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         Lactose Intolerance:     more books (100)
  1. Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living by Alisa Marie Fleming, 2008-11-10
  2. How to Tolerate Lactose Intolerance: Recipes & A Guide for Eating Well Without Dairy Products by Phyllis Z. Goldberg, 1998-07
  3. The Lactose-Free Cookbook by Sheri Updike, 1998-09-01
  4. Milk Is Not for Every Body: Living with Lactose Intolerance by Steve Carper, 1995-01-01
  5. Hold the Cheese Please! A Story for Children About Lactose Intolerance by Frank J. Sileo PhD, 2009-03-03
  6. The Lactose-Free Family Cookbook by Jan Main, Marsha Rosen RD, 2002-07-06
  7. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Lactose Intolerance: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2002-08-14
  8. Lactose Intolerance Nutrition Guide by Merri Lou Dobler, 2002-09
  9. Gluten-free Bread & Cake from Your Breadmaker: With Full Details for Dairy or Lactose Intolerance (Real Food) by Carolyn Humphries, 2010-02-15
  10. Dairy-Free Cookbook, Fully Revised 2nd Edition : Over 250 Recipes for People with Lactose Intolerance or Milk Allergy by Jane Zukin, 1998-05-13
  11. Living Well with Lactose Intolerance by Jaime Aranda-michel, Donald S. Vaughan, 1999-08-01
  12. Tony's Lactose Free Cookbook: The Science of Lactose Intolerance and How to Live Without Lactose (Welston Sciences) by Anthony K. Campbell, Stephanie B. Matthews, 2005-07-01
  13. Lactose Intolerance - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-01-23
  14. Secrets of Lactose-free Cooking by Arlene Burlant, 1996-02-01

1. Lactose Intolerance Versus Milk Allergy
How to distinguish the two, including a chart.
Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Allergy
More people ask me if Lactose Intolerance (LI) is the same thing as an allergy to milk or dairy products than any other question. They are not the same; they are not even related. Here are the basics on how to tell them apart.
Lactose Intolerance
    People who have LI cannot digest the milk sugar, lactose, because they manufacture too small a quantity of the digestive enzyme, lactase. Too small is a relative term. If you drink only tiny amounts of milk, even a tiny amount of lactase is sufficient. Too much milk (or any dairy product) can overwhelm even a fairly large lactase supply. How much is too much? That depends on a dozen factors, and can be hard to judge, even from meal to meal. Undigested lactose sits in the intestines and does two things, both bad. It draws water into your intestines, producing diarrhea, and it gets fermented by the bacteria in your colon, producing gas. That's why the symptoms of LI include, in addition to gas and diarrhea, flatulence, bloating and cramps. Note that these are all symptoms of the lower intestines. Anyone (except for young children) who gets vomiting, burping, heartburn, or other stomach ills, should look for a difference cause. Food can take 12 hours to two days to completely pass through your intestines. That's why symptoms can last for a long time and that's why it can be hard to pinpoint exactly which foods are bothering you. Symptoms can also start almost immediately after eating dairy. This is not because the dairy has hit your intestines, but because food in the stomach triggers what is called peristalsis in the intestines, the muscle movements that push food through. If you are already suffering from excess gas and water, you can feel the pressures of diarrhea long before any new food has a chance to leave the stomach.

2. Health Issues Concerning Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Lactose Intolerance
Discussion and management of lactose intolerance.
Lactose Intolerance
About the author: Dr . Minocha is a practicing gastroenterologist and author of "Natural Stomach Care: Treating and Preventing Digestive Disorders with Best of Eastern and Western Therapies" L actose intolerance (LI) is a common disorder that affects a quarter of the US population and may affect as many as 75% of the world population. The prevalence varies by race and ethnicity. It is more common among African-Americans, Hispanics and oriental population. In India, for example, it is seen in 25% of north Indian and 70% of south Indian population.
Most common for is the adult-type or primary deficiency where there is usually deficiency of Lactase enzyme activity and not complete absence. Congenital lactase deficiency is rare.
Milk intolerance suggests onset of symptoms after drinking milk and not necessarily lactose intolerance.
Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance include bloating, stomach pains, diarrhea and gassiness. Symptoms may occur in some patients even when their lactase enzyme activity is within normal limits. This may occur in 5% of adults. Thus, some people erroneously think that their symptoms are due to lactase deficiency when that is not true.
Lactose restricted diet may improve symptoms not only in lactase deficient patients but also in irritable bowel syndrome in adults and recurrent abdominal pain in kids.

