valvular/valve. | |
29. Mitral Valve Disease Treatment Options And Treatment Information At Mayo Clinic Learn more about mitral valve disease treatment options at Mayo Clinic. Treatment options for mitral valve disease include careful monitoring and http://www.mayoclinic.org/mitral-valve-disease/ | |
30. Mayo Clinic: Treatment Options For Mitral Valve Disease In some cases, medication may slow progressive mitral valve disease. However, no medications can cure heart valve disease. Mayo Clinic is involved in http://www.mayoclinic.org/mitral-valve-disease/treatment.html | |
31. Heart Valve Replacment Most important is how to manage mitral valve disease in a woman in the prime of Pregnant women with exacerbation of mitral valve disease and who require http://www.womensheartfoundation.org/content/HeartSurgery/heart_valve_replacment | |
32. Wisconsin Heart ? Treatment Of Heart And Vascular Disease - Mitral Valve Disease As mitral valve disease progresses, the person may develop the symptoms of People with mild or moderate mitral valve disease, including mitral valve http://www.wiheart.cardiologydomain.com/handler.cfm?event=practice,template&cpid |
33. Mitral Valve Disease - Patient UK mitral valve disease Patient UK. A directory of UK health, disease, illness and related medical websites that provide patient information. http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40000574/ | |
34. MITRAL VALVE DISEASE mitral valve disease. Information about mitral valve disease from Surgery Door s Medical Conditions Section. http://www.surgerydoor.co.uk/medical_conditions/Indices/M/mitral_valve_disease.h | |
35. Mitral Valve Diseases There are many diseases which affect the mitral valve and its supporting structures. The most common disorder of the mitral valve is the partial backflow. http://heart-disease.health-cares.net/mitral-valve-disease.php |
36. Mitral Valve Repair And Replacement Degenerative mitral valve disease may be due to an elongation or rupture of the What is mitral valve disease? There are many diseases which affect the http://heart-disease.health-cares.net/mitral-valve-replacement.php |
37. Mitral Valve Disease And Heart Failure ~ Pawprints And Purrs, Inc. mitral valve disease is the most common cause of heart failure in small dogs. Large breeds have a lower incidence. http://www.sniksnak.com/doghealth/heartfailure2.html | |
38. Mitral Valve Disease mitral valve disease. By Bruce T. Liang, MD. The valves of the heart work like flaps to keep blood flowing in a oneway direction. The mitral valve connects http://heart.uchc.edu/education/cardiocorner/articles/mitral_valve.html | |
39. Cardiology Northwest mitral valve disease, mitral valve degeneration, mitral valve insufficiency The disease is extremely rare in cats. mitral valve disease more commonly http://www.heartvet.com/showpracfaq.cfm?FAQID=3146&Private=1 |
40. Cardiology Northwest Ruptured Chordae Tendineae and mitral valve disease. Acquired mitral valve disease one of the most common heart diseases seen in small and medium size dog http://www.heartvet.com/showpracfaq.cfm?FAQID=2388&Private=1 |
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