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         Incontinence:     more books (100)
  1. Continence With Biofeedback: New Treatment for Fecal Incontinence (A research monograph) by Susan Trunnell, 1991-11
  2. Incontinence : A Guide to Understanding and Management of a Very Common Complaint by Dorothy Mandelstam, 1978
  3. Urinary Incontinence (Societe Internationale D'Urologie Reports)
  4. Incontinence
  5. The 2009 Report on Adult Incontinence Products: World Market Segmentation by City by Icon Group International, 2009-05-01
  6. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Ostomy and Incontinence Products in India by Icon Group International, 2009-07-07
  7. Evaluation and Treatment of Urinary Incontinence (Topics in Clinical Urology)
  8. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Ostomy and Incontinence Products in Asia by Icon Group International, 2009-05-28
  9. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Adult Incontinence Products in India by Icon Group International, 2009-05-11
  10. The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Ostomy and Incontinence Products by Icon Group International, 2009-07-07
  11. Who's who in adult incontinence machinery.(Directory): An article from: Nonwovens Industry by Gale Reference Team, 2009-03-01
  12. Surgery for Faecal Incontinence (Colour Atlas on Single Surgical Procedures) by M.M. Henry, Nigel Porter, 1986-10
  13. Incontinence in Women (BMA Family Doctor) by Tony Smith, 1999-06-17
  14. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Ostomy and Incontinence Products in North America & the Caribbean by Icon Group International, 2009-05-29

41. Incontinence: Information From WebMD
Urinary incontinence affects 13 million Americans, young and old, male and female.Here you ll find indepth articles on stress and urge incontinence,
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Incontinence Health Center
Urinary incontinence affects 13 million Americans, young and old, male and female. Here you'll find in-depth articles on stress and urge incontinence, plus promising treatments, from drugs to surgery. Your Guide To Incontinence Incontinence in Women Overview Causes Exams and Tests Treatment Options ... Acupuncture May Ease Overactive Bladder Acupuncture may help women deal with overactive bladders, a new study shows. Go To Article Bothered by Sudden Needs to Urinate?

42. Incontinence Et Fuites Urinaires : Sansdetour - Informations Et Conseils Sur Les
Informations et conseils sur les troubles de la vessie et les probl¨mes d'incontinence. Expos© des causes, sympt´mes et t©moignage en proposant soins et traitements.
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santé, et mieux comprendre leurs pathologies. Une occasion pour obtenir des renseignements et des conseils sur les troubles de la vessie. Un stand conçu pour en parler sansdetour. En savoir plus... Les troubles de la vessie Le point sur les fuites urinaires On distingue plusieurs formes d’incontinence urinaire. Passage en revue des différents troubles urinaires qui touchent plus de 3 millions de Français. Un mal qui handicape en priorité les femmes. Lire la suite... Les troubles de la vessie Une pathologie encore tabou Bars et Restos La foire des trônes Lire l’article… Trucs et astuces Votre quotidien facilité Un concentré de conseils malins pour mieux gérer au quotidien ces troubles de la miction. A lire impérativement ! Entre vous et nous La santé de votre vessie Mythes et réalités Pour le Plaisir ...

43. Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the inability to control the release of urine. It may berelated to infection,
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Who We Are About WebMD Site Map You are in Medical Library Our Content Sources Ask A Question Clinical Trials Health Guide A-Z Health Topics Symptoms Medical Tests Medications ... Support Organizations Urinary incontinence Urinary incontinence is the inability to control the release of urine. It may be related to infection, problems with the nerves and muscles of the bladder, physical or mental disabilities, or problems with the structure of the urinary tract. Urinary incontinence is not a disease, but it may indicate a problem with the urinary tract, such as a urinary tract infection. Incontinence may occur for only a short time (acute) or it may be an ongoing (chronic) problem. Generally, incontinence usually clears up when the underlying problem, such as a urinary tract infection, is treated successfully. Depending on the cause, treatment may cure chronic incontinence. If the condition cannot be completely cured, it usually can be managed to limit its effect on a person's daily life. To back to the top Urinary incontinence Previous Next Search the Help Last updated: May 27, 2005

44. Incontinence Urinaire, Protection Incontinence, Incontinence Adulte, Incontinenc
Distributeur d'une gamme de produits de soins, de confort et de r©©ductation pour l'incontinence urinaire. Longjumeau (Essonne).
Accueil Produits Contact incontinence urinaire, protection incontinence, incontinence adulte, incontinence urinaire, protection incontinence, incontinence adulte
Kin'Essonne France
incontinence urinaire, protection incontinence, incontinence adulte

