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         Miller Fisher Syndrome:     more detail
  1. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Miller Fisher Syndrome: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2002-10
  2. Fisher syndrome: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders</i> by Bryan, PhD Cobb, 2005

1. Miller Fisher Syndrome Information Page: National Institute Of Neurological Diso
miller fisher syndrome information sheet compiled by the National Institute ofNeurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
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You are here: Home Disorders Miller Fisher Syndrome NINDS Miller Fisher Syndrome Information Page
Synonym(s): Fisher Syndrome Get Web page suited for printing Email this to a friend or colleague Table of Contents (click to jump to sections) What is Miller Fisher Syndrome? Is there any treatment? What is the prognosis? What research is being done? ... Related NINDS Publications and Information What is Miller Fisher Syndrome? Is there any treatment? What is the prognosis? The prognosis for most individuals with Miller Fisher syndrome is good. In most cases, recovery begins within 2 to 4 weeks of the onset of symptoms, and may be almost complete within 6 months. Some individuals are left with residual deficits. Relapses may occur rarely (in less than 3 percent of cases). What research is being done?

2. NINDS Forwarding Page
Information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
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3. Miller Fisher Syndrome Information Page National Institute Of
miller fisher syndrome information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

4. Introduction: Miller Fisher Syndrome -
Introduction to miller fisher syndrome as a medical condition including symptoms,diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis.
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Miller Fisher Syndrome
Next sections Basic Summary for Miller Fisher Syndrome Prevalence and Incidence of Miller Fisher Syndrome Prognosis of Miller Fisher Syndrome Causes of Miller Fisher Syndrome ... Symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome Next chapters: Monomelic Amyotrophy Motor neuron diseases Moyamoya Disease Mucopolysaccharidoses ... Feedback
Introduction: Miller Fisher Syndrome
Miller Fisher Syndrome: Autoimmune nerve condition. Miller Fisher Syndrome: Miller Fisher syndrome is a rare, acute polyneuropathy characterized by ataxia (abnormal muscle coordination), ophthalmoplegia (paralysis of the eye muscles), and areflexia (absence of the reflexes). The disorder is a variant of Guillain-Barre syndrome. Researching symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome: Further information about the symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome is available including a list of symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome , or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center Treatments for Miller Fisher Syndrome: Various information is available about treatments available for Miller Fisher Syndrome , or research treatments for other diseases.

5. Miller Fisher's Syndrome (
Miller Fisher's syndrome A disturbance thought to be a variant of the GuillainBarr syndrome usually characterised by total external

6. Symptoms Of Miller Fisher Syndrome -
Symptoms of miller fisher syndrome including signs, symptoms, incubation period,duration, and correct diagnosis.
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Miller Fisher Syndrome
Next sections Diagnostic Tests for Miller Fisher Syndrome Treatments for Miller Fisher Syndrome Statistics about Miller Fisher Syndrome Statistics by Country for Miller Fisher Syndrome ... Articles about Miller Fisher Syndrome Next chapters: Monomelic Amyotrophy Motor neuron diseases Moyamoya Disease Mucopolysaccharidoses ... Feedback
Symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome
General information about symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome: The symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome. This symptom information has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome. Furthermore, symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of symptoms and whether they are indeed symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome. List of symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome: The list of symptoms mentioned in various sources for Miller Fisher Syndrome includes: Symptoms of Miller Fisher Syndrome: Miller Fisher syndrome is a rare, acute polyneuropathy characterized by ataxia (abnormal muscle coordination), ophthalmoplegia (paralysis of the eye muscles), and areflexia (absence of the reflexes). The disorder is a variant of Guillain-Barre syndrome. Symptoms may be preceded by a viral illness and include generalized muscle weakness and respiratory failure as in Guillain-Barre syndrome.

7. Symptoms Of Miller Fisher Syndrome -
Symptoms of miller fisher syndrome including signs, symptoms, incubation period, duration, and correct diagnosis.

