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         Keratoconus:     more books (18)
  1. Keratoconus and Keratoectasia: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment by Ming Wang MD, 2009-10-15
  2. Keratoconus: Webster's Timeline History, 1845 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-02-23
  3. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Keratoconus
  4. Keratoconus - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-10-08
  5. Modern Management of Keratoconus - Download Behind by Brian S. Boxer Wachler, 2008-12-01
  6. Keratoconus Surgery and Cross-linking by Roberto Pinelli, Antonio Leccisotti, 2008-12
  7. Keratoconus Medical Guide by Qontro Medical Guides, 2008-07-09
  9. Treating Irregular Astigmatism and Keratoconus by Alio, 2004-12-01
  10. Diagnosis, Contact Lens Prescribing, and Care of the Keratoconus Patient: Clinical Practice in Contact Lenses by Karla Zadnik ODPhD, Joseph T. Barr ODMS, 1999-03-15
  11. Corneal topography and elasticity in normal and keratoconic eyes: A methodological study concerning the pathogenicity of keratoconus (Acta opthalmologica. Supplement) by Casten Edmund, 1989
  12. Keratoconus: Contact lens, Corneal transplantation, Intrastromal corneal ring segments, Radial keratotomy, Eye disease, Ophthalmology
  13. Keratoconus: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References by Icon Health Publications, 1980
  14. Restoring clear vision.: An article from: Medical Update

1. Center For Keratoconus
Information about keratoconus, including FAQs, treatment, prevention, and diagnosis,message boards, support groups, personal stories, doctors, research and

Haverstraw teen regains sight
Timely referral for keratoconus Visionary dreams come true Intacs receives FDA humanitarian device designation use for keratoconus indication ... Chat Room - Live Discussions, Including Special Events GRANT AWARDED TO UCLA A grant was awarded to UCLA to establish the Center for Keratoconus Research Fund at UCLA in order to help better treat and find a cure for keratoconus. GRANTS AWARDED TO OPTOMETRY SCHOOLS Grants awarded to 17 optometry schools in order to help with keratoconus research and training for new optometrists. This money will also be used for patient grants and purchase equipment to better treat keratoconus patients. RESEARCH GRANTS AWARDED
Because of kind donations given by people like you, we are able to help fund research to help better treat and possibly cure keratoconus. GRANTS FOR SIGHT Because of kind donations given by people like you, we are able to help off-set the costs to treat and care for patients with keratoconus. JOIN THE DISCUSSIONS AT OUR MESSAGE BOARD!

2. The National Keratoconus Foundation
Nonprofit organization that supports research and education about keratoconus.

3. UK Keratoconus Self Help And Support Group
Provides information and support to people with keratoconus. Includes information about the condition, treatments available, a discussion forum, and links.
UK Keratoconus Self Help and Support Group Home Page Discussion Forum Glossary Start here What is Keratoconus? About the Group, and how to contact us A list of some key words used on this site (Updated 01-Jan-2005) News A Study on KC (and How you can Help) A Cure for Keratoconus? Exercise caution!
(Added 23-Nov-2003) Donor's vision helps victim
(Added 12-Jun-2004) Talk to someone The Discussion Page
(Usually updated daily) An on Line Chat Area Links to other Keratoconus Sites
(Updated 06-Dec-2004) Features My experience of a corneal transplant
(Added 25-Sep-2004) A Snellen eye-test chart
(Added 08-May-2005) Members Only The area of the site reserved for group members (Updated 01-Jan-2005) KC Group activites Saturday 13th March 2004: AGM Saturday 17th March 2001: Our 1st Conference Saturday 14th June 2003: Second National Conference 2005 Conference Announcement
(Added 11-Jan-2005) Thames Path Walk The KC T-shirt... Get one here The group's news letters
(Updated 01-Sep-2004) The 2002 AGM Report Gift Aid form for donations
(Updated 01-Sep-2004) About KC Contact Lenses For Keratoconus
(Updated 15-Mar-2004) Hydrops and keratoconus A flyer about KC for you to distribute Supporting Students with Keratoconus (Added 17-May-2004) Contributions from the Keratoconus clinic A book about KC (Updated 1-Aug-2004) Lost something? Old pages are now in the