45. Incontinence
Both suffered the consequences of the same problem urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence refers to the inability of the bladder to hold and store
URINARY INCONTINENCE A look at some of the congenital and acquired causes of lost bladder control. BY THOMAS K. GRAVES, DVM
    Allie was a good dog. A typical yellow Labrador Retriever, she faithfully served her family as playmate, guardian and confidante. Her love of the outdoors was strong, but she was a model house pet with meticulous habits. Until, after nine years of sharing bed and board with the people she loved, Allie was banished to the backyard when she couldn't seem to control her bladder inside the house. Bonnie, a 7-month-old Bulldog puppy with good prospects for the show ring, had never known the comforts of her owner's house. While her littermates spent most of their time playing inside with the kids, chasing the cat or just guarding the refrigerator, Bonnie was confined to the kennel because she couldn't seem to learn the principles of housebreaking. In fact, Bonnie couldn't be trusted to go anywhere without leaving a trail of urine behind. One a gentle older bitch. The other a lonely puppy. Both suffered the consequences of the same problem: urinary incontinence. Neither dog was to blame, but both presented an untenable situation for their owners. They dribbled urine. Constantly. Their hindquarters were always wet, soaked with urine or saliva from licking themselves clean, and they had developed severe dermatitis in their vulvar area, along with an unpleasant odor. Bonnie and Allie had become outcasts, dogs that were loved but impossible to live with. Urinary incontinence refers to the inability of the bladder to hold and store urine. While the physiology of urination is complex, it can be viewed as the interplay between two basic neuromuscular components. One involves the muscular contraction and relaxation of the bladder wall; the other controls the muscular sphincters in the urethra, the tube that conducts urine away from the bladder. For normal storage of urine, the bladder wall must relax to allow filling. At the same time, the urethral sphincter must close tightly to prevent urine from leaking out. When it's time for urine to be voided, the urethral sphincter must relax and the bladder wall must contract to force urine through the urethra.

46. Solving Incontinence In A Pet Dog
An owner's view of urinary incontinence problems in dogs covering causes, treatments and methods of coping with it.
Main Personal Pages All About Me htmlAdWH('93046698', '234', '60'); Solving Incontinence In A Pet Dog I had Jodie spayed at two years old after her second season. All appeared to go well and after a fortnight of lead only exercise we were back to normal. Then a few weeks later I realised to my horror she was driping urine and totally unaware of it. It soon became not so much a drip as a flood, I do not know who was more distressed me or my normally clean dog. When it happened to my dog I could find very little useful information, visits to the vet were both costly and fustrating as I could see no end in sight. I am not a vet, just a pet owner but I ended up spending a lot of time researching causes and treatments to try and help my dog. I have attemped to gather here much of the information I have gained in the hope it will help those of you who find yourselves in the hard position of owning a much loved but leaky bitch. Although I touch on other causes this page is primarily about spay incontinence, this is one of the most common forms and is often controllable.

47. The American Geriatrics Society - Education - Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence, or leaking urine , involves unwanted or unplanned loss ofurine A. Urinary incontinence is not a part of the normal aging process.
your path: Home Education PEF Urinary Incontinence
by Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD and Kim Clarke, RN, MSN, ANP
Urinary incontinence, or leaking urine , involves unwanted or unplanned loss of urine, sufficient enough to cause social, cleanliness, or personal problems. With proper treatment, most cases can be greatly improved or cured. Q. I thought that leaking urine was just a normal part of aging. Isn't that true? A. Urinary incontinence is not a part of the normal aging process. It is a sign that there is an underlying problem. In most cases, a health care provider can find out the cause of the incontinence. Q. What are the different types and symptoms of urinary incontinence? A. Urge incontinence, or overactive bladder, is the most common type of incontinence. It occurs when you suddenly feel as though you need to urinate, but are unable to reach the bathroom in time. There can be many different causes of an overactive bladder.
Stress incontinence happens when there is a sudden increase in pressure (stress) in your stomach caused by laughing, coughing, sneezing, exercising, or lifting something heavy.

48. --= Care For The Elderly Foundation [Singapore] =--
Provides information about causes and solutions.

Health Files

Urinary Incontinence

Hearing Impairment


Urinary incontinence What is urinary incontinence?
It is the involuntary leakage of urine which causes a hygiene or social problem. How common is the problem?
It is estimated to affect 5-15% of the elderly persons living in Singapore. Can urinary incontinence in the elderly person be considered as part of the normal ageing process?
Even though there are some changes in the bladder and the urinary tract which are associated with ageing and which make the elderly person more prone to urinary incontinence, the problem is not and should not be considered as part of ageing. So what are the causes of urinary incontinence?
The causes can be generally divided into 2 groups: Transient causes: these are causes which are usually reversible if treated.
They can be represented by the mnemonic "Diapers" in which the "p" and "e" each represent 2 groups of causes.

