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         Kidney Failure:     more books (100)
  1. Acute Renal Failure : Clinical and Experimental (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) (Vol 212)
  2. Animal Models in Chronic Renal Failure (Contributions to Nephrology) by N. Gretz, 1988-02
  3. Acute Renal Failure by J. Michael Lazarus, 1993-06
  4. Bone and Renal Failure (Contributions to Nephrology) (Vol 64) by Marc E. De Broe, 1988-08
  5. The Treatment of Renal Failure by G. M. Yuill, 1975-08
  6. Immunological Perspectives in Chronic Renal Failure (Contributions to Nephrology) by H. J. Gurland, J. Moran, 1990-12
  7. Prevention of Progressive Chronic Renal Failure (Oxford Medical Publications)
  8. Long-Term Hemodialysis; The Management of the Patient With Chronic Renal Failure, by Constantine L. Hampers, 1973-06
  9. Renal Failure - Who Cares?
  10. Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials (Contributions to Nephrology)
  11. Systemic Consequences of Renal Failure by Garabed Eknoyan, 1984-09
  12. Acute Renal Failure: New Concepts and Therapeutic Strategies
  13. Metabolic and Nutritional Abnormalities in Kidney Disease (Contributions to Nephrology) by G. Guarnieri, G. Panzetta, 1992-09
  14. Nutritional Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure (Topics in Renal Medicine)

41. Women More Likely To Suffer Kidney Failure After Heart Surgery

42. - Common Causes Of Kidney Failure - May 31, 2002



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Common causes of kidney failure
Editor's Note: Dr. Sanjay Gupta answers medical questions submitted by e-mail at 2:30 p.m. EDT Saturdays on "Your Health." The questions and answers are available on after the show. Q: What are the causes of kidney failure? Yaqub in Abuja, Nigeria A: Kidney failure, or chronic renal failure, is actually reduced kidney function. The kidneys' functions include removing waste from the body, maintaining the body's chemical balance and producing hormones. Many medical conditions or diseases can cause a loss of kidney function, with diabetes and high blood pressure as the two most common causes of chronic renal failure. With diabetes, high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the kidneys. Other conditions such as long-term inflammation of the kidneys, large kidney cysts and blocked urine flow can cause chronic renal failure.

43. Chronic Renal Failure
IF MY PET IS STILL MAKING PLENTY OF URINE HOW CAN THERE BE kidney failure?In chronic kidney failure, urine is usually produced in excessive quantities.
CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW What’s On This Page IF MY PET IS STILL MAKING PLENTY OF URINE HOW CAN THERE BE KIDNEY FAILURE? In chronic kidney failure, urine is usually produced in excessive quantities. What the kidneys are failing to do is conserve water (they are failing to make concentrated urine). The body produces numerous toxins on a moment by moment basis. These toxins circulate to the kidneys where, dissolved in water, they are filtered out and urinated away. An efficient kidney can make a highly concentrated urine so that a large amount of toxin can be excreted in a relatively small amount of water. When the kidneys fail over a long time period, they lose their ability to concentrate urine and more water is required to excrete the same amount of toxin. The animal will begin to drink more and more to provide the failing kidneys with enough water. Ultimately, the animal cannot drink enough and toxin levels begin to rise. Weight loss, listlessness, nausea, constipation, and poor appetite become noticeable. It is common for animals, especially cats, to have a long history of excessive water consumption when they finally come to the vet's office with one of the latter complaints.
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44. Painkillers Not Linked To Kidney Failure

45. BP Pills Delay Diabetic Kidney Failure

46. Kidney Failure - Symptoms And Treatment Information At
Learn about kidney failure, in which the body has fluid retention, risen bloodpressure, toxin build up and lack of red blood cells.
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Kidney Failure
What happens when your kidneys fail?
Healthy kidneys clean the blood by filtering out extra water and wastes. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and blood healthy. When both of your kidneys fail, your body holds fluid. Your blood pressure rises. Harmful wastes build up in your body. Your body doesn't make enough red blood cells. You develop fatigue, nausea, and loss of appetite. When this happens, you need treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys. What are the treatments for kidney failure? There are three options when treating kidney failure, which will be discussed in length in the following sections:
  • Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis Kidney transplant
  • Hemodialysis What is hemodialysis?

