Go to Content Go to Menu About Kneelsit ... Z the kneelsit GLOSSARY Pg.19. medical and general terms relating to posture, sitting, musculoskeletal and back problems ABBREVIATIONS:- Gr.= Greek; L.= Latin; Fr.= French; Ger = German; NA = Nomina Anatomica T. tenalgia to tibiotarsal tenosynovitis to tissue torticollar to tympanic Tabes (ta'bez) [L., wasting disease]. A gradual, progressive wasting in any chronic disease. t. dorsalis . Sclerosis of the posterior columns of the spinal cord. SYN: ataxia, locomotor. SYM: Postural instability, esp. when eyes are closed, and a staggering wide-base gait are characteristic; hence the name locomotor ataxia. Pain and paresthesias are common, esp. lightning pains, described as sharp, stabbing, and paroxyamal. Ankle and knee reflexes are diminished or lost. Many symptoms characteristic of syphilis such as pupillary changes, optic atrophy, bladder disturbances, and development of trophic ulcers, esp. on feet, make diagnosis certain. tactile localization. An individual's ability to accurately identify the site of tactile stimulation (touch, pressure, or pain). Tactile localization is often tested in sensory evaluations following disease or trauma of the nervous system. tactile system . That portion of the nervous system concerned with the sensation of touch. Includes sensory nerve endings (Meissner's corpuscles, Merkel's tactile disks, hair-root endings), afferent nerve fibers, conducting pathways in the cord and brain, and sensory (somesthetic) area of cerebral cortex. | |