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         Leprosy:     more books (100)
  1. Leprosy in Colonial South India: Medicine and Confinement by Jane Buckingham, 2002-03-20
  2. On Leprosy and Fish Eating by Jonathan Hutchinson, 2010-01-11
  3. Margaret of Molokai (Leprosy). by Mel White, 1981-01-01
  4. Two Hearts One Fire: A Glimpse Behind the Mask of Leprosy by Howard Crouch, Sister Mary Augustine, 1989-06-01
  5. A twin study on leprosy (Topics in human genetics) by M. R Chakravartti, 1973
  6. An Annotated Bibliography on Leprosy (Studies in Health and Human Services) by Corinne Shear Wood, 1997-12
  7. Leprosy, Racism, and Public Health: Social Policy in Chronic Disease Control by Zachary Gussow, 1989-07
  8. A Dissertation on the Use of Sea Water in the Glands; Particularly the Scurvy, Jaundice, King's-Evil, Leprosy, and the Glandular Consumption by Richard Russell, 2010-10-14
  9. Mister Leprosy - Dr Stanley Browne's Fight Agains Leprosy by Phyllis Thompson, 1980
  10. Havens of Refuge: History of Leprosy in Western Australia by W.S. Davidson, 1978-12
  11. The fight against leprosy in Brazil, (Resumé / Ministry of State for Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Division of Intellectual Co-operation) by América Xavier da Silveira, 1944
  12. Leprosy: New Hope and Continuing Challenge by Stanley G. Browne, 1966-11
  13. Immunological Aspects of Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Leishmaniasis: Meeting Proceedings (International congress series)
  14. Leprosy in Children by F. Noussito, 1976-06

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF leprosy Vol. 46 No. 4, pp 436438, 1978 The first armadillo to develop disseminated leprosy, animal No .8 was inoculated by me
Vol. 46 No. 4, pp 436-438, 1978
Initiation of the Armadillo Program
by Eleanor E. Storrs
I have read with growing concern the public letters and notes which have appeared in IJL ( 64-65 1977), ASM News, and LSM written by Dr. Kirchheimer (and in one case by Dr. K. Prabhakaran) concerning the genesis of the armadillo-leprosy program. I dislike public controversy, but I feel that a few clarifying statements in regard to the start of the armadillo-leprosy program are in order to project my scientific reputation specifically, as well as aid the cause of women in science generally I first made the suggestion that the armadillo might be a useful animal for the study of leprosy at a meeting with members of the U.S. Leprosy Panel at Gulf South Research Institute on March 19, 1968. This was later confirmed in a memorandum written by Dr. C. C. Shepard dated September 7, 1971. The reasons for my making this suggestion are fully disclosed in papers written by me which have appeared in IJL ( 703- 714, 1970 and Leprosy Review

42. - Leprosy Sufferers Become Latest Victims Of Somali Floods - November 24
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Leprosy sufferers become latest victims of Somali floods

43. India Charity Organisations, Education System Residential Schools India Charitie
Details of an UK charity, providing education for the children of prostitutes and people with leprosy.
Friends Of The Children Of Orissa
Home About us Newsletters School Children ... Charity Donations Save a girl in India from a life of misery Every penny goes to the 300 children in Orissa! We are one of a few India charity organisations providing UK charity donations to support not several residential schools, but a single boarding school in Bhubaneswar, India. Every penny of charity donations goes to cover the cost of the childrens' residential education (keep and education). None of your money will be spent on fundraising, administration, travel or the other expenses associated with the more familiar charity appeals. Neither does it go towards other India based Charity organisations. It all goes to providing our pupils with good boarding school education and the best school life the charity donations can provide for our pupils.
Who are we ? What do we do ?
We are a small education charity set up in 1992 to assist Palli Unnayan Seva Samiti in Orissa, still our main partner. Our main purpose is to raise charity donations for the up-keep and provision of one of the best international charity funded, residential schools in India as without an official India school education more than 300 children from sexworker and leprosy colonies in Orissa would grow up to become uneducated, impoverished women. We do this mainly through 'word of mouth' publicity, circulars to regular and potential supporters information, stalls at local events, and applications to funding agencies. Our supporters include friends from Cranfield School of Management, from Filgrave near Milton Keynes, from Bozeat in Northamptonshire, and from many other places in the UK and abroad.