    47. Welcome To K A N T I . C O M
    Facilities for the treatment of kidney failure and related diseases.

    Kanti News -BBC Interview

    Kanti News -BBC Interview

    48. Welcome To Nefron Limited
    Provides kidney dialysis. Organization aims to address the challenge of kidney failure and dialysis setup in India. Includes organization profile, F.A.Qs, knowledge bank, and a photo gallery.
    This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

    49. Kidney Failure: Choosing A Treatment That's Right For You
    Provides a broad overview of the treatment options for a person facing kidney failure.
    Email To A Friend PDF Version Spanish Version Also see:
    Kidney Failure Series
    Home Kidney Failure Series : Choosing a Treatment That's Right for You
    Kidney Failure: Choosing a Treatment That's Right for You
    On this page: Your kidneys filter wastes from your blood and regulate other functions of your body. When your kidneys fail, you need treatment to replace the work of healthy kidneys to survive. Developing kidney failure means that you have some decisions to make about your treatment. If you choose to receive treatment, your choices are hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. You may also choose to forgo treatment. By learning about your choices, you can work with your doctor to decide what's best for you. No matter which treatment you choose, you'll need to make some changes in your life, including how you eat and plan your activities. But with the help of your health care team, family, and friends, you can lead a full, active life. Top
    When Your Kidneys Fail
    Healthy kidneys clean your blood by removing excess fluid, minerals, and wastes. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and your blood healthy. When your kidneys fail, harmful wastes build up in your body, your blood pressure may rise, and your body may retain excess fluid and not make enough red blood cells. When this happens, you need treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys.

    50. EMedicine Health - Acute Kidney Failure Overview
    Consumer health resource center providing an overivew of this disorder, causes, symptoms, and treatment.
    Search September 9, 2005 Registration Healthcare Professionals You are in: Kidneys and Urinary System
    Acute Kidney Failure
    Acute Kidney Failure Overview
    The kidneys are a pair of small organs that lie on either side of your spine at about waist level. They act as filters that keep your blood free of by-products and toxins.
    • The kidneys excrete these compounds with water to make urine.
      They also eliminate excess body water while selectively reabsorbing useful chemicals and allowing waste to pass freely into the bladder as urine.
      They allow you to continue to consume a variety of foods, drugs, vitamins and supplements, additives, and excess fluids without worry that toxic by-products will build up to harmful levels.
    Blood circulates through the kidneys for filtration.
    • As the first step in filtration, the blood passes through the glomeruli, a complex structure composed of tiny blood vessels entwined randomly together. Substances present in the blood are selectively filtered across the outer linings of the tiny blood vessels and excreted with water as urine or reabsorbed into tubelike structures (tubules) for further filtration.
      The tubules continue filtering blood until all appropriate substances are reabsorbed into the blood and all the waste products are excreted with water as urine.

    51. Symptom: Kidney Symptoms -
    Permanent kidney damage, Glomerulonephritis, kidney failure, Glomerular disease Renal Tubular Acidosis kidney stones, kidney disease, kidney failure
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    Symptom: Kidney symptoms
    Kidney symptoms: Symptoms affecting one or both kidneys Detailed cause information for symptom: Kidney symptoms:
  • Medical conditions causing symptom: Kidney symptoms (34 conditions)
  • Medical conditions causing complication: Kidney symptoms (82 conditions) Medical articles on symptoms: These general medical articles may be of interest: Symptoms: symptom center symptom list symptom descriptions all symptoms Conditions listing symptoms: Kidney symptoms: The following list of conditions have 'Kidney symptoms' or similar listed as a symptom in our database. This computer-generated list may be inaccurate or incomplete. Always seek prompt professional medical advice about the cause of any symptom.
  • Acromegaly ... enlarged kidneys
  • 52. Baxter - Renalinfo - US - Treatment For Kidney Failure - Treatment For End Stage
    Site sponsored by Baxter Healthcare discusses end stage renal disease, acute kidney failure, and chronic kidney failure.
    Back Treatment for kidney failure
    Treatment for end stage kidney failure
    BACK NEXT Chronic kidney failure often progresses from early stage (partial) to end stage (complete) failure. There is no cure for end-stage renal failure (ESRF) also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The damage done to the kidneys is irreversible. Treatment at the end stage of kidney failure involves replacing the lost functions of your kidneys by dialysis or by a kidney transplant. There are two kinds of dialysis treatment, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis . Dialysis patients:
    • manage their fluid balance by adjusting what they drink manage the substances such as calcium and other nutrients that their bodies have to deal with by watching their renal diet are tested to monitor the effectiveness of their dialysis
    Transplantation is another treatment option. You will learn about the tests used for determining if a patient is suitable for receiving a transplant, and for monitoring a transplant. Dialysis patients are monitored and/or treated by the medical team in a Dialysis center Convenient summaries are provided of:
    End stage kidney failure
    If you have been recently diagnosed with kidney failure, this section will help you understand your situation:

