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61. Nat Academies Press, Nutrient Requirements Of Nonhuman Primates 1 chapter found with a hit on megaloblastic anemia . All chapters are displayed; show in context, n hits is displayed beside the chapters with matches. http://www.nap.edu/booksearch.php?term=megaloblastic anemia&isbn=0309069890 |
62. The Bioline EPrints Archive - Megaloblastic Anemia - Part II megaloblastic anemia Part II. Shah, Asha (2004) megaloblastic anemia - Part II. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 58(7)309-311. http://bioline.utsc.utoronto.ca/archive/00001770/ | |
63. Role Of Myeloperoxidase Index In Differentiation Of Megaloblastic And Aplastic A In Table 1, patients with megaloblastic and aplastic anemia, and control subjects The megaloblastic anemia .In Ernest Beutler, Marshal A. Lichtman, http://www.indianjmedsci.org/article.asp?issn=0019-5359;year=2004;volume=58;issu |
64. Megaloblastic Anemia - Part II Shah Asha - Indian J Med Sci The journal is owned by the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences Trust, a registered charitable organisation. http://www.indianjmedsci.org/article.asp?issn=0019-5359;year=2004;volume=58;issu |
65. Digital Image Study Sets: megaloblastic anemia, Peripheral Blood Smear. Slide 2 megaloblastic anemia megaloblastic anemia, Bone Marrow Aspirate. Slide 5 megaloblastic anemia http://medocs.ucdavis.edu/IMD/420A/dib/macro/list.htm | |
66. Amnionless, Essential For Mouse Gastrulation, Is Mutated In Recessive Hereditary is mutated in recessive hereditary megaloblastic anemia of vitamin B12 (a phenotype associated with megaloblastic anemia 1, MGA1; OMIM 261100; refs. http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v33/n3/abs/ng1098.html | |
67. Intrathecal MethotrexateâInduced Megaloblastic Anemia In Patients With Acut To evaluate the occurrence of megaloblastic anemia induced by the infusion All 3 patients with acute leukemia developed megaloblastic anemia confirmed http://arpa.allenpress.com/arpaonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1043/0003-998 |
68. Log In Problems C) megaloblastic anemia caused by folic acid deficiency can be masked by concurrent iron deficiency anemia, but hypersegmented polymorphonuclear cells http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/506727_ans11 | |
69. Log In Problems These findings are consistent with megaloblastic anemia; the numbness points to deficiency of vitamin B12, rather than folate, as the etiology. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/504938 | |
70. University Of Chicago Hospitals: Anemia Of Folate Deficiency What is megaloblastic (pernicious) anemia? megaloblastic anemia, also called pernicious anemia, is a type of anemia characterized by very large red blood http://www.uchospitals.edu/online-library/library.html?content=P00089 |
71. Final Diagnosis -- Case 428 About 98% of patients with megaloblastic anemia have at least one hypersegmented neutrophil megaloblastic anemia is characterized by macroovalocytes, http://path.upmc.edu/cases/case428/dx.html | |
72. *602997 CUBILIN; CUBN megaloblastic anemia and neurologic disturbances are common symptoms of deficiency of the megaloblastic anemia1 is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:602997] -e |
73. *605799 AMNIONLESS, MOUSE, HOMOLOG OF; AMN Autosomal recessive hereditary megaloblastic anemia (MGA1; In a Tunisian Jewish family with megaloblastic anemia (261100), Tanner et al. http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:605799] -e |
74. Bioline International Official Site (site Up-dated Regularly) Inclusion criteria for megaloblastic anemia patients included age 12 years old, The difference between the mean value of MPXI for megaloblastic anemia http://www.bioline.org.br/request?ms04061 |
75. Bioline International Official Site (site Up-dated Regularly) The onset of symptoms of megaloblastic anemia is usually gradual as cobalamin The bone marrow in frank megaloblastic anemia reveals macronormoblastic http://www.bioline.org.br/request?ms04057 |
76. Hospital Practice: A Focused Approach To Anemia A high bilirubin level is an important clue to megaloblastic anemia. Pancytopenia in patients with megaloblastic anemia occurs becauseeven though bone http://www.hosppract.com/issues/1999/02/dmmcarm.htm | |
77. Hemic And Lymphatic Diseases Anemia, Megaloblastic. megaloblastic anemia Adam, via MedlinePlus. megaloblastic anemia I Mackay - Haematology Down Under (AU) http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/C15.html | |
78. Hardin MD : Anemia Iron deficiency anemia megaloblastic anemia ADAM / National Library of Medicine; Pernicious anemia (Scroll to bottom for pictures) http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/anemia.html | |
79. Pernicious Anemia Lack of vitamin B12 produces megaloblastic anemia, nerve damage, megaloblastic anemia is due to a defect that develops in the formation of blood cells. http://www.animatedmedical.com/Pernanem/pernanem.html | |
80. Test For Anemia The combination of megaloblastic anemia, low serum B12 and serum antibodies to intrinsic factor is diagnostic of pernicious anemia. http://www.dpcweb.com/medical/anemia/anemia_tests.html | |
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