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81. Meige S Syndrome Associated With Neuroleptic Treatment Ananth
meige s syndrome is characterized by blepharospasm and oromandibular dystonia. meige’s syndrome Associated With Risperidone Therapy

82. Episcopal News Service
Hope Imoroa in the Diocese of Warri suffers from meige s syndrome, Most see no more than one patient with meige s syndrome in their lifetimes.
ARCHIVES STAFF PRESS ROOM ... Episcopal News Service
Miracles happen for those who will see: An expensive drug, a rare disorder, and a doctor who prays
By Nan Cobbey
Tuesday, May 21, 2002 [Episcopal News Service] It was a long shot, that plea for a neurologist.
The trip from the U.S. to Warri, Nigeria, is arduous and far from cheap. There would be no payment for the expertise or the time spent, and it would require two weeks. The office of Anglican and Global Relations wasn't even offering to foot the entire bill for the airfare, only $1,000. Its director, the Rev. Patrick Mauney, needed either a well-heeled or well-funded volunteer if he wanted to fulfill a promise made during the presiding bishop's visit in January.
The Rev. Hope Imoroa in the Diocese of Warri suffers from Meige's syndrome, a rare disorder that causes spasm of the eyelid and facial nerves so that the eyes are constantly shut tight. Imoroa is functionally blind. There is a treatment and it involves a risky, delicate operation and one of the most expensive drugs in the world: Botox (botulinum toxin), the drug so loved by wealthy Hollywood stay-youngs.
Risk of paralysis
The procedure requires specialized expertise because, unlike the injections given by neurologists and dermatologists to combat wrinkles, the area of the eyelid is more fragile. The lids need to be paralyzed, but only partially, by injecting the drug into different areas. There is risk of piercing the eyeball and if the drug is placed even a few millimeters away from the target, the lid could be paralyzed shut. No more than a few dozen neurologists or ophthalmologists in the United States have extensive experience with the procedure. Most see no more than one patient with Meige's syndrome in their lifetimes. Not one doctor in Nigeria has experience with the procedure.

83. Otology & Neurotology - Abstract: Volume 5(3) January 1984 P 206-210 BLEPHAROSPA
Orofacial dyskinesia (meige s syndrome) is a rare clinical entity. This disorder was first described in 1910 by Henry meige as spasm facial median, a
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American Journal of Otology. 5(3):206-210, January 1984.
Gottlieb, Jay S. D.O. *; May, Mark M.D., F.A.C.S. + Abstract:
Orofacial dyskinesia (Meige's syndrome) is a rare clinical entity. This disorder was first described in 1910 by Henry Meige as "spasm facial median," a disabling spasm of the facial musculature which had frequently been misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated. This report concerns a patient who presented with tonic hemifacial spasm twenty-two years after contracting Bell's palsy. The condition was initially thought to be secondary to faulty regeneration of the facial nerve until Meige's syndrome became fully manifested over a period of two years. The diagnostic characteristics as well as the forms of treatment for this unusual disorder are presented. (C) 1984, The American Journal of Otology, Inc.
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84. Neurosurgery - UserLogin
This article reports a patient with meige s syndrome treated with pallidal (1) have shown that unilateral stimulation in meige s syndrome has bilateral
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85. Neurosurgery - Abstract: Volume 56(2) February 2005 P E415 Staged Deep Brain Sti
bilateral craniofacial dystonia with blepharospasm (meige s syndrome) that was refractory basis for refractory blepharospasm and meige s syndrome.
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PDF (456 K) Staged Deep Brain Stimulation for Refractory Craniofacial Dystonia with Blepharospasm: Case Report and Physiology.
Neurosurgery. 56(2):E415, February 2005.
Foote, Kelly D. M.D.; Sanchez, Justin C. Ph.D.; Okun, Michael S. M.D. Abstract:
OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: We report the intraoperative results, subsequent course, and 1-year follow-up evaluation of a patient with medication-refractory craniofacial dystonia for whom we planned bilateral globus pallidus internus (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) implantation but delayed the left GPi DBS implantation because of robust intraoperative effects of right GPi DBS. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 47-year-old patient had a 5-year history of progressively severe, bilateral craniofacial dystonia with blepharospasm (Meige's syndrome) that was refractory to medications and to botulinum toxin (A and B) injections. Blepharospasm interfered with his ability to perform his duties as a Special Forces soldier and ended his military career. INTERVENTION: Under stereotactic guidance (magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomographic image fusion, Cosman-Roberts-Wells frame, and University of Florida surgical navigation software) and with detailed microelectrode mapping (four microelectrode passes), a DBS electrode was implanted in the right posteroventral GPi. Microelectrode recordings were taken to document electrophysiological activity of neurons in the region, and intraoperative macrostimulation was performed. The patient was followed up for 6 months with right unilateral GPi DBS, and later a left GPi DBS electrode was placed.

