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Meige Syndrome: more detail |
81. Meige S Syndrome Associated With Neuroleptic Treatment Ananth meige s syndrome is characterized by blepharospasm and oromandibular dystonia. meiges syndrome Associated With Risperidone Therapy http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/145/4/513 |
82. Episcopal News Service Hope Imoroa in the Diocese of Warri suffers from meige s syndrome, Most see no more than one patient with meige s syndrome in their lifetimes. http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_20453_ENG_HTM.htm | |
83. Otology & Neurotology - Abstract: Volume 5(3) January 1984 P 206-210 BLEPHAROSPA Orofacial dyskinesia (meige s syndrome) is a rare clinical entity. This disorder was first described in 1910 by Henry meige as spasm facial median, a http://otology-neurotology.com/pt/re/otoneuroto/abstract.00000455-198401000-0000 | |
84. Neurosurgery - UserLogin This article reports a patient with meige s syndrome treated with pallidal (1) have shown that unilateral stimulation in meige s syndrome has bilateral http://www.neurosurgery-online.com/pt/re/neurosurg/fulltext.00006123-200502000-0 | |
85. Neurosurgery - Abstract: Volume 56(2) February 2005 P E415 Staged Deep Brain Sti bilateral craniofacial dystonia with blepharospasm (meige s syndrome) that was refractory basis for refractory blepharospasm and meige s syndrome. http://www.neurosurgery-online.com/pt/re/neurosurg/abstract.00006123-200502000-0 | |
86. BCM-Neurology-Parkinson's Disease Center And Movement Disorders-blepharospasm Jankovic J, Nutt JG. Blepharospasm and cranialcervical dystonia (meige s syndrome) familial occurence. In Jankovic J, Tolosa E, eds. Facial Dyskinesias. http://www.bcm.edu/neurology/struct/parkinson/blepharospasm.html | |
87. IngentaConnect Meiges Syndrome In Dementia With Lewy Bodies meige s syndrome in dementia with Lewy bodies. Authors Tabet N.1; Sivaloganathan1 S. Source Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine, Volume 95, Number 4, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rsm/jrsm/2002/00000095/00000004/art00011 | |
88. The Journal Of ECT - UserLogin Ananth J, Edelmuth E, Balbiner D. meige s syndrome associated with neuroleptic Boshes RA, Afonso JA, Tanev K. Treatment of meige s syndrome with ECT. http://www.ectjournal.com/pt/re/ject/fulltext.00124509-200506000-00014.htm | |
89. The Journal Of ECT - Fulltext: Volume 17(1) March 2001 P 68-70 Electroconvulsive Boshes RA, Afonso JA, Tanev K. Treatment of meige s syndrome with ECT. J ECT 1999; 151547. Medline Link Context Link. 8. O Hara P, Brugha TS, http://www.ectjournal.com/pt/re/ject/fulltext.00124509-200103000-00015.htm | |
90. The Laryngoscope - UserLogin bowing of the true vocal folds, and meige s syndrome (two patients) (Table I). Both patients with meige s syndrome also exhibited voicing symptoms http://www.laryngoscope.com/pt/re/laryngoscope/fulltext.00005537-199707000-00022 | |
91. Marked Improvement Of Meige S Syndrome With Olanzapine In A Key Words meige s syndrome Olanzapine Tardive Dystonia. SIR meige s syndrome is a focal dystonia involving blepharospasm and oromandibular dystonia. http://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/14/3/355 |
92. Cosmetic And Clinical Applications Of Botulinum Toxin Treatments for functional disorders (blepharospasm, meige s syndrome, Chapter 5 Treatment of Blepharospasm, meige s syndrome, and Hemifacial Spasm http://www.slackbooks.com/view.asp?SlackCode=66623 |
93. Eyelid Problems meige s syndrome. meige s syndrome SteenHall Eye Institute, Shreveport, LA. Ptosis. Congenital Ptosis Upper Eyelid Drooping Present Since Birth American http://www.noah-health.org/en/eye/disorders/spasms.html | |
94. Untitled Document Casecontrol study of meige s syndrome. Result of a pilot study. Patients with meige s syndrome and age- and sex-matched controls suffering from other http://www.actindia.org/Neurological Diseases.html |
95. Dystonia Defined It is almost always present in both eyes. Blepharospasm can occur with dystonia affecting the mouth and/or jaw (oromandibular dystonia, meige s syndrome). http://www.dystonia-support.org/dystonia defined.htm | |
96. Classification Of Laryngeal Dystonias For the otolaryngologist, the patient with meige s syndrome (laryngeal with diffuse oral and pharyngeal dystonia) is the most commonly encountered of the http://www1.wfubmc.edu/voice/dysphonia/classification.htm | |
97. Dry Eye And Meige's Syndrome -- Tsubota Et Al. 81 (6): 439 -- British Journal Of In mild cases, meige s syndrome occurs only with certain stimuli such as exposure to meige s syndrome was diagnosed in the presence of blepharospasm and http://bjo.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/81/6/439 | |
98. Dry Eye And Meige's Syndrome -- Tsubota Et Al. 81 (6): 439 -- British Journal Of AIMS To determine the relation between dry eye and meige s syndrome. More than half of these patients have meige s syndrome and need psychiatric, http://bjo.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/81/6/439 | |
99. Yonsei Medical Journal Title, Sulpiride in meige s syndrome Possible Role of Glutamate. Authors, Sang Am Lee1, Jin Soo Kim1, Keywords, meige s syndrome, sulpiride, glutamate http://www.eymj.org/abstracts/viewArticle.asp?year=1988&month=3 &page=62 |
100. RA-NOTICES Archives - May 2005 Blepharospasm and meige s syndrome. Blepharospasm and meige s syndrome (89 lines) From Research Authority log in to unmask http://listserv.biu.ac.il/cgi-bin/wa?A1=ind0505&L=ra-notices |
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