8. Miller Fisher Syndrome
miller fisher syndrome

9. Miller Fisher Syndrome
Miller Fisher and Guillain Barre Syndrome What to do when it strikes

10. Miller Fisher Syndrome
Miller Fisher and Guillain Barre Syndrome What to do when it strikes.
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Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS) Miller Fisher Syndrome is a variant form of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS is more common than MFS but is still relatively unusual but becoming more common than it used to be. They are both diseases in which the bodies central nervous system is attacked by the bodies own auto-immune system, which suddenly decides that the myelin sheath that acts both as a nerve insulator and fast impulse carrier is a foreign body and attacks it, causing inflammation and destruction. The difference between MFS and GBS is that different nerve groups are affected such that paralysis in GBS tends to start in the legs and move up, where in MFS it starts in the head, affecting eye muscles, balance and slowly descends to the neck arms etc. MFS does not generally have the life threatening aspects of GBS but can be very difficult to live through with double vision, nausea, weakness, difficulty walking, light sensitivity and pain which can go on for months. The cause is still unknown but about two-thirds of cases occur after a viral infection, either one you know about such as a sore throat, diarrhea, flu or cold, or one that is subsequently confirmed by blood tests. The viral infection may be one of the herpes viruses, such as the Epstein-Barr virus. But GBS may also follow a bacterial infection. Guillain-Barré is also sometimes associated with medical procedures. Five percent to 10 percent of cases occur after an operation. Age is not a factor, people of any age can get it and it can reoccur in a small percentage of cases.

11. GBS - GBSSG - Guillain-Barre Syndrome Support Group
and support to those affected by GuillainBarr syndrome and related neurological conditions including CIDP and miller fisher syndrome.

12. Baylor Neurology Case Of The Month
Botulism and miller fisher syndrome can present in a similar fashion with cranialnerve The pathology of miller fisher syndrome has long been disputed.
Patient #19
Summary and Discussion
Mary Ellen Vanderlick, M.D.
Resident, Department of Neurology Diagnosis:
Miller Fisher Syndrome
Botulism and Miller Fisher syndrome can present in a similar fashion with cranial nerve involvement and pupillary changes. If food-borne, botulism typically occurs as a descending paralysis. The patient is often sick prior to the onset of symptoms and tends to eat canned goods. Having a low vital capacity, pupillary changes, and a normal spinal fluid following symptoms that occurred two to three days before, botulism was a strong consideration. EMG can be useful for the differential and usually shows reduced CMAP amplitudes, normal nerve conductions, and post-tetanic facilitation. Stool or serum will be positive for botulinum toxin in adults; adults tend to ingest the preformed toxin while infants ingest the spores of Clostridium botulinum Imaging studies and CSF should be normal. Adult botulinum poisoning is often fatal if untreated. Other considerations:
Myasthenia gravis may present with rapid-onset of bulbar and respiratory weakness but without autonomic dysfunction. Patients often complain of diplopia, but rarely have complete ophthalmoplegia. There is usually limb weakness as well. Tensilon and EMG testing were not compatible with this diagnosis.

13. Baylor Neurology Case Of The Month
A Review of miller fisher syndrome. There are several variants of GBS that do not have the characteristic generalized weakness;

14. Guillain-Barre Syndrome Seneviratne 76 (902) 774
miller fisher syndrome In 1956, Fisher described three patients with ataxia, areflexia, and ophthalmoplegia (internal and external) the

15. HONselect - Miller Fisher Syndrome
Translate this page Miller Fisher Variant of Guillain Barre Syndrome - Miller-Fisher Syndrome.Français, Syndrome de Miller-Fisher, - Syndrome de Fisher
List of rare diseases: English Deutsch
MeSH term:
Accepted terms:
English: Miller Fisher Syndrome - Fisher Syndrome
- Guillain Barre Syndrome, Miller Fisher Variant
- Ophthalmoplegia, Ataxia and Areflexia Syndrome
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Miller Fisher Variant
- Miller Fisher Variant of Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Miller-Fisher Syndrome
Français: Syndrome de Miller-Fisher - Syndrome de Fisher Deutsch: Miller-Fisher-Syndrom - Fisher-Syndrom - Ophthalmoplegie-Ataxie-Areflexie-Syndrom - Polyradikuloneuritis Typ Fisher - Guillan-Barré-Syndrom, Miller-Fisher-Variante Español: Síndrome de Miller Fisher - Síndrome de Fisher - Síndrome de Guillain Barre Variante de Miller Fisher - Síndrome de Oftalmoplejía, Ataxia y Arreflexia Português: Síndrome de Miller Fisher - Síndrome de Fisher - Síndrome de Guillain Barre Variante de Miler Fisher - Síndrome de Oftalmoplegia, Ataxia e Arreflexia - Variante Miller Fisher da Síndrome Guillain Barré HONselect ressources Definition: Yes Articles: Yes Images: No News: No Conferences: No Clinical trials: No Web sites: English Yes Français Yes Deutsch No Español No Português No Home About us Site map Search ... Contact