3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Or Simply Lactose Intolerance?
Important and accurate information gathered from the British and American societiesput together. Many people diagnosed to be suffering from irritable bowel
Irritable Bowels
Or simply Lactose Intolerance?
Home Page Community Forums Guest Book ... Contact us Categories Lactose Intolerance Milk Allergy Irritable Bowels
What is IBS?
How common is it? What are the symptoms? What is the cause of irritable bowel syndrome? ... Food Additives Information Symptoms Treatment/Cure Milk Alternatives Hidden Milk Products More Reading Medical Reports Recommended Books Articles, Links, Reviews Recipes Dairy Free Recipes Flash Medical News Medical Headlines What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Just type a question and click "Ask!" The guidelines below are adapted from the leaflet produced by in association with the British Society of Gastroenterology - The Professional Society for Gastroenterologists. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive disorder which can cause troublesome and persistent symptoms. These vary greatly from person to person, but usually include cramping discomfort, a feeling of fullness or bloating, and a change or disruption of bowel habit. This can range from constipation (difficult or infrequent passage of a motion) to diarrhoea (frequent or loose motions and an urgent need to go), or can alternate between the two.

4. No Milk Page
Milk Allergy and lactose intolerance is the entry page for the Milk Allergy support Milk Makes Me Sick Exploration of the Basis of lactose intolerance - The No Milk Page
Lactose Maldigestion/Milk Allergy/Casein Intolerance
Go to No Milk Introduction
Contents to Sections Below
Sites by Individuals

5. Lactose Intolorance, Milk Allergies, IBS And Food Colors
lactose intolerance and milk allergies are very common but remain underestimated.This is a comprehensive guide about these conditions and about Irritable
more than just milk related problems.
Home Page Community Message Board Guest Book Contacts us Categories Lactose Intolerance Milk Allergy Irritable Bowels Allergens ... Food Additives Information Symptoms Treatment/Cure Milk Alternatives Hidden Milk Products More Reading Medical Reports Recommended Books Articles, Links, Reviews Recipes Suitable Recipes Medical News Welcome to the largest Lactose Intolerance community on line. Here we keep a personal touch, where everyone is happy to help and share experiences. Make sure you visit the message board. Now Digestive Enzymes are 10% cheaper . Shipping costs are also reduced. Save around 25% overall Cheapest... ANYWHERE on the high street or on the net!

6. 100 Percent Lactose Free Entertainment
Information about the condition and its prevalence, advice and resources for living lactosefree, discussion forum, and other resources for the lactose-intolerant.
Your browser does not support frames. However, you can still manage to see the site if you click here . Use the back arrow on your browser to return to the index. Your browser does not support frames. However, you can still manage to see the site if you click here . Use the back arrow on your browser to return to the index. This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here This site is a member of WebRing.
To browse visit Here

7. Lactose Intolerance
Information on lactose intolerance from Ladies Home Journal Online.
Lactose Intolerance
From diagnosis to treatment, what you need to know about lactose intolerance. What Is Lactose Intolerance?
Coping with the discomforts of lactose intolerance.
Milk Allergies in Babies

How to tell if your baby suffers from this lactose intolerance. Sources of Calcium
Get calcium in your diet with these foods and supplements. For more on lactose intolerance visit More outstanding free recipes from Better Recipes
Low Carb Recipes
Soup Recipes Crockpot Recipes ... Drink Recipes Visit the Home and Family Network for the best in food, decorating, health and more... Decorating Ideas Home Building and Remodeling Tips Free Recipes Health and Fitness ... Meredith Corporation. /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ var pageName="Landing:lactose intolerance" var server="" var channel="SearchLanding" var pageType="" var prop1="" var prop2="" var prop3="" var prop4="" var prop5="" /********* INSERT THE DOMAIN AND PATH TO YOUR CODE BELOW ************/ /********** DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING ELSE BELOW THIS LINE! *************/ var s_code=' '

8. Milk Allergy And Lactose Intolerance
Includes food labelling, milk and lactose free foods available in Australia, recipes, personal account of a milkallergic child, and links.

