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         Jacobsen Syndrome:     more detail
  1. Asperger Syndrome and Psychotherapy: Understanding Asperger Perspectives by Paula Jacobsen, 2003-03
  2. Jacobsen syndrome: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2nd ed.</i> by Dawn, MS, CGC Cardeiro, 2005
  3. Understanding How Asperger Children and Adolescents Think and Learn: Creating Manageable Environments for AS Students by Paula Jacobsen, 2005-06-15

81. 11q-deletionssyndromet - Små Och Mindre Kända Handikappgrupper
Databasreferenser. OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man). Sökord jacobsen syndrome


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Jacobsens syndrom
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82. Community Connections > Disabilities > About > Jacobsen's Syndrome
Disabilities Home About jacobsen s syndrome. Overview jacobsen s syndrome (11qDeletion or 11q) is a rare chrome disorder in which a portion of the 11th
I'd like to receive updates and alerts by email A Resource Guide for Children and Adults
With Developmental Disabilities Living in King County Community Connections Home Disabilities About About Jacobsen's Syndrome Overview

Jacobsen's Syndrome (11q Deletion or 11q-) is a rare chrome disorder in which a portion of the 11th chromosome is missing. It affects about one in every 100,000 births. People who have this disorder may have heart problems, speech and language problems, specific facial characteristics, and mild to severe mental retardation, although many children with Jacobsen's are extremely capable.
Jacobsen's Syndrome is a genetic disorder with no known cause. It can be passed from either or both parents, or appear in an individual even if neither parent carries the gene abnormality that causes Jacobsen's.
Children who have Jacobsen's Syndrome may have some of a number of symptoms, including heart problems, speech and language problems, specific facial characteristics and mild to severe mental retardation. They often have ptosis (droopy eyes) and a broad bridge between the eyes, can have problems with kidneys, heart, (ear-)infections and blood platelets. The mental level differs: there are children with mild till severe mental handicaps. This depends probably of length and place of the missing piece of the chromosome. Diagnosis If you or someone else thinks your child may be delayed, it is important to seek an assessment at as young an age as possible. Children with Jacobsen's Syndrome and other developmental delays may benefit from early intervention services, therapies, educational interventions and other support services that may require a diagnosis in order to be eligible for those services.

83. Community Connections > Disabilities > On-line Resources > Web Sites > Jacobsen'
Web sites with information about jacobsen s syndrome. jacobsen s syndrome.(under construction). (jacobsen s syndrome)
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84. The DRM WebWatcher: Jacobsen's Syndrome
A Disability Resources Monthly guide to Internet resources about jacobsen s syndrome.
Home Subjects States Librarians ... Contact Us The DRM WebWatcher Jacobsen's Syndrome Updated 2/2004 A B C D ... About/Hint/Link
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85. Jacobsen, Syndrome De
Translate this page Base de données sur les maladies rares et les médicaments orphelins.
Accès à la base de données Orphanet
Jacobsen, syndrome de
Accès direct aux détails Résumé
La délétion de la bande terminale du chromosome 11q (également appelée « syndrome de Jacobsen ») correspond à un ensemble de malformations caractéristiques, provoquées par une monosomie partielle du chromosome 11q. Les points de cassure sont, en général, observés en 11q23.3, certaines délétions s'étendant jusqu'au télomère. Plus de 150 cas ont été rapportés dans la littérature, 110 d'entre eux étant inclus dans une seule et même étude prospective. La délétion, de taille variable, donne lieu à plusieurs phénotypes de gravité variable, comprenant des dysmorphies multiples, des anomalies cardiaques congénitales et une thrombocytopénie de Paris-Trousseau Mise à jour : 04/09/2005
Accès à la base de données Orphanet

86. Online And Offline Support: J
Please note Children, teens, and adults with jacobsen s syndrome have facialanomalies that People served Parents of children with jacobsen s syndrome
J Jacobsen's Syndrome (11q-) Please note: Children, teens, and adults with Jacobsen's Syndrome have facial anomalies that do not require reconstructive surgery. Chromosome 11q Network (Europe)
  • People served: Parents of children with 11q- Services provided: Support and information Contact person: Annet van Betuw Email address: Website:
11q Research and Resource Group (United States) Joubert Syndrome Joubert Syndrome Parents-in-Touch Network Please note: Cleft palate can occur with Joubert Syndrome. Back to Wide Smiles' Online and Offline Support and Information Page

