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81. German Measles , mild in infected individual, can cause birth defects. Responsible pathogen, rubella virus......Disease, german measles. http://www.mwra.state.ma.us/germs/germeasles.htm | |
82. Dr Pedi - GERMAN MEASLES (RUBELLA) Dr Pedi gives an outline of the human body, its anatomy and how it functions. http://www.pediatriconcall.com/KidsCorner/commonill/german_measles.asp | |
83. Rubella (German Measles) - Minnesota Dept. Of Health Rubella (german measles) is a rash illness caused by a virus. If a pregnant woman who is not immune to rubella is infected, the fetus can become infected http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/diseases/rubella/ | |
84. Self Realization Publications: Common Childhood Illnesses. Your Child Has Lost H common colds, mumps, tonsillitis, appendicitis, chickenpox, fevers, asthma, croup, measles, german measles, and abnormal bowel movements. video http://www.srpublications.com/child-development/commonchildhoodillnesses.html | |
85. MDAdvice.com - Health Library - Pediatric Symptoms & Illnesses german measles is usually a mild, contagious virus illness. However, german measles is likely to cause serious birth defects to the unborn baby of a http://www.mdadvice.com/library/ped/pedillsymp278.html | |
86. Rubella (German Measles) - Blue Book: IDEAS - Victorian Government Health Inform Rubella (german measles). Page content Victorian statutory requirement Infectious agent Identification Incubation period Public health significance http://www.health.vic.gov.au/ideas/bluebook/rubella.htm | |
87. RUBELLA FACT SHEET VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Rubella (german measles) is a relatively mild, three day illness that What is the difference between rubella (german measles) and measles (rubeola)? http://www.vdh.state.va.us/epi/rubef.htm | |
88. * German Measles - (Pregnancy & Parenting): Definition german measles Online Encyclopedia. german measles. Contracting this virus during the early weeks of pregnancy can pose serious risks to the fetus. http://en.mimi.hu/pregnancy/german_measles.html | |
89. The East Orange School District polio myelitis, measles, german measles and mumps, Mantoux Test within the last 6 months);; have proof of residency (gas and/or electric bill, lease, http://www.eastorange.k12.nj.us/index.php/content/view/27/37/ | |
90. Eurosurveillance Weekly 2005;10 (30): 28/07/2005 measles outbreaks in Hessen and Bavaria, germany, 2005 Increase in In February of this year, a german woman died of rabies after spending four weeks http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ew/2005/050728.asp | |
91. Danvers Senior Oracle: "Off to the Pest House Pond" You were quarantined if you had measles, german measles, Chicken Pox, Mumps, I understand there are now vaccinations against measles, german measles, http://danversoracle.media.mit.edu:4000/servlet/pluto?state=30303470616765303037 |
92. Rubella CERHR Rubella (german measles) (5/24/02) Rubella (german measles) is a mild childhood illness that poses a serious threat to the fetus, if the mother http://cerhr.niehs.nih.gov/genpub/topics/rubella-ccae.html | |
93. Rubella (german Measles) - Everybody - Health Information For New Zealanders What is rubella (german measles)? How is it contracted, why is it dangerous in pregnancy, and can it be vaccinated against? http://www.everybody.co.nz/page-90413394-55a8-46d6-aea3-7aa234c5309c.aspx | |
94. UD Policies: Immunization Documentation measles, german measles and mumps are highly contagious diseases. In order to prevent outbreaks of these diseases, the University of Delaware and the State http://www.udel.edu/ExecVP/polprod/7-35.html | |
95. Infectious Diseases - Rubella (German Measles) Rubella (german measles). What is rubella (german measles)? Rubella is a viral illness that results in a viral exanthem. Exanthem is another name for a rash http://www.schneiderchildrenshospital.org/peds_html_fixed/peds/infectious/rubell | |
96. Wordbank On The Mental Health Foundation Website german measles. spacer. Also known as Rubella Embryopathy. Virus which can affect an embryo during early pregnancy, causing severe damage and learning http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/wordbank.cfm?wordid=312&wbletter=G |
97. German Measles (rubella) Vaccine (from Infection) -- Encyclopædia Britannica german measles (rubella) vaccine (from infection) A major epidemic in the United States in 1964 resulted in more than 20000 cases of congenital german http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-12794 | |
98. German Measles (rubella) (from Infection) -- Encyclopædia Britannica german measles (rubella) (from infection) german measles is generally a mild illness characterized by fever, sore throat, anorexia, swollen glands, http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-12950 | |
99. German Measles And Birth Defects The link between rubella (german measles) in pregnant women and birth defects in their babies was not an easy one to find, because the disease can be http://www.scc.ms.unimelb.edu.au/discday/dyk/rubella.html | |
100. Health Rubella-German Measles Rubellagerman measles Abstract RUBELLA (german measles) What is rubella? Rubella is a viral disease characterized by slight fever, rash and swollen glands http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/cwp/view.asp?A=171&Q=230555 |
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