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Mannosidosis: more detail | ||||
81. Caprine Beta-mannosidosis: Phenotypic Features -- Kumar Et Al. 118 (12): 325 -- The clinical features of caprine betamannosidosis were evaluated in 10 newborn goats, one stillborn goat and one goat fetus. The phenotypic abnormalities http://veterinaryrecord.bvapublications.com/cgi/content/abstract/118/12/325 | |
82. Mannosidosis In Aberdeen Angus Cattle In Britain -- Barlow Et Al. 109 (20): 441 mannosidosis, an inherited and lethal lysosomal storage disease of Aberdeen Angus cattle, was diagnosed on a farm in northeast Scotland. http://veterinaryrecord.bvapublications.com/cgi/content/abstract/109/20/441 | |
83. The EyePathologist Disease - M mannosidosis Klintworth, Gordon K. mannosidosis type I - Klintworth, Gordon K. mannosidosis type II - Klintworth, Gordon K. http://www.eyepathologist.com/LIST.ASP?Title=M |
84. Urinary Oligosaccharides Of Mannosidosis -- Yamashita Et Al. 255 (11): 5126 -- J http://www.jbc.org/cgi/reprint/255/11/5126 | |
85. Www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2K/MB_cgi?term=Mannosidosis Cancer ResourcesCancer News, Cancer Conferences, Cancer Causes Targeted gene therapy effective in alphamannosidosis. Reuters Health Posting Date March 22, 2005. Last Updated 2005-03-22 165509 -0400 (Reuters Health) http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2K/MB_cgi?term=Mannosidosis |
86. Free Genealogy Search :: Health : Conditions_and_Diseases : Genetic_Disorders : PDF HE HAS HAD GROMMETS FOR HIS GLUE EAR. HE HAS HAD GROMMETS FOR http://www.lineages.co.uk/dwodp/index.php/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Genetic | |
87. Arch Intern Med -- Abstract: Pancytopenia In Mannosidosis, June 1, 1983, Press E Pancytopenia in mannosidosis. OW Press, H. Fingert, IT Lott and CR Dickersin. A case of autoimmune pancytopenia is described in a patient with mannosidosis http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/143/6/1266 | |
88. Structure Of The Bovine Lysosomal Alpha-Mannosidase, The Enzyme Involved In The These include mannosidosis, which is a rare disease in humans, cattle, Two protein level -mannosidosis mutations have been identified in cattle and six http://www.esrf.fr/UsersAndScience/Publications/Highlights/2002/MX/MX7/printview | |
89. Structure Of The Bovine Lysosomal Alpha-Mannosidase, The Enzyme Involved In The Mutations in the LAM amino acid sequence that cause mannosidosis in humans Both mutations causing -mannosidosis in cattle 2 are related to the active http://www.esrf.fr/UsersAndScience/Publications/Highlights/2002/MX/MX7/ | |
90. Referenes.html Oligosaccharides accumulated in the bovine betamannosidosis kidney Possible beta-mannosidosis chimera. Altered expression of metabolic perturbations http://www.fukuyama-u.ac.jp/life/bio/biochem/paper3.html | |
91. Med.fak. - Hjem Liste over institutter og informasjon om fakultetet generelt, studietilbudene og forskning. http://uit.no/medfak/ | |
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