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Intrauterine Dwarfism: more detail |
41. Seckel Syndrome,Bird-Headed Dwarfism Seckel Type,Microcephalic Seckel Syndrome,BirdHeaded dwarfism Seckel Type,Microcephalic delays priorto birth (intrauterine growth retardation) resulting in low birth weight. http://www.icomm.ca/geneinfo/seckel.htm |
42. TheFetus.net - Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism, (Type I-III) - 5 Majewski F, Stoeckenius M, Kemperdick H Studies of microcephalic primordialdwarfism III an intrauterine dwarf with platyspondyly and anomalies of http://www.thefetus.net/page.php?id=360 |
43. TheFetus.net - Dyssegmental Dysplasia Of The Silverman-Handmaker Type -Gary M. J An intrauterine fetal demise was confirmed. The patient was induced and The antenatal diagnosis of shortlimbed dwarfism is usually made in one of two http://www.thefetus.net/page.php?id=347 |
44. %210720 MICROCEPHALIC OSTEODYSPLASTIC PRIMORDIAL DWARFISM, TYPE II (1982) described a form of intrauterine and postnatal dwarfism with microcephalyand facial features resembling those of Seckel syndrome (210600) but with http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:210720] -e |
45. %210730 MICROCEPHALIC OSTEODYSPLASTIC PRIMORDIAL DWARFISM, TYPE III Proportionate dwarfism; Other; intrauterine growth retardation. HEAD AND NECK,Head; Microcephaly; Delayed closure of fontanelles; Face; http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:210730] -e |
46. Kprones BLO10002 growth dwarfism intrauterine growth retardation; birth weight below 2.3 kg;mean length 44 cm; adult length 145 cm. skin hyperpigmented (cafÈ au http://www.infobiogen.fr/services/chromcancer/Kprones/BLO10002.html | |
47. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent The syndrome is characterized by severe intrauterine and postnatal growthretardation with proportional dwarfism, typical beaklike triangular nose, http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1460-9592.2005.01428.x | |
48. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med -- Abstract: 3-M Slender-boned Nanism. An Intrauterine 3M slender-boned nanism. An intrauterine growth retardation syndrome The mainfeatures were low birth weight, disproportionate dwarfism, large head for http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/135/10/905 | |
49. Karger Publishers 6 Russell A A syndrome of intrauterine dwarfism recognisable at birth withcraniofacial dysostosis, disproportionately short arms, and other anomalies. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
50. Karger Publishers 1 Russell A A syndrome of intrauterine dwarfism recognisable at birth withcraniofacial dysostosis, disproportionately short arms and other anomalies. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
51. Dwarfism HARMONIC dwarfism. Familial low height. intrauterine growth defect. hypopituitarism Cushings syndrome. Exogenous steroid therapy. precocious puberty http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/medical/Volume VI 1/DWARFISM.asp | |
52. Dwarfism intrauterine infections. Systemic inflammatory diseases Different types ofdwarfism are described more fully under the names of specific dysplasias, http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/medical/Volume III 1/DWARFISM.asp | |
53. OBGYN.net Ultrasound Section - May Case Study Seckel syndrome is a form of primordial dwarfism with a set of primary diagnostic The primary diagnostic features are; severe intrauterine growth http://www.obgyn.net/us/cotm/9805/cotm9805.htm | |
54. International Classification Of Diseases, Icd-9, Code 259.4 dwarfism, not elsewhere classified. dwarfism NOS constitutional Excludesdwarfism achondroplastic (756.4) intrauterine (759.7) nutritional (263.2) http://www.centralx.com/diseases/icd232.htm | |
55. Dwarfism Midget Short Stature Growth Hormone Defects Skeletal Dysplasia Short Stature dwarfism growth hormone defects midget nanism skeletal dysplasia . Postnatal growth and, to a much lesser degree, intrauterine growth are http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/shortsta.htm | |
56. Camptodactyly Syndrome, Guadalajara Type 2 aged 6 and 3 years, presenting intrauterine growth retardation, dwarfism,camptodactyly of all fingers, bilateral hallux valgus, short toes 2, 4 and 5, http://www.orpha.net/static/GB/camptodactyly_syndrome.html | |
57. Short Height Specialist Doctor Delhi Treatment India Increasing New Noida Best Q What is short Height (dwarfism) ie short height is defined when child is short Progeria , intrauterine growth retardation Psychosocial dwarfism http://www.diabetesthyroidhormone.com/shortheightcauses.htm | |
58. Dwarfism.org - Support Organizations dwarfism information, resources and community support. For families withchildren who have Russell Silver intrauterine growth retardation. http://www.dwarfism.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4&Itemid=61 |
59. Ultrasound Quarterly - UserLogin intrauterine fetal death, perinatal mortality, dwarfism, or any other type of The genetics of thanatophoric dwarfism. Pediatrics 1973; 511048. http://www.ultrasound-quarterly.com/pt/re/ultrasoundq/fulltext.00013644-20011200 | |
60. Current Opinion In Pediatrics - UserLogin phenotype of LeriWeill dyschondrosteosis and Langer mesomelic dwarfism.intrauterine growth of the fetus with gonadal dysgenesis reflects the number of http://www.co-pediatrics.com/pt/re/copeds/fulltext.00008480-200108000-00009.htm | |
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