16. Distinct Immunoglobulin Class And Immunoglobulin G Subclass Patterns
Class and Immunoglobulin G Subclass Patterns against Ganglioside GQ1b in miller fisher syndrome following Different Types of Infection

17. Miller Fisher Syndrome - Fisher Syndrome - Information Page With HONselect
A variant of the A HREF= /cgibin/HONselect?browse+C10.114.750.100 OnMouseOver
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the word the part of word in MeSH term in MeSH term and description Information on "Miller Fisher Syndrome": Medical hierarchy and definition Research Articles Web resources Medical Images Medical News Medical Conferences Clinical Trials Hierarchy English French German Spanish Portuguese
Miller Fisher Syndrome Definition: A variant of the GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME characterized by the acute onset of oculomotor dysfunction, ataxia, and loss of deep tendon reflexes with relative sparing of strength in the extremities and trunk. The ataxia is produced by peripheral sensory nerve dysfunction and not by cerebellar injury. Facial weakness and sensory loss may also occur. The process is mediated by autoantibodies directed against a component of myelin found in peripheral nerves. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1313; Neurology 1987 Sep;37(9):1493-8)
Synonym(s): Fisher Syndrome / Guillain Barre Syndrome, Miller Fisher Variant / Ophthalmoplegia, Ataxia and Areflexia Syndrome / Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Miller Fisher Variant /
See Related: Guillain-Barre Syndrome
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Web resources for "Miller Fisher Syndrome" English French German = Site with HON description - = Site with a robot description info: enter the site: (click below) domain of the site: Introduction: Miller Fisher Syndrome -

18. / Sports / Other Sports / O'Neal Says Age Limit Plan
in critical condition and on a ventilator in a Virginia hospital after being diagnosed with miller fisher syndrome, a disease that attacks the

19. Guillain-Barré Syndrome Support Group
Pure miller fisher syndrome (without generalised weakness) is rare. Neuropathy inthe miller fisher syndrome clinical and electrophysiologic findings.
Guillain-Barr© Syndrome Support Group
Registered Charity 327314
Miller Fisher Syndrome
This series of guides is produced by the Guillain-Barr© Syndrome Support Group. We are a registered charity that supports those affected by the Guillain-Barr© syndrome (GBS) and related conditions in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The related conditions include chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) and Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS). Our guides are easily downloaded from our Web site at in PDF format and may be both read and printed using free Adobe Reader software. Alternatively, you can request printed copies from our office. Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) is also known as:
  • The Miller Fisher variant [of GBS] Fisher or Fisher’s syndrome acute idiopathic ophthalmologic neuropathy
      syndrome of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia Related conditions are:
    GBS with ophthalmoplegia Bickerstaff’s brainstem encephalopathy acute ophthalmoparesis
In 1956, Charles Miller Fisher, a Canadian whose specialisation was stroke, described three patients with acute external ophthalmoplegia (eye paralysis), sluggish pupil reflexes, ataxia (lack of balance) and areflexia (absent tendon reflexes). Two patients had no weakness; the other had a facial palsy and possible weakness. All three recovered spontaneously. Because some patients with GBS had ophthalmoplegia and there were other similarities, Dr Fisher concluded that these patients had suffered a disorder akin to GBS. [Fisher CM. Syndrome of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia. N Engl J Med 1956;255:57-65]

20. JNNP -- Sign In Page
miller fisher syndrome is characterised by ataxia, areflexia, and ophthalmoplegiaand was A diagnosis of miller fisher syndrome was made and intravenous

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Miller Fisher syndrome associated with Pasteurella multocida infection
Bennetto and Lyons J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
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