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Miller Fisher Syndrome: more detail | |||||
81. Charles Miller Fisher (www.whonamedit.com) Charles miller fisher Canadian neurologist, born 1913, Waterloo, Ontario.Associated with GuillainBarré-Strohl syndrome,miller fisher s syndrome. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1466.html | |
82. GBS Pure motor syndrome (IgG vs GM1); millerfisher syndrome (IgG vs GQ1b) miller-fisher syndrome 1% of childhood AIDP; CNS signs More frequent; At onset http://www.neuro.wustl.edu/neuromuscular/antibody/gbs.htm | |
83. Miller-Fisher Syndrome - General Practice Notebook millerfisher syndrome is a rare variant of Guillain-Barre syndrome comprising.ataxia; ophthalmoplegia; areflexia. Like the Guillain-Barre, http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-1395654646.htm | |
84. Guillain-Barre Syndrome,Ascending Paralysis,Acute Idiopathic Disorder Subdivisions millerfisher syndrome Fischer s syndrome Acute DisseminatedEncephalomyeloradiculopathy Chronic Guillain-Barre syndrome http://www.icomm.ca/geneinfo/guillian.htm |
85. Miller-Fisher Syndrome Info? millerfisher syndrome info? This article submitted by Jack Creegan on 12/9/95.I am looking for sources of information on miller-fisher syndrome. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/GeneralFeedbackArticles/MillerFis | |
86. All About Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Syndrome Facts At A Glance. MFS (millerfisher syndrome), Also known as miller Fish syndrome, miller s syndromeand Acute Disseminated Encephalo-myeloradiculopathy. http://www.jsmarcussen.com/gbs/print/overview.htm | |
87. All About Guillain-Barré Syndrome - David Cleal's Case As A Miller-Fisher Suffe millerfisher syndrome written by his wife. My husband David is a charteredaccountant practicing in the South Wairarapa. About 12 years ago December 1990 http://www.jsmarcussen.com/gbs/print/david.htm | |
88. Miller-fisher Syndrome A Variant Of Guillian Barre Syndrome : A Case Report Medical Journal Armed Forces India. 1986 Jul; 42(3) 2312. http://medind.nic.in/imvw/imvw22796.html | |
89. Guillain-Barre Syndrome millerfisher syndrome The most common subtype is miller-fisher syndrome (MFS), miller-fisher syndrome associated with Campylobacter jejuni bearing http://www.davidson.edu/academic/psychology/ramirezsite/neuroscience/psy324/jeca | |
90. EMedicine - Guillain-Barré Syndrome : Article By David Fanion, MD GuillainBarré syndrome - Classic Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute,ascending, A variation known as the miller-fisher variant is unusual, http://www.emedicine.com/EMERG/topic222.htm | |
91. EMedicine - Guillain-Barre Syndrome : Article Excerpt By: Angela Cha-Kim, MD The millerfisher syndrome is a common variant of GBS and is observed in about5% of all GBS cases. The syndrome consists of ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/byname/guillain-barre-syndrome.htm | |
92. Bioline International Official Site (site Up-dated Regularly) Our patient with recurrent millerfisher syndrome (MFS) had no antecedent illnessduring the second episode as mentioned in the case report.1 Antecedent http://www.bioline.org.br/request?ni03091 |
93. Fýrat Týp Dergisi A Case Of millerfisher syndrome Displaying A Fast Improvement Following Intravenous miller-fisher syndrome is a rare and benign form of Guillain-Barre http://www.firattipdergisi.com/summary_en.php3?id=125 |
94. Miller Fisher, Syndrome : Arborescences MeSH maladies C10 http://www.chu-rouen.fr/navimesh/M/navimillerfishersyndrome.html | |
95. Syndrome De Miller-fisher : Arborescences MeSH http://www.chu-rouen.fr/navimesh/S/navisyndromedemillerfisher.html | |
96. Miller-Fisher Syndrome Associated With Campylobacter Jejuni Bearing Lipopolysacc millerfisher syndrome associated with Campylobacter jejuni bearing lipopolysaccharidemolecules that mimic human ganglioside GD3. S Salloway, LA Mermel, http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=174172 |
97. Pathogenic Blocking Antibodies In Guillain-Barre Syndrome Pre and postsynaptic blockade of synaptic transmission by miller-fisher syndromeIgG at mouse motor nerve terminals.. European Journal of Neuroscience, http://www.zv.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschungsbericht/FOBE-akt/IN-30502000/Toyka DFG | |
98. Disease - Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Disease Name, GuillainBarre syndrome (GBS). SearchTerm, miller-Fischer syndrome,Chronic idiopathic polyneuritis, Relapsing Guillain-Barre syndrome, http://disability.ucdavis.edu/resources/diseases/list/disease.asp?id=21 |
99. JW Neurology -- Sign In Sixty percent of patients with ordinary acute inflammatory demyelinatingpolyneuropathy (AIDP) have had gastrointestinal or respiratory infection within 1 http://neurology.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2001/1206/7 | |
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