49. Urinary Incontinence In The Elderly
Urinary incontinence is a common problem among elderly individuals. Consequences of urinary incontinence, including immobility and the development of
Return to The Consultant Pharmacist Return to American Society of Consultant Pharmacists ... home page
Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly
Appropriate pharmacologic management can help ease some of the costly and debilitating effects of urinary incontinence in the elderly. by Caren McHenry Martin Urinary incontinence is a common problem among elderly individuals. The updated (March 1996) Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) guidelines on managing acute and chronic urinary incontinence indicate that for persons over the age of 60 living in the community, the prevalence of urinary incontinence can be as high as 15%-35%. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from the condition. Caregivers of the homebound elderly report that approximately 53% are incontinent, with urinary incontinence ranking as one of the 10 leading diagnoses for homebound individuals. This condition ranks first in total charges to Medicare for nursing services per person served in home care programs. Also, urinary incontinence is a leading cause of institutionalization among the elderly, with at least 50% of nursing facility admissions listing a diagnosis of incontinence. In addition to the obvious psychological effects on the resident, care of these patients requires additional staff time and training. Consequences of urinary incontinence, including immobility and the development of pressure ulcers, may result in hospitalization or other added costs.

50. American Medical Systems, Inc.
Manufacturers of innovative medical devices for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence), urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, prostate disease, urethral strictures and DESD.
Home About Us Careers Contact Us ... Glossary Wake to the possibilities of each new day...confident that you are in control of your body.
You deserve to live life more fully, enjoying the activities others take for granted. AMS is committed to being the Surgeon's Choice ... your first choice for the pelvic health solutions your patients need to improve their quality of life. AMS Men's Health Solutions AMS Women's Health Solutions AMS Medical Professional Solutions Site Map

51. Treatment Of Female Urinary Incontinence
Female urinary incontinence (UI) is a condition with severe economic and The evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence in women a primary care
Treatment of female urinary incontinence - an annotated evaluation of non-surgical therapeutic options
By Hogne Sandvik
Female urinary incontinence (UI) is a condition with severe economic and psychosocial impact . I have studied the epidemiology of UI in the general female population and the prevailing management of UI by Norwegian general practitioners (GPs). Those who are interested in more details, may take a look at this synopsis . The main conclusions that may be drawn from these studies are that UI is very prevalent among adult women, mostly in the form of stress incontinence. At least 6% may be regarded as potential patients. Although complicated by methodological difficulties, studies of GPs' management indicate that available therapeutic tools (described below) are not used to their full potential. A literature review demonstrates that the history is the most important diagnostic tool in general practice, and that the value of clinical investigations is poorly documented.
Pelvic floor exercises
In 1948 Arnold Kegel described pelvic floor exercises as a treatment option in stress incontinence.(1) The purpose of the exercises is to increase the muscle volume and to develop stronger reflex contractions following quick rise in intra- abdominal pressure.(2)

52. Stockhausen, Inc. - Manufacture Of Absorbent Polymers, Skin Care Products, Hand
USA. Manufacturers of chemicals and polymers for textile, water treatment, skin care and agricultural applications. Absorbent polymers for baby diapers, feminine care, adult incontinence, and food packaging applications. Online purchasing facility. Part of Degusa AG.
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Italy. Family firm specializing in manufacture of cellulose coverting machinery. End products include sanitary napkins, panty shields, baby diapers, and incontinence pads.
Via Delle Tre Campane, 27/29 - 20010 Vanzago Milano Italy tel: +39/0293540312 - fax: +39/0293542114 e-mail : - e-mail :

54. Urinary Incontinence In Dogs
hormonally induced incontinence, though. Some dogs do require estrogen being used to treat incontinence in dogs in an effort to find one that replaces
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Urinary- Incontinence in Dogs

Treating incontinence in dogs

Phenylpropanolamine alternatives

Leaking urine and accidents - medication related
also see phenylpropanolamine and alternatives also see Medication also see Bladder problems also see Urinary problems also see Kidney also see Spay
Incontinence Question: I'm not up on medical lingo, so bear with me. my black lab mix Abbey has had a problem with leaking urine. It literally drips out of her at this point. It started out as an intermittent problem.

