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101. ► Farsightedness Alternative Names. hyperopia. Causes, incidence, and risk factors. Farsightedness is the result of the visual image being focused behind the retina rather http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/001020.htm | |
102. EyeMed Vision Care: Eye Care Basics See hyperopia. Floaters Small, cloudy specks of various sizes that form hyperopia Farsightedness; a condition in which closeup objects appear blurred. http://www.eyemedvisioncare.com/ecb/eyecareg.html | |
103. Ophthalmic Hyperguide: WaveScan-Guided LASIK Treatmeant Of Hyperopia And Mixed A WaveScanGuided LASIK Treatmeant of hyperopia and Mixed Astigmatism at Kraff Eye Institute Posted (Mar. 2004). View Multimedia. Manus C. Kraff, MD http://www.ophthalmic.hyperguides.com/multimedia/hawaii04/wavescan_lasik.asp | |
104. Ophthalmic Hyperguide: Wavefront-Guided LASIK Treatment Of Hyperopia With VISX C WavefrontGuided LASIK Treatment of hyperopia with VISX CustomVue Long Term Results of VISX Canadian Trial Posted (Mar. 2004) http://www.ophthalmic.hyperguides.com/multimedia/hawaii04/wave_guided_lasik.asp | |
105. Word! Hyperopia Having hyperopia is also known as being farsighted, which means you can see things far away, but have trouble seeing objects up close, like the words in a http://kidshealth.org/kid/word/h/word_hyperopia.html | |
106. Pouet.net :: Your Online Demoscene Resource hyperopia type prodname platform release party release date rulez piggie sucks avg popularity last comment ace bbstro. no party http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=1638 |
107. Patient Education Library - Hyperopia Farsightedness or hyperopia occurs when the eye is too small or the cornea is too flat. A person with hyperopia is able to see objects at a distance, http://www.cascadeye.com/patienteducation/eyeeducation/hyperopia/hyperopia.htm | |
108. EBooks.com - Hyperopia And Presbyopia EBook Examining established and emerging treatments for the correction of hyperopia and presbyopia, this reference offers guidance on technologies such as thermal http://usa2.ebooks.com/ebooks/book_display.asp?IID=216202 |
109. Half-Wave Rectification hyperopia. An eye is hyperopic when the far point is at a virtual point behind hyperopia is often referred to as longsightedness or far-sighted . http://www.liden.cc/Visionary/Visionary_h.html | |
110. Arch Ophthalmol -- Hyperopia: How Do We Define Abnormal?, January 2005, Donahue Providing the 95% cumulative distribution4 (ie, the value of hyperopia exceeded by 5% of children) and a table indicating the 90% and 98% cumulative http://archopht.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/123/1/124-a | |
111. Refractive Problems - Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia Refractive problems presented by SteenHall Eye Insitute. http://www.steen-hall.com/refractprobs.html | |
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