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81. Home Of Headlice Control Offers badges that work by emitting a frequency that deters headlice. http://www.headlicecontrol.co.uk | |
82. Head Lice In the past few years, there has been an upsurge of head lice in At leastone of every ten children will probably contract head lice by the 6th grade. http://www.msmosquito.com/headlice.html | |
83. Phthiraptera Information and illustrations of lice from an Entomology course at N.C. State University. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/ent425/compendium/phthir~1.html | |
84. Lice lice are parasitic insects which live on hairy parts of the body and feed on human There are three kinds of lice head lice, body lice and pubic lice. http://health.rutgers.edu/factsheets/lice.htm | |
85. Safe4people.com - Safe4people.com Products for hair care, hair loss and head lice. Also offers organic cleaners. http://www.safe4people.com | |
86. Institut De Ciències De L'Educació - Universitat De Barcelona de la Universitat de Barcelona. Utilitzaci³ de les Tecnologies de la Informaci³ a la formaci³ permanent del professorat. Aplicaci³ a lice http://www.ub.edu/ice |
87. PestWorld For Kids There are two main types of lice. Sucking lice have small or no eyes and feed onblood. There are over 500 different species of sucking lice. http://www.pestworldforkids.org/lice.html | |
88. Louse - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia lice (singular louse) (order Phthiraptera) are an order of over 3000 species ofwingless As lice spend their whole life on the host they have developed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lice | |
89. Total Lice Control Kills All Lice Guaranteed Offers a shampoo product for removal. http://www.totallicecontrol.com | |
90. Pubic Louse - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia As the name implies, pubic lice are specialized to live in the human pubic hair, lice found on the head are not pubic lice; they are head lice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pubic_lice | |
91. Phthiraptera Classification, illustrations, and range maps of Australian lice. http://www.ento.csiro.au/aicn/system/_phthira.htm | |
92. Welcome To NHS Direct Online Head lice are tiny greybrown, wingless insects, which live by sucking blood fromthe scalp. Infestation with head lice is also known as pediculosis. http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/en.asp?TopicID=230 |
93. Heartland Products, Inc. Natural products for lice removal, arthritis pain, woman's health, and personal care. Includes information on nontoxic solutions for family well-being. http://www.heartlandnatural.com | |
94. Head Lice Management Guidelines--UC IPM UC home and landscape guidelines for control of Head lice. (Published 8/01) http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7446.html | |
95. CLASS-ACT. Western Australian Theatre In Education. Theatre company in education for primary and secondary schools covering issues such as bullying, health, nutrition, drug awareness and head lice. http://www.classact.com.au/ |
96. Health And Safety Tips: Pediculosis (Lice) Pediculosis capitis an infestation of the scalp with lice. Peciculosis corporisan infestation of the skin of the body with lice http://nrc.uchsc.edu/TIPS/pediculosis.htm | |
97. Head Lice. DermNet NZ Authoritative facts about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society. http://dermnetnz.org/arthropods/headlice.html | |
98. Oglala Lakota Division Of Distribution The effects of head lice on the lives of our children, and successful prevention and treatment solutions are discussed. Information for families, school officials, and health care providers. http://www.gwtc.net/~stellar | |
99. L.I.C.E. - Lindane Isn't Cool For The Environment Lindane Isn t Cool for the Environment (lice). Lindane is a toxic pesticide usedas in ingredient in prescription products which treat head lice and the http://www.lacsd.org/lindane/ | |
100. Mountain Scent Bath And Body Offering bath salts, powders, gel candles, and lice prevention shampoo. Offering gift packaging. http://mountainscents.tripod.com/ | |
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