86. BCM-Neurology-Parkinson's Disease Center And Movement Disorders-blepharospasm
Jankovic J, Nutt JG. Blepharospasm and cranialcervical dystonia (meige s syndrome) familial occurence. In Jankovic J, Tolosa E, eds. Facial Dyskinesias.
Print This Page Close Window Blepharospasm Joseph Jankovic, M.D.
Before the development of sustained closure of the eyelids, about a third of the patients report increased frequency of blinking, suggesting that blepharospasm may be due to impairment of mechanisms associated with normal blinking. The increased blinking that precedes blepharospasm is commonly associated with a feeling of irritation in the eyes. It is usually progresses to clonic and later tonic (sustained) contractions of the orbicularis oculi (facial muscles surrounding the eyes) leading to forceful closure of eyelids. Up to 20% of patients have involvement of one eye initially but the opposite eye becomes involved later in all patients.

  • Ozelius LJ, Hewett JW, Page CE, et al. The early onset torsion dystonia gene [DYT1] encodes an ATP-binding protein. Nature Genet 1997;17:40-48.

87. IngentaConnect Meiges Syndrome In Dementia With Lewy Bodies
meige s syndrome in dementia with Lewy bodies. Authors Tabet N.1; Sivaloganathan1 S. Source Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine, Volume 95, Number 4,

88. The Journal Of ECT - UserLogin
Ananth J, Edelmuth E, Balbiner D. meige s syndrome associated with neuroleptic Boshes RA, Afonso JA, Tanev K. Treatment of meige s syndrome with ECT.
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89. The Journal Of ECT - Fulltext: Volume 17(1) March 2001 P 68-70 Electroconvulsive
Boshes RA, Afonso JA, Tanev K. Treatment of meige s syndrome with ECT. J ECT 1999; 151547. Medline Link Context Link. 8. O Hara P, Brugha TS,
LWWOnline LOGIN eALERTS REGISTER ... Archive Electroconvulsive Therapy-Responsive... ARTICLE LINKS:
PDF (40 K) References (16) Permissions ... View full size inline images The Journal of ECT Volume 17(1) March 2001 pp 68-70
Electroconvulsive Therapy-Responsive Depression in a Patient with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Netzel, Pamela J. M.D.; Sutor, Bruce M.D. Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Medical Center, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. Received December 1, 1999; accepted June 15, 2000. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. B. Sutor, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Medical Center, Rochester, MN 55905, U.S.A. Article Outline
Summary: TOP
We report the case of a 68-year-old woman with progressive supranuclear palsy whose depression was successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy. She tolerated the treatments well and showed neither improvement nor decline in the neurologic symptoms of her illness.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most rapid and effective method of treating major depression, and is safe and effective in treating depression in the context of many comorbid medical illnesses, including neurologic diseases resulting in movement disorders. Depression in Parkinson's disease

90. The Laryngoscope - UserLogin
bowing of the true vocal folds, and meige s syndrome (two patients) (Table I). Both patients with meige s syndrome also exhibited voicing symptoms
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91. Marked Improvement Of Meige S Syndrome With Olanzapine In A
Key Words meige s syndrome • Olanzapine • Tardive Dystonia. SIR meige s syndrome is a focal dystonia involving blepharospasm and oromandibular dystonia.

92. Cosmetic And Clinical Applications Of Botulinum Toxin
Treatments for functional disorders (blepharospasm, meige s syndrome, Chapter 5 Treatment of Blepharospasm, meige s syndrome, and Hemifacial Spasm

93. Eyelid Problems
meige s syndrome. meige s syndrome SteenHall Eye Institute, Shreveport, LA. Ptosis. Congenital Ptosis Upper Eyelid Drooping Present Since Birth American
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Eye Change text size: Eyelid Problems
Updated: June 6, 2005
Blepharitis Blepharospasm Ectropion Entropion Meige's Syndrome

94. Untitled Document
Casecontrol study of meige s syndrome. Result of a pilot study. Patients with meige s syndrome and age- and sex-matched controls suffering from other Diseases.html

95. Dystonia Defined
It is almost always present in both eyes. Blepharospasm can occur with dystonia affecting the mouth and/or jaw (oromandibular dystonia, meige s syndrome). defined.htm
DYSTONIA DEFINED Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, which force certain parts of the body into abnormal, sometime painful, movements or postures. Dystonia can affect any part of the body including the arms and legs, trunk, neck, eyelids, face, or vocal cords. It is the third most common movement disorder after Parkinson's Disease and Tremor, affecting more than 300,000 people in North America. Dystonia does not discriminate - affecting all races and ethnic groups. NOTE: For more details on all types of dystonia, causes, treatments, research information, please visit the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation's Website
BLEPHAROSPASM (BEB) More BEB Information Websites Blepharospasm is a focal dystonia characterized by increased blinking and involuntary closing of the eyes. People with blepharospasm have normal vision. Visual disturbance is due solely to the forced closure of the eyelids. Blepharospasm affects the eye muscles and usually begins gradually with excessive blinking and/or eye irritation. In the early stages it may only occur with specific precipitating stressors, such as bright lights, fatigue, and emotional tension. It is almost always present in both eyes. Blepharospasm can occur with dystonia affecting the mouth and/or jaw (oromandibular dystonia, Meige's syndrome). In such cases, spasms of the eyelids are accompanied by jaw clenching or mouth opening, grimacing, and tongue protrusion. For causes, treatments, research information, etc.