Caring for leprosy Sufferers and the Disabled. BE SURE TO AVAIL OF ALL THE LINKS AND VISIT OUR TWO leprosy FORUMS. DEFORMITIES OF leprosy AND THEIR



We would be interested to know how you found us. If you have the time, please email us at - - and inform us just how we may improve this site. Perhaps you came via INTERNATIONAL BENEVOLENT SERVICES , the charitable organisation through which we support leprosy sufferers and other needy people.
Maybe you found us through our Family Web-Site or there is a possibility that you reached us through our main leprosy site . However you may have come, matters little; we are happy to have you that you may gain a real awareness of the great needs of those who suffer, unnecessarily, from this totally curable disease, with deformities, ulcerations and disabilities that are completely preventable. In general terms, one of the best sites where you may gain a simple understanding of what leprosy (Hansen's Disease of H.D.) is NOT, is "leprosy" in the Bible . Unfortunately, due to a strange concept some people have of the nature of God, combined with religious superstition, victims of H.D. still are cruelly stigmatised, for which reason, many suffer also from

45. NEW HOPE India
Organization working with people who have leprosy. Raises funds for crippled childrens polio surgery and street children rehabilitation.

Children's Goodwill Care

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The 'core' of our work, the thing on which we stay focused, is the care of those affected with leprosy. It is true that the number of new cases is declining and that about the most wonderful news we can tell anyone but...
The already deformed and those too old to go begging still need our help. One of the simple things we do is to give at Christmas - a 'Bundle of Love' containing a set of clothing, winter blanket, toiletries and protective footwear to prevent ulcers. Give Pounds 10 or Euro 16 and we will put your name on the gift if you wish.

46. Communicable Disease Fact Sheet
Communicable Disease Fact Sheet, leprosy. leprosy is a chronic bacterial disease of the skin and nerves in the hands and feet and, in some cases,
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You are Here: Home Page Communicable Disease Leprosy
(Hansen's disease) What is leprosy? Leprosy is a chronic bacterial disease of the skin and nerves in the hands and feet and, in some cases, the lining of the nose. Leprosy is a rare disease in the United States. Who gets leprosy? Anyone can get leprosy, but children seem to be more susceptible than adults. How is leprosy spread? It is not clear how the leprosy germ is spread, but household and prolonged close contact is important. The germs probably enter the body through the nose and possibly through broken skin. The germs get in the air through nasal discharge of untreated lepromatous patients. What are the symptoms of leprosy? Tuberculoid leprosy symptoms are a few well-defined skin lesions that are numb. Lepromatous leprosy symptoms are a chronically stuffy nose and many skin lesions and nodules on both sides of the body. How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?

47. Damien Foundation India Trust
Provides healthcare to the less privileged with its main focus on leprosy control. Information about its projects, objectives, staff, and campaigns.

48. Welcome To Our Foundation - Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD) leprosy control project.
German News Contact Sitemap ... About us Annual Report 2005/06
Our new annual report 2005/2006 has been published. The report is available as a print and a pdf version.

Proceedings of the International Symposium 2004:
A Duty for Whom?
The proceedings of the Symposium 2004 have been published. The report is available as a pdf version.

You may also order a free copy of the printed version.

Novartis Foundation Symposium 2005
Can an individual change the world? Not only in the private sector, also in the humanitarian area personal initiative makes a difference. Private commitment, competence and persistence have a future - countless people work for a better world, in all continents, on various fields, day after day. The Novartis Symposium 2005 gives an opportunity to meet people with a vision and drive who represent social and humanitarian movements. Resignation? No, thank you! Be inspired by humanitarian success stories.
Novartis receives 2005 Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy Award
  • Honor recognizes outstanding executive commitment, dedication to measurement and innovation in corporate philanthropy

49. Global Project On The History Of Leprosy
The Project is developing a database of leprosy archives around the world, It will also be of interest to those connected with leprosy and its impact.
You are here Home
The Project
The Global Project on the History of Leprosy is the initiative of the International Leprosy Association (utilizing the Nippon Foundation fund through WHO ) and the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine at the University of Oxford . The Project is developing a database of leprosy archives around the world, as a working tool for researchers who are interested in the modern history of leprosy, dating from 1847, when Danielssen and Boeck published Om Spedalskhed . It will also be of interest to those connected with leprosy and its impact.
The collections mentioned on the database have a wide range of organisational, policy, scientific and medical archives as well as leprosaria records, museums and libraries. Also included are private collections of those who have worked in the field and collections of testimonies from people affected by the disease. The project does not hold any of these records, but provides information of their existence and whereabouts. While the database creates pathways for researchers, the project will both encourage the preservation of archives and establish a network of researchers.

