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Madelungs Disease: more detail |
41. HistCite - Index: Journal Of Hand Surgery American Edition RUPTURE OF THE FLEXOR POLLICIS LONGUS IN VONRECKLINGHAUSENS disease BILATERAL SPONTANEOUS EXTENSOR TENDON RUPTURES IN madelungs DEFORMITY http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/histcomp/j-hand-surg-am/index-8.html | |
42. Dyschondrosteosis And Madelung Wrist Deformity Just thought I would update you all on my daughters and their madelungs. diagnosed with Madelung s disease after previous diagnoses of arthritis and TB. http://www.diversed.fsnet.co.uk/dysch.htm | |
43. Msl BSL BRODIE s diseasemadelungs FETTHALS-LAUNOIS BENSAUDE s LIPOMATOSIS-MSL LIPOMATOSISIMMETRICA BENIGNA Prof. Camillo O. DI CICCO Member http://www.publiweb.com/go/m/msl.html | |
44. Web Directory - Category: Health Conditions And Diseases Nutrition And Metabolis of the disease with links to relevant sites, genetic information...... http//www.geocities.com/madelungs/madelungshome.html, About Madelung s disease http://www.thevister.com/dir/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_and_Metabo | |
45. ~MA // Medical-Conditions.org // Medical Conditions AgeRelated maculosus, Necturus Mad Cow disease Mad Cow diseases Mad Hatter diseaseMad Hatter diseases Mad Hatters disease Madelung Neck madelungs Neck Madiol http://www.medical-conditions.org/?q=~Ma |
46. Enchondromatosis, Multiple It is not an inherited disease. Clinically life. See Maffuccis syndrome, enchondromasolitary, madelungs deformity and metachondromatosis. http://eu.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/Volume VII/ENCHONDROMATOSIS MULTIPLE | |
47. Forums - Anybody Wanting To Ask Questions About Long Term Problems As to regards of parenting of a child with scars/limitations/disabilities My wifewas born with madelungs Deformity, a disease which causes bones to grow http://www.ubpn.org/messageboard/thread.jsp?forum=17&thread=5896 |
48. MakingContact.org - Linking Families With Disabled Children 0 ) JanskyBielschowsky disease (Late Infantile Type). ( 0 ) Japanese Encephalitis 0 ) madelungs Deformity. ( 0 ) Maffucci Syndrome http://www.makingcontact.org/alphalist.html | |
49. MakingContact.org - Linking Families With Disabled Children _ ( 0 ) JanskyBielschowsky disease (Late Infantile Type). _ ( 0 ) Kufsdisease (Adult type) 0 ) madelungs Deformity. ( 0 ) Maffucci Syndrome http://www.makingcontact.org/hierlist.html | |
50. Entrez PubMed A case of madelungs neck is reported. After two operations in three years thepatient an emergency tracheotomy in a very advanced stage of the disease. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
51. 2000 Recalls Myeloproliferative disease may also cause a superscan. While usually due totrauma, it can also occur in Rheumatoid arthritis and madelungs deformity http://www.radquiz.com/2000_recalls.htm | |
52. °¡º»¿ùµå Total wrist arthroplasty (PM Rozing) . Shortening of the distal radius inKienb?ks disease (S Rehart) . madelungs deformity (P Saffar) . http://www.gabon.co.kr/product/content.asp?code=14782 |
53. Aaa-abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ab Variant Gangliosidosis Gm2 mad cow diseases mad hatter disease mad hatter diseases mad hatter s diseasemad hatters disease mad itch madelung neck madelung s neck madelungs neck http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~rosario/is290/tables/Diseases_names_from_UMLS_tabl | |
54. MSL - Multiple Symmetrical Lipomatosis, Madelung S Disease, Lanois MSL Multiple Symmetrical Lipomatosis and MSL Multiple Symmetrical Lipomatosisis also known as Benign Symmetric Lipomatosis or Madelung s disease and Lanois http://home.earthlink.net/~reilly65/MSL.html |
55. Madelung's Disease Madelung s disease is a disorder of fat metabolism (lipid storage) that resultsin an unusual accumulation http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/nord778.asp | |
56. Madelung's Disease Madelung s disease is a disorder of fat metabolism (lipid storage) that resultsin an unusual accumulation of fat deposits around the neck and shoulder http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/nord/nord778.htm | |
57. Hill Health Topics A-Z - Madelung's Disease Madelung s disease. National Organization for Rare Disorders. Important It ispossible that the main title of the report Madelung s disease is not the name http://www.healthwise.net/hillhealth/Content/StdDocument.aspx?DOCHWID=nord778&SE |
58. Madelung's Disease Synonyms, Eastern Carolina Madelung s disease Synonyms University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina servestarboro, ahoskie, edento, winsor, maxhead, dear county, http://www.uhseast.com/113415.cfm | |
59. Madelung's Disease - St. Joseph Mercy, Ann Arbor Michigan Madelung s disease St. Joseph Mercy Health System Hospitals serving Ann Arbor,SE Michigan, Washtenaw County, Livingston County, Wayne County, http://www.sjmercyhealth.org/14436.cfm | |
60. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. National Organization for Rare Disorders is dedicated to helping people withrare, orphan diseases. Rarediseases.org contains information on the prevention, http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=Madelung's Di |
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