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         Migraine:     more books (100)
  1. Migraines for Dummies by Diane Stafford, Jennifer Shoquist M.D., et all 2003-01-03
  2. The Headache Prevention Cookbook: Eating Right to Prevent Migraines and Other Headaches by David R. Marks M.D., Laura Marks M.D., et all 2000-07-14
  3. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM): Migraines: The Breakthrough Program That Can Help End Your Pain (What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About...) by Alexander Mauskop, Barry Fox, 2001-08-01
  4. Migraine - What Works! A Complete Guide to Overcoming and Preventing Pain by Joseph Kandel M.D., David B. Sudderth M.D., 2000-02-15
  5. Victory over Migraine: The Breakthrough Study That Explains What Causes It and How It Can Be Completely Prevented Through Diet (Owl Books) by Rodolfo Low, 1989-04
  6. Migraine Art: The Migraine Experience from Within by Klaus Podoll, Derek Robinson, 2009-02-24
  7. Managing Migraine: A Patient's Guide to Successful Migraine Care by Roger K. Cady, Richard B. Lipton, et all 2008-10-15
  8. Effective Migraine Treatment in Pregnant and Lactating Women:A Practical Guide by Dawn Marcus, Philip A. Bain, 2009-02-27
  9. Atlas of Migraine and Other Headaches
  10. The Brain Trust Program: A Scientifically Based Three-Part Plan to Improve Memory, Elevate Mood, EnhanceAttention, Alleviate Migraine and Menopausal Symptoms, and Boost Mental by Larry McCleary, 2008-09-02
  11. Presidential Migraines by Fritz Strobl, 2010-04-01
  12. Control of Migraine by John B. Brainard, 1980-02-29
  13. Refractory Migraine: Mechanisms and Management by Elliot A. SchulmanFACPMD, Morris LevinMD, et all 2010-08-03
  14. Acupressure Guide For Headache and Migraine Treatment (Mobi Health) by MobileReference, 2006-12-08

21. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Migraine
Headache migraine. Definition Return to top. migraine headaches are a type ofheadache that some people get repeatedly over time.
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Contents of this page:
Migraine headache Vascular headaches Migraine cause CT scan of the brain ... Central nervous system Alternative names Return to top Headache - migraine Definition Return to top Migraine headaches are a type of headache that some people get repeatedly over time. Migraines are different from other headaches because they occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. Some people who get migraines have warning symptoms, called an aura, before the actual headache begins. Most people, however, do not have such warning symptoms. See also: Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top A lot of people get migraines about 11 out of 100. The headaches tend to start between the ages of 10 and 46, may run in families, and occur in women more often than men.

22. Migraine Manager
A cool air device that soothes migraine and headache pain. Highlighting clinical trial data and how the device works.
What is What are Migraine Headaches?
Why Does it Hurt?
How is Migraine Headache Treated? is a source for information regarding migraine headaches and migraine headache treatments. If you are suffering from migraine headaches, or think that the headache pain you are experiencing may be migraine, the information in this site may help you make a more informed decision about your course of treatment. Please note that this site is provided for information purposes only; it is not intended to replace the advice of a physician. If you are experiencing symptoms, you are urged to seek the advice of a qualified health care provider. When Should You See a Physician? Astir Marketing L.L.C. does not provide health care services or advice. This web site is provided for informational purposes only. you have javascript turned off!

23. The Migraine Trust - Welcome Page
The migraine Trust offers support and information for sufferers of migraine and headache. It funds specialist clinics and research projects.

24. - The One Stop Information Resource In Clinical Neurology
Information resource on Clinical Neurology. Covering areas such as alzheimers, epilepsy, migraine, motor neurone, multiple sclerosis, pain, parkinsons, schizophrenia, and stroke.
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25. National Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke (NINDS)
An update on migraines and their research from the NINDS.

26. Migraine Headache - Health Information
Health information discussing migraine, which is a very bad headache that tendsto recur. With a migraine, you may feel nauseated and might vomit.
Go to PDF Version Migraine Headache A migraine is a very bad headache that tends to recur. With a migraine, you may feel nauseated and might vomit. The pain is usually on one side of your head and you may be very sensitive to bright lights and noises. Moving around can make the headache feel worse. There are many forms of migraine headaches. Classic and common are the two major varieties. SYMPTOMS OF A MIGRAINE
The basic difference between the two types of migraine is the appearance of an "aura." The aura is the occurrence of neurological symptoms 10-30 minutes before the classic migraine attack. You may see flashing lights, zigzag lines or may temporarily lose vision. Other symptoms of classic migraine include speech difficulty, confusion, weakness of an arm or leg and tingling of face or hands. The pain of a classic migraine headache is described as an intense throbbing or pounding felt in the forehead/temple, ear/jaw or around the eyes. Classic migraine starts on one side of the head but may eventually spread to the other side. An attack may last one to two pain-racked days. The common migraine - a term that reflects the disorder's more frequent occurrence in the general population - is not preceded by an aura. Some people do experience a variety of vague symptoms before common migraines - mental fuzziness, mood changes, fatigue, and unusual retention of fluid. During the headache phase of a common migraine, you may have abdominal pain and diarrhea, increased urination, nausea and vomiting. Both classic and common migraines can strike as often as several times a week or rarely as once every few years.