50. Damien The Leper Society
Volunteer organization aiming to prevent leprosy and to treat its victims. Details of the organization, its projects and the disease.
Damien The Leper Society
This is a non-profit, tax-exempt volunteer organization. The main objective of The Society is to stop the progression of leprosy and minister to its residual effects. Contact Us Making Contributions Projects Lepers ... Blessed Damien Society

51. ILEP - International Federation Of Anti-Leprosy Associations
The International Federation of Antileprosy Associations ILEP consists of 17 autonomous non-governmental organisations, based in 13 countries.
Home Federation Technical Advice Programme Information ... Other Leprosy NGOs
ILEP - International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations
The purpose of ILEP is to promote and facilitate co-operation and collaboration between its Members, by co-ordinating their support to leprosy programmes, representing their common interests and providing technical expertise to the Federation, its Members and other parties.
  • ILEP is an international federation of fifteen autonomous non-governmental anti-leprosy organisations, or organisations with a strong emphasis on leprosy. Membership of ILEP enhances the capacity of these Member Associations to work towards the common goal of a world without leprosy.
    ILEP is a powerful financial partnership. Together Members raise funds from public and institutional sources. Their annual contribution to anti-leprosy work amounts to € 50-60 million. Collectively Members of ILEP are one of the world leaders in support to scientific research on leprosy. More than 50 research projects receive grants from a yearly budget of € 3 million.
    Members of ILEP are active in virtually all countries where leprosy exists. Together they are fighting leprosy on all fronts - from detection and treatment to rehabilitation.

52. Society Of Korean Leprologists
Provides necessary information for leprosy research and control, and to promote information exchange among peoples concerned with leprosy medically, administratively, or in other related areas.

53. Welcome To Our Foundation - Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD) leprosy control project; multiple drug therapy (mdt), physical, economic social rehabilitation of leprosy patients
German News Contact Sitemap ... About us Annual Report 2005/06
Our new annual report 2005/2006 has been published. The report is available as a print and a pdf version.

Proceedings of the International Symposium 2004:
A Duty for Whom?
The proceedings of the Symposium 2004 have been published. The report is available as a pdf version.

You may also order a free copy of the printed version.

Novartis Foundation Symposium 2005
Can an individual change the world? Not only in the private sector, also in the humanitarian area personal initiative makes a difference. Private commitment, competence and persistence have a future - countless people work for a better world, in all continents, on various fields, day after day. The Novartis Symposium 2005 gives an opportunity to meet people with a vision and drive who represent social and humanitarian movements. Resignation? No, thank you! Be inspired by humanitarian success stories.
Novartis receives 2005 Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy Award
  • Honor recognizes outstanding executive commitment, dedication to measurement and innovation in corporate philanthropy

The official disease, leprosy, produced by Mycobacterium leprae, Those classified with leprosy, especially during the Middle Ages, did not necessarily
Leper with a bell in the margins in the text of a fourteenth century manuscript.
The official disease, leprosy, produced by Mycobacterium leprae, was not scientifically identified until 1874, and the cause for the disease was not proven until the 1960s. It is difficult to diagnose even today; therefore, there must have been much confusion surrounding the disease in the Middle Ages. Those classified with leprosy, especially during the Middle Ages, did not necessarily exhibit any of the common symptoms. The classification "leper" was given to many social deviants. Consequently, for purposes of studying lepers in the Middle Ages, we will define lepers as R.I. Moore does in Formation of a Persecuting Society , as "those who were called lepers and treated as such.". The general characteristics of the disease include, but are not limited to: loss of sensation at the nerve ends
destroyed blood vessels, ligaments and skin tissues
eroded bones
Treatment of lepers in Christian and Islamic Societies: Although lepers were isolated and treated differently than other members of society in both religious cultures, the medieval treatment of lepers in Islamic society seemed to be less harsh than in Christian societies. There are common religious interpretations in both Christian and Islamic societies regarding leprosy, but the effect of such interpretation appeared to be less " marginalizing" in Islamic societies. In Islamic society, there was little evidence of lepers being required to wear distinctive clothing. The association of lepers with the "unclean" is seen in the popularity of baths as a treatment for leprosy, but this occurred mostly in areas of Christian influence, such as the Crusader states.

55. Welcome To The Leprosy Mission England And Wales Website
The leprosy Mission England and Wales.
Home Enhance a life - Donate! Home Enhance a life - Donate!

