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181. ICab - Das Internet-Taxi Für Den Mac Web browser for the macintosh. Offering free and commercial versions. http://www.icab.de/ | |
182. CNN.com - Technology - PowerBook 2000 Is Nearly Perfect For Mobile Mac Users - M CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/05/03/powerbook.2k.idg/index.html | |
183. KOMKON Site Dedicated to emulation on the mac OS. The latest emulator news and downloads. http://www.emulation.net/ | |
184. Stone's Free Mac Programs Many free CA, ALife, and Chaos programs for macs. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~hq8y-ishm/ | |
185. Folklore.org: Macintosh Stories The original mac team s original office Date October 1980 Author Andy Hertzfeld The office where the mac became real Date January 1981 http://www.folklore.org/ | |
186. Contact Miss Mac I specialize in macintosh and service the Marin County area. I go to your home or office. Site has troubleshooting tips for the doit-yourselfer. Also some used macs. http://www.missmac.com | |
187. OSXFAQ - Technical News And Support For Mac OS X The Inside mac Radio Program iTunes Podcast Subscription Link Inside mac Radio / The DV Guys NAB 2005 LIVE - Las Vegas http://www.osxfaq.com/radio/ | |
188. IMG Review: King Of Dragon Pass Reviewed by Glenn Goldberg, score 80 %. I feel comfortable in giving it very high marks. It is a great addition to any fantasy library. http://www.insidemacgames.com/reviews/view.php?ID=19 |
189. Markets & Data | Big Mac Index | Economist.com The Economist s Big mac index seeks to make exchangerate theory more digestible. It is arguably the world s most accurate financial indicator to be based http://www.economist.com/markets/Bigmac/Index.cfm | |
190. Mill-Mac, LLC - Www.mill-mac.com -Seed And Grain Cleaning Equipment Mobile seed cleaners, air screen machines, separators, vibratory conveyors and screeners. http://www.mill-mac.com/ | |
191. PAUP* 4.0 PAUP is the most widely used package for phylogenetic inference, and now implements maximum likelihood and distance methods as well as various forms of parsimony. Powerful and very easy to use, particularly the mac version. http://paup.csit.fsu.edu/ | |
192. Dean Baird's Phyz Home Page Materials for students and parents of Mr. Baird as well as resources for all people interested in physics. http://homepage.mac.com/phyzman/phyz/ | |
193. Ver-mac - Produits Manufacturer of portable changeable message sign boards, traffic control products, arrow boards, arrow board trailers, and traffic lights. http://www.ver-mac.com/ |
194. Netscape Browser Main Netscape 8.0 warns you if you come across possible spyware sites, and automatically configures its settings to help protect you. http://browser.netscape.com/ | |
195. Mozilla Firefox - Next Generation Browser Skip to main content. Mozilla About Developers Store Support Products. search mozilla. Back to Firefox Page System Requirements http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/all.html | |
196. Software Projects Software projects. Skip to main content. You may be using a Web browser that does not support standards for accessibility and user interaction. http://www.dartmouth.edu/comp/about/departments/technical/software-dev/projects/ | |
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