27. Migraines And More Conquered
Advertises HET Inversion method for conquering migraines or other ailments without drugs or medicines.
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29. The Migraine Relief Center
The migraine Relief Center Learn about the differences between headaches andmigraines and understand migraine symptoms, causes, and triggers.

30. Migraine
Algemene informatie en links.
O ver (para)medische onderwerpen
M igraine, Clusterhoofdpijn, Spanningshoofdpijn
I nhoud:

: Hoofdpijn is toch voornamelijk 'aanstellerij'?
: Nee!
M igraine
M I S oms wordt de aanval aangekondigd door visuele ' prodromen
D e oorzaak Er is sinds 1991 een nieuw medicijn op de markt tegen migraine, waar veel mensen baat bij hebben: Imigran . Er zijn echter vaak bijwerkingen en ook komt de aanval dikwijls naderhand terug.
H et komt veel voor dat mensen met migraine ook lijden aan spierspanningshoofdpijn C lusterhoofdpijn G eheel in de geest van deze tijd denkt men vaak dat bovengenoemde hoofdpijnen veroorzaakt worden door stress. Stress is echter slechts een van de vele mogelijke triggers . Deze hoofdpijnen dienen daarom in eerste instantie als een somatisch probleem te worden gezien.
E lders op het net...
D e homepage van Elfrieda van der Windt en vanuit de professionele hoek is:
E en degelijk artikel naar de achtergronden van migraine vind je onder Het Mysterie Migraine , door Guy de Troyer T Tien Tips E n daarnaast zijn mogelijk de bijwerkingen van Imigran voor u interessant.

31. Ronda's Migraine Page
Journal, discussion, resources, support, articles, poetry and more related to migraines.

32. Migraine Headache -
A migraine headache can cause pain, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to lightand sound.

An eightplayer variant laid out on a circular map. The map is symmetric about multiple axes, with each of the eight sections having identical (in some cases mirror-image) layout, to create a highly balanced variant.
(Working Title) by Stephen D. Koehler
Imagine: you sit down at AvalonCon or Origins and get ready for a grueling eight-hour slugfest in the first round of the Dip tourney. You reach into the box, held high over your head, and pray: "France, please let it be France. Or England, I'll take England. I'll even take Turkey. Please, please, please, please, please!" You find a plastic anchor and pull down your have and, with trepidation, unclench your fist so that only you can see the result: Red! "Argh! Austria!" you scream. Well, at least the tourney is best two out of three! I have often gotten into discussions with people about "game balance," weak powers versus strong ones, and such. Who hasn't had the feeling described above? Whether you hate Germany, Italy or Austria in Diplomacy, China or France in Colonial, or Milan or Florence in Machiavelli, there are certain countries that you would rather not play, or, at least, those you find difficult to win with. I've been toying with a concept, which I suppose is not original, of inventing a Diplomacy variant that removes the luck of the draw from the game. What would such a variant look like? How would it work. There were several concepts that seemed to work well. First, everyone had to be in a similar position at the beginning of the game. That seemed to me to dictate a circular board, with the players arranged around the outside edge. There could be no central powers. If fact, every power should be identical.

34. The International Headache Society
Organization involved in headache research worldwide. Guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of headache.

35. Migraine - Treatment - Neurologychannel
The goals of migraine treatment are to prevent or reduce the number of migrainesand to alleviate symptoms and shorten the duration of the migraine.
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36. Pharmacological Treatment Of Migraine Headache In Children And Adolescents
A literature review from the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society investigated the use of preventive agents and the contribution of other health conditions and food ingredients.

37. Patient Resources Migraine
More Than 11 Million With migraine Headaches Could Benefit From Preventive Medicine Nasal Spray Provides migraine Pain Relief to Adolescents And Teens,

38. TMJ Headache North Carolina NC Headache Pain Treatment Doctors Find TMJ Migraine
Directory of treatment providers for tmj and other craniofacial pain disorders.
TMJ Migraine Doctor Imitrex Treatment Alternatives Craniofacial Pain Management Headache Pain Craniofacial
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39. Migraine - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
migraine is a form of headache, usually very intense and disabling. The word migraine comes from the Greek construction hemikranion (pain affecting
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Migraine is a form of headache , usually very intense and disabling. It is a neurologic disease of neuronal origin. The word "migraine" comes from the Greek construction (hemikranion, pain affecting one side of the head)
  • Symptoms Treatment
    • Elimination of triggers edit
      Migraine has now been shown to be a genetic neurological disease characterized by flare-ups generally referred to as "migraine attacks". It is entirely possible to have a migraine attack marked by other symptoms and no headache at all. Therefore, it is not strictly accurate to categorize migraine as a "headache". Migraine is characterized by attacks of moderate or severe pain , and persons suffering from migraine typically have symptoms such as: moderate to severe pain on one or both sides of the head which may throb or pulse

40. Are Migraines And Bipolar Disorder Related
Comparison, comorbidity and treatment considerations.

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