    53. Chronic Kidney Failure
    CHC Wausau Hospital s Medical Library and Patient Education Center providesresearch services and healthcare information to physicians,

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    Definition Description Causes ... Resources
    Chronic kidney failure
    Chronic kidney failure occurs when disease or disorder damages the kidneys so that they are no longer capable of adequately removing fluids and wastes from the body or of maintaining the proper level of certain kidney-regulated chemicals in the bloodstream. Description
    Chronic kidney failure, also known as chronic renal failure, affects over 250,000 Americans annually. It is caused by a number of diseases and inherited disorders, but the progression of chronic kidney failure is always the same. The kidneys, which serve as the body's natural filtration system, gradually lose their ability to remove fluids and waste products (urea) from the bloodstream. They also fail to regulate certain chemicals in the bloodstream, and deposit protein into the urine. Chronic kidney failure is irreversible, and will eventually lead to total kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Without proper treatment intervention to remove wastes and fluids from the bloodstream, ESRD is fatal.
    Kidney failure is triggered by disease or a hereditary disorder in the kidneys. Both kidneys are typically affected. The four most common causes of chronic kidney failure include:

    54. BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | J-M | Kidney Failure
    B kidney failure is a serious disease which can have a major impact on life,and can ultimately be fatal. However, it can be successfully treated. /B
    You are in: Health: Medical notes News Front Page Africa ... Programmes SERVICES Daily E-mail News Ticker Mobile/PDAs Text Only ... Help EDITIONS Change to UK Monday, 15 October, 2001, 14:29 GMT 15:29 UK Kidney failure
    Artificial dialysis mimics the function of healthy kidneys
    Kidney failure is a serious disease which can have a major impact on life, and can ultimately be fatal. However, it can be successfully treated. What do the kidneys do? In order for blood to perform its essential functions of bringing nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body, and carrying waste materials away from those cells, the chemical composition of the blood must be carefully controlled. The kidneys play a crucial role in this process by filtering the blood under high pressure and removing potential toxins, which are excreted from the body in the urine. Every day the kidneys filter the body's entire blood volume seven or eight times. What is kidney failure? When the kidneys start to fail, toxins are not filtered out of the blood, and start accumulate in the tissues. This can lead to a range of problems. Build up of two waste products, urea and creatinine, can lead to tiredness, weakness, loss of appetite and vomiting.

    55. Welcome To NHS Direct Online
    NHS Direct Online Health Encyclopaedia. kidney failure A person can live withonly one healthy kidney, but if both kidneys fail then the condition is

    56. The Feline PKD Home Page; Information About "Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidne
    However, kidney failure is certain when and if the cysts grow and cause problems.How does a breeder eliminate PKD from a breeding colony/cattery?
    Home Basic Information, flyer Links to more PKD information Ultrasound Testing Form ... DNA-test
    This web site was opened to spread information about Feline PKD
    Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease, in cats.
    The following information is from January 12, 2005 , on the new DNA-test for PKD in cats! This information was kindly sent to us by Leslie Lyons, PhD, University of California Davis, USA. More information can be found on the page "DNA-test". Marie Thiers
    Greetings Cat Fanciers! We are happy to announce that the genetic test for PKD is now commercially available! Below and attached is the announcement from the UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory. Many other laboratories through-out the world have shown interest in offering the test also. Our webpage has information that maybe helpful with selecting a lab for your testing. Please share the information with all interested parties. Our lab is very willing to assist with counseling and interpretations of tests, so please contact us with any concerns. Best regards