Reye s syndrome, occasionally called Reyejacobsen s syndrome, is known to followany viral infection. Two of the most common viral infections it precedes
Reye Syndrome is an extremely rare, non-contagious disease thought to be triggered by aspirin use. The actual origin of the disease is unknown. Reye's Syndrome, occasionally called Reye-Jacobsen's Syndrome, is known to follow any viral infection. Two of the most common viral infections it precedes is influenza, "the flu", and chicken pox. A now-familiar warning on bottles of aspirin, most notably Tylenol, is not to give Tylenol to a child who is recovering from the chicken pox, a fever, or any other viral infection.
The link between aspirin and Reye's Syndrome and is not fully understood, but all reported cases of Reye's Syndrome include a child who has received aspirin before infection.
Depending upon the severity of the illness, the recovery periods will vary from case to case. The younger a child, the longer the recovery period, which can last anywhere from two weeks to three months. When a patient has contracted Reye's syndrome after having the chicken pox or influenza, as opposed to a common cold or other viral infection, the recovery period is substantially lengthened.
New and groundbreaking research for the link between aspirin and Reye's Syndrome is now underway in places such as Johns Hopkins University, the Mayo Clinic, and The California Center for Disease Control, or CCDC. The CCDC has come up with a theory that is becoming more and more widely accepted. A possible link, they claim, is the chemical effects of aspirin on the brain. While reducing fever and pain, aspirin may, they hypothesize, cause the body to release endorphins that can trigger the onset of Reye's Syndrome. Another probable theory has been introduced by scientists at the Mayo Clinic. Aspirin, they theorize, lowers the body's immunity to certain micro-organisms that may cause the beginning of Reye Syndrome.

88. - Posterior Urethral Valve Syndrome - T. Jacobsen
Physician reviewed site offering medical professionals and women, the latest newsand information on urinary incontinence.

89. Clinical Child Psychology And Psychiatry -- Sign In Page
of the Principles of Psychotherapy with Asperger’s syndrome. Paula jacobsen People with Apserger’s syndrome understand and respond to the world in a

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Jacobsen Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
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90. Arch Dermatol -- Abstract: Acrokeratosis Paraneoplastica (Bazex' Syndrome), Apri
Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica (Bazex syndrome). FK jacobsen, N. Abildtrup, SOLaursen, F. Brandrup and NK Jensen. A 63year-old man had acrokeratosis
Select Journal or Resource JAMA Archives of Dermatology Facial Plastic Surgery Family Medicine (1992-2000) General Psychiatry Internal Medicine Neurology Ophthalmology Surgery Student JAMA (1998-2004) JAMA CareerNet For The Media Meetings Peer Review Congress
Vol. 120 No. 4, April 1984 Featured Link E-mail Alerts ARTICLE Article Options Send to a Friend Readers Reply Submit a reply Similar articles in this journal Literature Track Add to File Drawer Download to Citation Manager PubMed citation Articles in PubMed by Jacobsen FK Jensen NK Contact me when this article is cited
Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica (Bazex' syndrome)
F. K. Jacobsen, N. Abildtrup, S. O. Laursen, F. Brandrup and N. K. Jensen
A 63-year-old man had acrokeratosis paraneoplastica (Bazex' syndrome) characterized by violaceous erythema and scaling of the fingers, toes, nose, and aural helices. Severe nail dystrophy was present. Extensive examination of the patient for malignant neoplasms a few months after the initial appearance of the skin changes disclosed no abnormalities, but one year after onset, an epidermoid carcinoma of the lung was found.