4. Keratoconus
Offers pictures, symptoms, and treatment options for keratoconus as well as othereye conditions.
Angeles Vision Clinic This web site has detailed information on many other eye conditions. Please feel free to visit our Home Page or check out other eye conditions on our Eye Conditions page
Glasses/Contact lenses/ Transplant surgery
Keratoconus is an irregular protrusion of the cornea, the clear surface over the colored part of the eye. It is similar, structurally, to the crystal of a watch. If this crystal or windowpane is not smooth, the light will not bend evenly and an irregular image will be formed. Like looking through a bumpy piece of glass. Keratoconus is a slowly progressive condition often presenting in the teen or early twenties with decreased vision or visual distortion. This condition is typically not associated with redness, inflammation or other "acute" symptoms and therefore may go undetected for long periods of time. Over 90% of patients have involvement of both eyes, though it is not unusual for there to be asymmetric changes, with one eye being more involved than the other. In most cases the cornea is the only part of the eye that is abnormal. Family history of keratoconus is seen occasionally. During the early stages of this disease, vision may still be correctable to 20/20 with glasses. The only clue to a keratoconus diagnosis may be from corneal measurements or a corneal topography map (see maps to the right). A topographical map of the cornea will show the high and low spots on the cornea, much like a topographical map of the earth will show the mountains and oceans.

5. Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation Of Keratoconus (CLEK) Study
The CLEK Study's purpose is to prospectively characterize vision, corneal changes, and patient quality of life findings in keratoconus and to determine the progression of changes occurring with keratoconus over time.
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6. Keratoconus Info & Links
Offers personal information about keratoconus and links to other resources.
Last updated June 4, 2004 This is my own personal web site. It neither requires nor receives financial support from any outside resource. I am not a health care provider, opinions stated are my own. I subscribe to the HONcode principles
of the Health On the Net Foundation Keratoconus Links
In the fall of 1992, I was diagnosed with keratoconus , essentially a corneal thinning that produces a "cone shaped cornea". The treatment can include glasses, rigid gas permeable or other contact lenses, with a cornea transplant as a "last option".
Several keratoconus patients have described their uncorrected vision as that resembling Marcel Duchamp's "Nude Descending Staircase".
July 2, 1997, I received a corneal transplant for my right eye. You can read my continuing diary.
Bill Funk had a transplant in February 1999. I have posted a diary of his kc experience, including his transplant.
You can see a PowerPoint slideshow of a corneal transplant here (not for the squeamish)
Although not exactly rare, KC is not a real common condition. I have done some research, both academic and anectdotal. Listed below are some helpful web sites. The links are primarily to other personal web sites of people who have kc. If you're interested in links for companies and research institutions, I suggest using your favorite search engine.
Read a history from John Ackerman
Kevin O'Brien has another site, also with a transplant journal

7. Center For Keratoconus
Information about keratoconus, including FAQs, treatment, prevention, and diagnosis, message boards, support groups, personal stories, doctors

8. Center For Keratoconus
We want to share the important role the Center for keratoconus plays in helping the Since we began in 1999, the Center for keratoconus has served as a
Show Support WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT Dear Friend, Since we began in 1999, the Center for Keratoconus has served as a valuable resource for the keratoconus community. Keratoconus (KC) is not yet a well-known disease. Many are unaware of KC until they or someone they know becomes afflicted. Yet the causes of KC are unknown. There is no cure and only very limited treatment. A small number of people in the medical and biomedical research community are in the process of trying to come to grips with KC. Our team includes renowned doctors at Johns Hopkins University, New York University, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, University of Michigan, University of Iowa, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, and Mount Sinai Medical Center. Considering the number of people affected, much more effort is warranted. Your gift today will allow us to continue this important work.

9. The National Keratoconus Foundation
Nonprofit organization that supports research and education about keratoconus.

10. Keratoconus
Om ¶gonsjukdomen keratoconus. Personliga erfarenheter, l¤nkar, diskussionsforum.
~ Keratoconus ~ Jag har en ögonsjukdom som heter Keratoconus, inget namn som man hittar i en vanlig läkarbok som har några år bakom sig.
Jag ska här dela med mig av mina personliga erfarenheter . Jag har inga medicinska kunskaper men kan förmedla lite länkar. Svenska sidor verkar det inte finnas så många av. Kom gärna med fler länktips eller egna berättelser.
Jag har startat ett forum där vi kan hjälpa varandra med funderingar och frågor.
Keratoconus diskussions forum

Dela med dig av dina erfarenheter, fråga andra, lär känna andra drabbade. Min sjukdomshistoria Att leva med

ur min synvinkel
här är hans berättelse
Länkar utanför min hemsida Vad är Keratoconus
information från

Vad är Keratoconus ...
Vill du länka till denna sidan är adressen:

11. Keratoconus Homepage
keratoconus is a noninflammatory thinning and bulging of the cornea. keratoconus. School of Optometry, Indiana University