9. Lactose Intolerance - General Practice Notebook
Clinicallyoriented information.

10. Lactose Intolerance
Explains the mechanism involved in the inability to digest lactose, diagnostictests, and diet modifications.
Email To A Friend Also see:
Why Does Milk Bother Me?
Home Digestive Diseases A-Z List of Topics and Titles : Lactose Intolerance
Lactose Intolerance
On this page:
What is lactose intolerance?
Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the predominant sugar of milk. This inability results from a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is normally produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into simpler forms that can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. When there is not enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose consumed, the results, although not usually dangerous, may be very distressing. While not all persons deficient in lactase have symptoms, those who do are considered to be lactose intolerant. The digestive tract Common symptoms include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea, which begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking foods containing lactose. The severity of symptoms varies depending on the amount of lactose each individual can tolerate. Some causes of lactose intolerance are well known. For instance, certain digestive diseases and injuries to the small intestine can reduce the amount of enzymes produced. In rare cases, children are born without the ability to produce lactase. For most people, though, lactase deficiency is a condition that develops naturally over time. After about the age of 2 years, the body begins to produce less lactase. However, many people may not experience symptoms until they are much older.

11. Steve Carper's Lactose Intolerance Clearinghouse
Includes basics for beginners, a guide to dairy and nondairy products, a milkfree bookstore, answers to questions, online resources, and research summaries.
Welcome to Planet Lactose Come visit my Planet Lactose blog Be sure to check below for what's new.
For quick access , click on any button. For descriptions , click on More Info. Or Drop me a Line Thanks for viewing. Steve Carper I now have a Planet Lactose blog All the goodness you expext of a topical blog, minus the blather.
This site has gotten too big to be able to update easily, but I can post a quick news update or answer a question at the blog in no time.
And of course you now can comment with your own experiences.
It's win-win.
The Planet Lactose Blog
The Product Clearinghouse has been completely, 100% updated. Every product, every company, every link. And now there is also an Addresses and Links Directory listing every company on one page for easy reference. Don't forget that my Milk-Free Bookstore had its own complete updating, and I've just add another two dozen recently-published books. And there will be more new and updated pages and sections to come. Seven years. 200,000+ hits. Over 100 pages. Many thousands of emails. Sometimes it's more work than I can handle, and I apologize for those pages that fall behind. Nobody else has this information, though, so I'm committed to keeping this the best Lactose Intolerance site on the Internet. Thank you for the words of encouragement over the years. They mean a lot.

12. Lactose Intolorance, Milk Allergies, IBS And Food Colors
lactose intolerance and milk allergies are very common but remain underestimated. This is a comprehensive guide about these conditions and about

13. Why Does Milk Bother Me?
Defines lactose intolerance and provides information on its symptoms, lactose intolerance means that you cannot digest foods with lactose in them.
Email To A Friend PDF Version Also see:
Lactose Intolerance
Home Digestive Diseases A-Z List of Topics and Titles : Why Does Milk Bother Me?
Why Does Milk Bother Me?
On this page:
What do I need to know about lactose intolerance?
Lactose intolerance means that you cannot digest foods with lactose in them. Lactose is the sugar found in milk and foods made with milk. These foods contain lactose. Top
Should I worry about lactose intolerance?
No. Lactose intolerance is not serious. You should feel better soon if you eat less food with lactose or if you use products that help you digest lactose. Drink less milk because it has lactose in it. Top
Why does my body have trouble digesting lactose?
You cannot digest lactose because you do not have enough lactase enzyme. The small intestine needs lactase enzyme to break down lactose. If lactose is not digested, it can cause gas and stomach cramps. Top
How will I feel if I have lactose intolerance?

14. Virtual Hospital: University Of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition: G
Information sheet for medical providers working with adult patients provides a brief overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management of this condition.
University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition, Chapter 5
Gastroenterology And Hepatology: Lactose Intolerance
Jatinder P. S. Ahluwalia, MD, Mark A. Graber, MD, and William B. Silverman, MD
Division of Gastroenterlogy and Hepatology and Departments of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Emergency Medicine
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and College of Medicine

Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed by Mosby
  • Lactose intolerance is an unpleasant reaction to lactose ingestion caused by a deficiency of lactase, a disaccharidase responsible for hydrolyzing lactose into glucose and galactose. Lactose intolerance is the most prevalent genetic deficiency worldwide, affecting Asians, persons from the Mediterranean, African-Americans, native Americans, and Mexicans.
  • Types of Lactase Deficiency
  • Late-onset or acquired . Adult lactase deficiency is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Onset most common in adolescence and early adulthood. Symptom severity depends on intestinal lactase activity and the size of the lactose load. Secondary Congenital (alactasia) . This condition is extremely rare and is the result of complete absence of lactase expression because of a genetic defect. Symptoms
  • Include abdominal distention and pain, gaseous bloating, borborygmi, flatulence and diarrhea resulting from increased distension and decreased transit time of lactulose in the small bowel, and production SCFAs and gases in the colon.
  • 15. No Cow's Milk For Me Thanks!
    who are dairy allergic or lactose intolerant, yes other sites exist for people with allergies to dairy products and lactose intolerance, but

    16. Kirsten's Lactose Intolerance Website Education. Welcome. Understand lactose intolerance. Feed Yourself. Supplement Your Diet. Cook LactoseFree. Learn More

    17. Dairy Free Living: Recipes And CookBook
    Information on lactose intolerance and dairy allergy, dairyfree recipes, FAQs, articles, and announcements of cooking classes and other events. Also promotes a cookbook available for sale.
    DairyFreeLiving.Com Dairy-Free Menu Welcome to - dedicated to dairy-free information and home of the new cookbook Recipes For Dairy-Free Living . Whether you're coping with lactose intolerance, dairy allergy or if you simply want to reduce the amount of dairy foods in your diet, this beautiful new book provides practical information and creative solutions to your concerns about living "dairy-free."
    Recipes For Dairy-Free Living by Denise Jardine teaches you how to:
    • Get enough calcium when eliminating dairy foods. Buy dairy-free products and ingredients from your local supermarket. Prepare over 140 innovative and delicious dishes that satisfy your cravings for the rich creamy textures of dairy foods. Read food labels for hidden dairy components found in processed foods. Recognize lactose intolerance and dairy allergy conditions.
    Click here for a detailed description of the book: Recipes for Dairy-Free living.

    18. Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance -
    Symptoms of lactose intolerance including signs, symptoms, incubation period, duration, and correct diagnosis.

    19. Lactose Intolerance - What You Can Eat If You Are Lactose Intolerance?
    Management of lactose intolerance, including food alternatives like yogurt andchocolate milk.
    Forum Newsletter Search Us
    Lactose Intolerance
    How prevalent is Lactose Intolerance? About 70% of the world's population just can't drink milk or eat dairy products (except yogurt) without getting an upset stomach. Lactose Intolerance is genetic and happens most often in people of African, Asian and Mediterranean descent. Lactose Intolerance is caused by a deficiency of lactase, an enzyme needed to absorb and digest milk sugar i.e. lactose. Undigested lactose lingers in the colon and ferments, creating intestinal distress - abdominal pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea - that sometimes defies diagnosis or is misdiagnosed as serious bowel disease. So don't believe you have a serious bowel disorder until you are sure milk is not at fault. Read Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBD Diet for Crohn's and Colitis How much upset milk can cause depends on the severity of your lactase deficiency. From 60 to 80 percent of those with lactose intolerance can still drink a single glass of milk without distress and about half can drink two glasses of milk, says note researcher Dr. Dennis Savaiano of the University of Minnesota. One study found that normal people absorbed 92% of lactose from milk; those with lactose intolerance absorbed only 25% to 58%.
    Lactose Intolerance: The Yogurt Salvation
    Yogurt is safe because it comes predigested. In one of nature's small miracles, the bacteria in yogurt take over for the missing enzyme and digest much of the milk sugar for you. According to tests by Dr. Savaiano, two bacterial cultures, Streptococcus thermophilus and especially Lactobacillus bulgaricus, that transform milk into yogurt gobble up much of milk's lactose during fermentation, and once in the intestine eat much of the remaining lactose. Be sure the yogurt has live bacterial cultures, as nearly all commercial yogurts do; killed bacteria do not work. Plain yogurts have more anti-lactose activity than flavored yogurts. Buttermilk and acidophilus milk, although fermented, still cause as much distress in most people as plain milk.

    20. Why No Milk?
    Includes lactose intolerance, aggravating conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis, and cardiovascular health.

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