    57. HUS Home Page
    Atypical HUS, is a rare disease among children causing kidney failure and high blood pressure. Offering support and information including, treatment, symptoms, case studies and research.
    Free Web Site Free Web Space and Site Hosting Web Hosting Internet Store and Ecommerce Solution Provider ... High Speed Internet if(window.ivnRotate) window.ivnRotate1 = new window.ivnRotate('ivnRotate1',0,document.awsSearch1.Keywords) Popular Searches:
    The Atypical HUS Website
    HUS Home Page Treatments - Symptoms Case Studies Contact /Register/Links Page ... Other Organizations of Interest
    This site contains information for anyone interested in learning more about the disease called HUS (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome)
    We will show the differences between two types of HUS: Typical HUS and Atypical HUS. The information is presented in both common terminology and also in medical terminology
    This page is dedicated to all of the children who are battling this disease. So little is known about the disease, and we hope to raise awareness and funds in order to find better treatments.
    Atypical HUS
    Atypical HUS (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome) is not caused by an external agent (such as a bacteria, virus etc). Instead, some sort of internal chain of events sets the HUS off, and the syndrome becomes active.
    The syndrome is not well understood. It may be a genetic weakness due to a missing or deficient protein or enzyme. It may be a variety of other unknown causes. In either case, Atypical HUS patients have many of the the same symptons as Typical HUS Patients.

    58. Kidney Failure In Green Iguanas
    kidney failure in green iguanas. ©1996, 2002 Melissa Kaplan. What causes kidneyfailure in iguanas? Are there any signs when an iguana s kidneys are failing
    Melissa Kaplan's
    Herp Care Collection
    Last updated April 7, 2004
    Kidney failure in green iguanas
    What causes kidney failure in iguanas? Are there any signs when an iguana's kidneys are failing? Are they especially prone to this?
    Iguanas in captivity are prone to this in a large part because people keep feeding them animal protein and do not give them enough access to water or humidity. Books that say to feed animal protein and only put down water once a week have not increased iguana longevity - quite the contrary: since the new iguana books came out in the early 1990's, it appears that kidney failure is striking at younger ages, with iguanas dying at 3-5 years rather that 7-9 years from it...and even that was far short of the 15-20+ years they should be living. Fed a proper plant-based diet, with regular access to water and spraying, iguana kidneys generally do just fine. With insufficient water, however, the kidneys have to strain to work. Add animal protein to such a 'dry' system, and the kidneys don't have a chance. The commercial food products of dry pellets or powders whose instructions state to feed dry are also likely to contribute to kidney problems, whether or not they have, as some do, animal protein in them. Many antibiotics are hard on the kidneys, and need to be administered in conjunction with additional fluids (by injection) to try to prevent harmful effects on the kidneys. Since there have been no widespread pharmacokinetic studies on green iguanas or other reptiles (although, at this time, some are now underway) all drugs and dosages have been extrapolated from those used on mammals. While we will eventually know what is safe to use at what dosages, etc., for now it is still part guess, part experience, and part luck. In the meantime, antibiotics remain a potential cause of kidney problems.

    59. Nephron Information Center
    Allows patient, professionals and the public access to the vast kidney disease diabetes, kidney, kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, kidney failure
    Home Links Professional Resources Physicians ... Translate TEXT SEARCH STRUCTURED SEARCHES PubMed Nucleotide OMIN PopSet Taxonomy DNA Sequences Protein Sequences 3D Structures Complete Genomes for:
    All Subjects Free Text obesity hypertension dialysis diabetes kidney kidney disease glomerulonephritis kidney failure All Journals N England J Med Clin Nephrol Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens J Am Soc Nephrol Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc Semin Nephrol Kidney Int Kidney Int Suppl Am J Kidney Dis Nephrol Dial Transplant Other Citematch - abstract by journal, date or author CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE WORKSHEET MDRD GFR CALCULATOR CR AGE B M MG /DL W* F *ALL ETHNIC GROUPS OTHER THAN BLACK POTENTIAL RISKS REQUIRES EVALUATION) BP PROTEINURIA ...

    by Stephen Z Fadem MD FACP
    HEIGHT IN CM WEIGHT LB KG Email Address Password Enter your ZIP Code SYS
    MEAN ARTERIAL PRESSURE MAP = 1/3(systolic-diastolic)+diastolic The Nephron Information Center is a non profit organization in the near future. It's primary focus is to support the generation and dissemination of valid health information relevant to the kidney community as well as to the public. How can we meet your needs as we filter and recycle useful information? Your comments are welcome in Guestbook

    60. InteliHealth: Common Kidney Diseases And Conditions
    In kidney failure, the kidneys lose their ability to filter enough waste products Chronic renal failure and endstage renal disease — Because the kidney

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