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81. Hyperopia hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a common eye condition. hyperopia occurs when the light that enters the eye focuses behind the retina. http://www.penneye.com/html/hyperopia.html | |
82. Frequently Asked Questions - New York Eye & Ear Infirmary What causes hyperopia? Eyeball size and optical power vary among individuals, hyperopia (short for hypermetropia) results when the eyeball is too small, http://www.nyee.edu/faqlist.html?tablename=faq&key=21&print= |
83. LASIK For Spherical Hyperopia - New York Eye & Ear Infirmary hyperopia LASIK FDA Monitored Clinical Trials Patients with spherical hyperopia (farsightedness) who desire an improvement in their vision without http://www.nyee.edu/page_deliv.html?page_no=172 |
84. Nearsightedness And Farsightedness In farsightedness, or hyperopia, vision is often better at a distance Most of the treatments for nearsightedness can be applied to hyperopia as well. http://healthgate.partners.org/browsing/browseContent.asp?fileName=11465.xml&tit |
85. TaxProf Blog: Fennell Presents Hyperopia In Public Finance Today At UCLA Examination of hyperopia opens up important questions about the extent to which time preferences can offer a useful theoretical construct or basis for http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2005/02/fennell_present.html | |
86. The Canadian Ophthalmological Society - Programs & Services - Eye Conditions, Di hyperopia (farsightedness). What is hyperopia? hyperopia (far-sightedness), myopia (near-sightedness), and astigmatism (distorted vision) are what as know http://www.eyesite.ca/english/public-information/eye-conditions/hyperopia.htm | |
87. Axial Hyperopia - Definition Of Axial Hyperopia In The Medical Dictionary - By T Definition of axial hyperopia in the Medical Dictionary and Thesaurus. axial hyperopia explanation. Information about axial hyperopia in Free online English http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/axial hyperopia | |
88. Total Hyperopia - Definition Of Total Hyperopia In The Medical Dictionary - By T Definition of total hyperopia in the Medical Dictionary and Thesaurus. total hyperopia explanation. Information about total hyperopia in Free online English http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/total hyperopia | |
89. Refractive Errors: Astigmatism, Hyperopia & Myopia - Children's Hospital Boston hyperopia Commonly known as farsightedness, hyperopia is the Refractive errors (myopia and hyperopia) have been found to cluster in families. http://www.childrenshospital.org/az/Site1517/mainpageS1517P0.html | |
90. How Can Myopia And Hyperopia Conditions Be Fixed? - Q&A How Can Myopia and hyperopia conditions be fixed? N/A, Worst, Weak, OK, Good, Great. Vote. How Can Myopia and hyperopia conditions be fixed? http://www.faqs.org/qa/qa-14554.html | |
91. Hyperopia News - Inbox Robot hyperopia News. Service for research professionals and analysts. Constantly updated news and information about hyperopia. http://www.inboxrobot.com/news/Hyperopia | |
92. Vision Correction - Hyperopia [Check Yearly. See Clearly.] Vision Correction Check Yearly is an educational initiative launched by the Vision Council Of America to encourage regular eye exams. http://www.checkyearly.com/refractive-errors/ | |
93. Hyperopia hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a condition when the cornea curve is too flat, causing light to focus somewhere behind the retina, making objects near and http://www.froedtert.com/SpecialtyAreas/EyeInstitute/GuidetoCommonEyeDisorders/H | |
94. The Eye Clinic Structure Information - Hyperopia The Eye Clinic Structure Information hyperopia. . hyperopia is the medical term for farsightedness. In this condition, the focusing power http://www.ofcn.org/cyber.serv/hwp/hwc/eye/information/structure/hyperopia.html | |
95. Refractive Error hyperopia (Farsightedness). Normal in infants (+0.50 to +2.50 Diopters). Vision normalizes by age 5 to 8 years old. Light rays focus behind Cornea http://www.fpnotebook.com/EYE111.htm | |
96. Hyperopia And Educational Attainment In A Primary School Cohort -- Williams Et A The evidence linking mildmoderate hyperopia and lack of progress in school is Aims To report on the relation between hyperopia and education test http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/90/2/150 | |
97. LASIK MD Hyperopia (Farsightedness) In hyperopia, the eye is shorter than normal. The light rays come together at a point behind the retina, and are therefore out of focus on the retina. http://www.lasikmd.ca/hyperopia-farsightedness.html | |
98. Show-documents.asp hyperopia Written Information. Overview. Farsightedness. Care Treatment. - Laser Vision Correction New Search Contact Us Disclaimer Send This http://www.clevelandclinic.org/health/search/do-query.asp?TopicId=974 |
99. Laser Refractive Surgery Is A Safe, Effective Way To Correct Myopia, Hyperopia A Laser refractive surgery is a safe, effective way to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Medical Procedure News. Published Tuesday, 19Apr-2005 http://www.news-medical.net/?id=9276 |
100. Laser Refractive Surgery Is A Safe, Effective Way To Correct hyperopia and astigmatism and is a noninvasive alternative to intraocular surgery and its potential complications, says Irene C. Kuo, MD, http://www.news-medical.net/print_article.asp?id=9276 |
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