91. MUMS List Of Disorders - I - J
jacobsen s syndrome (7)*; JarchoLevin syndrome (Spondylothoracic Dysplasia) (2);Jaundice (25); Jaundice, Chronic Undiagnosed (1); Jaundice, Untreated (2)
Return to MUMS Home Page
List of Disorders
I - J
Number in parentheses indicates number of matches.
indicates there is a support group which covers that diagnosis.
  • I-Cell Disease (Mucolipidosis Type II) (8) *
  • IGA Deficiency (8)*
  • IGA Linear Bollos Dermatitis (1)
  • IGA Nephropathy (1)*
  • IGG Deficiency (1)*
  • IGG Subclass Deficiency (2) *
  • IGG2 Deficiency (1)*
  • Ichthyosis (14) **
  • Ichthyosis Linear Circumflexa (Netherton ) (3)
  • Ichthyosis, Collodian Membrane (ichthyosiform Erthrodermia) (2) *
  • Ichthyosis, Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis (4) *
  • Ichthyosis, Lamellar (7) *
  • Ichthyosis, Netherton Syndrome (3) *
  • Ichthyosis, Sjogren Larsson Syndrome (1)*
  • Ichthyosis, X-Linked (1) *
  • Ideopathic Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome (1)
  • Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis (IHSS) (3) *
  • Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) (19)**
  • Ileostomy (7)
  • Immeyer's Association (1)
  • Immotile Cilia Syndrome (Kartagener) (15)
  • Immune Deficiency (151) *
  • Immune Deficiency, Subclass 3 Level Low C4 Compliment (1)
  • Immunoglobin Type A Deficiency (1)
  • Immunodeficiency, Agranulocytosis Kostmann Type (3)

92. Morten Jacobsen Has Worked With Films For 40 Years Starting As A Camera Operator
by Morten jacobsen Denmark. 35 years is a long time for a human being. It is said that the onset of the vinegar syndrome is 35 years I have visited
Evaluation of a Private Film Collection
for the "Vinegar Syndrome" with
Present and New Techniques
by Morten Jacobsen
Denmark 35 years is a long time for a human being. It is about half his life. Starting out at 22 making films as an amateur and idealist shooting films with friends and foe, going to festivals and sometimes winning that is fun. Turn it into a professional career and you begin to stack your tins. You continue to do that and it become part of your life that follows you as your luggage does when travelling. You tend to forget you have a collection because a lot of what you have done has already become history a few moments after it was screened for the first time and then forgotten. Film as luggage is fragile and conditions of storage less than ideal. They are still in the same tin and sometime the tin is rusty outside, sometimes inside and you never have the guts or time to open the tins. Then one day you pull yourself together and begin to open tins. You could say you were forced to do so because it is part of your next 35 years, and trust me 35 years is the onset point for the vinegar syndrome. As my life slid towards new opportunities in the seventies, the trend was to serve film libraries with film spools and cans; in the eighties, with the introduction of video distribution, I moved on to film storage; and the nineties towards preservation and observation of the problems that started more than 35 years ago. It seemed a unique opportunity to take your collection apart and see what the state of the art was.

93. Buttonwood | China Syndrome |
China syndrome. Jun 28th 2005 From The Economist Global Agenda The SocialScience Network publishes an abstract of Ben jacobsen s paper “Striking Oil

94. Print And Mail Application Form Chromosome Deletion Outreach, Inc.
Example, WAGR syndrome, jacobsen s syndrome, Cri du Chatsyndrome_. Does your childhave seizures?
Education, Advocacy, Information
Support for all those affected by any rare chromosome disorder Since
Search this site powered by FreeFind
(Find a Page) About CDO Advisory Board Ask the Doctor Brochure Contact CDO Angels Donation Form Executive Board Feedback Form Guestbook Home Inspirational Intro to Chromosomes Join Library Membership NICU Please help Registered Disorders Renewal Form Research Resource Links Volunteer PRINT AND MAIL APPLICATION FORM Please print and return this form and your fees to: Chromosome Deletion Outreach, Inc. P.O. Box 724 Boca Raton, FL 33429-0724 To submit electronically please click here
Child's name and date of birth: Your names (s) and mailing address:
Chromosome number(s) involved: Does your child have a:
Ring Chromosome: Chromosome #
Karyotype (if known):_
Medical Networking Program Is there a name for this chromosomal disorder or a syndrome associated with this disorder?
Example, WAGR Syndrome, Jacobsen's Syndrome, Cri du Chat Syndrome_ Does your child have: seizures? low (hypotonia) muscle tone or cerebral palsy?_