56. LEPRA INDIA -- Index
Dedicated to improve public health status of the community through implementing control programmes for leprosy and other allied diseases.
Donor can avail Tax Benefit (100%) U/S 35 AC of Income Tax Act.
Best NGO Award to LEPRA Society for its active involvement in National Leprosy Elimination Programme (NLEP) by State Leprosy Society, A.P. for the year 2002 – 2003. LEPRA Society is among the 160 Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (worldwide) who adopted “Code of Good Practices for NGOs responding to HIV/AIDS”. District Technical Support Teams (DTSTs) in Orissa were established to cover all the 30 districts with LEPRA Society as ILEP Coordinator in Orissa. Inauguration of an Eye Care Hospital “Mahanadi Netra Chikischhalaya” at Birmaharajpur, Sonepur District, Orissa on 20th December 2004. LEPRA facilitated the Year - end Meetings of the ILEP General Assembly at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, from 7 to 11 December 2004. Seventy delegates from different parts of the world attended the meetings.

57. HHMI's BioInteractive - Featured Infectious Disease: Leprosy
leprosy, that ageold scourge of humankind, finally may be on the run. Here are facts about this infectious disease. What is leprosy?
Related Stories: Still a mystery: Why do some people get leprosy? What do human beings and armadillos have in common? Leprosy References Malaria ... B. Brett Finlay, Ph.D.
Featured Infectious Disease: Leprosy
In the United States, a federal hospital for leprosy sufferers is being phased out and its last 69 residents are being encouraged to leave the facility. And the World Health Organization targeted the year 2000 for eliminating leprosy on a global basis. Leprosy, that age-old scourge of humankind, finally may be on the run. Here are facts about this infectious disease. What is leprosy? Leprosy, also called Hansen's disease, is a mildly infectious disease that attacks peripheral nerves. It is caused by a bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae . In very serious cases, the bacilli may be found in the lymph nodes, male testes, spleen, liver, and bone marrow. The infection can damage nerves in the face and body, leading to a loss of sensation and paralysis. Because sensation is lost, everyday activities are fraught with danger as wounds go unnoticed. Even stones in shoes and grit in the eyes may lead to serious harm when left unattended. Patients may lose fingers, feet, and eyesight. When did it start?

Describes the situation, decline and spread of leprosy in Hong Kong. Includes details on types of leprosy, diagnosis and treatment.

59. Leprosy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
leprosy, sometimes known as Hansen s disease, is an infectious disease caused by Historically, leprosy was an incurable and disfiguring disease.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
This article is about the infectious disease also known as Hansen's disease. For the malady found in the Hebrew Bible, see the article Tzaraas . For the album Leprosy by Death see the article Leprosy (album)
Father Damien was a Roman Catholic missionary who helped lepers on Hawaii and also died of the disease. Leprosy , sometimes known as Hansen's disease , is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae , an aerobic acid fast , rod-shaped mycobacterium . The modern term for the disease is named after the discoverer of the bacterium, Gerhard Armauer Hansen Sufferers of Hansen's disease have historically been known as lepers , however this term is falling into disuse as a result of the diminishing number of leprosy patients and the pejorative connotations of the term. The terms "leprosy" and "lepers" can also lead to public misunderstanding because the Bible uses these terms in reference to a wide range of incurable skin conditions other than Hansen's disease.

60. Kalaupapa National Historical Park (National Park Service)
Official National Park Service web site of park commemorating two tragedies the forced removal of indigenous people from the land, and isolation of people with Hansen's disease (leprosy). Brief history, contact information. Admission is free, but visitors must obtain a permit from the state Department of Health.
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Two tragedies occurred on the Kalaupapa Peninsula on the north shore of the island of Moloka`i; the first was the removal of indigenous people in 1865 and 1895, the second was the forced isolation of sick people to this remote place from 1866 until 1969. The removal of Hawaiians from where they had lived for 900 years cut the cultural ties and associations of generations of people with the `aina (land). The establishment of an isolation settlement, first at Kalawao and then at Kalaupapa, tore apart Hawaiian society as the kingdom, and subsequently, the territory of Hawai`i tried to control a feared disease. The impact of broken connections with the `aina and of family members "lost" to Kalaupapa are still felt in Hawai`i today. Kalaupapa National Historical Park, established in 1980, contains the physical setting for these stories. Within its boundaries are the historic Hansen's disease settlements of Kalaupapa and Kalawao. The community of Kalaupapa, on the leeward side of Kalaupapa Peninsula, is still home for many surviving Hansen's disease patients, whose memories and experiences are cherished values. In Kalawao on the windward side of the peninsula are the churches of Siloama, established in 1866, and Saint Philomena, associated with the work of Father Damien (Joseph De Veuster). Search
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