96. Classification Of Laryngeal Dystonias
For the otolaryngologist, the patient with meige s syndrome (laryngeal with diffuse oral and pharyngeal dystonia) is the most commonly encountered of the

Voice/Swallowing Disorders
Diseases of the Larynx Singers and Singing Vocal Nodules and Polyps ... Contact Classification of Laryngeal Dystonias Jamie Koufman, MD, and P. David Blalock, MA At The Center For Voice Disorders of Wake Forest University, one hundred consecutive patients with "spasmodic dysphonia" were systematically evaluated and classified by criteria described below. The classification herein presented at first appears complex; however, in clinical practice, it appears to be a useful system in diagnosis, in predicting the response to Botox treatment, and in customizing the treatment for each SD subtype. Materials and Methods
All patients underwent otolaryngologic examination and videoendoscopic assessment of laryngeal function by an otolaryngologist, evaluation by a speech pathologist specifically trained in the diagnosis and management of voice disorders, voice laboratory evaluation, screening neurological examination, and laryngeal electromyography (EMG). The otolaryngologic evaluation comprised: 1) a detailed medical history, including completion of a standardized laryngeal movement disorders data flow sheet; 2) a complete otolaryngologic examination; 3) transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy (TFL) with videostroboscopy using a standardized format that included asking the patient to perform the following vocal tasks twice, once using a normal glottal attack and once using a soft breathy voice. The tasks were for the patient to state his or her name, the date, the vowels /i/ and /a/, and a standard phrase, "the cake is great, and the rainbow is beautiful."

97. Dry Eye And Meige's Syndrome -- Tsubota Et Al. 81 (6): 439 -- British Journal Of
In mild cases, meige s syndrome occurs only with certain stimuli such as exposure to meige s syndrome was diagnosed in the presence of blepharospasm and

Vol Page [Advanced] This Article Abstract Full Text (PDF) Submit a response ... Citation Map Services Email this link to a friend Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in PubMed Alert me to new issues of the journal ... Download to citation manager PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Tsubota, K. Articles by Kato, M. Related Collections Related Article
Br J Ophthalmol 439-442 ( June )
Dry eye and Meige's syndrome
Kazuo Tsubota, a b Tsutomu Fujihara, a Minako Kaido, a Asako Mori, b Masaru Mimura, c Motoichiro Kato c a Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan, b Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, c Department of Neuropsychiatry, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan
Correspondence to: Kazuo Tsubota, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Dental College, 11-13 Sugano 5 Chome, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba, Japan 272. Accepted for publication 13 January 1997
Abstract Top
Materials and methods
Results Discussion References AIMS To determine the relation between dry eye and Meige's syndrome.

98. Dry Eye And Meige's Syndrome -- Tsubota Et Al. 81 (6): 439 -- British Journal Of
AIMS To determine the relation between dry eye and meige s syndrome. More than half of these patients have meige s syndrome and need psychiatric,

Vol Page [Advanced] This Article Full Text Full Text (PDF) Submit a response ... Citation Map Services Email this link to a friend Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in PubMed Alert me to new issues of the journal ... Download to citation manager PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Tsubota, K. Articles by Kato, M. Related Collections Related Article
Br J Ophthalmol 439-442 ( June )
Dry eye and Meige's syndrome
Kazuo Tsubota, a b Tsutomu Fujihara, a Minako Kaido, a Asako Mori, b Masaru Mimura, c Motoichiro Kato c a Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan, b Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, c Department of Neuropsychiatry, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan
Correspondence to: Kazuo Tsubota, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Dental College, 11-13 Sugano 5 Chome, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba, Japan 272. Accepted for publication 13 January 1997
AIMS To determine the relation between dry eye and Meige's syndrome.

99. Yonsei Medical Journal
Title, Sulpiride in meige s syndrome Possible Role of Glutamate. Authors, Sang Am Lee1, Jin Soo Kim1, Keywords, meige s syndrome, sulpiride, glutamate &page=62

100. RA-NOTICES Archives - May 2005
Blepharospasm and meige s syndrome. Blepharospasm and meige s syndrome (89 lines) From Research Authority log in to unmask

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