12. Keratoconus - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments For Keratoconus -
A guide to the causes and symptoms of keratoconus, and treatments such as contactlenses and corneal implants.
By Judith Lee and Gretchyn Bailey
reviewed by Dr. Vance Thompson Keratoconus is a progressive disease, often appearing in the teens or early twenties, in which the cornea thins and changes shape. The cornea is normally a round or spherical shape, but with keratoconus the cornea bulges, distorts and assumes more of a cone shape. This affects the way light enters the eye and hits the light-sensitive retina , causing distorted vision. Keratoconus can occur in one or both eyes.
Keratoconus Symptoms and Signs
Keratoconus can be difficult to detect, because it comes on slowly. Nearsightedness and astigmatism also accompany this disease, so you may have distorted and blurred vision. You might also notice glare and light sensitivity. Keratoconic patients often have prescription changes each time they visit their eyecare practitioner . It’s not unusual to have a delayed diagnosis of keratoconus, if the practitioner is not familiar with the early-stage symptoms of the disease. A normal eye vs. an eye with a slight amount of keratoconus. The keratoconic cornea bulges slightly, for a more cone-shaped surface. (Artist's re-creation of keratometry images.)
What Causes Keratoconus?

13. Keratoconus
Offers pictures, symptoms, and treatment options for keratoconus as well as other eye conditions.

14. Eye Doctor Q And A - Keratoconus -
Q and A about keratoconus. Q My new eye doctor told me that I have keratoconusand recommended that I switch from soft contacts to RGPs.
Questions were answered by Dr. Burt Dubow and Dr. Charles Slonim Q: I have been diagnosed with the beginning stage of keratoconus and was prescribed rigid gas permeable lenses A: Keratoconus is an eye condition where the clear front of the eye, the cornea, gets thin and bulges outward into a cone shape. This usually begins in the teens or early twenties and affects mostly males. And one eye is usually worse than the other eye. It is also oftentimes familial, so alert other family members to get their eyes checked. A normal eye vs. an eye with a slight amount of keratoconus. The keratoconic cornea bulges slightly, for a more cone-shaped surface. (Artist's re-creation of keratometry images.)
As the cornea thins and bulges, it becomes distorted and even droopy, creating blurred vision that is not very correctable with glasses. Contact lenses can kind of give the eye a new, smoother front that focuses light properly. Rigid gas permeable lenses are my first choice, and they usually can be prescribed successfully. There are a number of fitting designs that can be tried before turning to other options. Before you give up on RGPs, ask your practitioner if he or she can try the Rose K design on you. Another possibility is a reverse curve RGP design.

15. Contact Lenses By Precision Vision, Ltd. Contact Lens Laboratory
Manufacturer of Rigid Gas Permeable lenses for bifocal, astigmatism and keratoconus.
Custom Contact Lenses
Home Practitioner Page Consumer Page Mystery Page Contact Lens Links ... Books OnContact Lenses
Contact Lens Options
Precision Vision Is your Source for Boston Solutions. Order Today 303.343.0494
The "RGP" Specialists Visitor:
Enter a City or US Zip:
Questions about this site: NearVue is a Trademark Of Precision Vision, Ltd.

16. Keratoconus
keratoconus is a corneal disease. This website provides information about keratoconus and its treatments.

17. UK Keratoconus Self Help And Support Group
Provides information and support to people with keratoconus. Includes information about the condition, treatments available, a discussion forum, and

18. Keratoconus
National keratoconus Foundation If you have keratoconus or have a relative Condensered.gif (846 bytes) keratoconus Genetic Research Program Our studies

19. Welcome To The Office Of Dr. Brent G. Ostoich, O.D., Contact Lens Specialist
General optometry practice and specialist in bifocal, toric, keratoconus and post refractive contact lenses. Located at the SullivanOstoich Eye Center in Hoffman Estates, and at the Resurrection Hospital in Chicago.
Dr. Brent G. Ostoich, O.D.
Dr. Brent
Hoffman Estates
Hoffman Estates
Office Hours:
Thursday Friday Saturday FAX:
We cater to families, with the specific purpose of general health recommendations on eyecare for children, teens and adults. Find out more about our services Dr. Ostoich is a contact lens specialist. Learn more about Orthokeratology , bifocal lenses, and Post-Refractive contact lenses. NOTE: You may email us at anytime, but we ask for your patience in our response to you, especially after office hours. See our contact page for more information. How Did You Hear About Us? WE WELCOME DEBORAH L. KLESKEN, OD Dr. Klesken attended Benedictine University and graduated from the Illinois College of Optometry in 1991. Since then she has been practicing in Chicago and Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Dr Klesken was given the Award of Distinction for Meritorious Clinical Performance in Primary Care and Advanced Ophthalmic Care by the Illinois College of Optometry. She has been practicing complete family eye care with an emphasis on bifocal contact lenses. She worked with Dr. Ostoich at the Resurrection location in 2003 and now joins us at both locations.

20. Treating Keratoconus With Intacs
Get the FLASH player at ENTER SITE Intacs to Correct Nearsightedness Intacs to Treat keratoconus. Surgeon Training

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