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Meckel-gruber Syndrome: more detail |
81. :: Department Of Medical Genetics :: Oct 6, 2004, Dr. M. Innes, meckelgruber syndrome revisited. Oct 13, 2004, Dr.S. Shetty, Duplicons and Human Genomic Disorders. Oct 20, 2004, Dr. P. Bridge http://www.fp.ucalgary.ca/medicalgenetics/pages/seminars.html | |
82. Faculty Of Biological Sciences Trembath, RC; Maher, ER; Johnson, CA, A novel locus for meckelgruber syndrome,MKS3, maps to chromosome 8q24 Human Genetics, 111, pp.456-461, 2002 http://www.fbs.leeds.ac.uk/People/staffprofilewithpubs.php?staff=RFM |
83. Login Economides DL, 1995 First-trimester diagnosis of meckel-gruber syndrome by http://www.dimed.com/specialista/secure/database/docsmanager/dbidparam/1737.aspx | |
84. OMIM Entry 603194 AhdabBarmada, M.; Claasen, D. A distinctive triad malformationsof the centralnervous system in the meckel-gruber syndrome. J. Neuropath.Exp. Neurol. http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wrapomim?603194 |
85. Hippel-Lindau Disease (www.whonamedit.com) HippelLindau disease A syndrome characterised by angiomatosis of the The term von Hippel-Lindau syndrome has been used as a synonym for meckel-gruber http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/2057.html | |
86. EMedicine - Supernumerary Digit : Article By Carter G Abel, MD Meckel Gruber syndrome Short rib polydactyly Ellis van Creveld syndrome PallisterHallsyndrome Acrocallosal syndrome McKusick-Kaufman syndrome http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic692.htm | |
87. TheFetus.net - Meckel Gruber Syndrome-Marcos Velasco Sanchez, MD Comprehensive guide to prenatal ultrasound. Covers all aspects of sonography inpregnancy and the fetus. http://www.thefetus.net/page.php?id=1532 |
88. Article : Antenatal Sonographic Diagnosis Of Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13): A Case The main differential diagnosis of Trisomy 13 is Meckel gruber syndrome becauseof the similarity of the findings polydactyly, neural tube defects http://www.ijri.org/articles/ARCHIVES/2004-14-2/obstetric imaging165.htm | |
89. Indian Pediatrics - Editorial Fibrosis of the Liver in Meckel Gruber syndrome Of these one neonate withMeckel Gruber syndrome comprising the typical triad of polycystic kidneys, http://www.indianpediatrics.net/nov2001/nov-1325-1326.htm | |
90. Indian Pediatrics - Editorial Meckel Gruber syndrome is characterized by encephalocele, Both infantilepolycystic kidney disease and Meckel Gruber syndrome are inherited as autosomal http://www.indianpediatrics.net/nov2001/nov-1326-1327.htm | |
91. Neural Tube Defects Spina Bifida P Meckel Gruber Dysencephalia Splanchnocystica syndrome Ukrainian MeckelGruber syndrome Fact Sheet for Health Professionals http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/ntdfact.htm | |
92. Reproductive Genetics Program-Family Studies Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome Meckel Gruber syndrome Microcephaly Neural tube defects Neuroecthyosis Neurofibromatosis variants Ondine s curse http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/reprogen/family.html | |
93. Rare Diseases Terms - Office Of Rare Diseases GARD can be reached at 888205-2311, 888-205-3223 (TTY), or by e-mail GARDinfo@nih.gov.Disease, Meckel syndrome type1. Synonyms, Meckel Gruber syndrome http://ord.aspensys.com/asp/diseases/diseaseinfo.asp?ID=3436 |
94. Research Findings Register: Summary Number 425 cerebral palsy, Alstrom s syndrome, inborn errors of metabolism, MeckelGrubersyndrome, Aicardi syndorme, Bardet-Biedl syndorme, Fraser syndrome, http://www.refer.nhs.uk/ViewRecord.asp?ID=425 |
95. Dysmorphology Diagnosis Puri RD, Verma IC - Indian J Pediatr FragileX syndrome is the next common genetic cause of mental retardation. of a monogenic syndrome (acrocallosal syndrome, Meckel Gruber syndrome), http://www.ijppediatricsindia.org/article.asp?issn=0019-5456;year=2004;volume=71 |
96. Love Never Dies meckelgruber.org Join Date January 25, 2002 The official website for meckel-gruberSyndrome. Offering informative links, support, information, http://www.ringsurf.com/?action=addform&ring=honeybunrest |
97. Prof. Dr. Fulya Teksen Dignosis of Meckel Gruber syndrome and DandyWalker Malformation in four affected.consecutive siblings, the fourth one diagnosed at 22 week of gestation. http://www.health.ankara.edu.tr/teksen-i.html | |
98. A Short History Of Amniocentesis, Fetoscopy And Chorionic Villus Sampling the clinical application of the procedure in 1993 and reported the earlyprenatal diagnosis of a case of Meckel Gruber syndrome using this technique. http://www.ob-ultrasound.net/amniocentesis.html | |
99. ICD-10: Block Q00-Q07 Q02, Microcephaly. Hydromicrocephaly Micrencephalon. Excludes, MeckelGrubersyndrome ( Q61.9 ). Q03, Congenital hydrocephalus http://www3.who.int/icd/vol1htm2003/gq00.htm | |
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