55. Home Page
incontinence treatment specialists. Site details options which do not involve invasive surgical intervention.
Home Page
332 Washington Street
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481
Phone: 781-237-9006
Fax: 781-237-4723
To contact us:
Physical Therapists are key members of the health care team, specially trained to improve movement and function, relieve pain and expand your movement potential.
Through evaluation and individualized treatment programs, Raquel Perlis and her team of Registered Physical Therapists can treat both existing problems and provide preventative health care for people with a variety of needs.
We work in close communication with the referring physician, providing them with an initial evaluation, progress reports and discharge summary.
Raquel K. Perlis, B.S., R.P.T, has been practicing physical therapy in Massachusetts since 1981. She specializes in pelvic-floor dysfunction, a relatively new area within physical therapy. Raquel holds bachelor's degrees from the University of Chile and Boston University and has received continuing education in spinal mobilization, ergonomics, musculoskeletal dysfunction, and pelvic-floor dysfunction. She has lectured in hospitals, schools, and other facilities. Fluent in English, and Spanish, Raquel is prized by her patients for her warmth, openness, and multicultural understanding.

56. S C A
Om firmaets produkter, blandt andet Tena.
SCA Hygiene Products A/S Generel Info Forretningsområder At være ansat hos SCA Kontakt Os ... International Visitors Forretningsområder
Health Care
SCA er verdens førende producent af inkontinenshjælpemidler med et sortiment, der spænder fra beskyttelse i forbindelse med let til meget svær inkontinens. Forretningsområdet Health Care markedsfører og sælger varemærket TENA, som retter sig mod private og institutioner. TENA tilbyder markedets mest komfortable og diskrete løsning til de ca. 400.000 danskere, der i dag har inkontinens tæt inde på livet.
I dialog med borgerne
TENA er den leverandør af inkontinenshjælpemidler, der på verdensplan bruger flest ressourcer på forskning samt udvikling af nye og bedre løsninger. Baggrunden for udviklingen er en konstant dialog med borgerne og det plejepersonale, som til dagligt arbejder med TENA. Et af eksemplerne på dialog er vores uddannelse af plejepersonalet på institutioner og i hjemmeplejen.
TENA - Omsorg med Omtanke
I Health Care fokuseres på helheden frem for de enkelte dele. Ved at komme hele vejen rundt om alle de forhold, der gør sig gældende i inkontinensplejen, kan vi tilbyde omsorg med omtanke og den bedste pleje til den laveste omkostning.
Health Care AFH Tissue
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57. Urinary Incontinence In Women: Evalution And Management - December 1, 2000 - Ame
Urinary incontinence is an underdiagnosed and underreported condition with The direct cost of treating urinary incontinence in men and women of all ages

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AAFP Home Page
Journals Vol. 62/No. 11 (December 1, 2000)
Urinary Incontinence in Women: Evaluation and Management
University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Two patient information handouts on urinary incontinence and pelvic muscle exercises, written by the authors of this article, are provided on pages and Because the prevalence of urinary incontinence increases with age, a working knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of the various types of urinary incontinence is fundamental to the care of women. As the population of the United States ages, primary care physicians can expect to see an increasing number of patients with urinary incontinence. By obtaining a careful medical history and performing a comprehensive physical examination, the primary care physician can initiate successful treatment for the majority of patients without the need for invasive testing. This article offers a comprehensive approach to the evaluation and management of urinary incontinence in women. (Am Fam Physician 2000;62:2433-44,2447,2452.) U rinary incontinence is an underdiagnosed and underreported condition with major economic and psychosocial effects on society. The direct cost of treating urinary incontinence in men and women of all ages was estimated at $26.3 billion in 1995.

58. ±ÒµØ¤u·~-¤£Â´¥¬¶K¦X,µL¯¼¥¬½Æ¦X,PE³z®ð½¤,¤u§@ªA,¯Ã
Taiwan. Breathable and nonbreathable back sheet film for hygiene disposables and gloves. Also, nonwoven laminated composites for protective apparel and adult incontinence products. Technical specifications.

59. Urinary Incontinence
Attention! The information on this site is no longer available. It was based oninformation from a symposium on geriatrics published in the journal Mayo
The information on this site is no longer available. It was based on information from a symposium on geriatrics published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings in 1995-96. Mayo Clinic Proceedings has started a new symposium on geriatrics in its July 2003 issue. At least one article per month is scheduled on this topic over the next year. See Mayo Clinic Proceedings
File Incont.html last modified: Monday, 04-Aug-2003 13:39:52 CDT

Informational resource on adult incontinence. Library of articles. Detailed FAQ. Guide to types of incontinence. Available treatments, and pelvic exercises. List of retail shops. Links to related sites.

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