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Male Turner Syndrome: more detail |
41. Turner Syndrome monosomy X, Ullrichturner syndrome, 45,X gonadal dysgenesis Definition One of these 23 pairs determines whether a person will be a male or a female. http://www.northmemorial.com/healthencyclopedia/content/2748.asp | |
42. Turner Syndrome - Talk Medical Reliable medical information on turner syndrome. One of these 23 pairsdetermines whether a person will be a male or a female. http://www.talkmedical.com/diseases-disorders/941/Turner-Syndrome | |
43. ICD-10: Block Q90-Q99 Q96.8, Other variants of turner s syndrome. Q96.9, turner s syndrome, unspecified Q98.1, Klinefelter s syndrome, male with more than two X chromosomes http://www3.who.int/icd/vol1htm2003/gq90.htm | |
44. Abnormal Sex Differentiaton - Specific Syndromes Of Sex Differentiation associated with turner syndrome compared to those of unaffected males andfemales. Normal Female Development, turner syndrome, Normal male Development http://www.hopkinschildrens.org/specialties/categorypages/intersex/sd4.html | |
45. Whitehead Institute - New Picture Of Y Chromosome Study Paints New Picture of Y Chromosome as a Safe Haven for male Fertility Genetic analyses of turner syndrome patients has led to the discovery of two http://www.wi.mit.edu/news/archives/1997/dp_1024.html | |
46. Science Netlinks: Science Updates Every summer, the male midshipman fish serenades potential mates with this But the fact that turner s syndrome, a genetic condition that causes estrogen http://www.sciencenetlinks.org/sci_update.cfm?DocID=229 |
47. Entrez PubMed turner syndrome (45x) with clitoromegaly. Haddad NG, Vance GH, Eugster EA, DavisMM, Kaefer M. Female; Humans; male; turner syndrome/complications* http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/pubmed/14501769 | |
48. Dorlands Medical Dictionary turner s syndrome, male, Noonan s s. twiddler s syndrome, dislodgement, breakdown,or other malfunction of an artificial cardiac pacemaker, http://www.merckmedicus.com/pp/us/hcp/thcp_dorlands_content.jsp?pg=/ppdocs/us/co |
49. Journal Of Sex Research: How Common Is Intersex? A Response To Anne Fausto-Sterl Babies born with Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) have normal male genitalia. turner syndrome. Among the most salient features of turner syndrome (45,X) http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2372/is_3_39/ai_94130313/pg_2 | |
50. Male, Female, Other By Simon LeVay This Is The Tale Of Two Anatomically male but infertile. turner s syndrome Affected individuals haveone X and no Y chromosome. Ovaries degenerate during fetal life, http://www.nerve.com/dispatches/levay/intersex/main.asp | |
51. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 19, Ch. 261, Congenital Anomalies The phenotype varies from that of a typical turner syndrome to normal. Klinefelter syndrome occurs in about 1/800 live male births. http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section19/chapter261/261l.jsp |
52. Male Infertility Overview Noonan s syndrome (male turner s syndrome). Myotonic dystrophy. - Bilateralanorchia (vanishing testes syndrome). - Sertoli-cell-only syndrome (germinal http://www.ivf.com/shaban.html | |
53. HEART VIEWS - VOLUME 3 NO. 1 MARCH-MAY, 2002 Flavell G. Webbing of the neck with turners syndrome in the male. Br J Surg.1943;31150153. 15. Ullrich O. turners syndrome and status Bonnevie-Ullrich; http://www.hmc.org.qa/hmc/heartviews/H-V-v3 N2/9.htm | |
54. California Wild Spring 1999 - Counterpoints All human males have the Y chromosome of one male ( Adam ) who lived in Africa at This condition, called turner s syndrome, is one of those natural http://www.calacademy.org/calwild/1999spring/stories/counterpoints.html | |
55. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey - UserLogin About the turner syndrome, the authors note that the mammalian X and Y and point to a greater understanding of turner syndrome, male infertility, http://www.obgynsurvey.com/pt/re/obgynsurv/fulltext.00006254-199804000-00016.htm | |
56. Review Questions For Lecture 28 turner syndrome b. Kleinfelter syndrome c. Triple X female. d. XYY male. 17.Using nonlethal sex-linked markers, such as color blindness, devise genetic http://www.colorado.edu/MCDB/MCDB2150Fall/rq00/rq0028.html | |
57. SBMJ | Beginner's Guide To Genetics: Sex And Genetics Sex determination is the genetic events leading to male or female gonadal turner s syndrome is caused by a total or partial absence of one member of the http://www.studentbmj.com/issues/04/11/education/400.php | |
58. By: Simon Ewins To: Johnny Mckinney Re: Check It Out... JM+gt; This Is A More Ki males suffering from Klinefelter s syndrome have both the male (XY) and the female turner s syndrome females have only one X chromosome instead of two. http://www.skepticfiles.org/gay/gender.htm | |
59. Science Blog -- Study Paints New Picture Of Y Chromosome As A Safe Haven For Mal Study Paints New Picture Of Y Chromosome As A Safe Haven For male Fertility Genes First Evolutionary Strategy Implications for turner syndrome http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/1997/B/199702067.html | |
60. Noonan Syndrome - Turner Syndrome, Male - Information Page With HONselect A multifaceted disorder characterized by short stature, webbed neck, ptosis, ske http://www.hon.ch/HONselect/RareDiseases/EN/C05.660.207.690.html | |
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