95. Asperger Syndrome And Psychotherapy: Understanding Asperger Perspectives - Book
People with Asperger syndrome (AS) understand and respond to the world in a Paula jacobsen, an experienced child psychotherapist, demonstrates how to
@import url("/jkp.css"); Search the JKP website categories new coming soon inspection copies ... download catalogues
Asperger Syndrome and Psychotherapy
Understanding Asperger Perspectives
Paula Jacobsen
BIC: VFPD JDGL JCD MMJT description contents
Author information
Paula Jacobsen
Subject areas
Autism and Asperger Syndrome Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
By the same author
Understanding How Asperger Children and Adolescents Think and Learn: Creating Manageable Environments for AS Students
Paula Jacobsen
People who bought this, also bought
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence Luke Jackson Build Your Own Life: A Self-Help Guide For Individuals With Asperger Syndrome Wendy Lawson Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals Tony Attwood Aspergers in Love Maxine Aston
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Contact us for authors for booksellers ... Link to us Jessica Kingsley Publishers 116 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JB. Tel: +44 (0)20 7833 2307. Fax: +44 (0)20 7837 2917. Email:

96. Cloustons
Fisherjacobsen-Clouston s syndrome (also known as Clouston s syndrome). L.Stefan Levin, DDS, MSD. When most people think of the ectodermal dysplasias,
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97. James G. White
Krishnamurti L, Neglia JP, Nagarajan R, Berry SY, Hirsch B mid White JGParis­Trouseau syndrome platelets in a child with jacobsen s syndrome. G_ White.htm
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
University of Minnesota
James G. White, M.D.
Regents Professor
Box 609 Mayo, 420 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Office location: 231 A D V C C R C
Phone: (612) 626-2846
Biomedical Research Interests
Platelet physiology and pathology, bleeding disorders, thrombosis and atherosclerosis, vascular injury. Investigations in Dr. White's laboratories are directed toward development of knowledge on blood platelet function in normal hemostasis, the blood platelet's role in the pathogenesis of inherited and acquired bleeding disorders and their contribution to vascular injury, thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Techniques in physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, engineering, biophysics, and morphology are combined in a total approach to understanding platelet structure, function, and pathology. Using these and other techniques, White's research team has isolated the circumferential microtubule (MT) supporting the disc-like shape of resting platelets, allowing for the exploration of many aspects of MT function. Platelets exposed simultaneously to detergent extraction and fixation have revealed new information on the nature of their interaction with surfaces and the fate of contractile proteins during platelet aging. White and his colleagues are coupling gold particles to fibrinogen to explore glycoprotein IIb-IIIa receptors on platelets during changes induced by surface and suspension activation. The results have provided a whole new perspective on how cell membranes move in relation to fixed and mobile receptors. Gold particles have also been used to study von Willebrand factor- GPIb/IX complexes and develop new knowledge of this mobile receptor on the platelet surface and characterize their function. This technique also provides a novel means of identifying patients with receptor deficiencies, including patients with thrombasthenia and Bernard-Soulier syndrome.

98. Discussion Forum
Posted on, Wednesday, 13th July 2005. Message. I have a new student withJacobsen s syndrome and wish to learn more about this syndrome

99. Syndrome - J
Joubert syndrome Foundation Joubert syndrome (NINDS)
Uni Hamburg FB Erziehungswissenschaft Institut 05 Suche ... Links S YNDROME - J Symbole: = Homepage; = Aufsatz, Artikel, Monographie; = Kurzinformation. Jacobsen Syndrom (11q-) Joubert Syndrom

100. Re: Resperidal
md. my son has jacobson syndrome. he is on this meds because he has no impulsecontrol. could anyone What exactly is jacobson s syndrome ? Terri

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